The Participant-Directed Programs Policy Collaborative (PDPPC) is a joint monthly meeting for stakeholders and the Colorado Department of Health Care Policy & Financing (HCPF). The PDPPC is a place where stakeholders and HCPF work together, with transparency, on issues relating to the Participant-Directed Programs administered by HCPF. These programs include Consumer-Directed Attendant Support Services (CDASS) and In-Home Support Services (IHSS).
PDPPC Online Topic Request Form
Please use the PDPPC Topic Request Form to request a topic for one of the monthly PDPPC meetings. To be considered for a given month's meeting, requests must be submitted no later than the first Tuesday of the month.
The PDPPC Stakeholder co-chairs (see below) and HCPF staff review all topic requests in a monthly planning meeting. We will not always be able to place a requested topic in the next PDPPC meeting. If a requested topic will already be covered by an existing topic on the agenda, then the request will be declined.
You will be notified within five (5) business days following the monthly planning meeting whether your topic will be added to an upcoming PDPPC meeting.
PDPPC Stakeholder Co-Chairs
The PDPPC stakeholder co-chairs represent stakeholders in meeting planning and are available as a resource to all PDPPC stakeholders. PDPPC co-chairs are:
- Bobbi Christensen at christensen.advocate@outlook.com or 303-827-1456
- Curt Wolff at curtisl.wolff@gmail.com or 720-220-9020
Meeting Structure and Schedule
In September and October 2024, stakeholders voted to change the length of the meeting to one and a half hours with a full three-hour meeting quarterly starting November 2024. The shortened meetings will be from 1 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. The final month of each quarter will be 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. You may visit the Office of Community Living Stakeholder Engagement Calendar for more information about this and other stakeholder meetings.
A meeting may end earlier than scheduled. November and December meetings occur on the 3rd Wednesday of the month. It is possible the December meeting may be canceled due to stakeholder request or HCPF staff workload due to the annual Joint Budget Committee or Medical Services Board processes.
Registering for the Meeting
Stakeholders who want to participate in PDPPC are encouraged to register. Complete the registration form and you will be sent a confirmation email with your meeting access information.
Attending the Meeting Online
To participate in PDPPC online, you must register and use your unique Zoom link. There are two ways to join online:
- Open your confirmation email titled "Participant-Directed Programs Policy Collaborative (PDPPC) Confirmation" and click on the Join Meeting button or the URL right below it.
- If you have added the meeting series to your calendar from your confirmation email, click the link in your calendar invitation for the scheduled meeting date. The meeting series will say "HCPF Webinar is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting" in the details section.
Attending the Meeting by Calling In
If you prefer not to register, you can only access the meeting by calling-in. You will be asked to identify yourself at the start of the meeting, so your attendance is captured. The call-in information is:
- Call 719-359-4580 or 877-853-5257 (Toll-free)
- Meeting ID: 815 4766 3508
- Passcode: 715830
PDPPC Subcommittees, Work Groups, and Related Groups
Current Groups:
Community First Choice (CFC) Council
Community First Choice (CFC), also known as 1915(k), is an optional Medicaid program that allows states to offer select Home and Community-Based Services to eligible members on the State Plan, expanding these long-term care services to more Health First Colorado (Colorado's Medicaid Program) members. Visit the CFC webpage for more information.
The Community First Choice (CFC) Council is in place to collaborate with and advise HCPF on the design and implementation of a CFC option in Colorado. The CFC Council primarily consists of individuals with disabilities, those 65 years or older, and their representatives. The experience and expertise of the council will help ensure that CFC is implemented in a way that best meets the needs of Coloradoans with disabilities. To achieve this goal, the council will support HCPF by identifying key challenges, sharing insights, and finding solutions that best support the implementation and development of a sustainable CFC Option in Colorado.
The CFC Council is required by the Code of Federal Regulation 42 CFR 441.575. This requirement aligns with HCPF's philosophy that services and supports must be developed in partnership with those who utilize the services.
To participate, visit the CFC Council webpage or the OCL Stakeholder Engagement webpage.
IHSS Subcommittee
The IHSS Subcommittee meets during the breakout portion of each monthly PDPPC meeting. The subcommittee includes IHSS stakeholders and is tasked with planning, implementing, and reviewing policy for IHSS.
Prior Groups:
Protective Oversight and Accompaniment Stakeholder Engagement (No longer occurring)
These meetings occurred in October 2023. This stakeholder group met twice to provide stakeholders an opportunity to review and comment on the Protective Oversight and Accompaniment Guide which was developed as an addendum to the approved Health Maintenance Activities (HMA) Documentation Guide.
