Office Of Community Living Acronym Glossary

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AAAArea Agency on Aging  
ACAAffordable Care Act  
ACFAlternative Care Facility  
ACCAccountable Care CollaborativeA system redesign initiative by HCPFhcpf.colorado.gov/accphase2
ACOAccountable Care OrganizationAn organization within the ACC projectwww.healthfirstcolorado.com/health-first-colorado-regional-organizations/
ADAAmericans with Disabilities Act  
ADAPTAmerican Disabled for Attendant Programs TodayAn advocacy organization for people living with disabilities 
ADLActivities of Daily Living  
ADRCAging and Disability Resource Center cdhs.colorado.gov/our-services/older-adult-services/state-unit-on-aging/aging-and-disability-resources-for-colorado
ALRAssisted Living Residences cdphe.colorado.gov/assisted-living-residences
ARAuthorized Representative  
ArcAn organization that advocates for people living with intellectual or developmental disabilities (IDD). In Colorado, there is the Arc of Colorado at the state level and several local Arcs such as the Arc or Aurora, CO 
ARCHAdult Resources Care and HelpColorado's name for its Aging and Disability Resource Center (ADRC) 
ARPAAmerican Rescue Plan Act of 2021 hcpf.colorado.gov/arpa
ASOAdministrative Service Organization  
ASMPAttendant Support Management Plan  
AwCAgency with ChoiceAn option for utilizing a Financial Management Service Agency within the CDASS program 
BHBehavioral Health hcpf.colorado.gov/behavioral-health-services
BHOBehavioral Health Organization  
BIBrain Injury WaiverAlso HCBS-BIhcpf.colorado.gov/brain-injury-waiver-bi
BUSBenefits Utilization System  
CAPCorrective Action PlanAlso Plan for Correction 
CAPSColorado Adult Protective Services cdhs.colorado.gov/aps
CBLTCCommunity-Based Long-Term Care  
CBMSColorado Benefits Management System  
CCBCommunity Centered Board Case Management Agency Case Management Agency Directory
CCDCColorado Cross-Disability Coalition ccdconline.org
CCM SystemCare and Case Management System https://hcpf.colorado.gov/care-case-management
CDACChildren's Disability Advisory Committee https://hcpf.colorado.gov/childrens-disability-advisory-committee
CDASSConsumer-Directed Attendant Support Services https://hcpf.colorado.gov/consumer-directed-attendant-support-services
CDCOConsumer Direct of ColoradoTraining Vendor providing services in the CDASS/IHSS areahttps://consumerdirectco.com
CDOTColorado Department of Transportation https://codot.gov
CDHSColorado Department of Human Services https://cdhs.colorado.gov
CDPHEColorado Department of Public Health & Environment  https://cdphe.colorado.gov
CESChildren's Extensive Support WaiverAlso HCBS-CEShttps://hcpf.colorado.gov/childrens-extensive-support-waiver-ces
CFCCommunity First Choice option Community First Choice Option Page
CFCMConflict-Free Case Management Case Management Redesign Page
CHFAColorado Housing & Finance Authority chfainfo.com
CHCBSChildren's Home and Community-Based Services WaiverAlso HCBS-CHCBShcpf.colorado.gov/childrens-home-and-community-based-services-waiver-chcbs
CHRPChildren's Habilitation Residential Program WaiverAlso HCBS-CHRPhttps://hcpf.colorado.gov/childrens-habilitation-residential-program-waiver-chrp
CIHComplementary and Integrative Health Waiver
(formerly Spinal Cord Injury Waiver - effective 7/1/22)
Also HCBS-CIHhttps://hcpf.colorado.gov/complementary-integrative-health-waiver-cih
CIRCritical Incident Report https://hcpf.colorado.gov/hcbs-waiver-critical-incident-reporting
CLAGCommunity Living Advisory GroupDepartment group that met from 2012-2014 
CLASS ActCommunity Living Assistance Services and Supports Act  
CLLIChildren with Life-Limiting Illness WaiverAlso HCBS-CLLIhttps://hcpf.colorado.gov/children-life-limiting-illness-waiver-clli
CMACase Management AgencyPlural is CMAs
includes CCBs and SEPs
CMHCCommunity Mental Health Center  
