The Colorado Department of Health Care Policy and Financing is committed to ensuring individuals with disabilities have an equal opportunity to participate in our programs, services, and activities.
SECTION 504 OF THE REHABILITATION ACT OF 1973 (Section 504) is a federal law protecting qualified individuals with disabilities from discrimination. This law applies to entities receiving federal assistance.
TITLE II OF THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILTIES ACT OF 1990, AS AMENDED (ADA) is a federal law protecting qualified individuals with disabilities from discrimination. This law applies to all state and local government agencies.
SECTION 1557 OF THE PATIENT PROTECTION AND AFFORDABLE CARE ACT OF 2010 (Section 1557 of ACA) is a civil rights provision of ACA which prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age or disability. This law applies to entities receiving federal financial assistance.
DISABILITY is defined as a person with a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more of the major life activities, a record of such an impairment, or being regarded as having such an impairment. Major life activities include: caring for one's self, walking, seeing, hearing, speaking, breathing, working, and learning.
QUALIFIED INDIVIDUAL WITH A DISABILITY is defined in Title II ADA as an individual with a disability who, with or without reasonable modifications to rules, policies, or practices, the removal of architectural, communication, or transportation barriers, or the provision of auxiliary aids and services, meets the essential eligibility requirements for the receipt of services or the participation in programs or activities provided by a public entity.
Requesting Auxiliary Aids and Services
We have procedures to ensure effective communication with qualified individuals with disabilities. These procedures apply to all of the many different forms of communication that we use when communicating about eligibility and enrollment, services and benefits. The Department will provide all necessary auxiliary aids and services without cost to the person being served unless it would fundamentally alter the nature of the program, service, or activity or the auxiliary aids and services cause undue burden. Some examples of auxiliary aids and services are:
- qualified sign language interpreters
- documents in braille
- note takers
- qualified readers
- taped text
- large print materials
- communication boards
If you need an Auxiliary Aid or Service to achieve effective communication with the Department, please contact the 504/ADA Coordinator or complete and submit the Auxiliary Aids and Services Request Form. We will attempt to process all requests within 2 business days. Certain types of auxiliary aids and services may require additional time for processing. For this reason, please contact us as soon as you become aware that you may need an auxiliary aid or service.
More information is available in the Department's Auxiliary Aids and Services for Individuals with Disabilities Policy and Procedure.
Requesting Reasonable Modifications
The Department shall make reasonable modifications to policies, practices and procedures to avoid discrimination on the basis of disability, unless a modification would fundamentally alter the nature of the program, service, or activity or a modification causes undue burden.
If you need a Reasonable Modification to policies, practices or procedures, contact the 504/ADA Coordinator or use the Reasonable Modifications Request Form. Reasonable Modification requests are processed as quickly as possible. Timing may vary depending on the nature and complexity of the request.
Complaints and Grievances
If you feel you have been discriminated against, individuals with disabilities can file a complaint within 60 days of the incident. Complaints should be in writing whenever possible, however, if you are unable to write your complaint due to disability, alternatives are available. Please use the Discrimination Complaint Form or contact the 504/ADA Coordinator to discuss alternate methods for filing a complaint. The Department will respond to the complaint within 120 days.
If this does not satisfactorily resolve the issue, qualified individuals may appeal the decision. Submit appeals within 15 days of the decision. Appeals should be in writing addressed to the 504/ADA Coordinator. Within 30 days, the Department will respond to the appeal.
More Information
More information is available in the Department's Disability Rights Notice (en Español: Aviso De Derechos De Discapacidad) and the Department's Disability Rights Policy and Grievance Procedure. If you still have questions, please contact the 504/ADA Coordinator:
504/ADA CoordinatorColorado Department of Health Care Policy and Financing
303 E. 17th Avenue
Denver, CO 80203 Phone: 303-866-6010
FAX: 303-866-2828
State Relay: 711 Email:
Office for Civil Rights
The Office for Civil Rights (OCR), is the US Department of Health and Human Services Department’s civil rights and health privacy rights law enforcement agency. OCR investigates complaints, enforces rights, and promulgates regulations, develops policy and provides technical assistance and public education to ensure understanding of and compliance with non-discrimination and health information privacy laws. If you have a discrimination complaint about an agency other than the Colorado Department of Health Care Policy and Financing, you may wish to contact the US Department of Health and Human Service Office for Civil Rights:
Office for Civil Rights
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Rocky Mountain Region
1961 Stout Street, Room 08-148
Denver, CO 80294
Voice Phone: (800) 368-1019
FAX: (202) 619-3818
TDD: (800) 537-7697
Office for Civil Rights website