CFC CDASS Workgroup Meeting Information (No longer occurring)
This workgroup met from February 2023 through May 2023.
The workgroup reviewed, prioritized and investigated key CDASS policy areas related to federal CFC regulations. The CFC/CDASS workgroup collaborated with HCPF to support planning the implementation of CDASS into the CFC option in Colorado. This workgroup reported to the CFC Council and the Participant-Directed Programs Policy Collaborative (PDPPC). Stakeholders who were interested in participating completed a CFC/CDASS Stakeholder Workgroup Interest Form.
CFC CDASS Workgroup Meeting Information (No longer occurring)
This workgroup met from August 2020 through April 2021 and from March 2022 through August 2022.
The workgroup met to identify key changes to the policy and processes for CDASS attendant background checks, including updating the list of crimes that prohibit an individual from being an attendant. The goal of the workgroup was to create more efficiency and consistency in the background check review process and increase the opportunity for CDASS employers to exercise their choice in who they hire while maintaining the health and safety of members and meet federal requirements.
Utilization Review/Utilization Management Subcommittee (No longer occurring)
This workgroup met on various occasions between 2020 and 20203.
HCPF currently contracts with Telligen to conduct Utilization Review/Utilization Management (UR/UM) reviews of member services. Reviews are conducted to ensure there is no duplication of services and the services requested reflect the identified needs of the waiver participant. Updates on UR/UM occur as needed during PDPPC meetings.
PDPPC Stakeholder Meeting Information
2025 Meetings
Jan. , 2025
- Recording:
- Handouts:
2024 Meetings
Dec. 18, 2024 - Meeting Canceled
Nov. 20, 2024
- Recording:
- Handouts:
Oct. 23, 2024
- Recording:
- Handouts:
Sept. 25, 2024
- Recording:
- Handouts:
Aug. 28, 2024
- Recording:
- Handouts:
July 24, 2024
- Recording:
- Handouts:
June 26, 2024
- Recording:
- Handouts:
May 22, 2024
- Recording:
- Handouts:
April 24, 2024
- Recording:
- Handouts:
March 27, 2024
- Recording:
- Handouts:
February 28, 2024
- Recording:
- Handouts:
- Agenda
- Attendance and Voting Rights List for February 2024
- Changing Financial Management Services (FMS) Providers
- FMS Comparison Chart
- 2024 Annual CDASS Member Satisfaction Survey
- Palco Presentation
- PPL Presentation
- Updated HCPF Response to PDPPC Recommendation: Proposal to Change the CDASS Overspending Protocol Limit
January 24, 2024
CFC Council / Consumer-Directed Attendant Support Services (CDASS) Workgroup
CFC CDASS Workgroup Meeting Information
Meeting Purpose: Starting in February 2023, this workgroup will review, prioritize and investigate key CDASS policy areas in relation to the federally required aspects of the CFC regulations. The CFC/CDASS workgroup will collaborate with the Department to support the implementation of CDASS in the CFC option in Colorado.
This workgroup will report to the CFC Council and the Participant-Directed Programs Policy Collaborative (PDPPC). Participants are encouraged to understand participant-direction and to have experience with the CDASS service delivery option.
How to Participate: Stakeholders interested in participating in this workgroup should complete the CFC/CDASS Stakeholder Workgroup Interest Form to stay up to date on meeting information.
IHSS Subcommittee
The In-Home Support Services (IHSS) Subcommittee meetings during the breakout portion of each monthly PDPPC meeting. The subcommittee includes IHSS stakeholders and is tasked with planning, implementation, and policy review for IHSS.
Utilization Review/Utilization Management (UR/UM) Subcommittee
- The Utilization Review/Utilization Management (UR/UM) Subcommittee is not currently meeting. Updates on UR/UM occur as needed during PDPPC meetings.
Protective Oversight and Accompaniment Stakeholder Engagement Meeting 2 of 2
NOTE: Due to the robust dialogue during the first of these meetings on Oct. 17, HCPF recognizes the need for additional time. This meeting has been extended by 30 minutes and will end at 11:30 a.m. MT.This is the second of two identical meetings intended to provide stakeholders an opportunity to review and provide feedback on the Protective Oversight and Accompaniment Guide which was developed as an addendum to the approved Health Maintenance Activities (HMA) Documentation Guide. If you attended the first meeting, held on Oct. 17, 2023, you are not required to attend this meeting. This meeting covers the same content.
