Electronic Visit Verification Program Manual

Last updated: 3/4/2025

Official guidance for the Colorado Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) Program

  1. EVV Program Glossary
    1. Participants
    2. General
    3. Operational Use
    4. Program Integration
    5. Technical Definitions
  2. EVV Program Overview
    1. Colorado EVV
    2. Colorado EVV Exclusions
    3. Colorado EVV Restrictions
  3. Enrollment
    1. Member Enrollment
    2. Caregiver Enrollment
    3. Provider Enrollment
    4. Provider Disenrollment
  4. Provider Guidance
    1. Alternate Locations
    2. Billing Integration
    3. Compliance Timeline
    4. Live-in Caregivers
    5. Student/Observational Caregivers
    6. Contracted Caregivers
    7. Manual Entry Guidance
    8. Minimum Necessary
    9. Modification Thresholds
    10. Telemedicine/Telehealth and EVV
    11. Consumer Directed Attendant Support Services
    12. Correcting Client IDs
    13. Home Health Agency Parent/Branches and EVV
  5. EVV Types of Service
    1. Colorado EVV Types of Service Summary Table
    2. Colorado EVV Types of Service Billing Conditions and Code Inclusions
  6. Appendix A: Alternate Location Guidance for State EVV Solution
  7. Appendix B: EVV Live-in Caregiver Attestation
  8. Version History

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  1. EVV Program Glossary

    1. Participants

      1. Member
        Member is an actively enrolled Health First Colorado (Colorado's Medicaid program) recipient of EVV-required services. The member is called the 'Client' in the State EVV Solution and Provider Choice System.
      2. Direct Care Worker
        Direct Care Worker, also known as Caregiver, is the person providing a service to a member. The Direct Care Worker is often an employee of a Provider.
      3. Provider
        Provider is an actively enrolled Health First Colorado provider billing for EVV-required services.

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    2. General

      1. The 21st Century Cures Act

        The 21st Century Cures Act, also known as the Cures Act, is a Federal statute "to accelerate the discovery, development, and delivery of 21st-century cures, and for other purposes." Section 12006 of the Cures Act mandates State Medicaid agencies to use Electronic Visit Verification.

      2. Electronic Visit Verification (EVV)

        EVV means the use of technology, including mobile devices, telephony, or web-based portals, to verify the required data elements related to the delivery of Health First Colorado services as mandated by the 21st Century Cures Act and CCR 2505-10 Section 8.001.

      3. Colorado "Open Choice" or "Hybrid" Model

        An Open Choice or Hybrid EVV model means that in Colorado a provider agency may choose to use the State EVV Solution at no cost or utilize a Provider Choice System. Providers who choose to utilize a Provider Choice System must ensure that their system is configured to Colorado EVV rules and requirements.

      4. State EVV Solution

        State EVV Solution means the portion of the Colorado hybrid implementation model made available by the Department of Health Care Policy and Financing (HCPF). The State EVV Solution includes the Mobile Visit Verification (MVV) Application, Telephonic Visit Verification (TVV) System, the Provider EVV Portal, and the optional Scheduling module. Refer to the Technical Definitions section. HCPF utilizes Sandata for the State EVV Solution and the solution is offered at no cost to providers.

      5. Provider Choice System

        Provider Choice System means the portion of the Colorado hybrid implementation model chosen by providers to submit EVV data. In some cases, providers may choose to add an EVV component to an administrative technology already in use. All contracted technologies must complete interface testing with Sandata and providers must complete Data Aggregator training. Provider Choice Systems are paid for by the Provider, satisfy all requirements as defined in rule, are compatible with the State EVV Solution interfacing, and are consistent with Federal and State law.

      6. Verification Data Points

        Verification Data Points are the essential points of data that all EVV records must have to be considered a viable EVV. The federally required points and their corresponding definitions in Colorado are:

        Federally Required Point of DataCorresponding Definition in Colorado
        The type of service performedEVV Type of Service is a designation given to a group of appropriate codes for a type of service delivered. Full information is in the EVV Type of Service section of this manual.

        The individual receiving the service


        The individual receiving the service is the Member as clarified in the Participant Definitions of this manual
        The date of the serviceThe date of the service
        The location of service deliveryA location may be a mailing address, GPS coordinates, or a uniquely identified location. A uniquely identifiable location example is "Colorado State Capital Building", recording "Doctor's office" is not uniquely identifiable and is therefore not an acceptable location record.
        The individual providing the serviceThe Direct Care Worker is clarified in the Participant Definitions of this manual. Direct Care Workers are affiliated with a Provider as clarified in the Participant Definitions of this manual.
        The time the service begins and endsThe time that a service begins and the time that a service ends, as recorded utilizing EVV technology at the time of service.


        EVV records also contain additional points, like sequence identifiers which indicate the order in which records are updated. All Verification Data Points are listed in the Technical Specification Documents section of the EVV Solution Information web page.

      7. Threshold

        Threshold means the HCPF-defined acceptable limit of modified and manual EVV records determined as a percent of paid claims.

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    3. Operational Use

      1. EVV Welcome Letter

        Welcome email from Sandata sent to the provider's Service Email Address after training has been completed. The EVV Welcome Letter includes Sandata credentials for entry into the Provider EVV Portal.

      2. Unmodified EVV

        Unmodified EVV is an EVV captured by a caregiver with all Verification Data Points at the time of service and remains unmodified in any way.

      3. Edited EVV Entry (Modified EVV)

        Modified EVV is an EVV record with one or more of the Verification Data Points captured or modified after the time of service.

      4. Exception

        Exception means an alert identifying a missing Verification Point of Data. All Exceptions must be fixed for an EVV record to be a verified visit.

        Exceptions may be fixed in the Visit Maintenance module of the State EVV Solution. For Provider Choice functionality contact your vendor.

      5. Alternate Location

        An Alternate Location means a modification that corrects the location recorded at the time of service or enters an otherwise unrecorded location. Refer to the Alternate Locations Guidance section for more information.

      6. Manual Visit Entry (Manual EVV)

        Manual Visit Entry means an EVV record input in the Provider EVV Portal after the time-of-service delivery by administratively entering all Verification Points of Data.

      7. Verified Visit

        A verified visit does not contain any exceptions, meaning either no exceptions exist, or they have been fixed, making the visit eligible for claim matching.

      8. Matched Visit

        A matched visit is an EVV record that has matched to a billed claim. A matched visit requires a verified visit EVV record and a billed claim that has no other claim errors and that has been paid correctly. EVV records that are not yet a verified visit will not match. Billed claims that have not been paid (for any reason, not just EVV matching) will not match.

      9. Incomplete
        A visit is considered Incomplete if it requires manual intervention before it can be considered closed, completed, or verified.
      10. In Process
        A visit is considered in process if a Call-In is received and the visit will remain in process until a Call-Out is received, or 25 hours have passed. After 24 hours, the visit will become Incomplete, assuming the Call-Out was not received.
      11. Omit
        A visit will be shown as omitted if the indicator on the visit is set to “do not bill.” This means that the agency does not intend to submit a claim for this particular visit and it will not match to a claim.

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    4. Program Integration

      1. Remittance Advice (RA)

        The RA contains a weekly summary of all claims submitted and is available the Monday following the end of the claim submission cycle. Visit the Provider Web Portal Quick Guides web page for more information on reading and downloading your Remittance Advice.

      2. Service Email Address

        Email contact is located in the Gainwell Technologies Provider Portal titled "Service Email Address". The Service Email Address is utilized for sending the EVV Welcome Letter containing Sandata credentials for entry into the system. Visit the Provider Web Portal Quick Guides web page for guidance on updating this email in the Gainwell Technologies Provider Web Portal.

        Note: The service email address will be used for credentials and cannot be the same email address for multiple enrollments. Ensure that you have a unique service email address for each enrollment within the Gainwell Technologies Provider Portal.

      3. Mailing Email Address

        Email contact is located in the Gainwell Technologies Provider Portal titled "Mailing Email Address". The Mailing Email Address is utilized for sending Gainwell Technologies communications including updates on the EVV Program. Visit the Provider Web Portal Quick Guides web page for guidance on updating this email in the Gainwell Technologies Provider Web Portal.

      4. Explanation of Benefits (EOB) 3054

        Informational message on provider-specific RA designating that a claim billed with an EVV-required code does not have a corresponding and verified visit recorded through an EVV system. 

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    5. Technical Definitions

      1. Direct Care Worker ID

        Direct Care Worker ID, or Employee ID, identifies the Direct Care Worker providing services and is automatically generated for the State EVV Solution. Refer to the Colorado Addendum for a specific value for Provider Choice systems. Refer to the Training Participant Guide for usage.

      2. Exception ID

        Exception IDs identify Exceptions that are created in the EVV systems. Specific Exception IDs are located in the supplemental training materials for the State EVV Solution and the Colorado Addendum for Provider Choice Systems.

      3. Provider EVV Portal

        The web-based administrative tool is used to manage and monitor EVV activity, recorded by the provider's chosen EVV Solution. The State EVV Solution may manage and monitor EVV activity, as well as input Manual Visit Entries within the Provider EVV Portal. For Provider Choice System users, visit data will be reflected in the Provider EVV Portal (Data Aggregator) and is read-only. Information in the Provider EVV Portal of Provider Choice Systems can only be updated by submitting new EVV information to HCPF.

      4. Mobile Visit Verification (MVV App/SMC App)

        Mobile Visit Verification is a smartphone or mobile device application used by the Direct Care Worker to record visit data at the start and end of the visit.

