Learn about Long-Term Services and Supports

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Informational Videos     Waivers and Enrollment Information     Adult HCBS Waivers     Children's HCBS Waivers

Enrollment Guides     Participant-Directed Programs     Additional LTSS Programs     Resources and Contacts

The resources available on this page are designed to help educate individuals and their support systems, including those assisting in awareness and enrollment activities, about Long-Term Services and Supports programs available to support individuals with disabilities and older adults living more independently in their homes and communities.

What is LTSS?

  • Long-Term Services and Supports (LTSS, sometimes known as Long-Term Care) is a broad term for many health care programs available to help people who have disabilities or older adults with their daily activities.
  • LTSS includes Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) and several other programs which have different requirements to qualify.  If you don't qualify for HCBS or it does not fit your needs, you can explore other LTSS programs.
  • A Case Management Agency (CMA) in your area can help you identify programs that meet your needs. They might also refer you to a Regional Accountable Entity (RAE) (a regional organization that supports existing Health First Colorado members) to connect you with community programs in your area. 
  • Watch a video to learn more - What is Long-Term Care? (English) or What is Long-Term Care? (Spanish)

What is HCBS?

Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) waivers are one of Health First Colorado’s (Medicaid) LTSS programs. 

  • HCBS helps older adults and individuals with disabilities live independently by providing services in their home and community instead of in a nursing home or medical facility. 
  • Examples of HCBS services include:
    • Help keeping your home safe and clean
    • Assistance with bathing and dressing
    • Transportation for non-medical activities
    • Help for caregivers
    • Food preparation
  • Watch a video to learn more - Waivers 101 (English) or Waivers 101 (Spanish)

Informational Videos

Learn About HCBS Waiver Programs and Enrollment

Waivers for Adults

See Tips for Printing Booklet Versions


HCBS Waiver Charts - side-by-side comparison of waiver benefits

Tips for Printing Booklet Versions:

  • Designed to print on both sides of an 8-1/2" x 11" sheet of paper, then folded in half
  • Print at 100% or Actual Size (or the printer might scale the print down automatically)
  • Print with "Landscape" orientation
  • Print on both sides of the paper and choose "flip on short edges" (the default is usually "flip on long edges" which would result in the inside being upside down)
  • Print to the edge of the paper, if you have the option, this will improve the look of the images on the front and back cover
  • Use 24-pound stock or thicker to make sure the ink on one side is not visible through the paper

Waivers for Children

See Tips for Printing Booklet Versions

HCBS Waiver Charts - side-by-side comparison of waiver benefits

Tips for Printing Booklet Versions:

  • Designed to print on both sides of an 8-1/2" x 11" sheet of paper, then folded in half
  • Print at 100% or Actual Size (or the printer might scale the print down automatically)
  • Print with "Landscape" orientation
  • Print on both sides of the paper and choose "flip on short edges" (the default is usually "flip on long edges" which would result in the inside being upside down)
  • Print to the edge of the paper, if you have the option, this will improve the look of the images on the front and back cover
  • Use 24-pound stock or thicker to make sure the ink on one side is not visible through the paper

HCBS Enrollment Guides

This journey map is designed to help individuals and their support systems navigate the process by providing clear instructions and guidance.

It is designed to be a reference for the entire enrollment process. It includes tips, preparation strategies, common pitfalls to avoid, links to additional resources, and a glossary of important terms.

HCBS Waiver Enrollment Guide - English - September 2024

HCBS Waiver Enrollment Guide - Spanish - September 2024

Participant Directed Programs

Most HCBS waivers offer optional participant-directed service delivery options:

These optional programs offer individuals, families, and authorized representatives the ability to take control and responsibility for hiring, training, and managing care providers. Care providers can be family members, neighbors, and other natural supports. You can discuss these options with your case manager.

Watch a video to learn more - Benefits of CDASS (English) or Benefits of CDASS (Spanish)

Resources and Contacts

Case Management Agencies

Case Management Agencies (CMA) are your main point of contact for home and community-based services and can also help you hire service providers.

Watch a video to learn more - What is Case Management? (English) or What is Case Management? (Spanish)

Return to LTSS Home Page

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Apply Online: co.gov/peak

Questions? Email: HCPF_HCBS_Questions@state.co.us 

State LTC Ombudsman

Member Contact Center

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