Health First Colorado Fee Schedule
Although every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of this information, discrepancies may occur. The fee schedule may not reflect any changes to rates that occurred after the effective date of the fee schedule. Such changes will be reflected in the next release of the fee schedule.
Ambulatory Surgery Centers (ASC) Rate Schedule
List of All ASC Codes and Respective Groupers
Fiscal Year (2024-2025) | Fiscal Year (2023-2024) | Fiscal Year (2022-2023) | Fiscal Year (2021-2022) | Fiscal Year (2020-2021) |
ASC FY 2024-25 Rate Schedule (07/24) | ASC FY 2023-24 Rate Schedule (07/23) | ASC FY 2022-23 Rate Schedule (07/22) | ASC FY 2021-22 Rate Schedule (07/21) | ASC FY 2020-21 Rate Schedule (07/20) |
Behavioral Health Fee-for-Service (FFS) Rates
Child Health Plan Plus Fee-for-Service (FFS) Rates
- Child Health Plan Plus Historical Rate Schedule - 2015-2023
- Child Health Plan Plus FY 2024-2025 Rate Schedule - PDF
- Child Health Plan Plus FY 2024-2025 Rate Schedule - XLSX
- Child Health Plan Plus FY 2024-2025 Immunization Fee Schedule - XLXS
- Request CHP+ Fee Schedule Corrections
Clinical Diagnostic Laboratory Test, Upper Payment Limit
In order to comply with the Protecting Access to Medicare Act (PAMA), Health First Colorado will adjust Clinical Diagnostic Laboratory Test (CDLT) rates on a per-test basis to align with Medicare's quarterly release of Clinical Laboratory Fee Schedule (CLFS) rates. PAMA enacted changes to the Medicare CLFS and required that Medicaid payments for CDLTs not exceed the Medicare allowed amount for the same CDLTs. These requirements can be found in section 1903(i)(7) and section 1833(h) of the Social Security Act. Below is the rate tracking sheet for CDLT UPL codes:
- Clinical Diagnostic Laboratory Test (CDLT) Rate Tracking Sheet (2022.7 - 2024.7)
- Clinical Diagnostic Laboratory Test (CDLT) Rate Tracking Sheet (2021.7 -2023.7)
- Clinical Diagnostic Laboratory Test (CDLT) Rate Tracking Sheet (2020.7 - 2022.7)
- Clinical Diagnostic Laboratory Test (CDLT) Rate Tracking Sheet (2018.7-2021.7)
Dental Fee Schedule
Dialysis Rate Schedule
Fiscal Year (2024-2025) | Fiscal Year (2023-2024) | Fiscal Year (2022-2023) | Fiscal Year (2021-2022) | Fiscal Year (2020-2021) |
Dialysis (07/24) | Dialysis (07/23) | Dialysis (07/22) | Dialysis (07/21) | Dialysis (07/20) |
Durable Medical Equipment, Upper Payment Limit
Health First Colorado is required to comply with the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2016 (Section 503) which means Health First Colorado cannot pay more than what Medicare would have paid in the aggregate for certain DME services. The Department is referring to this requirement as the DME Upper Payment Limit (UPL). Below is the fee schedule for the codes that fall within the scope of the DME UPL.
- Durable Medical Equipment Fee Schedule (2024)
- Durable Medical Equipment Fee Schedule (2023)
- Durable Medical Equipment Fee Schedule (2022)
- Durable Medical Equipment Fee Schedule (2021)
- Durable Medical Equipment Fee Schedule (2020)
Additional information regarding the UPL can be found in this letter to providers.
The remainder of the DMEPOS codes can be found under the Health First Colorado Fee Schedule.
This section opens on a new page and contains information on annual rate increases, HCBS rate increases, HCPCS rates and State Plan XIX.