      5. Reason Code

        Reason Codes are standard codes established by HCPF used to explain (or, as stated in the Sandata training manuals, "acknowledge") an Exception. Reason Codes are located in the supplemental training materials for the State EVV Solution and the Colorado Addendum for Provider Choice Systems.

      6. Telephonic Visit Verification (TVV)

        TVV is a functionality for Direct Care Workers to record an EVV visit by calling in with a telephone. Each provider agency using the State EVV Solution is provided with two toll-free telephone numbers for use by Direct Care Workers to record visit data at the start and end of a visit. For Provider Choice System functionality please contact your vendor.

        Colorado allows the use of both landlines and cell phones to submit TVV records. EVV systems (either State Solution or Provider Choice System) must automatically record a specific address as the telephone is used and locations must be updated to reflect the actual location of service delivery as needed.

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  2. EVV Program Overview

    1. Colorado EVV

      Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) is mandated (effective August 3, 2020) in Colorado by 10 CCR 2505-10 Section 8.001 and Section 12006(a) of the 21st Century Cures Act. Federal guidance requires EVV for Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) that include an element of Personal Care Services and State Plan Home Health Care Services. Colorado requires the use of EVV for several other services that are similar in nature and delivery to the federally mandated services. These additional services are included to enhance care coordination, promote quality outcomes for members, and streamline requirements for providers. Specifically, EVV will be required for the following:

      EVV requirements are the responsibility of providers billing services to HCPF. The impact on most members is minimal, however, members who utilize CDASS and employ attendants are required to complete training and comply with EVV requirements.

      The Colorado EVV Program has implemented an Open Choice Model, meaning that providers may use the State EVV Solution or a Provider Choice EVV System.

      HCPF has worked with providers and other stakeholders throughout the design of the EVV Program and has made several changes both to the system and policy to incorporate stakeholder feedback. HCPF established an Electronic Visit Verification web page to share policy and system updates and engagement opportunities, held multiple stakeholder meetings from September 2017 through the present, and held specific engagement sessions for Code of Regulations feedback. Visit the EVV Stakeholder Workgroup web page for additional information on stakeholder engagement.

      • Behavioral Therapies
      • Consumer Directed Attendant Support Services (CDASS)
      • Home Health
      • Homemaker
      • Independent Living Skills Training (ILST) and Life Skills Training (LST)
      • In-Home Support Services (IHSS)
      • Occupational Therapy
      • Pediatric Behavioral Therapies
      • Pediatric Personal Care
      • Personal Care
      • Physical Therapy
      • Private Duty Nursing
      • Respite and Youth Day
      • Speech Therapy
      • State EVV Solution: HCPF provides an EVV system for provider use at no cost. The State EVV Solution is built specifically to collect EVV records and may be (optionally) used for scheduling care.
      • Provider Choice EVV System: Providers may choose to use a Provider Choice EVV system that interfaces their choice of technology with the Provider EVV Portal. This is especially useful for providers that already use an administrative suite of technology that can incorporate EVV records into existing records and practices. Any costs associated with using a different EVV system will be borne by the provider.

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    2. Colorado EVV Exclusions

      EVV is intended to be used for the services mentioned above when provided in a visit-based fee-for-service setting. While EVV records may still be collected (meaning HCPF does not prohibit the collection of records in these circumstances), EVV records are not required when services are delivered through the following ways:

      • Child Health Plan Plus (CHP+): CHP+ is public low-cost health insurance for certain children and pregnant women. It is for people who earn too much to qualify for Health First Colorado, but not enough to pay for private health insurance.
      • EVV Exemption: A general term used to describe exemptions from EVV requirements based on live-in caregiver status including extenuating circumstances; as well as caregivers and members exempted from EVV based on reasonable modification under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). These types of exemptions are defined by the following:
        • Live-In Caregiver: A caregiver who permanently resides in the same residence as the Medicaid member receiving services. Live-in caregiver status is determined by meeting requirements established by the U.S. Department of Labor, Internal Revenue Service, or HCPF-approved extenuating circumstances. Documentation of live-in caregiver status shall be collected and maintained by the billing provider and then submitted through the Gainwell Provider Web Portal. 
        • Extenuating Circumstance: A live-in caregiver status beyond the standard definition granted by HCPF, allowing for situations like joint custody, foster care, members transitioning from residential services, residing with a member for extended periods (Department of Labor Application of the Fair Labor Standards Act to Domestic Service, Final Rule; Fact Sheet #79B): Live-in Domestic Service Workers Under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) and other less common situations. This EVV Exemption requires HCPF pre-approval and may be approved for less than one year.
        • Reasonable Modification under the ADA Exemption Requirements: a federally mandated accommodation that ensures individuals with disabilities have an equal opportunity to participate in programs, services, and activities when modifications are necessary to avoid discrimination on the basis of disability. This type of EVV Exemption requires HCPF pre-approval and does not expire. It is most commonly used to support Medicaid members who perform employer of record responsibilities in the CDASS program.
      • Non-Fee for Service: Members receiving care through capitated payment models including through the Regional Accountable Entities (RAEs), Managed Care Organizations (Denver Health Medicaid Choice and Rocky Mountain Health Plan's Prime), or capitated behavioral health benefits administered by the RAEs.
      • Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE): The PACE program provides comprehensive medical and social services to certain frail individuals 55 years of age and older. The goal of PACE is to help individuals live and stay in their homes and communities through comprehensive care coordination.
      • State Supported Living Services (State SLS): State SLS services mirror SLS waiver services for normally ineligible members and do not use normal billing methodology.
      • Select Outpatient Therapies delivered via telehealth/telemedicine: Outpatient Occupational Therapy (OT), Outpatient Physical Therapy (PT), Outpatient Speech Therapy (ST), and Pediatric Behavioral Therapy (PBT) services provided via telehealth do not require EVV. Telehealth/telemedicine may be billed as Place of Service 02 or 10. Refer to the billing manual for billing guidance related to telehealth/telemedicine. Home Health Agencies providing OT, PT, and ST services via telehealth continue to require EVV records when billing.
      • Hospice: Hospice services do not require EVV. Hospice services are reimbursed using a unique per-diem payment structure.  This differs from other EVV-mandated services which use a fee-for-service payment structure. Hospice providers are instructed to cease EVV collection for Medicaid billing purposes on July 1, 2024.

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    3. Colorado EVV Restrictions

      EVV helps ensure that care is delivered at the time of service by collecting six points of data. HCPF, in coordination with stakeholders, has developed restrictions enforced in both system design (the State EVV Solution can not violate these restrictions and Provider Choice Systems must be set up to not violate these restrictions) and policy (these restrictions are specified in 10 CCR 2505-10 8.001, known as the "EVV Rule"). Providers or technology systems are encouraged to contact HCPF (EVV@state.co.us) for clarifications about these restrictions. Restriction violators should be reported to HCPF for enforcement. The following practices are prohibited in the Health First Colorado EVV Program:

      • HCPF will not allow or accept biometric data, pictures, video, or voice recordings to identify members or substantiate Health First Colorado visit data.
      • HCPF will not allow or accept visit data that includes continual GPS tracking during a visit and will only accept location information at the beginning and/or end of a Health First Colorado visit.
      • HCPF will not utilize geo-fencing to restrict the location of Health First Colorado service delivery.

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  3. Enrollment

    1. Member Enrollment

      Members receiving services that require EVV must be administratively entered into the Provider EVV Portal for each Provider Agency collecting EVV records. Members and Providers must work together to ensure that information is correct and viable. Provider agencies are responsible for the maintenance of all caregiver information. CDASS members should work directly with their FMS vendors.

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    2. Caregiver Enrollment

      Caregivers utilizing EVV must be administratively entered into the Provider EVV Portal by each Provider Agency collecting EVV records for services rendered. Caregivers and providers must work together to ensure that information is correct and viable. Provider agencies are responsible for the maintenance of all caregiver information.

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    3. Provider Enrollment

      Providers billing for EVV services must be enrolled with the EVV program for each unique Provider Health First Colorado ID (Medicaid ID). EVV enrollment may be automatically included in your new Medicaid enrollment depending on the nature of the codes regularly billed by the provider type and specialty. Provider types and specialties who do not have EVV enrollment automatically included in their Medicaid enrollment but are planning to bill or are already billing EVV codes (refer to the EVV Types of Service - Service Code Inclusions section), may submit an EVV Attestation Form to have EVV enrollment added to their Medicaid enrollment. Providers may use this EVV Attestation Form during initial enrollment or as a maintenance update to their current enrollment. Visit the Provider Forms web page under the Provider Enrollment and Update Forms drop-down for the EVV Attestation Form. Visit the Provider Web Portal Quick Guides web page for more information on Provider Maintenance to a current enrollment.

      1. Multiple EVV enrollments

        Agencies with multiple Health First Colorado Provider (Medicaid) IDs can bypass additional training for each ID associated with the agency. This can be done if one Health First Colorado Provider (Medicaid) ID has fully completed training and received credentials for access to the Provider EVV Portal.

        For those who would like to bypass additional training and have already completed training for one Provider Health First Colorado ID (Medicaid ID), additional credentials can be requested by contacting Sandata at CoCustomerCare@sandata.com or (855) 871-8780.

        Note: The service email address will be used for credentials and cannot be the same email address for multiple enrollments. Ensure that you have a unique service email address for each enrollment within the Gainwell Technologies Provider Portal.

