Bridge Training

Bridge Resources for Case Managers

The Bridge is the electronic interface where Home and Community Based Services case managers enter and maintain Prior Authorizations for eligible Health First Colorado members. Designed and maintained by the Department of Health Care Policy and Financing (HCPF) Fiscal Agent, Gainwell, it is a subsystem of the Colorado interChange, the Medicaid Management Information System.

The Bridge also houses aspects of members' service plans not maintained in the Benefits Utilization System. Access is limited to staff of qualified case management agencies enrolled into Health First Colorado.

Bridge Login Process

Once you receive your Bridge ID and temporary password, please log in and create a permanent user password. Once this new password has been created, please email COMMIT_HelpDesk@gainwelltechnologies.com with your user ID and your agency name so you can begin seeing members attributed to your agency.

Bridge Training

Bridge Communications

Gainwell sends information related to the Colorado interChange, Bridge and other billing information. Gainwell also sends the monthly provider bulletin and a weekly provider newsletter. You can sign up for Gainwell emails, by provider type (select case manager for news on the Bridge).

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