CMHIColorado Mental Health Institute  
CMHIFLColorado Mental Health Institute at Ft. Logan  
CMHIPColorado Mental Health Institute at Pueblo  
CMHSCenter for Mental Health ServicesFederalhttps://www.samhsa.gov/about-us/who-we-are/offices-centers/cmhs
CMHSCommunity Mental Health Supports WaiverAlso HCBS-CMHShttps://hcpf.colorado.gov/community-mental-health-supports-waiver-cmhs
CMRDCase Management Redesign https://hcpf.colorado.gov/case-management-redesign
CMSCenters for Medicare & Medicaid ServicesFederalhttps://www.cms.gov
CMPCivil Money Penalty  
CPAChild Placement Agency  
CO-ACTSColorado Access to Community Transitions & Services  
CIECompetitive Integrated Employment  
CTSCommunity Transition Services  
CwAChildren with AutismThe State of Colorado had an HCBS Children with Autism Waiver which ended in June 2018. These waiver services were incorporated into the state plan and into the Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnostic and Treatment (EPSDT) benefit - see EPSDT.   
DBHDivision of Behavioral Health  
DCWDirect Care Worker or Direct Care Workforce https://hcpf.colorado.gov/direct-care-workforce-collaborative
DCWSDivision of Child Welfare Services  
DCRDesignated Client Representative  
DDDevelopmental Disability  
DDHome and Community-Based Services Waiver for Persons with Developmental DisabilitiesAlso HCBS-DDhttps://hcpf.colorado.gov/developmental-disabilities-waiver-dd
DDD WebDDD Web SystemA computer data system that provides program administration functions to direct service providers of individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities, as well as to Department employees 
DHHSU.S. Department of Health and Human Services https://www.hhs.gov
DHS/SSLocal County Dept. of Human Services or Social ServicesSometimes the state agency, CDHS, is mistakenly referred to as DHS 
DMEDurable Medical Equipment  
DSPDirect Support Professional  
DOHDivision of HousingWithin the Colorado Department of Local Affairshttps://cdola.colorado.gov/housing
DOLAColorado Department of Local Affairs https://cdola.colorado.gov
DPNADenial of Payment for New Admissions  
DVRColorado Division of Vocational Rehabilitation Within the Colorado Department of Labor and Employmenthttps://dvr.colorado.gov
EBDElderly, Blind, and Disabled WaiverAlso HCBS-EBDhttps://hcpf.colorado.gov/elderly-blind-disabled-waiver-ebd
EVVElectronic Visit Verification https://hcpf.colorado.gov/evv
EPSDTEarly and Periodic Screening, Diagnostic and Treatmentsee CwA notehttps://hcpf.colorado.gov/early-and-periodic-screening-diagnostic-and-treatment-epsdt
FASFunds for Additional ServicesAn option that formerly existed in the CDASS pilot program 
F/EAFiscal Employer Agent modelAn option for using a financial Management Services agency in the CDASS program 
FMAPFederal Medical Assistance Percentage  
FMSFinancial Management ServicesA Department-contracted organization that helps Consumer-Directed Attendant Support Services (CDASS) participants with monitoring service allocations, compliance with labor and tax laws, hiring and paying employees, and processing criminal and Board of Nursing background checks. https://hcpf.colorado.gov/participant-directed-programs
FSSPFamily Support Services Program https://hcpf.colorado.gov/family-support-services-program-fssp
FTPFile Transfer ProtocolAn internet-based, electronic format to move files 
HBUHospital Back-Up Program https://hcpf.colorado.gov/nursing-facilities#HBU
HCAHome Care AgencyA type of license 
HCBSHome and Community-Based Services  
HCBS-BIBrain Injury Waiveralso BIhttps://hcpf.colorado.gov/brain-injury-waiver-bi
HCBS-CESChildren's Extensive Support Waiveralso CEShttps://hcpf.colorado.gov/childrens-extensive-support-waiver-ces
HCBS-CHRPChildren's Habilitation Residential Program Waiveralso CHRPhttps://hcpf.colorado.gov/childrens-habilitation-residential-program-waiver-chrp