      2. Training

        Providers enrolled in the EVV program must complete the necessary training to receive EVV credentials. Training must be completed for both the State EVV Solution and Provider Choice EVV Solution. Visit the EVV web page for more information on training.

    4. Provider Disenrollment

      1. Providers who are no longer enrolled or have an active provider agreement with Health First Colorado will no longer have access to the Provider EVV Portal at the termination of their provider agreement. Providers may request EVV records from HCPF in writing or by email.

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  4. Provider Guidance

    The following guidance may be used to implement EVV successfully:

    • Alternate Locations

      A modification that corrects the location recorded at the time of service or enters an otherwise unrecorded location is defined as an Alternate Location. Alternate Locations are used in the following situations:

      Provider Responsibilities

      Provider agencies must ensure the location for an EVV record is correct. A location may be a mailing address, GPS coordinates, or a uniquely identified location. (A uniquely identifiable location example is "Colorado State Capitol Building", however, recording "Doctor's office" is not uniquely identifiable and is therefore not an acceptable location record.)

      Provider agencies must maintain records supporting both the validity and appropriate use of Alternate Locations.

      Alternate Location in State EVV Solution

      Refer to Appendix A: Alternate Location Guidance for State EVV Solution for detailed methodology.

      Alternate Location in Provider Choice EVV Systems

      Providers utilizing a Provider Choice EVV System must ensure that a correct location of service delivery is submitted to HCPF. Providers should ask their EVV vendor how to correct or input the location of service delivery within their EVV system. Providers are responsible for reviewing and ensuring the accuracy of EVV data submitted to HCPF through the Provider EVV Portal.

      • Correcting any method of EVV collection that recorded the location incorrectly.
      • Modifying an existing EVV record to update a previously entered location.
      • Entering a Manual Visit into the Provider EVV Portal.

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    • Billing Integration

      EVV records do not bill HCPF directly. Claims should still be submitted to HCPF according to HCPF guidance. EVV records collected by the State Solution or transmitted to the State Solution by a Provider Choice system will be transmitted to HCPF's fiscal agent to match against claims during adjudication. EVV records will then match to claims lines submitted to HCPF as an additional requirement for claims to be processed correctly.

      If an EVV record is modified after a claim line is matched for payment, the provider is responsible for voiding the matched claim and resubmitting it for payment to ensure the correct EVV matches the billed claim. Visit the Provider Web Portal Quick Guides web page for information on how to void and resubmit a claim.

      Visit records in the State Solution are transmitted nightly. Visits are available for matching in the Gainwell Technologies Claims System the day after a visit is recorded and verified. Please be aware that claims must be billed after service has been completed and a visit has been recorded to ensure proper matching. If a visit has been adjusted, those changes will be available for matching in the Gainwell Technologies Claims System the day after the adjustment to the visit has been made.

      Refer to the Billing Training - Resources drop-down on the Provider Training web page for more information on the Gainwell Technologies payment processing schedule.

      Providers may review Remittance Advice for EOB 3054 to ensure that claims will be paid as intended. Visit the Provider Web Portal Quick Guides web page for more information on reading and downloading your Remittance Advice.

      If as a billing provider, the claim does not match a visit, one of the points of data being captured in the EVV system was incorrectly entered, or the claim was submitted prior to having a visit available for matching. Refer to the Provider Web Portal Quick Guide - Reading the Remittance Advice (RA) and notice which claim lines did not have a matching visit to see why this occurred. Refer to the Provider Web Portal Quick Guide - Pulling Remittance Advice (RA) to download your Remittance Advice.

      Next, log into the Provider EVV Portal and find the visits that were logged for those claim lines. Then check the following points of data to see which is the cause of the missing visit(s):

      1. Billing Provider Medicaid (Location) ID - Does the claim location ID match the location ID for your STX account? If you're unsure which ID was used to train, you can contact Sandata and confirm this information. The billing provider ID used to submit the claim must match the billing ID for your STX account where the visit is logged. Note: If you have more than one billing ID, you will need additional STX accounts for unique matching.
      2. Client Medicaid ID - Does the Client Medicaid ID on the claim match the Client Medicaid ID on the visit? If the Client's Medicaid ID on the visit is mistyped, the visit will not match the claim.
      3. Dates of Service - Do the first and last dates of service match the visit's start and end dates?
      4. Service Grouping - Does the claim procedure or revenue code (and any applicable modifiers) match the correct grouped code on the visit? If you're unsure which group code you need to select, see the EVV Service Code List and EVV Crosswalk of Codes to find the grouped code you should select. Note: Verify you are looking at the right code as some groupings sound similar. Ex. 'HHOT' (Home Health - Occupational Therapy) will be a different service than 'OT' (Occupational Therapy)
      5. Submission Date - When was the claim submitted? Visits are sent nightly for claims matching and only verified visits can match to claims. Ensure that claims are billed the day after a visit has been verified. Note: If you fix an exception and the visit becomes verified, you still need to wait until the next day to bill for that claim.
      6. ICN Claim Number - To find your ICN claim number, pull your Remittance Advice (RA) and search for the services that you received EOB 3054 for. Refer to the Provider Web Portal - Pulling Remittance Advice (RA) Quick Guide and the Provider Web Portal - Reading the Remittance Advice (RA) Quick Guide for direction on pulling and reading your RA.
      7. Visit ID - To find your visit ID, log into the Provider EVV Portal and navigate to the Reports section on the left-hand side. Choose 'Date Range Reports' in the report type and choose 'Detail Visit Status'. Select the timeframe for the visit and run the report. The first column on the report will be the visit ID. Find the visit in question and the corresponding visit ID.

        The term Third-Party Liability (TPL) describes circumstances when a Health First Colorado member has health insurance in addition to the Health First Colorado program that may pay for medical services. Health First Colorado is the payer of last resort, meaning all other payment methods should be used first. TPL claims are required to be submitted according to HCPF guidance in the Provider Web Portal - Submitting a Claim with Other Insurance or Medicare Crossover Information Quick Guide and have matching EVV records for payment. State Solution users must ensure that all visits are appropriately logged in the EVV portal prior to billing secondary claims. Provider Choice System users must work with EVV vendors to ensure that all visits are sent to the Provider EVV Portal prior to billing TPL claims.

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    • Compliance Timeline

      HCPF utilized a tiered implementation strategy to familiarize providers with the use of EVV before incorporating claims adjudication to minimize long-term administrative burden and reduce the financial impact when claims required EVV records.  Beginning on October 1, 2019, the Colorado EVV Program made both the State EVV Solution available and allowed providers to use Provider Choice Systems to submit EVV records. 

      On August 3, 2020, the use of EVV was mandated by the Colorado Code of Regulations per 10 CCR 2505-10 8.001. Beginning February 1, 2021, HCPF implemented a pre-payment claim review process.  As discussed in Operational Memo 21-075: "Over the past year, there have been significant improvements with EVV compliance. Accordingly, beginning February 1, 2022, all claims requiring the use of EVV will encounter a pre-payment review. Claims without necessary EVV records will be denied.

      Up until February 1, 2022, claims that are missing EVV or have incomplete EVV records will show in the provider’s Remittance Advice as EOB 3054 “EVV Record Not Found” and the claim will be paid. After February 1, 2022, claims missing or having incomplete EVV records will show in the provider’s Remittance Advice as EOB 3054 “EVV Record Required and Not Found” and the claim will be denied."

      Provider Options for Compliance

      Providers may utilize multiple strategies to assure compliance at appropriate times and are advised of options that may be useful in implementing EVV in a timely manner.

      • The EVV Rule (10 CCR 2505-10 8.001.3.E.1.a) states: "Providers that fail to comply with this rule after August 3, 2020, may be subject to Compliance Monitoring and a Request for Written Response in accordance with Section 8.076."  Beginning August 3, 2020, all claims submitted to HCPF that require EVV records are being reviewed for corresponding EVV.  Providers that are not using EVV after August 3, 2020, must submit a written plan to HCPF outlining their intent to utilize EVV and when compliance is expected.
      • The EVV Rule (10 CCR 2505-10 8.001.3.E.1.b) states: "Providers that fail to comply with this rule after October 1, 2020, may be subject to Compliance Monitoring, Request for Written Response, or Overpayment Recovery." Beginning October 1, 2020, in addition to the August 3, 2020 enforcement requirements, all claims submitted to HCPF that require EVV records will be reviewed for corresponding EVV. All claims subject to EVV requirements will be paid initially, even if no EVV record is on file to match the claim. Paid claims that do not have valid matching EVV records may be subject to HCPF review and recoupment as Over-Payment Recovery.
      • The EVV Rule (10 CCR 2505-10 8.001.3.E.1.c) states: "Providers that fail to comply with this rule after January 1, 2021, may be subject to Compliance Monitoring, Request for Written Response, Overpayment Recovery, Denial of Claims, Suspension, Termination, or Nonrenewal of their Colorado Medicaid Provider Agreement in accordance with Section 8.076." In accordance with Operational Memo 21-075, beginning February 1, 2022, all claims submitted to HCPF that require EVV records must be matched to valid EVV records to pay.
      • Switching to a different EVV vendor: If a Provider Choice System is not fully interfaced with Sandata to transmit EVV records to HCPF before February 1, 2022, when pre-payment claim review begins, providers may use the State EVV Solution until the interface is complete to ensure compliance.   Providers will not be exempt from using EVV while going through the interface process with Sandata. Providers can only use one system (either the State EVV Solution or their Provider Choice System) at a time. Providers may switch from using the State EVV Solution to the Provider Choice System when they are ready; there is no time limit for using the State EVV Solution. Providers must notify Sandata of the transition and complete all necessary training.
      • CDASS vendor switching: Each Financial Management Service (FMS) vendor is utilizing a Provider Choice System. If a CDASS member or their authorized representative would like to utilize a different EVV system, they may change FMS vendors during quarterly open enrollment periods.