HCBS Rate Schedule
- Office of Community Living (OCL) Acronym Glossary
- HCBS Rates Breakout - Non-Denver (effective July 1, 2023)
- HCBS Rates Breakout - Denver (effective July 1, 2023)
Rates Effective 1/1/2024 | Rates Effective 7/1/2023 | Rates Effective 1/1/2023 | Rates Effective 8/1/2022 |
EBD CMHS BI CIH (effective January 1, 2024) | EBD, CMHS, BI, CIH (7/23) | EBD, CMHS, BI, CIH (1/23) | EBD, CMHS, BI, CIH (8/22) |
DD, SLS, CES (effective January 1, 2024) | DD, SLS, CES (7/23) | DD, SLS, CES (1/23) | DD, SLS, CES (8/22) |
CLLI, CHCBS, CHRP (effective January 1, 2024) | CLLI, CHCBS, CHRP (7/23) | CLLI, CHCBS, CHRP (1/23) | CLLI, CHCBS, CHRP (8/22) |
Alternative Care Facility (ACF) PETI Form | Supportive Living Program (SLP) PETI Form |
DIDD Support Level Determination |
Supports Intensity Scale (SIS) and Support Level Flow Chart-Support Levels are numeric values determined using an algorithm that includes factors based on assessments of the client's needs as measured by the adaptive, medical and behavioral components of the SIS Assessment plus factors for defined safety risk. |
HRSI/DDD Support Level Algorithm-The factors applied in the Support Level Algorithm are: Adaptive Skills, Behavioral and Medical support needs scores from the SIS Assessment and extreme safety risk to self or public safety risk. |
Home Health and Private Duty Nursing (PDN) Rate Schedule
Fiscal Year (2024-2025) | Fiscal Year (2023-2024) | Fiscal Year (2022-2023) | Fiscal Year (2021-2022) | Fiscal Year (2020-2021) |
Hospice Fee Schedule
Fiscal Year (2023 - 2024) | Fiscal Year (2022 - 2023) | Fiscal Year (2021 - 2022) | Fiscal Year (2020 - 2021) | Fiscal Year (2019 - 2020) |
Hospice (10/23) | Hospice (11/22) | Hospice (2/22) | Hospice (09/20) | Hospice (09/19) |
Hospital Discounted Care
Hospital Discounted Care limits the cost of hospital care for low-income, uninsured Coloradans receiving services through hospitals’ financial assistance. Rates approximate 100% of Medicare or 100% of Medicaid, whichever is greater. These rates are the maximum that can be charged for hospital services under Hospital Discounted Care.
Rates are effective September 1, 2022, and will be updated annually by July 1.
Fiscal Year 2023-2024 | Fiscal Year 2022-2023 |
2023-2024 Inpatient Rates | Inpatient Rates eff. 9/1/22 |
Fiscal Year 2023-2024 | Fiscal Year 2022-2023 |
2023-2024 Professional Rates updated 9/18/23 | Professional Rates eff. 9/1/22 |
Immunization Rate Schedule
Fiscal Year (2024-2025) | Fiscal Year (2023-2024) | Fiscal Year (2022-2023) | Fiscal Year (2021-2022) | Fiscal Year (2020-2021) | Fiscal Year (2019-2020) |
Immunization Rates (07/24) | Immunization Rates (07/23) | Immunization Rates (07/22) | Immunization Rates (07/21) | Immunization Rates (07/20) | Immunization Rates (01/20) |
Nursing Facility PETI Fee Schedules
PETI Audiology Fee Schedule-(See Health First Colorado Fee Schedules section above)
- Effective January 1, 2016 - Audiology Fee Schedule has been replaced by the most current Health First Colorado Fee Schedules
- Effective January 1, 2016 - Dental Fee Schedule has been replaced by the most current Health First Colorado Fee Schedules
- Effective January 1, 2025 - Vision Fee Schedule has been replaced by the most current Health First Colorado Fee Schedule.
Outpatient Substance Abuse Fee Schedule
Pharmacy Rate List
The below rates are used in the outpatient pharmacy reimbursement methodology. Please note that these are published rates only and do not reflect the coverage status for any prescription drugs. For outpatient pharmacy coverage information go to the Pharmacy Resources webpage.
Average Acquisition Cost (AAC)
AAC rates are used to reimburse pharmacies for covered outpatient drugs, including clotting factor drugs effective April 1, 2022, and Myers and Stauffer is the contractor responsible for maintaining the AAC rates.
- The AAC rate list is monitored and maintained weekly to account for changing market prices.
- A rate list is effective until another list is posted by Myers and Stauffer the following week.
If a pharmacy believes that an AAC rate does not accurately reflect the ingredient cost of a drug, the pharmacy may request a rate review by submitting a completed AAC inquiry form to Myers and Stauffer.
- The AAC inquiry form may also be emailed to or faxed to 317-571-8481.
- AAC Inquiry Form
Pharmacy providers may contact Myers and Stauffer's toll-free help desk line at 800-591-1183 for questions concerning the AAC rates or inquiries.
Current AAC rates are posted on Myers and Stauffer's website.
National Average Drug Acquisition Cost (NADAC)
NADAC rates are used to reimburse pharmacies for covered outpatient drugs, excluding clotting factor drugs, and Myers and Stauffer is the contractor responsible for maintaining the NADAC rates.
- The NADAC rate list is updated weekly to account for changing market prices as well as additions and deletions of NDCs.
