WEB Frequently Asked Questions


Page Updated: February 28, 2025

The following are frequently asked questions for the Wellness Education Benefit (WEB)

Q. What is the Wellness Education Benefit (WEB)?

  • A. The WEB provides short, educational articles that are mailed to Children's Home and Community Based Services (CHCBS) waiver members on a monthly basis.

Q. Will the WEB be emailed?

  • A. No, the WEB will be mailed via the U.S. Postal Service.

Q. Are there any intentions to allow electronic WEB notifications? Or only via U.S. mail?

  • A. The WEB is only planned to be sent via U.S. mail at this time. Each WEB mailing contains a QR code that members can scan using a smart device to view the information digitally and enlarge text or utilize screen readers.

Q. Who qualifies for the WEB?

  • A. All Health First Colorado (Colorado's Medicaid Program) members enrolled in any Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) waiver.
    • Brain Injury Waiver (BI)
    • Community Mental Health Supports Waiver (CMHS)
    • Complementary and Integrative Health Waiver (CIH)
    • Developmental Disabilities Waiver (DD)
    • Elderly, Blind and Disabled Waiver (EBD)
    • Supported Living Services Waiver (SLS)
    • Children’s Extensive Support Waiver (CES)
    • Children’s Habilitation Residential Program Waiver (CHRP)
    • Children’s Home and Community-Based Services Waiver (CHCBS – Transitioning to CwCHN over 2025-2026)
    • Children with Life Limiting Illness Waiver (CLLI – Transitioning to CwCHN in July 2025)
    • Children with Complex Health Needs Waiver (CwCHN) (July 2025)

Q. What is the purpose of the WEB?

  • A. The WEB is designed to reduce the need for a higher level of care by offering educational materials that provide CHCBS waiver members and their families with actionable tools that can be used to prevent the progression of a disability, increase community engagement, combat isolation, and improve awareness of Medicaid services. 

    Additionally, the WEB acts as a monthly waiver service that helps members maintain their waiver eligibility.

Q. What are the benefits of the WEB?

  • A. The WEB provides:
    • An additional monthly waiver service to help members maintain their waiver eligibility
    • Information that is tailored to members based on their age and location
    • Members with information on varied topics including:
      • Adaptive exercise
      • Balance training and fall prevention
      • Daily living and wellness tips
      • Developing social networks
      • Engaging in community activities
      • Local resources
      • Nutrition
      • Money management

Q. When does the WEB start?

  • A. The WEB began for CHCBS waiver members in May 2024 and will begin for all HCBS members in May 2025.

Q. Will the WEB be sent to other waiver members besides CHCBS?

  • A. The WEB will expand to all HCBS waiver members in May 2025.

Q. Can members opt out of the WEB?

  • A. Yes, however, if a member chooses not to receive the WEB, they could be at risk of losing their waiver eligibility. Members must receive at least one waiver service every 30 days to maintain their waiver eligibility.

Q. Is there a monthly charge on the PAR for the WEB?

  • A. Yes, the WEB provider will bill against the PAR for the service on a monthly basis. The cost per member per month is $3.69.

Q. Who should a case manager contact if there are issues with the PARs and the WEB? 

Q. Who should a case manager contact if a member has the WEB added to their PAR and reports that they are not receiving their WEB?

  • A. If a member is not receiving their WEB and is not listed in the returned mail list, contact HCPF_WEB@state.co.us 

Q. If a member’s PAR is not showing utilization of the WEB, are they receiving their WEB?

  • A. Yes! The vendor is able to bill for the distribution of the WEB up to a year after the service is provided. The goal will be for the vendor to bill monthly, so PARs will show monthly utilization once the vendor is appropriately registered in the Department of Health Care Policy and Financing (HCPF) system.

Q. Does there need to be an assignment of inventory of needs in the Bridge for the WEB?

  • A. Yes. All inventory needs identified in the inventory needs section for HCBS need to be associated with an HCBS service on the PAR, or a goal to the service will need to be added.

Q. Are case managers required to get a service plan signature from a provider for WEB services?

  • A. No, there is no requirement for the WEB service provider to sign service plans.

Q. Does the WEB require provider checks twice a year like other providers do?

  • A. No, the WEB does not require any provider checks. However, case managers should be checking in with their members at regularly scheduled monitoring contacts about the receipt of the WEB.

Q. How will case managers know if a member’s WEB is returned?

  • A.  HCPF will receive a list of members who had their WEBs returned monthly. The Department will then inform the case management agencies via their SharePoint site and will notify via email.

Q. How do I update a member’s address so they receive their WEB?

  • A. Utilize the Job Aid “Entering and Modifying an Address” through the Case Management training Google Drive.

Q. What address should a case manager set as the member’s “Preferred Mailing Address” when the member has a representative whose mailing address needs to be used in CBMS, but the member wants the WEB mailed to their address?

  • A. At this time, HCPF can only send the WEB to a single address that is labeled as the member’s “Preferred Mailing Address” in CBMS.

Q. What address should a case manager use for a member who is unhoused?

  • A. The WEB can be sent to any address the member uses to receive their mail such as a specific post office, a church, or other public entities that offer mail collection services.

For more information, email the Community First Choice (CFC) Team at hcpf_web@state.co.us 

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