Mail Order Prescriptions - Provider Information

Please note that Health First Colorado does not pay for nor reimburse pharmacies for delivery fees. Delivery and mail order services are completely optional services for each pharmacy. If a pharmacy doesn’t offer mail delivery, members may use the Find a Doctor tool to find another pharmacy that may offer this service.

Members of Health First Colorado (Colorado's Medicaid program) have the option to get their outpatient medications through mail delivery. New or refill prescriptions for chronic conditions may be written for as much as a 100-day supply.

Local and out-of-state retail pharmacies may provide mail delivery prescriptions for Medicaid members if they are enrolled with the Health First Colorado program and are registered and in good standing with the State Board of Pharmacy.

Pharmacies specifically enrolled as a Mail Order pharmacy, specialty type 460, may only bill for outpatient maintenance medications for chronic conditions. Maintenance medications are prescription medications taken on a regular basis, treating a wide range of ongoing or long-term conditions and illnesses. Pharmacies enrolled specifically as Mail Order will receive denials for non-maintenance medications.

To enroll as a Health First Colorado provider, please see the Provider Enrollment page. For member information, please refer to the Mail Order Prescriptions page.

If you have further questions, please contact the Pharmacy Liaison at 303-866-3588.