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    • Live-in Caregivers

      HCPF does not require EVV from Live-in Caregivers for multiple services. However, individual Provider Agencies may choose to require EVV for Live-in Caregivers.

      Live-in Caregiver Definition

      HCPF has developed the following definition based on federal precedent and stakeholder engagement:

      Live-in caregiver is a caregiver who permanently resides in the same residence as the Medicaid member receiving services. Live-in caregiver status is determined by meeting requirements established by the U.S. Department of Labor, Internal Revenue Service, or HCPF-approved extenuating circumstances. Documentation of live-in caregiver status shall be collected and maintained by the billing provider or FMS Vendor then submitted through the Provider Web Portal.

      Types of Services Eligible or Ineligible for Live-in Caregiver Exemption

      Services provided by Live-in Caregivers are often delivered incrementally and without clearly defined start and end times. HCPF recognizes the unique challenges of collecting EVV for this type of care and allows providers to exempt the appropriate EVV Types of Service from EVV if provided by a documented Live-in Caregiver. The EVV Types of Service that are eligible to use the Live-in Caregiver exemption are:

      EVV Type of ServiceLive-in Caregiver
      Behavioral TherapiesEligible
      Consumer Directed Attendant Support Services (CDASS) (and CDASS SLS Health Maintenance)Eligible
      Home Health (including CNA, Nursing, OT, PT, and ST)Eligible
      Independent Living Skills Training (ILST) and Life Skills Training (LST)Eligible
      In-Home Support Services (IHSS)Eligible
      Occupational TherapyIneligible
      Pediatric Behavioral TherapiesIneligible
      Pediatric Personal CareEligible
      Personal CareEligible
      Physical TherapyIneligible
      Private Duty NursingEligible
      Respite and Youth DayEligible
      Speech TherapyIneligible

      EVV Exemption Implementation and Compliance Timeline 

      HCPF is implementing a tiered approach to help billing providers transition to the new EVV exemption request process using the Gainwell Provider Web Portal. This phased strategy begins with release of the revised EVV Exemption Form, soon followed by a “soft-launch" phase of the revised EVV Exemption Process. This will eventually lead to the activation of the EVV exemption prepayment claim edit. Once activated, when claims billed with an EVV live-in caregiver or ADA exemption without an active EVV exemption on file in the Gainwell Provider Web Portal will be denied. This phased approach is designed to reduce the administrative burden and financial impact.

      By Spring 2026, all claims billed with a live-in caregiver or ADA exemption will require an active EVV live-in caregiver or ADA exemption on file in the Gainwell Provider Web Portal to avoid denial. The following phases outline the implementation plan for this new process: 

      February 2025 - EVV Exemption Form Release

      The revised EVV Exemption Form will be made available to help billing providers familiarize themselves with the updated requirements, instructions, and expectations. Billing providers can begin updating their EVV exemption documentation and completing the EVV Exemption Form (see Attachments section) to indicate their understanding of these changes. 

      February 26, 2025 – Gainwell Provider Web Portal Soft Launch EVV Exemption Documentation Requirements Begins 

      The Gainwell Provider Web Portal EVV Exemption Documentation requirements will begin, enabling billing providers to submit EVV exemption documentation using the new EVV Exemption Form through the Gainwell Provider Web Portal.  

      During the soft-launch phase, the Gainwell Provider Web Portal EVV Exemption panel will have a maximum capacity of 200 active and inactive live-in caregiver exemptions on file. This capacity is temporary and HCPF will increase to the volume necessary for all billing providers in the near future. HCPF will be communicating directly to billing providers who currently exceed the capacity with additional information.  

      Billing providers are reminded that the total maximum file size for attachments allowed per maintenance application is 5 megabytes and only one (1) maintenance application can be submitted at a time. Any additional requests within the maintenance application besides EVV exemptions may result in denial of the application and delayed approvals. Additionally, if a maintenance application is submitted for both an EVV exemption and license update, if one of those requests is denied, the entire request is denied, so providers should avoid combining multiple requests within the maintenance application that could disrupt approvals.  
      During this "soft-launch" period, Remittance Advice (RA) feedback will inform billing providers when claims lack an active EVV exemption on file using the Explanation of Benefits (EOB) 3056 “EVV Exemption Required - Not Found”. However, claims that lack an active EVV exemption will not be denied during this phase. 

      During this time, HCPF will focus on supporting providers as they get familiar with the revised form and process. Billing Providers should focus on understanding the new process, getting new forms completed, submitting documentation, and working with HCPF.

      Prepayment Claim Edit Activation 

      The prepayment claim edit is expected to be activated once one or more of the below metrics are achieved: 

      • 80% or more of EVV exempt claims are successfully billed for 2 months in a row 
      • After 12 months of the soft-launch period have expired  

      After the activation of the EVV exemption prepayment claim edit, RA feedback will inform billing providers when claims lack an active EVV exemption on file using the EOB 3056 “EVV Exemption Required - Not Found”. Claims billed with an EVV live-in caregiver or ADA exemption without an active EVV exemption on file in the Gainwell Provider Web Portal will be denied.  

      Updated Electronic Visit Verification Exemption Process 

      Billing providers will still be responsible for ensuring accurate and complete documentation for each EVV exemption. The following section highlights key components of the new EVV Exemption process: 

      Form Completion 

      HCPF has released a new EVV Exemption Form. The new EVV Exemption Form will replace the old “EVV Live-in Caregiver Attestation Form.” Providers should review the instructions outlined in the EVV Exemption Form to properly complete the form. The EVV Exemption Form, which includes instructions and supporting documentation requirements is available on the EVV Newsletters and Resources webpage

      Form Submission 

      Once an EVV Exemption Form is completed, the new formalized process requires billing providers to submit EVV exemption requests through the Gainwell Provider Web Portal within 30 days of the member’s attestation date. Documentation must be valid for the service and billing dates when EVV is not collected. Billing providers should review the EVV Exemption Form for instructions and requirements. 

      • Live-in Caregiver Exemption Submission Process: Once the EVV Exemption Form has been completed, billing providers will need to submit it via the Gainwell Provider Web Portal. This is completed by first logging into the Gainwell Provider Web Portal, clicking “Provider Maintenance.”, then clicking “Exemptions” and completing the EVV Exemption Request.  Once all information has been input, you will then click “Attachments and Submit” on the left-hand side of the page. From here you will add the completed EVV Exemption form and supporting documentation. Next, select the Attachment Type “Other” with the document labeled “EVV Attestation of Exemption Form” and supporting documentation, and then submit the provider maintenance request. 
      • Extenuating Circumstances Exemption Process: Before submitting this type of EVV Exemption request through the Gainwell Provider Web Portal, the requester must obtain a letter of pre-approval and an approved EVV Exemption Form from HCPF. The billing provider must then submit the pre-approval letter and the form through the Gainwell Provider Web Portal within 30 days of the member’s attestation date to complete the process. 
      • Reasonable Modification under the ADA Exemption Requirements: The Reasonable Modification under ADA (ADA Reasonable Modification) is a federally mandated accommodation that ensures individuals with disabilities have an equal opportunity to participate in programs, services, and activities when modifications are necessary to avoid discrimination based on disability. This EVV Exemption may be requested by caregivers or members who are performing the employer of record role and responsibilities. This modification requires pre-approval from HCPF and does not expire. 

      Once the application has been approved, providers will be notified by Gainwell of the approval via email, and the billing provider may begin billing for the EVV Exemption. EVV Exemption requests and approvals can be viewed in Provider Maintenance on the Exemptions page. 

      Form Maintenance  

      All billing providers are responsible for submitting and maintaining records supporting each EVV Exemption for HCPF verification and auditing. This includes collecting the EVV Exemption Form and all required supporting documentation before submitting the exemption request. Before EVV exemptions expire, billing providers will receive email notifications 60 days, 30 days, day of and 30 days after the EVV exemption form expiration date. 

      Provider Responsibilities

      Billing providers are responsible for compiling, maintaining and validating all records justifying the status of each Live-in Caregiver for HCPF verification and auditing. The EVV Exemption Form, located on the EVV Resources web page under the Live-in Caregiver Resources section, and all supporting documentation must be collected and validated prior to utilizing the Live-in Caregiver exemption. Documentation must be valid during the time of service and billing dates if EVV is not collected.

      Providers should review the EVV exemption resources, instructions, and requirements outlined in the EVV Exemption Form on the EVV Resources web page under the Live-in Caregiver Resources section.

      Billing providers are responsible for using the correct billing methodology that designates Live-in Caregiver services by claim line. Claims adjudicated as provided by a Live-in Caregiver without required Live-in Caregiver documentation or EVV records are subject to denial or recoupment.

      Consumer Directed Attendant Support Services (CDASS) Responsibilities

      CDASS Employers of Record (EOR) are responsible for compiling, maintaining, and validating all records justifying the status of a Live-in Caregiver for HCPF verification and auditing. The EVV Exemption Form and all supporting documentation must be completed by the EOR and collected by the Financial Management Service (FMS) Vendor prior to utilizing the Live-in Caregiver exemption. FMS vendors must maintain records designating the status of Live-in Caregivers. Documentation must be valid during the time of service and billing dates if EVV is not collected. EOR and FMS vendors should review the instructions and requirements outlined in the EVV Exemption Form for additional details.