- A rate list is effective until another list is posted by CMS the following week.
- Please contact the NADAC Help Desk for support with the NADAC survey, or to provide notification of recent drug price changes that are not reflected in posted NADAC files. Please reference the NADAC Methodology for further information on the calculation of the NADAC.
- Telephone: (855) 457-5264
Facsimile: (844) 860-0236 - Help Desk Form (PDF, 740.26 KB)
Please note that the NADAC Help Desk will not address pharmacy inquiries into specific state claim reimbursement related questions or concerns.
- Telephone: (855) 457-5264
Current NADAC rates are posted on CMS's website at
Maximum Allowable Cost (MAC)
MAC rates are used to reimburse pharmacies for covered outpatient drugs, excluding clotting factor drugs, when a drug possesses neither Average Acquisition Cost nor National Average Drug Acquisition Cost rates. The rate is calculated using an adjustment of the national pricing benchmark Wholesale Acquisition Cost (WAC) as follows:
- The generic drug MAC rate shall be WAC minus 10 percent.
- The brand name drug MAC rate shall be WAC minus 3 percent.
Please note that unlike AAC and NADAC rates, providers cannot appeal MAC rates or submit rate inquiries. If providers have general questions regarding pharmacy rates direct them to
Clotting Factor Maximum Allowable Cost (CFMAC)
Effective April 1, 2022, CFMAC rates will be used to reimburse pharmacies for clotting factor drugs when a clotting factor drug does not possess an Average Acquisition Cost rate. This rate is determined based on available acquisition cost data and publicly available data unique to each clotting factor drug.
Please note that unlike AAC and NADAC rates, providers cannot appeal CFMAC rates or submit rate inquiries. If providers have general questions regarding pharmacy rates direct them to
Below are the drugs subject to the clotting factor reimbursement methodology:
Advate | Adynovate | Afstyla | Alphanate | Alprolix |
Altuviiio | Bebulin | Benefix Kit | Coagadex | Corifact Kit |
Eloctate | Esperoct | Feiba NF | Helixate FS | Hemlibra |
Hemofil M | Humate-P Kit | Hympavzi Pen | Idelvion | Ixinity |
Jivi | Kogenate FS | Kovaltry | Monoclate-P Kit | Mononine Kit |
Novoeight | Novoseven RT | Nuwiq | Rebinyn | Recombinate |
Rixubis | Sevenfact | Vonvendi | Wilate | Xyntha Kit |
Xyntha Solofuse Syringe Kit |
Physician-Administered Drug Fee Schedule
Prenatal Plus and Special Connections Fee Schedule
Psychiatric Residential Child Care Facility Rate Schedule
Fiscal Year 2024-2025 | Fiscal Year 2023-2024 | Fiscal Year 2022-2023 | Fiscal Year 2021-2022 | Fiscal Year (2020-2021) |
Psychiatric Residential Child Care Facility Rates (07/24) | Psychiatric Residential Child Care Facility Rates (07/23) | Psychiatric Residential Child Care Facility Rates (07/22) | Psychiatric Residential Child Care Facility Rates (07/21) | Psychiatric Residential Child Care Facility Rates (07/20) |
Qualified Residential Treatment Program (QRTP)
Skilled Nursing Facility
- Skilled Nursing Facility and Hospice Rates FY 24-25 (07/24)
- Skilled Nursing Facility and Hospice Rates FY 23-24 (07/23)
- Skilled Nursing Facility and Hospice Rates FY 22-23 (7/22)
- Skilled Nursing Facility and Hospice Rates FY 21-22 (7/21)
- Skilled Nursing Facility Statewide Average Fee Schedule FY 2021 (7/20)
- Skilled Nursing Facility and Hospice Rates FY 2021 (7/20)
State General Fund Programs Direct Service Rates Fee Schedule (formerly CCB)
FY 2024 - 2025 | FY 2023-2024 | FY 2022-2023 | FY 2021-2022 | Enhanced COVID-19 Rates Effective 03/01/2021 | 7/1/2020 |
SGF Direct Service (3/21) | SGF Direct Service (7/20) |
Targeted Case Management
FY 2024-2025 | FY 2023-2024 | FY 2022-2023 | FY 2021-2022 | FY 2020-2021 | FY 2019-2020 |
Targeted Case Management (07/22) | Targeted Case Management (07/20) | Targeted Case Management (06/19) |
Transportation Rate Schedule
Fiscal Year 2024-2025 | Fiscal Year 2023-2024 | Fiscal Year (2022-2023) | Fiscal Year (2021-2022) | Fiscal Year (2020-2021) |