Intermediate Care Facilities for Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities

An Intermediate Care Facility for Individuals with Intellectual Disability (ICF/IID) is a residential facility that is certified by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) to provide habilitative, therapeutic and specialized support services to persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities.

ICF/IID is an optional Medicaid benefit that enables states to provide specialized services for Individuals with an intellectual or developmental disability defined as a continuous program for each individual which includes the following:

  1. An aggressive, consistent implementation of a program of specialized and generic training, specific therapies or treatments, activities, health services and related services, as identified in the plan of care. 
  2. The individual program plan includes the following:

   a. The acquisition of the behaviors necessary for the individual to function with as much self-determination and independence as possible, and; 

   b. The prevention or deceleration of regression or loss of current optimal functional status. (10 CCR-2505-8.404.216

They provide supportive care and nursing supervision under medical direction 24-hours per day. They stress rehabilitation therapy that enable individuals to return to a community setting. A full range of medical, social, recreational and support services are also provided. This comprehensive approach to helping individuals acquire the skills necessary for maximum independence--and to helping them maintain optimal functioning--is referred to as Active Treatment. Active Treatment is the cornerstone of the ICF/IID program and involves a comprehensive team approach to teaching individuals’ critical skills and behaviors. In general, the goal of Active Treatment requirement is to assure that individuals acquire behaviors that help them to function as independently as possible.  

Who Qualifies?

To be admitted to an ICF/IID, you must meet financial and program criteria.

Level of Care

  • ICF/IID level of care as determined by the functional needs assessment (as defined in 42 CFR 440.150)

Plan of Care

  • ICF/IID Plan of Care Form - January 2022 
    • This form should be completed by medical professionals in collaboration with the Case Management Agency case manager
    • Includes background information and assessments of the individual's functional, developmental, behavioral, social, health and nutritional status. The purpose of the evaluation is to assure that the facility can meet the member's needs and that the member will benefit from placement in the facility.

Eligibility Group

  • You must be 18 years or older
  • You must be determined to have a developmental disability
  • You must require services and supports 24 hours a day that are unavailable to be provided through the Developmental Disabilities (DD) Waiver


  • Your income must be less than three times the current Federal Supplemental Security Income (SSI) limit per month (See SSI website for current information)
  • For a single person, countable resources must be less than $2,000
  • For a couple, countable resources must be less than $3,000

Benefits and Services

If you are admitted to an ICF/IID, you may receive the following services to address your needs:

How to Apply

If you have additional questions, please contact your local Case Management Agency


Other Long-Term Services and Supports