      FMS vendors are responsible for using the correct billing methodology that designates Live-in Caregiver services by claim line. This process is described in the Live-in Caregiver Memo. Claims adjudicated as provided by a Live-in Caregiver without required Live-in Caregiver documentation or EVV records are subject to denial or recoupment. EOR are responsible for the validation of Live-in Caregiver documentation. If information is incorrect or falsified, recoupment liability is with the EOR. If Live-in Caregiver documentation is not collected by the FMS vendor, and EVV is not submitted, liability is with the FMS vendor.

      Operational Methods of Billing for Live-in Caregiver Services

      The transition to utilizing the Gainwell Provider Web Portal does not change the billing provider responsibilities.

      Billing providers may submit claims including both Live-in Caregiver services and services requiring EVV records at the same time. Each claim line must appropriately indicate if the service was provided by a Live-in Caregiver. If the same service is provided by both a Live-in Caregiver and a non-Live-in Caregiver, the units billed to each should be billed on separate claim lines and indicated correctly.

      For claims billed using the CMS 1500 billing methodology, Place of Service (POS) 99 must be designated for all lines where a Live-in Caregiver has delivered the service.

      For claims billed using the UB-04 billing methodology, Condition Code 23 must be designated on the claim where all lines are services delivered by a Live-in Caregiver.

      Lines representing services not delivered by a Live-in Caregiver must use the appropriate Place of Service or Condition Code as outlined in HCPF billing manuals, which may not include Place of Service 99 or Condition Code 23. Providers who have previously used POS 99 to indicate information other than Live-in Caregiver designation are advised that this POS has been repurposed to identify services provided by Live-in Caregivers. Utilizing POS 99 will require proof of Live-in Caregiver status.

      Billing providers are also encouraged to review applicable HCPF billing manuals for billing of services not delivered by an EVV exempted caregiver.

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    • Student/Observational Caregivers

      Clinical students, interns, fellows, and all other caregivers performing services as part of a training or educational role may collect EVV when under the direct supervision of another caregiver. Whoever is billing Medicaid is required to collect EVV, which may include the supervisor, supervisee, or both. This will not create any errors in the EVV records and will give an accurate account of care received by Health First Colorado members.

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    • Contracted Caregivers

      Contracted caregivers performing services for a billing provider must collect EVV records at the time of service in the EVV format utilized by the billing provider. The billing provider is responsible for submitting EVV records prior to claims.

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    • Manual Entry Guidance

      Manual Visit Entry means an EVV record input in the Provider EVV Portal after the time-of-service delivery by administratively entering all Verification Points of Data.

      Providers utilizing the State EVV Solution can find information on entering a Manual Visit Entry in the Provider EVV Portal in the EVV Agency Provider Participant Training Guide on the EVV Solution Information web page.

      Providers utilizing Provider Choice EVV Systems should reach out to vendors for information on entering a Manual Visit Entry. Provider Choice EVV Systems submit new data to HCPF which updates existing records. Providers utilizing a Provider Choice System can see the latest version of data in the Data Aggregator.

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    • Minimum Necessary

      EVV records are used to verify that services have been delivered in as real-time a method as possible. EVV technologies are not prohibited from integrating into other technologies (such as service scheduling, payroll, or electronic health records), however, only information required for the collection and submission of EVV records is necessary. Many EVV technology solutions have the capacity to collect much more information than is needed to collect and submit EVV records. HCPF recognizes that some business practices may find this capacity useful but cautions that doing so may end up creating additional administrative burden in keeping all information correct.

      HCPF only receives EVV-related data through the EVV program. If providers choose to use EVV technology for other uses, that information will not be sent to HCPF through the EVV Program.

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    • Modification Thresholds

      Electronic Visit Verification Record Modification Threshold Guidance

      Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) helps assure the excellence of care delivery to Medicaid Members in Colorado and requires all visit verification points of data to be collected at the time and place of service. HCPF considers visit details added or modified after the time of service to be modified visits. Manual visit entry is when the entire visit is added after the time of service. While HCPF recognizes the practical need for visits to be modified, doing so should only be done as an exception to normal practice and the majority of all EVV records should remain unmodified.

      The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has directed HCPF to monitor EVV records for how many modified visits are submitted per provider and determine what an appropriate proportion of modifications is in Colorado. This appropriate proportion is referred to as a Threshold. HCPF formally defines thresholds as the acceptable limit of modified and manual EVV records determined as a percent of paid claims each month.

      After claims are paid, EVV records that have been matched to claims are reviewed in a post-payment review to determine if appropriate thresholds have been met. Modified and manually entered EVV records will not automatically stop payments and may allow claims to be paid, however, exceeding thresholds persistently and intentionally could imply a need for performance improvements that may result in a HCPF audit.

      Provider Notes and Expectations

      With the initial implementation of the Colorado EVV Program, HCPF will use data collected from billing claims to evaluate the frequency of modified and manually entered EVV records.  At this time CMS does not have thresholds set for manual or modified entries and HCPF does not currently have thresholds on how many EVV records are manually entered or modified. HCPF will continue to monitor data and provide notice to EVV stakeholders of any updated guidance as it relates to thresholds. Please note the best practice is to collect EVV at the time-of-service delivery. 

      Provider Billing

      Providers are advised that exceeding thresholds surrounding modified and manual entry EVV records will not automatically stop payments. After claims are paid, EVV records that have been matched to claims are reviewed in a post-payment review to determine if appropriate thresholds have been met. If the provider modifies an EVV record already matched to a paid claim, the provider is responsible for re-billing the matched claim to ensure it still matches.

      Unmodified EVV Record

      Providers are responsible for maintaining accurate service delivery records. If the provider merges multiple EVV records and no points of the visits were modified, the record will remain an Unmodified EVV Record.

      If the provider updates EVV records indicating an alternate location and no other verification data points are modified, the record will remain an Unmodified EVV Record.

      If the provider modifies an EVV record already matched to a paid claim, the provider is responsible for re-billing the matched claim to ensure it still matches.

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    • Telemedicine/Telehealth and EVV

      Telemedicine and Telehealth are remote delivery options for Health First Colorado services that utilize interactive audio, interactive video, or interactive data communication instead of in-person contact.

      Providers delivering services requiring EVV through Telemedicine or Telehealth are responsible for the capture and reporting of EVV to HCPF, regardless of whether the provider is utilizing a Provider Choice System or the State EVV Solution. Providers utilizing Telemedicine or Telehealth should refer to the EVV Types of Service - Service Code Inclusion List located on the EVV Resources web page under HCPF Guidance section to determine if EVV is required.

      Many EVV-required services have expanded to include Telemedicine and Telehealth which may be designated by a Place of Service 02 Telehealth in Other and Place of Service 10 Telehealth in Home (for CMS 1500 methodology), or a Modifier GT (for UB-04 methodology). All EVV-appropriate services delivered through Telemedicine or Telehealth require EVV to be collected by the caregiver. Many EVV technologies automatically record the location of the caregiver providing services through Telemedicine or Telehealth, the location in the EVV record must indicate the location of the member receiving services through Telemedicine or Telehealth. Provider Agencies may utilize Alternate Location methodology as needed.

      Telemedicine and Telehealth are emerging fields and continue to develop in Colorado. Future guidance will be posted in Telemedicine resources, posted on the EVV website, and sent to affected providers as needed.

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    • Consumer Directed Attendant Support Services

      Consumer Directed Attendant Support Services (CDASS) Members are required to submit Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) records and beginning January 1, 2021, all services submitted to HCPF through your Financial Management Service vendor (FMS) must have an EVV record. HCPF has prepared this guidance specifically for CDASS Members to clarify what this means in practice here in Colorado.

      CDASS Members/Authorized Representatives (AR) are responsible for the following:

      • Ensuring Attendant collection of EVV records at the time of service. The Attendant may manually enter EVV records if the record was not collected at the time of service.
      • If an EVV record that has been submitted needs to be modified, the CDASS Member/AR is responsible for rejecting the record so that the attendant may make updates.
      • Ensuring that EVV records precede all approved service hours submitted to the FMS vendor by the designated FMS billing deadlines. This allows billing to be compared to existing EVV records.
      • If an issue arises from incorrect billing (for example, approving service hours without associated EVV records), then the CDASS Member/AR must update the EVV record and re-bill. FMS vendors are not responsible for the re-billing of incorrectly filed claims.
      • EVV is only a visit record component, it does not complete the other billing requirements for attendant reimbursement. CDASS Members/ARs are required to follow all normal business, contractual, and HCPF requirements for billing, including correct coding, timely filing, and any other HCPF requirements.
      • CDASS Members/ARs are also advised to communicate and coordinate with the FMS vendor in the case of an EVV record dispute or experiencing issues.

      Responsibilities of the CDASS Attendant:

      • Collecting EVV at the time of service by utilizing the FMS EVV App and/or Telephony options.
      • If EVV is not collected at the time of service, notify the CDASS Member so they may add or update the EVV records as needed.

      Responsibilities of the FMS vendor:

      • FMS vendors are responsible for having a system that submits required EVV records correctly to HCPF that may be billed against by CDASS Members/ARs.
      • All technical support questions regarding this system may be directed to the FMS vendor directly.

      In addition to the defined roles and responsibilities of using EVV for CDASS, please also be aware of the following:

      Thresholds refer to the proportion of manual or modified EVV entries to unmodified EVV entries.

