Children's Habilitation Residential Program Waiver (CHRP)

A waiver is an extra set of Health First Colorado (Colorado's Medicaid program) benefits that you could qualify for in certain cases. These benefits can help you remain in your home and community. Waivers have extra program rules and some programs may have waitlists.

The Children's Habilitation Residential Program (CHRP) waiver provides services for children and youth who have an intellectual or developmental disability and very high needs. Their needs for support put them at risk of, or in need of, out-of-home placement. Waiver services help children and youth learn and maintain the skills needed to live in their communities.

Children who receive services through the CHRP waiver are also eligible for all Health First Colorado covered services as long as they are not duplicative.

View the full text of the CHRP waiver and Waiver Lifecycle

Who Qualifies?

Level of Care

  • Children must meet Intermediate Care Facility for Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities (ICF/IID) level of care which is determined by the Functional Needs Assessment (ICF/IID services are defined in the Code of Federal Regulations: 42 CFR ยง 440.150)

Eligibility Group

  • Your child is aged 0-20 years old
  • Your child has an intellectual or developmental disability or developmental delay if under age five (5) and has intensive behavioral or medical support needs that put them at risk or in need of out-of-home placement

Benefits and Services

(* = These services are not billed separately but under the habilitation services and are part of residential services)

How to Apply

If you have questions about this waiver, or to learn more about how to apply, contact your local Case Management Agency or the Member Contact Center.

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