Complementary and Integrative Health Waiver

(formerly Spinal Cord Injury Waiver - effective 7/1/22)

also CIHhttps://hcpf.colorado.gov/complementary-integrative-health-waiver-cih
HCBS-CLLIChildren with Life-Limiting Illness Waiveralso CLLIhttps://hcpf.colorado.gov/children-life-limiting-illness-waiver-clli
HCBS-CMHSCommunity Mental Health Supports Waiveralso CMHShttps://hcpf.colorado.gov/community-mental-health-supports-waiver-cmhs
HCBS-DDDevelopmental Disabilities Waiveralso DDhttps://hcpf.colorado.gov/developmental-disabilities-waiver-dd
HCBS-EBDElderly, Blind, and Disabled Waiveralso EBDhttps://hcpf.colorado.gov/elderly-blind-disabled-waiver-ebd-

Spinal Cord Injury Waiver

(changed to Complementary and Integrative Health waiver - effective 7/1/22)

also SCIhttps://hcpf.colorado.gov/complementary-integrative-health-waiver-cih
HCBS-SLSSupported Living Services Waiveralso SLShttps://hcpf.colorado.gov/supported-living-services-waiver-sls
HCPFColorado Department of Health Care Policy & Financing https://hcpf.colorado.gov
HMAHealth Maintenance Activities  
HPOHealth Programs OfficeAn organizational unit within HCPF 
HRCHuman Rights CommitteeA third party resource/mechanism designed to safeguard the rights of persons receiving serviceshttps://hcpf.colorado.gov/human-rights-committee
HRSAHealth Resources and Services Administration A federal agencyhttps://www.hrsa.gov
HUDU.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development https://www.hud.gov
IAInteragency Agreement  
iCColorado interChange System  
ICAPInventory for Client and Agency PlanningA CHRP waiver assessment 
ICF/IDDIntermediate Care Facility for Individuals with Intellectual and/or Developmental DisabilitiesThis term has been used in Colorado 
ICF/IIDIntermediate Care Facility for Individuals with Intellectual and/or Developmental DisabilitiesThis is the current federal term for these facilities 
ICF/MRIntermediate Care Facility for Individuals with Mental RetardationAn old term (now ICF-IID) 
ICNinterChange Claim NumberFormerly TCN 
IDDIntellectual and Developmental Disabilities  
IHSSIn-Home Support Services https://hcpf.colorado.gov/in-home-support-services
IMDInstitutions for Mental Disease  
IRSInternal Revenue Service  
IRSSIndividual Residential Support Services https://hcpf.colorado.gov/IRSS-inspections-program
ITNInvitation to Negotiate  
JBCColorado Joint Budget Committee https://leg.colorado.gov/committees/joint-budget-committee
LCALocal Contact Agency  
LHALocal Housing authority  
LOCLevel of Care  
LRFILegislative Request for Information  
LTCLong-Term Care  
LTSSLong-Term Services and Supports  
MDSMinimum Data Set  
MFPMoney Follows the PersonA federal grant programhttps://hcpf.colorado.gov/money-follows-person-mfp
MHMental Health  
MHCMental Health Center  
MHIMental Health Institute  
MIMental Illness  
MMISMedicaid Management Information SystemThis term is out of date. The current system is called the Colorado interChange System, or interChange or iC. 
MOEMaintenance of Effort  
MSMultiple Sclerosis  
MSBMedical Services BoardThe MSB adopts the rules that govern the Department's programs. The Board members are appointed by the governor and approved by the Colorado Senate.https://hcpf.colorado.gov/medical-services-board
NFNursing Facility  
NFACNursing Facility Advisory Council https://hcpf.colorado.gov/nursing-facility-advisory-council
NHNursing Home  
NEMTNon-Emergent Medical Transportation https://hcpf.colorado.gov/non-emergent-medical-transportation
NMTNon-Medical Transportation https://hcpf.colorado.gov/nmt
NWDNo Wrong Door grantA federal grant that assists participating states in improving their assessment and case management systems. Colorado is implementing a No Wrong Door grant.https://hcpf.colorado.gov/no-wrong-door-implementation-grant
OBHOffice of Behavioral HealthAn organizational unit within CDHShttps://cdhs.colorado.gov/behavioral-health
OCCOver Cost Containment  
OCLOffice of Community LivingAn organizational unit within HCPFhttps://hcpf.colorado.gov/office-community-living
OCROffice for Civil RightsAn organizational unit within the federal HHShttps://www.hhs.gov/ocr
OHCDSOrganized Health Care Delivery System  
OLTCOptions for Long-Term Care  
PACEProgram of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly https://hcpf.colorado.gov/program-all-inclusive-care-elderly
PAD-COParents of Adults with Disabilities in Colorado https://www.pad-co.info
PARPrior Authorization Request  
PASAProgram Approved Service Agency  
PASRRPre-Admission Screening and Resident Review Program https://hcpf.colorado.gov/pre-admission-screening-and-resident-review-program
PCBAPerson-Centered Budget Algorithm https://hcpf.colorado.gov/person-centered-budget-algorithm-pcba
PCSPPerson-Centered Support Plan  
PDPPCParticipant-Directed Programs Policy Collaborative https://hcpf.colorado.gov/participant-directed-programs-policy-collaborative
PERSPersonal Emergency Response System  
PETIPost-Eligibility Treatment of IncomeRelated to the patient liability amount found on the Nursing Facility 5615 form, used for HCBS waiver members residing in an ACF or an SLP 
PETI/IMEPost-Eligibility Treatment of Income/Incurred Medical ExpensesPrior Authorized Expense for Nursing Home Residents for Vision, Hearing, etc. 
PL (or PP)Patient Liability (or Patient Payment)The amount on the Nursing Facility 5615 Form that the resident has to pay the facility prior to Medicaid paying the daily per diem rate to the facility  
PM/PMPer Member/Per MonthA payment mechanism within the insurance field, especially the managed care area 
PMIPProfessional Medical Information Page  
PNAPersonal Needs AccountFor a LTC facility resident's disposable income, the PNA is where the monthly personal needs allowance funds are deposited for their personal use. PNA can also refer to the dollars set aside for a Member's personal use. 
POCPlan of Care  
PPLPublic Partnerships, LimitedOne of the financial Management Services agencies hired by HCPF for the CDASS program 
PPRPost Payment Review  
PRTFPsychiatric Residential Treatment Facility  
QIOQuality Improvement Organization  
QRTPQualified Residential Treatment Program  
RAERegional Accountable Entity https://www.healthfirstcolorado.com/health-first-colorado-regional-organizations/
RCRegional Center  
RCCFResidential Child Care Facility  
RCCORegional Care Collaborative Organization https://www.healthfirstcolorado.com/health-first-colorado-regional-organizations/
RFIRequest for Information  
RFPRequest for Proposal  
RSRemote Supports  

