Pharmacy Billing Manual


Pharmacy Requirements and Benefits

This pharmacy billing manual explains many of the Colorado Department of Health Care Policy & Financing's (the Department) policies regarding billing, provider responsibilities, and program benefits. Providers should also consult the Code of Colorado Regulations (10 C.C.R. 2505-10 Volume 8) for further guidance regarding benefits and billing requirements.

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1990 OBRA Rebate Program

Federal regulation requires that drug manufacturers sign a national rebate agreement with the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) to participate in the state Medical Assistance Program. Drugs produced by companies that have signed a rebate agreement (participating companies) are generally a Health First Colorado program benefit, but may be subject to restrictions. In addition, some products are excluded from coverage and are listed in the Restricted Products section. Health First Colorado does not provide reimbursement for products by manufacturers that have not signed a rebate agreement unless the Department has determined that the availability of the drug is essential.

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Prior Authorization Request (PAR) Process

Most drugs that are considered regular Health First Colorado benefits do not require a prior authorization request (PAR). Certain restricted drugs require prior authorization before they are covered as a benefit of the medical assistance program.

The procedure to request a PAR and the medications that require a PAR are outlined in Appendix P - Pharmacy Benefit Prior Authorization Procedures and Criteria located on the Pharmacy Resources web page.

PARs are reviewed by the Department or the pharmacy benefit manager. All pharmacy PARs must be telephoned, faxed, or submitted via Real Time Prior Authorization via EHR, by the prescribing physician or physician's agent to the Pharmacy Benefit Manager Support Center. Notification of PAR approval or denial is sent to each of the following parties:

  • Requesting physician
  • Proposed rendering provider (if identified on the PAR)

A PAR denial notification letter is sent to members. This letter identifies the member's appeal rights. Only members have the right to appeal a PAR decision.

The physician should provide the information by phone or fax if additional information is requested to process the PAR.

Approval of a PAR does not guarantee payment. PARs only assure that the approved service is medically necessary and considered a benefit of the Health First Colorado program. All claims, including those for prior authorized services, must meet claim submission requirements before payment can be made. Some claim submission requirements include timely filing, eligibility requirements, pursuit of third-party resources, and required attachments included. A PAR approval does not override any of the claim submission requirements.

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Medications Requiring a PAR

  • Certain restricted drugs
  • Non-preferred agents subject to the Preferred Drug List (PDL)
  • Preferred agents with clinical criteria attached to the medication and all non-preferred agents subject to the Preferred Drug List (PDL)
  • Over-the-Counter (OTC) drugs that are not a regular Health First Colorado program benefit
  • Intravenous (IV) solutions with clinical criteria attached to the medication
  • Total Parenteral Nutrition (TPN) therapy and drugs

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Primary Insurance and PAR Requirements

If a member has Medicaid as their secondary insurance and their primary insurance covers a medication, but Health First Colorado requires a prior authorization for the medication, the pharmacy or provider may request a prior authorization override by contacting the Prime Therapeutics Helpdesk at 1-800-424-5725.

Note: This prior authorization override request with the Helpdesk only applies when claim records indicate that primary insurance was successfully billed first and the medication must be a covered pharmacy benefit. Refer to Appendix P and/or the Preferred Drug List (PDL) located on the Pharmacy Resources web page to find out if a medication is a covered pharmacy benefit.

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Guidelines Used by the Department for Determining PAR Criteria

In determining what drugs should be subject to prior authorization, the following criteria is used:

  • Significance of impact on the health of the Health First Colorado program population
  • Required monitoring of prescribing protocols to protect both the long-term efficacy of the drug and the public health
  • Potential for, or a history of, drug diversion and other illegal utilization
  • Appearance of the Health First Colorado program usage in amounts inconsistent with non- medical assistance program usage patterns, after adjusting for population characteristics
  • Clinical safety and efficacy compared to other drugs in that class of medications
  • Availability of more cost-effective comparable alternatives
  • Procedures where inappropriate utilization has been reported in medical literature
  • Performing auditing services with constant review on drug utilization

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Generic Mandate

Most brand-name drugs with a generic therapeutic equivalent are not covered by the Health First Colorado program.