      • Any record not collected at the time of service and then manually entered after the time of service is considered a manual entry.
      • Any record that has been modified after the time of service is considered a modified entry.
      • Any record that has not been modified in any way since the collection at the time of service is considered an unmodified entry.

      The appropriate proportion, or threshold limits, has not yet been determined as of November 2020 and CDASS Members/ARs are encouraged to focus on complying with the collection and submission of EVV records to bill correctly.

      At this time HCPF wants to ensure that those utilizing EVV are sending the necessary records and are not focused on threshold violations.

      Thresholds will not be used to deny payments but CDASS Members/ARs with abnormally high proportions of EVV records not recorded at the time of service may be subject to corrective action plans by HCPF in the future.

      • Technical use support of the FMS system should be referred to the FMS vendor for training and assistance.
      • EVV does not change the nature of CDASS and all program rules for CDASS still apply with the addition of the collection of EVV for visits.

      CDASS Members/ARs are again reminded that they act as the Employer of Record and must bill the FMS vendor correctly. Specifically, Members/ARs must bill against an EVV record on file by the FMS billing deadlines. CDASS Members/ARs may update EVV records within the CDASS Program rule timely filing and re-bill if needed as allowed within CDASS Program rules.

      Refer all EVV use questions directly to your FMS vendor to expedite issue resolution.

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    • Correcting Client IDs

      State EVV Solution: The provider will need to end date the client ID with the incorrect Medicaid ID and re-enter the client. Then, fix any visits associated with the client. 

      If additional assistance is required, contact Sandata and give the following information when requesting help with a client ID that was entered incorrectly in Sandata:

      • STX Account Number
      • Client First/Last Name
      • Client ID (Santrax ID)
      • Wrong Medicaid ID
      • Correct Medicaid ID

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  1. Home Health Agency Parent/Branches and EVV

    In instances where a Home Health Agency (HHA) has multiple branches affiliated with a single tax identification number, Medicare allows for billing from a single ("Parent") NPI, and Colorado Medicaid requires billing from each branch NPI. Providers are advised that when billing from each branch NPI, all corresponding documentation, including Electronic Visit Verification (EVV), must reflect the branch NPI billing for services.

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  2. EVV Types of Service

    Similar services are grouped into Colorado EVV Types of Service to reduce administrative burden during service delivery. Rather than having caregivers record each billing code at the time of service, only the "Type of Service" is needed. This drastically reduces the administrative burden for both caregivers working with Medicaid Members as well as provider administrators responsible for maintaining EVV records.

    Caregivers and Administrators interested in each type of service should refer to the "EVV Types of Service Summary Table" below.

    Billing providers interested in which billing codes are included in each Type of Service, as well as the specific circumstances in which they apply, should refer to the next section "EVV Types of Service Billing Conditions and Code Inclusions.

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    1. Colorado EVV Types of Service Summary Table

      The following Types of Service are used by caregivers at the time of service and administrators maintaining EVV records:

      TVV CodeGroup CodeTelephony Prompt for Read backService Text Selection for Mobile
      101CDASSConsumer Directed Attendant Support Services (CDASS)CDASS
      102SLSHMConsumer Directed Attendant Support Services SLS Health MaintenanceCDASS SLS HMA
      103BHSVCHCBS Behavioral ServicesBehavioral Services
      105IHSSIn-Home Support ServicesIn-Home Support Services (IHSS)
      106PRSNLHCBS Personal CarePersonal Care
      108LSTSkills Training ILST/LSTIndependent Living Skills Training (ILST) and Life Skills Training (LST)
      109HHNURHome Health - NursingHome Health - Nursing
      110HHBASHome Health - BasicHome Health - Basic
      111HHPTHome Health - PTHome Health - Physical Therapy
      112HHOTHome Health - OTHome Health - Occupational Therapy
      113HHSLTHome Health - S/LTHome Health - Speech/Language Therapy
      114PDRNPrivate Duty NursingPrivate Duty Nursing
      117PEDPCPediatric Personal CarePediatric Personal Care Services
      118PEDBTPed Behavioral TherapiesPediatric Behavioral Therapies
      119PTPhysical TherapyPhysical Therapy
      120OTOccupational TherapyOccupational Therapy
      121SLTSpeech TherapySpeech Therapy


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    2. Colorado EVV Types of Service Billing Conditions and Code Inclusions

      This section lists all billing conditions and codes included in each corresponding Colorado EVV Types of Service. All service descriptions are for reference only. If there is a difference in descriptions between this manual and reference coding books or Health First Colorado billing manuals located on the Billing Manuals web page, providers must adhere to that advice.

      All billing codes listed in this document will require the corresponding EVV Type of Service on file as part of a verified EVV to correctly bill Health First Colorado. If a service code or condition of service delivery is not mentioned in this section, it does not require an EVV record at the time of publication. All billing codes and conditions are subject to change.

      The EVV Types of Service in Colorado below are found in this manual:

      1. Behavioral Therapies
      2. Consumer Directed Attendant Support Services (CDASS)
      3. Consumer Directed Attendant Support Services (CDASS) SLS Health Maintenance
      4. Home Health - Basic (Certified Nurse Aid)
      5. Home Health - Nursing
      6. Home Health - Occupational Therapy
      7. Home Health - Physical Therapy
      8. Home Health - Speech/Language Therapy
      9. Homemaker
      10. Independent Living Skills Training (ILST) and Life Skills Training (LST)
      11. In-Home Support Services (IHSS)
      12. Occupational Therapy
      13. Pediatric Behavioral Therapy
      14. Pediatric Personal Care
      15. Personal Care
      16. Physical Therapy
      17. Private Duty Nursing
      18. Respite and Youth Day
      19. Speech Therapy
    • Behavioral Therapies

      • Used by HCBS Providers (Billing Provider Type 36).
      • Applicable in all locations except Place of Service 11 (Office).
      • Behavioral Consultations and Behavioral Plan Assessments billed with Place of Service 11 (Office) do not require EVV.
      • All billing codes associated with EVV Type of Service "Behavioral Therapies" are:
      ProcedureModifiersService Description
      H2019U3  Behavioral Line Staff (Developmental Disabilities Waiver)
      H2019U8  Behavioral Line Staff (Supported Living Services Waiver)
      H2019U322TGBehavioral Consultation (Developmental Disabilities Waiver)
      H2019U822TGBehavioral Consultation (Supported Living Services Waiver)
      H2019U3TFTGBehavioral Counseling (Developmental Disabilities Waiver)
      H2019U8TFTGBehavioral Counseling (Supported Living Services Waiver)
      H2019U3TFHQBehavioral Counseling, Group (Developmental Disabilities Waiver)
      H2019U8TFHQBehavioral Counseling, Group (Supported Living Services Waiver)
      T2024U322 Behavioral Plan Assessment (Developmental Disabilities Waiver)
      T2024U822 Behavioral Plan Assessment (Supported Living Services Waiver)


      Back to Inclusions List

      Consumer Directed Attendant Support Services (CDASS)

      • Used by HCBS Providers (Billing Provider Type 36).
      • Applicable in all locations.
      • All billing codes associated with EVV Type of Service "Consumer Directed Attendant Support Services (CDASS)" are:
      ProcedureModifiersService Description
      T2025U8 Consumer Directed Attendant Support Service - Enhanced Homemaker, Homemaker, Personal Care (Supported Living Services Waiver)
      T2025U1 Consumer Directed Attendant Support Service - Health Maintenance, Homemaker, Personal Care (Elderly, Blind, and Disabled Waiver)
      T2025UA Consumer Directed Attendant Support Services - Health Maintenance, Homemaker, Personal Care (Community Mental Health Supports Waiver)
      T2025U6 Consumer Directed Attendant Support Service - Health Maintenance, Homemaker, Personal Care (Brain Injury Waiver)
      T2025U1SCConsumer Directed Attendant Support Service - Health Maintenance, Homemaker, Personal Care (Complementary and Integrative Health Waiver)

      Back to Inclusions List

      Consumer Directed Attendant Support Services (CDASS) SLS Health Maintenance

      • Used by HCBS Providers (Billing Provider Type 36).
      • Applicable in all locations.
      • All billing codes associated with EVV Type of Service "CDASS SLS Health Maintenance service" is:
      ProcedureModifiersService Description
      T2025U8SEConsumer Directed Attendant Support Services - Health Maintenance (Supported Living Services Waiver)


      Back to Inclusions List

      Home Health - Basic (Certified Nurse Aid)

      • Used by Home Health Agencies (Billing Provider Type 10).
      • Applicable in all locations.
      • All billing codes associated with "Home Health - CNA" services are:
      RevenueService Description
      570Home Health Aide Basic (Acute)
      571Home Health Aide Basic (Long-Term)
      572Home Health Aide Extended (Acute)
      579Home Health Aide Extended (Long-Term)


      Back to Inclusions List

      Home Health - Nursing

      • Used by Home Health Agencies (Billing Provider Type 10).
      • Applicable in all locations.
      • All billing codes associated with "Home Health - RN" services are:
      RevenueService Description
      550RN/LPN Standard Visit (Acute)
      551RN/LPN Standard Visit (Long-Term)
      590Uncomplicated Nursing (Brief Visit 1st of Day)
      599Uncomplicated Nursing Visit (Visit 2+ of Day)


