Long-Term Services and Supports Training


Waiver Charts and Flow Charts

HCBS Waiver Charts

CHRP-CES Waiver Comparison Charts

Choosing an HCBS Waiver Flowcharts

Waiver Lifecycle Chart

Training Materials

A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   L   M   N   P   Q   R   S   T   U   W

Alternative Care Facility (ACF) Provider Training

  • New ACF Provider Training - Updated January 2022 - Required as part of the initial enrollment process for all new ACF providers

View ACF Web Page

Audience - New and existing ACF Providers


Age Appropriate Guidelines Training


Alzheimer's and Dementia Training

Presented July 2016 by Alzheimer's Association of Colorado

Audience - New and existing case managers

Benefits Utilization System (BUS)

Audience - New and existing case managers

Go to the BUS Stop for all BUS updates and memos


Billing of Temporary 2.11% HCBS Rate Increase

Audience - Providers

Business Continuity Plan


Bridge Training

Bridge Proration Training Series 

Audience - New and existing case managers


Case Management Learning Collaborative Series

View Series


Children's Habilitation and Residential Program (CHRP)

CHRP Waiver website


Children's Home and Community Based Services (CHCBS) Training

Audience - New and existing case managers


COGNOS Training

COGNOS Training for Case Management Agencies - Updated August 2020


Complementary and Integrative Health (CIH) Waiver - (Formerly SCI Waiver)

CIH Waiver Website

CIH Provider List Page

Audience - New and existing case managers

Consumer Directed Attendant Support Services (CDASS)

Audience - New and existing case managers and service providers


Critical Incident Reporting System (CIRS)

Audience - New and existing case managers


Calculating Patient Payments using 5615 form

Training Examples - June 2013

Audience - New and existing case managers

Audience - Presented to Nursing Facilities Advisory Council


Determination of Developmental Disability

To view the recording and download the training slides, click on the link and complete registration.




Disability and Cultural Competency / Introduction to Disability

Please download the following documents to use while viewing the recording:

Audience - HCBS Case Managers


Electronic Visit Verification (EVV)


Emergency Enrollment Request webinar

Audience - New and existing case managers of HCBS-DD


Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) Webinar

Audience - Home Care and Hospice Providers


Family Support Services Program (FSSP)




Health Equity


HCBS Provider Enrollment Training

Providers submitting new HCBS enrollment applications must first watch the HCBS Provider Enrollment Online Training video and successfully complete the HCBS Enrollment Training quiz.

Evidence of successful completion of the quiz must be attached to new HCBS enrollment applications in order to start enrollment.

View HCBS Provider Enrollment Information


HCBS Settings Final Rule


HCBS Waivers 101


Home Modification Benefit

Audience - New and existing case managers

See more about the Home Modification Benefit


In-Home Support Services (IHSS)

Audience - New and existing IHSS Providers

More IHSS information

IHSS Resources

IHSS Provider List Page


Incident Management and Prevention Strategies

Audience - Case Managers at Community Centered Boards, Single Entry Point agencies, and Children's HCBS Case Management Agencies, as well as all enrolled HCBS Provider Agencies


Individual Residential Support Services (IRSS)


Intake and Referral

Audience -Single Entry Point Agencies


Long-Term Home Health (LTHH)

Audience - Single Entry Point Case Managers


LTSS in Colorado - Federal, State Laws and Regulations

Audience - HCBS Case Managers


Mandatory Reporting for Adults and Children for HCBS Case Managers

Audience - HCBS Case Managers


Medicaid Reimbursement Methodologies for HCBS

Audience - Presented to Waiver Steering Committee



Monitoring for Case Managers of HCBS Waivers

Audience - New and existing case managers

PLEASE NOTE: Guidance for case managers and Case Management Agencies regarding documenting and billing for Monitoring activities can be found in the following technical guides:

Single Entry Point Rates Technical Guide

Community Centered Board Data Entry and Rates Technical Guide


Notice of Action (803) and Appeals

Audience - New and existing case managers



Nursing Facility Admission

Audience - New and existing case managers


Nursing Facility Post Eligibility Treatment of Income (PETI)

Audience - New and existing providers

More Nursing Facility Information



PEAKPro Training

Audience - New and existing case managers


Pediatric Personal Care Benefit Training

Audience - New and existing case managers

Other Resources


Person-Centered Service Plan Development

Audience - New and existing case managers


Post Eligibility Treatment of Income (PETI) for HCBS Case Managers

Audience - New and existing case managers

See PETI for Nursing Facilities


Pre-Admission Screening and Resident Review (PASRR)


Audience - New and existing providers


Persons Living with AIDS (PLWA) Merger with Elderly, Blind and Disabled (EBD) Waiver

Audience - New and existing case managers


Quality Improvement Strategy (QIS) Program Review Tool and Remediation

To view the recording and download training documents, click on the link

Audience - New and existing case managers/QIS Reviewers


Remote Supports

Visit our Remote Supports page for a list of providers and more!




Rights Modifications


Self-Determination Training

Audience: Case Management Agencies, HCBS Providers, Transition Coordination Agencies


Supported Decision Making

Audience: Case Management Agencies, HCBS Providers, Transition Coordination Agencies


Supported Employment Case Management Training

To view the recording and download the training slides, click on the link and complete registration.


Supported Living Services (SLS) Waiver Exception Review Process Training

Audience: Case Management Agencies


Supports Intensity Scale (SIS)

Presented November 2019

Audience - Case managers of HCBS-DD, HCBS-SLS, HCBS-CHRP, HCBS-CES, FSSP, and State SLS

More SIS Resources



State Supported Living Services (State SLS) Training

Audience: Case Management Agencies


Targeted Case Management

Presented October 2017

Audience - Case managers of HCBS-DD, HCBS-SLS, and HCBS-CES


Telligen and Utilization Review/Management (URUM) Training 


PASRR Qualitrac Training


Transition from Children's to Adult Waivers Checklist

Transition from Children's Waivers to Adult Waivers Checklist - August 2017

  • Intended to be a template completed by local CMA agency with relevant contact information


Transition Services

ULTC 100.2

Presented November 2017

Audience - Case managers who complete the ULTC 100.2 assessment


Waiver Transition Services

To view the recording and download the training slides, click on the link and complete registration.

Audience - HCBS case managers


Wellness Education Benefit (WEB)

View WEB benefit page

Audience - HCBS case managers


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