Members can receive a brand name drug without a PAR if:

  • Only a brand name drug is manufactured.
  • A generic drug is not therapeutically equivalent to the brand name drug.
  • The Department has determined the final cost of the brand name drug is less expensive and no clinical criteria is attached to the medication.
  • The drug is for the treatment of:
    • Mental illness as defined in C.R.S 10-16-104 (5.5),
    • Treatment of cancer,
    • Treatment of epilepsy, or
    • Treatment of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS).

Members may receive a brand name drug with a PAR if:

  • A member has tried the generic equivalent but is unable to continue treatment on the generic drug and criteria is met for medication.
  • The physician is of an opinion that a transition to the generic equivalent of a brand-name drug would be unacceptably disruptive to the patient's stabilized drug regimen and criteria is met for medication.

Refer to the Pharmacy Prior Authorization Form located on the Pharmacy Resources web page under the Pharmacy Prior Authorization Request section.

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Dispensing Requirements


Refill Too Soon Policy

For DEA Schedule 2 through 5 drugs, 85 percent of the days' supply of the last fill must lapse before a drug can be filled again. For non-scheduled drugs, 75 percent of the days' supply of the last fill must lapse before a drug can be filled again. A 7.5 percent tolerance is allowed between fills for Synagis. If the appropriate numbers of days have not lapsed, the claim will be denied as a refill-too-soon unless there has been a change in the dosing. For non-mail order transactions, there is a maximum 20-day accumulation allowed every rolling 180 days. If a Medicaid member enters or leaves a nursing facility, the member may require a refill-too-soon override in order to receive his or her drugs. A PAR must be submitted by contacting the Pharmacy Benefit Manager Support Center.

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Tamper Resistant Prescription Pads

All Health First Colorado providers are required to use tamper-resistant prescription pads for written prescriptions. This requirement stems from the Social Security Act, 42 U.S.C. 1396b (i) (23), which lists three (3) different characteristics to be integrated into the manufacture of prescription pads. Prescriptions must be written on tamper-resistant prescription pads that meet all three (3) of the stated characteristics. Visit the Pharmacy Resources web page for more information about Tamper-Resistant Prescription Pads/Paper requirements and features.

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Compounded Prescriptions

A compounded prescription (a prescription where two [2] or more ingredients are combined to achieve a desired therapeutic effect) must be submitted on the same claim. A PAR is only necessary if an ingredient in the compound is subject to prior authorization. Pharmacies may use the number 8 in Field # 420-DK instead of obtaining a PA for non-covered ingredients to allow the claim to pay for the ingredients that are considered a covered benefit. The Health First Colorado program does not pay a compounding fee.

SNO-MED is a required field for compounds - the route of administration is required-NCPDP # ROUTE OF ADMINISTRATION (Field # 995-E2).

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Maximum Day Supply

Unless otherwise communicated in the PDL or Appendix P, maintenance medications may be filled for up to a 100-day supply, and non-maintenance medications may be filled for up to a 30-day supply.

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Incremental Fills and/or Prescription Splitting

Prescriptions generally cannot be dispensed in quantities less than the physician ordered unless the quantity ordered is more than a 100-day supply for maintenance medications or more than a 30-day supply for non-maintenance medications.

Exception for DEA Schedule II medications: Initial Incremental fills are allowed for DEA Schedule II prescription drugs dispensed to ALL members. Subsequent incremental fills for DEA Schedule II prescription medications are allowed for members residing in a Long Term Care facility based on NCPDP requirements.

Please Note: Incremental and subsequent fills are not permitted for compounded prescriptions. Incremental and subsequent fills may not be transferred from one (1) pharmacy to another. The standard drug ingredient reimbursement methodology applies to the quantity dispensed with each fill. Incremental and subsequent fills must be dispensed within 60 days of the prescribed date.

All claims for incremental and subsequent fills require valid values in the following fields:

  • Quantity Prescribed (Field # 460-ET) for ALL DEA Schedule II prescription drugs, regardless of incremental or full-quantity fills
  • Quantity Intended To Be Dispensed (Field # 344-HF)
  • Days Supply Intended To Be Dispensed (Field # 345-HG)

Note: if a pharmacy submits a claim for a non-Schedule II medication and includes a value for quantity prescribed, it must be a valid value. Submitting a quantity dispensed greater than quantity prescribed will result in a denied claim.

Refer to the payer sheet grid below for more detailed requirements regarding each field.