      Back to Inclusions List

      Home Health - Occupational Therapy

      • Used by Home Health Agencies (Billing Provider Type 10).
      • Applicable in all locations.
      • Occupational Therapists providing services that are billed with procedure codes instead of revenue codes through a Home Health Agency are advised to refer to the Occupational Therapy Service Type
      • All billing codes associated with "Home Health - Occupational Therapy" services are:
      RevenueService Description
      430Occupational Therapy (Acute)
      431Occupational Therapy (Long-Term)
      434Occupational Therapy for HCBS Home Mod Evaluation


      Back to Inclusions List

      Home Health - Physical Therapy

      • Used by Home Health Agencies (Billing Provider Type 10).
      • Applicable in all locations.
      • Physical Therapists providing services that are billed with procedure codes instead of revenue codes through a Home Health Agency are advised to refer to the Physical Therapy Service Type
      • All billing codes associated with "Home Health - Physical Therapy" services are:
      RevenueService Description
      420Physical Therapy (Acute)
      421Physical Therapy (Long-Term)
      424Physical Therapy for HCBS Home Mod Evaluation


      Back to Inclusions List

      Home Health - Speech/Language Therapy

      • Used by Home Health Agencies (Billing Provider Type 10).
      • Applicable in all locations.
      • Speech/Language Therapists providing services that are billed with procedure codes instead of revenue codes through a Home Health Agency are advised to refer to the Speech/Language Therapy Service Type
      • All billing codes associated with "Home Health - Speech/Language Therapy" services are:
      RevenueService Description
      440Speech/ Language Therapy (Acute)
      441Speech/ Language Therapy (Long-Term)


      Back to Inclusions List


      • Used by HCBS Providers (Billing Provider Type 36)
      • Applicable in all locations
      • All billing codes associated with "Homemaker" services are:
      ProcedureModifiersService Description
      S5130U1   Homemaker (Elderly, Blind, and Disabled Waiver)
      S5130U1HX  Homemaker (Elderly, Blind, and Disabled Waiver), Denver County
      S5130UA   Homemaker (Community Mental Health Supports Waiver)
      S5130UAHX  Homemaker (Community Mental Health Supports Waiver), Denver County
      S5130U1SC  Homemaker (Complementary and Integrative Health Waiver)
      S5130U1SCHX Homemaker (Complementary and Integrative Health Waiver), Denver County
      S5130U8   Homemaker - Basic (Supported Living Services Waiver)
      S5130U8HX  Homemaker - Basic (Supported Living Services Waiver), Denver County
      S5130U7   Homemaker - Basic (Children's Extensive Supports Waiver)
      S5130U7HX  Homemaker - Basic (Children's Extensive Supports Waiver), Denver County
      S5130U7HAHIHXHomemaker - Basic, Parental Provision (Children's Extensive Supports Waiver), Denver County
      S5130U822  Homemaker - Enhanced (Supported Living Services Waiver)
      S5130U822HX Homemaker - Enhanced (Supported Living Services Waiver), Denver County
      S5130U722  Homemaker - Enhanced (Children's Extensive Supports Waiver)
      S5130U722HX Homemaker - Enhanced (Children's Extensive Supports Waiver), Denver County
      S5130U7HAHX Homemaker - Enhanced, Parental Provision (Children's Extensive Supports Waiver), Denver County

      Back to Inclusions List


      Independent Living Skills Training (ILST) and Life Skills Training (LST)

      • Used by HCBS Providers (Billing Provider Type 36).
      • Applicable in all locations.
      • All billing codes associated with "Independent Living Skills Training (ILST) and Life Skills Training (LST)" are:
      ProcedureModifiersService Description
      T2013U6 Independent Living Skills Training (Brain Injury Waiver)
      H2014UA Life Skills Training (Community Mental Health Supports Waiver)
      H2014U1 Life Skills Training (Elderly, Blind, and Disabled Waiver)
      H2014U1SCLife Skills Training (Complementary and Integrative Health Waiver)
      H2014U8 Life Skills Training (Supported Living Services Waiver)


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      In-Home Support Services (IHSS)

      • Used by HCBS Providers (Billing Provider Type 36).
      • Applicable in all locations.
      • All billing codes associated with "In-Home Support Services (IHSS)" are:
      ProcedureModifiersService Description
      H0038U5   In-Home Support Services (IHSS) - Health Maintenance (Children's Home and Community Based Services Waiver)
      H0038U5HX  In-Home Support Services (IHSS) - Health Maintenance (Children's Home and Community Based Services Waiver), Denver County
      H0038U1   In-Home Support Services (IHSS) - Health Maintenance (Elderly, Blind, and Disabled Waiver)
      H0038U1HX  In-Home Support Services (IHSS) - Health Maintenance (Elderly, Blind, and Disabled Waiver), Denver County
      S5130U1KX  In-Home Support Services (IHSS) - Homemaker (Elderly, Blind, and Disabled Waiver)
      S5130U1KXHX In-Home Support Services (IHSS) - Homemaker (Elderly, Blind, and Disabled Waiver), Denver County
      T1019U1KX  In-Home Support Services (IHSS) - Personal Care (Elderly, Blind, and Disabled Waiver)
      T1019U1HRKX In-Home Support Services (IHSS) - Relative Personal Care (Elderly, Blind, and Disabled Waiver)
      H0038U1SC  In-Home Support Services (IHSS) - Health Maintenance (Complementary and Integrative Health Waiver)
      H0038U1SCHX In-Home Support Services (IHSS) - Health Maintenance (Complementary and Integrative Health Waiver), Denver County
      S5130U1SCKX In-Home Support Services (IHSS) - Homemaker (Complementary and Integrative Health Waiver)
      S5130U1SCKXHXIn-Home Support Services (IHSS) - Homemaker (Complementary and Integrative Health Waiver), Denver County
      T1019U1SCKX In-Home Support Services (IHSS) - Personal Care (Complementary and Integrative Health Waiver)
      T1019U1SCTF In-Home Support Services (IHSS) - Relative Personal Care (Complementary and Integrative Health Waiver)
      T1019U1SCTFHXIn-Home Support Services (IHSS) - Relative Personal Care (Complementary and Integrative Health Waiver), Denver County


      Back to Inclusions List

      Occupational Therapy

      • Used by Occupational Therapy providers (Billing Provider Types 16, 25, 28, and 48)
      • Applicable in Places of Service 4, 12, 15, 16, 18, or 99.
      • Occupational Therapy providers are ineligible for Live-in Caregiver designation.
      • All billing codes associated with "Occupational Therapy" are:


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      Pediatric Behavioral Therapy

      • Used by Pediatric Behavioral Therapy providers (Billing Provider Types 16, 24, 25, 37, 38, 83, and 84)
      • Applicable in Places of Service 12 and 99.
      • Pediatric Behavioral Therapy providers are ineligible for Live-in Caregiver designation.
      • All billing codes associated with "Pediatric Behavioral Therapy" are:
      RevenueModifierService Description
      97153 Adaptive behavior treatment by protocol, administered by a technician under the direction of a qualified health care professional to one patient, each 15 minutes
      97154 Adaptive behavior treatment by protocol, administered by a technician under the direction of a qualified health care professional to multiple patients, each 15 minutes
      97155 Adaptive behavior treatment with protocol modification administered by a qualified health care professional to one patient, each 15 minutes
      97158 Group adaptive behavior treatment with protocol modification administered by a qualified health care professional to multiple patients, each 15 minutes
      97151 Behavior identification assessment, face-to-face with patient and caregiver(s), includes administration of standardized and non-standardized tests, detailed behavioral history, patient observation, and caregiver interview, interpretation of test results, discussion of findings and recommendations with the primary guardian(s)/caregiver(s), and preparation of the report.
      97151TJBehavior identification re-assessment, limited to 2 units per six months, each 30 minutes


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      Pediatric Personal Care

      • Used by Personal Care Agencies (Billing Provider Type 60)
      • Applicable in Places of Service 2 and 12.
      • Personal Care provided by HCBS Providers (Billing Provider Type 36) also requires EVV as well and is in the "Personal Care" section.
      • The billing code associated with "Pediatric Personal Care" is:
      RevenueModifierService Description
      T1019 Pediatric Personal Care Service


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      Personal Care

      • Used by HCBS Providers (Billing Provider Type 36)
      • Applicable in all locations
      • Pediatric Personal Care provided by Personal Care Agencies (Billing Provider Type 60) also requires EVV as well and is in the "Pediatric Personal Care" section
      • All billing codes associated with "Personal Care" are:
      RevenueModifiersService Description
      T1019U1  Personal Care (Elderly, Blind, and Disabled Waiver)
      T1019UA  Personal Care (Community Mental Health Supports Waiver)
      T1019U6  Personal Care (Brain Injury Waiver)
      T1019U1SC Personal Care (Complementary and Integrative Health Waiver)
      T1019U8  Personal Care (Supported Living Services Waiver)
      T1019U7  Personal Care (Children's Extensive Supports Waiver)
      T1019U1HR Personal Care - Relative (Elderly, Blind, and Disabled Waiver)
      T1019UAHR Personal Care - Relative (Community Mental Health Supports Waiver)
      T1019U6HR Personal Care - Relative (Brain Injury Waiver)
      T1019U1SCHRPersonal Care - Relative (Complementary and Integrative Health Waiver)


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      Physical Therapy

      • Used by Physical Therapy providers (Billing Provider Types 16, 17, 25, and 48)
      • Applicable in Places of Service 4, 12, 15, 16, 18, or 99.
      • Physical Therapy providers are ineligible for Live-in Caregiver designation.
      • All billing codes associated with "Physical Therapy" are:


