Human Rights Committee


The Human Rights Committee (HRC) is a third-party mechanism to safeguard the rights of persons receiving services. The Human Rights Committee is an advisory and review body to the administration of the community center board or regional center.

Next Meeting:

This committee is currently on hiatus.
This committee has provided recommendations to HCPF leadership and is awaiting a response when decisions are made.


HRC Forms


Contact Us

Questions or concerns regarding HRC and Case Management:



Office of Community Living Stakeholder Engagement

Long-Term Services and Supports Programs

Reasonable accommodations will be provided upon request for persons with disabilities.  Auxiliary aids and services for individuals with disabilities and language services for individuals whose first language is not English may be provided upon request.  Please notify John Barry at 303-866-3173 or John.R.Barry@state.co.us or the Civil Rights Coordinator at hcpf504ada@state.co.us at least one week prior to the meeting to make arrangements.