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Emergency Three (3)-Day Supply

In an emergency, when a PAR cannot be obtained in time to fill the prescription, pharmacies may dispense a 72-hour supply (three (3) days) of covered outpatient prescription drugs to an eligible member by contacting the Pharmacy Support Center. An emergency is any condition that is life-threatening or requires immediate medical intervention.

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Lost/Stolen/Damaged/Vacation Prescriptions

The Department does not pay for early refills when needed for a vacation supply.

The Health First Colorado program will cover lost, stolen or damaged medications once per lifetime for each member. Pharmacies must contact the Pharmacy Support Center for overrides for lost, stolen, or damaged prescriptions. If a member calls the call center, the member will be directed to have the pharmacy call for the override. Stolen prescriptions will no longer require a copy of the police report to be submitted to the Department before approval will be granted. The replacement request and verification must be submitted to the Department within 60 days of the last refill of the medication.

Note: If the medication was lost or damaged as a result of a natural disaster, the replacement of the medication will not count toward the once-per-lifetime limit.

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In addition to any other requirements at 3 CCR 719-1 Section 1.00.18, a pharmacist or pharmacist designee shall offer counseling regarding the drug therapy to each Health First Colorado member with a new or refill prescription if the pharmacist or pharmacist designee believes that it is in the best interest of the member. The offer to counsel shall be face-to-face communication whenever practical or by telephone. A pharmacist shall not be required to counsel a member or caregiver when the member or caregiver refuses such consultation. The pharmacist or pharmacist designee shall keep records indicating when counseling was not or could not be provided. These records must be maintained for at least seven (7) years.

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Dispense As Written (DAW) Override Codes

DAW CodeDAW DescriptionActionDescription
DAW 0No Product Selection IndicatedAllowClaims with generic products or single-source brand name products with no generics allowed. Claims with multi-source brands with available generic formulations, NCPDP UU: Daw 0 Cannot Be Submitted Ms Drug W/Avail Generics/50740: Error List Daw0 Cant Be Submit Ms Drug W/Avail Gen.
DAW 1Substitution Not Allowed by PrescriberAllowPrescriber has indicated the brand name drug is medically necessary. Product may require PAR based on brand-name coverage. If PAR is authorized, claim will pay with DAW1.
Not SupportedClaim with the generic product, NCPDP EC 8K-DAW Code Not Supported and return the supplemental message Submitted DAW is supported with guidelines. DAW code: 1-Prescriber requests brand, contact Prime Therapeutics at 18004245725 for override. For DAW 8-generic not available in marketplace or DAW 9-plan prefers brand product, refer to the Colorado Pharmacy Billing Manual.
DAW 2Substitution Allowed - Patient Requested Product DispensedNot SupportedNCPDP EC 22-M/I DISPENSE AS WRITTEN CODE~50021~ERROR LIST M/I DISPENSE AS WRITTEN CODE and return the supplemental message Submitted DAW code not supported. Please resubmit with appropriate DAW code: 1-prescriber requests brand, contact Prime Therapeutics at 18004245725 for override. For 8-generic not available in marketplace, 9-plan prefers brand product, or refer to the Colorado Pharmacy Billing Manual.
DAW 3Substitution Allowed - Pharmacist Selected Product DispensedNot SupportedNCPDP 22-M/I DISPENSE AS WRITTEN CODE~50021~ERROR LIST M/I DISPENSE AS WRITTEN CODE and return the supplemental message Submitted DAW code not supported. Please resubmit with appropriate DAW code: 1-prescriber requests brand, contact Prime Therapeutics at 18004245725 for override. For 8-generic not available in marketplace, 9-plan prefers brand product, or refer to the Colorado Pharmacy Billing Manual
DAW 4Substitution Allowed - Generic Drug Not in StockNot SupportedNCPDP EC 22-M/I DISPENSE AS WRITTEN CODE~50021~ERROR LIST M/I DISPENSE AS WRITTEN CODE and return the supplemental message Submitted DAW code not supported. Please resubmit with appropriate DAW code: 1-prescriber requests brand, contact Prime Therapeutics at 18004245725 for override. For 8-generic not available in marketplace, 9-plan prefers brand product, or refer to the Colorado Pharmacy Billing Manual
DAW 5Substitution Allowed - Brand Drug Dispensed as a GenericNot SupportedNCPDP EC 22-M/I DISPENSE AS WRITTEN CODE~50021~ERROR LIST M/I DISPENSE AS WRITTEN CODE and return the supplemental message Submitted DAW code not supported. Please resubmit with appropriate DAW code: 1-prescriber requests brand, contact Prime Therapeutics at 18004245725 for override. For 8-generic not available in marketplace, 9-plan prefers brand product, or refer to the Colorado Pharmacy Billing Manual
DAW 6OverrideNot SupportedNCPDP EC 22-M/I DISPENSE AS WRITTEN CODE~50021~ERROR LIST M/I DISPENSE AS WRITTEN CODE and return the supplemental message Submitted DAW code not supported. Please resubmit with appropriate DAW code: 1-prescriber requests brand, contact Prime Therapeutics at 18004245725 for override. For 8-generic not available in marketplace, 9-plan prefers brand product, or refer to the Colorado Pharmacy Billing Manual
DAW 7Substitution Not Allowed - Brand Drug Mandated by LawNot SupportedNCPDP EC 22-M/I DISPENSE AS WRITTEN CODE~50021~ERROR LIST M/I DISPENSE AS WRITTEN CODE and return the supplemental message Submitted DAW code not supported. Please resubmit with appropriate DAW code: 1-prescriber requests brand, contact Prime Therapeutics at 18004245725 for override. For 8-generic not available in marketplace, 9-plan prefers brand product, or refer to the Colorado Pharmacy Billing Manual.
DAW 8Substitution Allowed - Generic Drug Not Available in MarketplaceAllow Billing ID = DAW8If there is a marketplace shortage for the generic version of the prescribed drug and only the brand-name product is available, claim will pay with DAW 8.
The drug list will update as often as necessary to accommodate for drug shortages. If drug is on list, claim will pay.