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      Private Duty Nursing

      • Used by Home Health Agencies (Billing Provider Type 10).
      • Applicable in all locations.
      • All billing codes associated with "Private Duty Nursing" are:
      ProcedureService Description (Physical Therapy)
      552Private Duty Nursing -RN
      559Private Duty Nursing -LPN
      580Private Duty Nursing -RN (group-per-client)
      581Private Duty Nursing - LPN (group-per-client)
      582Blended Group rate (RN/LPN)


      Back to Inclusions List

      Respite and Youth Day

      • Used by HCBS Providers (Billing Provider Type 36).
      • Applicable in all locations.
      • All billing codes associated with "Respite and Youth Day" are:
      ProcedureModifiers Service Description
      S5150U6  Respite - In-Home (Brain Injury Waiver)
      S5150U6HX Respite - In-Home (Brain Injury Waiver), Denver County
      S5150U7  Respite - Individual (Children's Extensive Supports Waiver)
      S5150U7HX Respite - Individual (Children's Extensive Supports Waiver), Denver County
      S5151U7  Respite - Individual, Per Diem (Children's Extensive Supports Waiver)
      S5151U7HX Respite - Individual, Per Diem (Children's Extensive Supports Waiver), Denver County
      S5151U7HQ Respite - Group (Children's Extensive Supports Waiver)
      S5150U9HA Individual - In Family Home (15 minutes) (Children's Habilitation Residential Program Waiver)
      S5150U9HAHXIndividual - In Family Home (15 minutes) (Children's Habilitation Residential Program Waiver), Denver County
      S5151U9HA Individual - In Family Home (Day) (Children's Habilitation Residential Program Waiver)
      S5151U9HAHXIndividual - In Family Home (Day) (Children's Habilitation Residential Program Waiver), Denver County
      T1005UD  Respite - CNA (4 hours or less) (Children with Life-Limiting Illness Waiver)
      T1005UDHX Respite - CNA (4 hours or less) (Children with Life-Limiting Illness Waiver), Denver County
      S9125UD  Respite - CNA (4 hours or more) (Children with Life-Limiting Illness Waiver)
      S9125UDHX Respite - CNA (4 hours or more) (Children with Life-Limiting Illness Waiver), Denver County
      T1005UDTD Respite - Skilled RN/LPN (4 hours or less) (Children with Life-Limiting Illness Waiver)
      T1005UDTDHXRespite - Skilled RN/LPN (4 hours or less) (Children with Life-Limiting Illness Waiver), Denver County
      S9125UDTD Respite - Skilled RN/LPN (4 hours or more) (Children with Life-Limiting Illness Waiver)
      S9125UDTDHXRespite - Skilled RN/LPN (4 hours or more) (Children with Life-Limiting Illness Waiver), Denver County
      S5150UD  Respite - Unskilled (4 hours or less) (Children with Life-Limiting Illness Waiver)
      S5150UDHX Respite - Unskilled (4 hours or less) (Children with Life-Limiting Illness Waiver), Denver County
      S5151UD  Respite - Unskilled (4 hours or more) (Children with Life-Limiting Illness Waiver)
      S5151UDHX Respite - Unskilled (4 hours or more) (Children with Life-Limiting Illness Waiver), Denver County
      S5150U1  Respite - In-Home (Elderly, Blind, and Disabled Waiver)
      S5150U1HX Respite - In-Home (Elderly, Blind, and Disabled Waiver), Denver County
      S5151U8HQ Respite - Group (Supported Living Services Waiver)
      S5150U1SC Respite - In-Home (Complementary and Integrative Health Waiver)
      S5150U1SCHXRespite - In-Home (Complementary and Integrative Health Waiver), Denver County
      S5150U8  Respite - Individual (Supported Living Services Waiver)
      S5150U8HX Respite - Individual (Supported Living Services Waiver), Denver County
      S5151U8  Respite - Individual - Day (Supported Living Services Waiver)
      S5151U8HX Respite - Individual - Day (Supported Living Services Waiver), Denver County
      T2027U7HQ Youth Day Services - Group (Children's Extensive Supports Waiver)
      T2027U7  Youth Day Services - Individual (Children's Extensive Supports Waiver)


      Back to Inclusions List

      Speech Therapy

      • Used by Speech Therapy providers (Billing Provider Types 16, 25, 27, and 48)
      • Applicable in Places of Service 4, 12, 15, 16, 18, or 99.
      • Speech Therapy providers are ineligible for Live-in Caregiver designation.
      • All billing codes associated with Speech Therapy are:

      Back to Inclusions List

  3. Appendix A: Alternate Location Guidance for State EVV Solution

    Correcting EVV Locations After the Caregiver has Completed the Visit

    All EVV records may be updated to reflect actual locations of service delivered. Providers are responsible for reporting correct EVV and billing appropriately.

    Caregiver notification (if needed)Provider Agency creates and fixes EVV record Exception
    • Report any relevant information on actual service delivery location and reasoning to the Provider Agency
    • Search for the visit in "Visit Maintenance"
    • Select "Exceptions" and select "Location Required"
    • Select the reason code, "Manual Entry"
    • Enter the actual location in the prompted "Reason Note" field


    Alternate Location using Mobile Visit Verification (MVV/Mobile App)

    Though the mobile application should capture a GPS location, if service is being delivered at a location other than what is recorded, Alternate Locations may be entered.

    Caregiver notates Alternate Location from the mobile applicationProvider Agency fixes MVV record Exception
    • At the end of service delivery, log into MVV (the Home screen shows the visit is in progress)
    • Select "Resume Visit" (blue button)
    • Select "Add Tasks" (blue button)
    • Check "Alternate Location" (check box)
    • Select "Complete Visit" (blue button)
    • Select "Confirm" (blue button)
    • Report the actual location of service delivery and reasoning to the Provider Agency.
    • "Location Required" Exception must be acknowledged in the Provider EVV Portal.
    • Of the reason code options, select "Location captured by MVV/TVV incorrect"
    • Enter the actual location in the prompted "Reason Note" field.


    Alternate Locations using Telephony Visit Verification (TVV)

    Providers may enter all known phone numbers in the Client Module of the Provider EVV Portal. The primary address listed will link to all entered phone numbers in the Client file when TVV is used. If calling from a known phone number but service is delivered at a location other than the client's primary address (for example using the client's cell phone while in the community), an Alternate Location must be noted:

    Caregiver notates Alternate Location from a known phone numberProvider Agency fixes TVV record Exception
    • During the TVV call-out process, when prompted to "enter the number of tasks" - enter "1".
    • When prompted to "enter task ID", enter "1". (This notates an Alternate Location Exception to the Provider Agency.)
    • When prompted for any additional tasks, enter "0".
    • The Exception "Location Required" must be acknowledged in the Provider EVV Portal.
    • Of the Reason Code options prompted, select "Location captured by MVV/TVV incorrect".
    • After completing the TVV call, report the actual location of service delivery and reasoning to the Provider Agency.
    • Enter the actual location of service delivery in the prompted "Reason Note" field.


    Caregivers may call from a phone number that is not entered in the Client Module of the Provider Portal to record EVV, however, a call from an unrecognized number will be recorded as an "unknown phone number" and will trigger an Exception that must be fixed.

    Caregiver notates Alternate Location from an unknown phone numberProvider Agency fixes TVV record Exception
    • Calling from a number not associated with the client automatically creates an Exception, further notation is not needed from the caregiver.
    • After completing the TVV call, report the actual location of service delivery and reasoning to the Provider Agency.
    • The Exception "Unmatched Client ID/ Phone" must be acknowledged in the Provider EVV Portal
    • Of the Reason Code options prompted, select "Location captured by MVV/TVV incorrect"
    • Enter the actual location in the prompted "Reason Note" field.


    Manual Visit EVV Records

    If no EVV data is recorded at the Time of Service, a Manual Visit entry may be entered. The State EVV Solution requires the location component of Manual Entries to be entered as a Reason Note:

    Caregiver requests a Manual Visit to EVVProvider Agency enters a Manual Visit EVV record
    • Report any relevant information on actual service delivery location and reasoning to the Provider Agency
    • In the Visit Maintenance screen, select "Create Call" (top right)
    • Search for and select a client (select next)
    • Search for and select an employee (select next)
    • Enter the Date, Time, and Service (select finish)
    • Find the call created in Visit Maintenance then:
      • In the Tasks tab, select the Alternate Location task
      • In the Exceptions tab, fix the "Location Required" Exception and select the "Manual Entry" reason code
      • Enter the actual location in the prompted "Reason Note" field


    If using the optional Scheduling Module within the State EVV Solution, a scheduled visit that has not been recorded by a caregiver at the Time of Service may be entered as a Manual Visit by adding the times of service and location:

    Caregiver requests a Manual Visit EVV for a scheduled visit after completion of services
    Provider Agency enters a Manual Visit EVV record for a scheduled visit after the caregiver has completed the service
    • Report any relevant information on actual service delivery location and reasoning to the Provider Agency
    • Find the scheduled visit in Visit Maintenance
    • Select "Call Log"
    • Manually enter call times and select "Manual Entry" reason code when prompted
    • Enter the actual physical location in the prompted "Reason Note" field


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  4. Appendix B: EVV Live-in Caregiver Attestation

    The EVV Exemption Form is available as a fillable PDF on the EVV Resources web page under the Live-in Caregiver Resources section. The EVV Exemption Form also may be printed from the following pages and filled out manually.

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  5. Version History

    This program manual will be updated on the EVV Resources web page to reflect the current state of the Colorado EVV program. As items are added or modified a short note will indicate the version date.

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