- Meeting Date and Time: Thursday, Oct. 26, 2023 at 10 to 11:30 a.m. MT
- Join via Google Meet
- Join via Phone: 1-314-325-2826, PIN: 259 760 331#
- Agenda
- Accompaniment and Protective Oversight Addendum
Formal Recommendations and Responses
The Participant-Directed Programs Policy Collaborative (PDPPC) prepares, votes on, and forwards formal recommendations to the Department of Health Care Policy & Financing. The PDPPC has submitted the following recommendations to the Department:
- Determining Consumer-directed Attendant Support Services (CDASS) Allocations - submitted 12/01/12
- Addressing and Preventing Crisis - submitted 02/01/13
- PDPPC Request regarding the CDASS FMS Procurement Process - submitted 02/05/13
- HCPF Address All Issues in the CLASP Letter - submitted 03/14/13 (CLASP Letter dated 01/29/13)
- Reinstatement of Funds for Additional Services - submitted 05/12/15
- Change in Two-Signature Requirement - submitted 12/01/15
- Operational Recommendation - submitted 09/06/17
- Request to Allow PDPPC Members and Advocates to Listen in to CCB Case Management Trainings - submitted 01/05/18
- Change Rate Cap - submitted 03/27/19
- EVV Implementation - submitted 03/31/19
- Age Requirement Change - submitted 09/10/2021
- Formal Recommendation Changes to Background Barrier Crimes - submitted 08/21/22
- Attendant Care in Hospital - submitted 11/23/2022
- Change CDASS Overspending Protocol Limit - submitted 09/06/23
- Letter from Stakeholder Co-chair Curt Wolff - dated 09/07/23
The Department has issued the following responses to PDPPC recommendations:
- Department Initial Response - Allocation Development 12-24-12
- Department Initial Response - Addressing Crisis Situations 02-21-13
- Department Initial Response - FMS Procurement Process 02-27-13
- Department Initial Response - Implementing CDASS in the SLS and CES Waivers 09-23-13
- Department Initial Response - Reinstate Funds for Additional Services 06-25-15
- Department Initial Response - Two-Signature Requirement 01-21-16
- Department Initial Response - Operational Recommendation 09-19-17
- Department Initial Response - CCB Case Management Trainings 01-17-18
- Department Initial Response - Change Rate Cap 04-23-19
- Department Initial Response - EVV Implementation 05-21-19
- Department Initial Response - Age Requirement Change 11-08-21
- Department Initial Response - Changes to Background Barrier Crimes 09-12-22
- Department Initial Response - Attendant Care in Hospital 02-24-23
- Department Initial Response - Formal Recommendation for Removal of the 129.99% Monthly Allocation Spending Limit Cap 10-05-23
Communication Brief: Authorized Representative Definition for Consumer Directed Attendant Support Services - April 2017
FMS Transition Documents can be found on the Participant-Directed Programs Web Page on the Department website.
- CDASS Fact Sheet
- IHSS Fact Sheet
- Office of Community Living (OCL) Acronym Glossary
- Consumer Direct Colorado (CDCO) - CDASS Training and Operations Vendor
Financial Management Services (FMS) Organizations as of July 2024
- Phone: 866-710-0456 and select the option for Colorado
- Email: CO-CDASS@palcofirst.com
- Palco Website
Public Partnerships, LLC (PPL)
- Phone: 888-752-8250
- Email: ppcdass@pplfirst.com
- PPL Website
CDASS Training and Operations Vendor
Consumer Direct Colorado (CDCO)
- Email: InfoCDCO@ConsumerDirectCare.com
- Phone: 844-381-4433
- Fax: 866-924-9072
- CDCO Website
Questions or comments about a meeting topic request you have submitted or the status of a formal recommendation should be sent to PDPPC co-chairs:
- Bobbi Christensen at christensen.advocate@outlook.com or 303-827-1456
- Curt Wolff at curtisl.wolff@gmail.com or 720-220-9020
Questions or comments about accessing the meeting or receiving meeting materials may be sent to HCPF_PDP@state.co.us or 303-866-5638. Visit the Participant-Directed Programs webpage for more information and resources about CDASS and IHSS.
Auxiliary aids and services for individuals with disabilities and language services for individuals whose primary language is not English may be provided upon request. Please notify the Participant-Directed Programs (PDP) Unit at HCPF_PDP@state.co.us or the Civil Rights Officer at hcpf504ada@state.co.us at least one week prior to the meeting to make arrangements.