Not Supported

All Non-Billing ID = DAW8

NCPDP EC 8K-DAW Code Not Supported and return the supplemental message Submitted DAW is supported with guidelines. DAW code: 1-Prescriber requests brand, contact Prime Therapeutics at 18004245725 for override. For DAW 8-generic not available in marketplace or DAW 9-plan prefers brand product, refer to the Colorado Pharmacy Billing Manual. If the drug is not on the list and the generic version is unavailable, contact the Prime Therapeutics contact center at 1-800-424-5275 for further assistance. 
DAW 9Allowed by Prescriber but Plan Requests BrandAllow Formulary Ind = BNRDrug list criteria designates the brand product as preferred, (i.e., BNR=Brand Name Required), claim will pay with DAW9.
Allow Formulary Ind = NPPMay be used for cases where Health First Colorado's drug list designates both a brand drug and its generic equivalent as non-preferred products and also designates that the non-preferred brand product is favored for coverage over the equivalent non-preferred generic.
Not SupportedNCPDP EC 8K-DAW Code Not Supported and return the supplemental message Submitted DAW is supported with guidelines. DAW code: 1-Prescriber requests brand, contact Prime Therapeutics at 18004245725 for override. For DAW 8-generic not available in marketplace or DAW 9-plan prefers brand product, refer to the Colorado Pharmacy Billing Manual.


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Effective July 1, 2023, Health First Colorado members do not have a pharmacy co-pay. 

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If the member does not pick up the prescription from the pharmacy within 14 calendar days, the prescription must be reversed on the 15th calendar day. The pharmacy must retain a record of the reversal on file in the pharmacy for audit purposes. Pharmacies that have an electronic tracking system shall review prescriptions in will-call status on a daily basis and enter a reversal of prescriptions not picked up within 10 days of billing. In no case, shall prescriptions be kept in will-call status for more than 14 days.

If a pharmacy needs to reverse a claim for any other reason, this must be done within 999 days. If a claim is reversed after 120 days and the pharmacy attempts to rebill, the claim will reject for timely filing and a consideration form must be submitted with a valid reason for rebilling outside the 120-day window. Refer to the Rebilling Denied Claims section below.

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Retention of Records

Source documents and source records used to create pharmacy claims shall be maintained in such a way that all electronic media claims can be readily associated and identified. These source documents, in addition to any work papers and records used to create electronic media claims, shall be retained by the provider for seven (7) years and shall be made readily available and produced upon request of the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services, the Department, and the Medicaid Fraud Control Unit and their authorized agents.

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340B Claims Processing

The following NCPDP fields are required on 340B covered outpatient drug claims.

