This is a central page to connect you to all benefits, programs and projects relating to long-term services and supports programs (LTSS)
for people with disabilities and older adults in Colorado.
LTSS Priority Projects are
identified across our website
Priority Projects
For over a decade, the Office of Community Living (OCL) has been working to transform Colorado's Long-Term Services and Supports (LTSS) system into one that is more person-centered, community-focused, and responsive to the unique needs of each member. This vision is now moving closer to reality through the implementation of several key projects over the coming years. Click the links below to learn more about these initiatives.
- Stabilizing LTSS
- Community First Choice (CFC)
- Children with Complex Health Needs (CwCHN) Waiver
- Supports Intensity Scale (SIS) Decommissioning
- Colorado Single Assessment and Person-Centered Support Plan (CSA and PCSP)
- Nursing Facility Transition and Diversion Efforts
- Pediatric Long-Term Home Health (PLTHH) Prior Authorization Request (PAR) Restart
- Nurse Assessor and Skilled Care Acuity Assessment
Helpful Links
- Acronym Glossary
- Find a Case Management Agency
- Find HCBS Providers (Select HCBS Provider Type)
- Find IDD Providers (Select HCBS Provider Type)
- Learn about Transitioning Out of a Nursing Facility
- LTSS COVID-19 Response Page
- State LTC Ombudsman
- Health First Colorado and CHP Plus Grievance Form (includes case management agency complaints)
Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) Waivers
A waiver is an extra set of Health First Colorado (Colorado's Medicaid program) benefits that you could qualify for in certain cases. These benefits can help you remain in your home and community. Waivers have extra program rules and some programs may have waitlists.
Adult Waivers | Children's Waivers |
Waiver Charts - side-by-side comparison of waiver benefits
Waiver Flow Charts - decision tree-type flow chart showing waiver options
Case Management Agencies
Facility-Based Services and Resources
- Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) Resources
- State Long-Term Care Ombudsman Website
- Nursing Facilities - includes the following:
- Community First Choice (CFC) Option
- Family Support Services Program
- HCBS Dental Services
- Health First Colorado Buy-In Programs Page
- Home Delivered Meals
- Home Modification Benefit
- Individual Residential Services and Supports (IRSS) Inspections Program
- Long-Term Home Health Program (LTHH)
- LTSS Presumptive Eligibility
- Non-Medical Transportation (NMT) Benefit
- Programs for All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE)
- Participant Directed Programs
- Participant direction empowers each program participant to expand his or her degree of choice and control over decisions made about his or her long-term services and supports in a highly personalized manner.
- Participant direction empowers each program participant to expand his or her degree of choice and control over decisions made about his or her long-term services and supports in a highly personalized manner.
- Pediatric Personal Care
- Pre-Admission Screening and Residential Review Program (PASRR)
- Private Duty Nursing (PDN)
- Remote Supports
- Respite
- Supported Employment Program
- Transition Services - Learn about Transitioning Out of a Nursing Facility
- Waiting Lists and Enrollments for Persons with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
- Wellness Education Benefit (WEB)
- ACC Phase II - Member Messaging Resource Center
- ARPA - American Rescue Plan Act Projects
- Complex Supportive Services
- Direct Care Workforce Collaborative
- Electronic Visit Verification (EVV)
- HCBS Settings Final Rule
- HCBS Quality Surveys
- HCBS Utilization Review/Utilization Management
- New Assessment and Person-Centered Support Plan Page
- No Wrong Door Implementation Grant
- Nurse Assessor and Skilled Care Acuity Assessment - New!
- SLS Waiver Exception Process Review
Office of Community Living (OCL) Communications
- Resources for HCBS Providers
- Direct Care Labor webpage (CO Dept. of Labor and Employment)
- Direct Care Labor webpage (CO Dept. of Labor and Employment)
- Office of Community Living Overview
- OCL Acronym Glossary
- Colorado Olmstead Initiative
- State Long-Term Care Ombudsman Website
- Department Program Rules and Regulations
- Community Partners/Resources
- CDHS - List of County Offices
- Long-Term Services and Supports Benefits and Services Glossary
- Long-Term Services and Supports Training
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