Spinal Cord Injury Waiver

(changed to Complementary and Integrative Health waiver - effective 7/1/22)

Also HCBS-SCIhttps://hcpf.colorado.gov/complementary-integrative-health-waiver-cih
SCRCSystems Change for Real Choices grant   
SESupported Employment https://hcpf.colorado.gov/supported-employment-program
SEDSerious Emotional Disturbance  
SEPSingle Entry Point Case Management Agency https://hcpf.colorado.gov/single-entry-point-agencies
SHHPDivision of Supportive Housing and Homeless Programs  
SGFState General Fund  
SISSupports Intensity Scale  
SLSupport Level  
SLPSupported Living Program  
SLRSupport Level Review  
State SLSState Supported Living ServicesA State General Fund program 
SLSSupported Living Services WaiverAlso HCBS-SLShttps://hcpf.colorado.gov/supported-living-services-waiver-sls
SMISerious Mental Illness  
SNFSkilled Nursing Facility  
SOCShare of CostSee PL for one definition 
SOWStatement of Work  
SPMISerious and Persistent Mental Illness  
SSDISocial Security Disability Insurance  
SSISupplemental Security Income  
SUAColorado State Unit on AgingAn organizational unit within CDHShttps://cdhs.colorado.gov/state-unit-on-aging
SUDSubstance Use Disorder  
TBRATenant-Based Rental Assistance  
TCM-TCTargeted Case Management-Transition Coordination  
TCATransition Coordination Agency https://hcpf.colorado.gov/transition-services-resources
TRCCFTherapeutic Residential Child Care Facilities  
UR/UMUtilization Review/Utilization Management  
ULTC-100.2Uniform Long-Term Care Assessment Form  
WaWDWorking Adults with Disabilities https://hcpf.colorado.gov/medicaid-buy-program-working-adults-disabilities
WPTWage Pass-Through