NCPDP Field Name & NumberValueDescription
Submission Clarification Code (420-DK)20 = 340B ClaimRequired for 340B Claims. The value of '20' submitted in the Submission Clarification field (NCPDP Field # 420-DK) to indicate a 340B transaction. Indicates that the drug was purchased through the 340B Drug Pricing Program.
Basis of Cost Determination (423-DN)05 = Acquisition Cost
08 = Disproportionate Share Pricing
Required for 340B Claims. The value of '05' (Acquisition) or '08' (340B Disproportionate Share Pricing/Public Health Service) in the Basis of Cost Determination field (NCPDP Field # 423-DN).


Refer to the 340B Policies and Procedures Manual for more information related to 340B billing.

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Mail Order

Enrolled Medicaid fee-for-service (FFS) members have the option to receive their outpatient medications through mail delivery.

Pharmacies enrolled as a mail order pharmacy specialty type 460 may only bill for outpatient maintenance medications for chronic conditions. Pharmacies enrolled specifically as Mail Order will receive denials for non-maintenance medications.

Local and out-of-state retail pharmacies other than mail order pharmacies may provide mail delivery prescriptions for Medicaid members if they are enrolled with the Health First Colorado program and are registered and in good standing with the State Board of Pharmacy.

Health First Colorado does not pay delivery fees.

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Family Planning Pharmacy Billing for Special Populations

Emergency Medical Services (EMS) 

The Emergency Medical Services (EMS) benefit plan covers both family planning and family planning-related medications for individuals who would otherwise be eligible for Health First Colorado coverage, but do not meet citizenship requirements. EMS is also referred to as “Emergency Medical and Reproductive Health Program.”

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Expanded Income Family Planning Limited (FAMPL) 

The Family Planning Limited (FAMPL) benefit plan covers family planning and family planning-related services for eligible individuals with an income above the Medicaid requirement.

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Billing Requirements

 Family Planning Services (FP)Family Planning Related Services (FP-R)
Covered Services Pharmacy FP services include contraceptive drugs, devices or products approved by the Federal Food and Drug Administration.Pharmacy FP-R services include tobacco cessation products and drugs which treat sexually transmitted infections, lower genital tract and genital skin infections and urinary tract infections.
Claim RequirementsNot Applicable“6-Family Plan” on field 461-EU
Billing Information
  • Contraceptives for members within the EMS eligibility category will not be subject to utilization management policies as outlined in the Appendix P, PDL or Appendix Y.

Note: A provider may need to validate place of service to ensure accurate billing to the proper benefit.

  • Contraceptives for members within the FAMPL eligibility category will be subject to utilization management policies as outlined in the Appendix P, PDL, or Appendix Y (as applicable). 
  • If a FP-R drug is not on the Department created FP-R drug list, then the prescriber will need to complete a prior authorization request to confirm that the drug was prescribed in relation to a family planning visit. 

Note: FP-R drugs are still subject to existing utilization management policies as outlined in the Appendix P, PDL or Appendix Y.  

  • If the medication has been determined to be FP or FP-R, it should be documented in the prescription record. 


Refer to the Family Planning Benefit Expansion for Special Populations Billing Manual for more information on family planning benefits for special populations.

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Restricted Products

The Health First Colorado program restricts or excludes coverage for some drug categories. Refer to Appendix P located on the Billing Manuals web page for more information.

Restricted products by participating companies are covered as follows:

NoneNo products in the category are Medical Assistance Program benefits.
LimitedPrior authorization requests for some products may be approved based on medical necessity.
AllAll products in this category are regular Medical Assistance Program benefits.


Anorexia (weight loss)None
Weight gainLimited
Cosmetic purposes or hair growthNone
Cough and cold *Limited
DESI drugs ** [applies to drugs with a Covered Outpatient Drug (COD) status equal to DESI - 5 (LTE/IRS drug for all indications or DESI 6 LTE/IRS drug withdrawn from market)]None
Non-rebatable productsLimited
Non-prescription drugsAspirin, Insulin, others Limited
Prenatal vitaminsAll for females. None for males.
Other vitaminsLimited
* Cough and cold products: Cough and cold products include combinations of narcotic and nonnarcotic cough suppressants, expectorants, and/or decongestants. Single agent antihistamines and their combination products with a decongestant are not considered to be cough and cold products and are regular Medical Assistance Program benefits.
** DESI drugs: DESI drugs are products that are declared "less than effective" by the FDA and are not a benefit of the Medical Assistance program.

