Which billing manual should I use based on my provider type?
- General Provider Information
- Electronic Visit Verification Manual
- Managed Care Encounters Reporting Guide
- Appendices
- Appendix A - Colorado Department of Health Care Policy & Financing (8/23)
- Appendix B - Colorado Medical Assistance Program Fiscal Agent (1/25)
- Appendix C - Prior Authorization and Review Agencies (2/25)
- Appendix D - Programs/Services and Authorizing Agencies (12/24)
- Appendix E - County Departments of Human and Social Services (2/24)
- Appendix F - Border Towns (6/22)
- Appendix G - Outpatient Hospital Unbundled Durable Medical Equipment Codes (1/23)
- Appendix I - Provider Participation Agreement (6/22)
- Appendix M - Procedures Requiring Prior Authorization (4/19) Refer to the Health First Colorado Fee Schedule to see if a PAR is required for the procedure code.
- Appendix O - EAPG Inpatient Only List (2/25)
- Appendix P - Pharmacy Benefit Prior Authorization Procedures and Criteria (1/24)
- Appendix Q - Revenue Code Table (7/21)
- Appendix R - Remittance Advice (RA) Messages (10/24)
- Appendix S - Remittance Advice (RA) Expenditure Reason Codes (1/25)
- Appendix V - Terms, Acronyms and Abbreviations (6/18)
- Appendix X - HCPCS/NDC Crosswalk for Billing Physician-Administered Drugs (3/25)
- Appendix Y - Physician-Administered Drug Medical Benefit Prior Authorization Procedures and Criteria (1/24) (Located under Fee for Service Physician Administered Drugs dropdown menu)
- Appendix Z - Hospital Specialty Drugs (10/24)
- Dental
DentaQuest Colorado Medicaid and CHP+ Dental Program Providers (10/22)
(The above link will redirect to the DentaQuest Colorado Providers web page.)- HCBS
- HCBS - Adult - Brain Injury (BI), Community Mental Health Supports (CMHS) and Elderly, Blind and Disabled (EBD) (12/24)
- HCBS - Complementary and Integrative Health (CIH) (12/24)
- HCBS - Children's Home and Community Based Services (CHCBS) and Children with Life Limiting Illness (CLLI) (12/24)
- HCBS - Children's Habilitation Residential Program (CHRP) Waiver Program (12/24)
- HCBS - Persons with Intellectual and/or Developmental Disabilities Waiver Programs & Targeted Case Management for Home and Community-Based Services Waiver Programs (12/24)
- Denver Minimum Wage Appendix (12/24)
- Institutional (UB-04)
- Dialysis (1/24)
- Emergency Medicaid Services (7/24)
- Federally Qualified Health Center and Rural Health Clinic (2/25)
- Home Health (7/24)
- Hospice (10/24)
- Indian Health Services (1/25)
- Inpatient/Outpatient (IP/OP) (2/25)
- Nursing Facility (4/23)
- Private Duty Nursing (7/24)
- Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facilities (12/23)
- Pharmacy
- Pharmacy (10/24)
- Pharmacist Services (3/25)
- 340B Policy and Procedures (2/25)
- Professional (CMS 1500)
- Ambulatory Surgery Centers (ASC) (3/25)
- Audiology (7/24)
- Behavioral Health Secure Transportation (BHST) (2/25)
- Doula (1/25)
- Durable Medical Equipment, Prosthetics, Orthotics and Supplies (DMEPOS) (3/25)
- DMEPOS HCPCS Codes (3/25)
- Wheelchair Benefit Coverage Policy (4/23)
- Early Intervention (02/25)
- Emergency Medicaid Services (7/24)
- Family Planning Benefit Expansion for Special Populations (8/23)
- Gender-Affirming Care (6/24)
- Immunization (9/24)
- Laboratory Services (1/25)
- Lactation Support Services (2/25)
- Managed Care Programs (10/22)
- Medical-Surgical (11/24)
- Nurse Home Visitor Program (9/20)
- Obstetrical Care (02/25)
- Outpatient Imaging and Radiology (9/24)
- Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE) (4/21)
- Pediatric Behavioral Therapies (12/24)
- Pediatric Personal Care Benefit (9/23)
- Pharmacist Services (10/24)
- Physical and Occupational Therapy (1/25)
- Physician-Administered Drugs (PAD) (3/24)
- Prenatal Plus Program Outpatient - Fee-For-Service (02/25)
- Qualified Residential Treatment Program (12/23)
- Residential Child Care Facility (RCCF) Program (7/22)
- School Health Services (7/24)
- Screening, Brief Intervention and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) Program (10/24)
- Speech Therapy (1/25)
- Targeted Case Management - Transition Coordination (2/22)
- Telemedicine (2/25)
- Transportation
- Vision Care and Eyewear (11/24)
- State Behavioral Health Services
National Billing Guidelines
Provider Type-Specific Information
Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS)
- Alternative Care Facilities (ACF)
- Care and Case Management System
- Critical Incident Reporting for HCBS Waivers
- Electronic Visit Verification (EVV)
- HCBS Critical Incident Reporting (CIR) updates
- HCBS Settings Final Rule
- HCBS Public Comment Opportunities
- Home Modification Benefit
- Long-Term Services and Supports Programs
- LTSS Case Management Tools Page
- Case Management Agencies
- Waiver Charts
Residential and Inpatient Substance Use Disorder (SUD) Service Providers
Policy Statements
- Policy Statement: Billing Health First Colorado Members for Services
- Policy Statement: Charging Health First Colorado Members For Missed Appointments
- Policy Statement: Dismissing Health First Colorado Members From a Provider's Practice
- Policy Statement: Member Co-Pays and Provision of Services
- Policy Statement: Billing for Members who Receive Retroactive Health First Colorado Eligibility