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The following are not benefits of the Health First Colorado program:

  • DESI drugs and any drug if by its generic makeup and route of administration, it is identical, related, or similar to a less than effective drug identified by the FDA
  • Drugs classified by the U.S.D.H.H.S. FDA as "investigational" or "experimental"
  • Dietary needs or food supplements (see Appendix P for a list)
  • Medicare Part D drugs for Part D eligible members, including compound claims that contain a drug not listed on the dual eligible drug list
  • Drugs manufactured by pharmaceutical companies not participating in the Colorado Medicaid Drug Rebate Program.
  • Fertility drugs
  • IV equipment (for example, Venopaks dispensed without the IV solutions). Nursing facilities must furnish IV equipment for their patients.
  • Personal care items such as mouth wash, deodorants, talcum powder, bath powder, soap (of any kind), dentifrices, etc.
  • Spirituous liquors of any kind
  • Drug used for erectile or sexual dysfunction

The following are not pharmacy benefits of the Health First Colorado program:

  • Drugs administered in the physician's office must be billed by the physician as a medical benefit on a professional claim.
  • Drugs administered in clinics must be billed by the clinic on a professional claim. Drugs administered in a dialysis unit are part of the dialysis fee or billed on a professional claim. Drugs administered in the hospital are part of the hospital fee.
  • Durable Medical Equipment (DME) must be billed as a medical benefit on a professional claim.
  • Physician Administered Drugs (PAD) for medications not administered in member's home or in an LTC facility.

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Pharmacy Helpdesk

The pharmacy benefit manager provides a Pharmacy Support Center to handle clinical, technical and member calls. The Pharmacy Support Center is available to answer provider claim submission and basic drug coverage questions. The Helpdesk is available 24 hours a day, seven (7) days a week.

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Billing Information

The Health First Colorado program uses the National Council on Prescription Drug Programs (NCPDP) electronic format and the Pharmacy Claim Form (PCF) to submit prescription drug claims. The pharmacy benefit manager processes both electronic and paper claims and provides claim, provider, eligibility, and PAR interfaces with the Medicaid Management Information System (MMIS). All electronic claims must be submitted through a pharmacy switch vendor. Claims that cannot be submitted through the vendor must be submitted on paper.

Refer to the specific rules and requirements regarding electronic and paper claims below.

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Timely Filing Requirements

Pharmacy claims must be submitted electronically and within the timely filing period, with few exceptions. Timely filing for electronic and paper claim submission is 120 days from the date of service.

Pharmacies should retrieve their Remittance Advice (RA) or X12N 835 through the Provider Web Portal. Claims that do not result in the Health First Colorado program authorizing reimbursement for services rendered may be resubmitted. If a claim is denied, the pharmacy should follow the procedure set forth below for rebilling denied claims. If a resolution is not reached, a pharmacy can ask for reconsideration from the pharmacy benefit manager. If the reconsideration is denied, the final option is to appeal the reconsideration.

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Rebilling Denied Claims

Pharmacies may electronically rebill denied claims when the claim submission is within 120 days of the date of service. Claims that are older than 120 days are still considered timely if received within 60 days of the last denial. Pharmacies should continue to rebill until a final resolution has been reached. Pharmacies must keep records of all claim submissions, denials, and related documentation until final resolution of the claim.

Copies of all forms necessary for submitting claims are located on the Pharmacy Resources web page. Instructions on how to complete the PCF are available in this manual. All necessary forms should be submitted to the Prime Therapeutics State Government Solutions, LLC at:

Prime Therapeutics State Government Solutions, LLC
Attn: GV - 4102
P.O. Box 64811
St. Paul, MN 55164-0811

There are four (4) exceptions to the 120-day rule:

  • Delayed processing by third party payers
  • Retroactive member eligibility
  • Delayed notification to the pharmacy of eligibility
  • Extenuating circumstances

Each of these exceptions is detailed below along with the specific instructions for submitting claims.

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Ordering, Prescribing or Referring (OPR) Providers

Pursuant to 42CFR 455.10(b) and 42CFR 455.440, Health First Colorado will not pay for prescriptions written by unenrolled prescribers. Physicians and other practitioners who order, prescribe or refer items or services for Health First Colorado members, but who choose not to submit claims to Health First Colorado, are referred to as OPR providers. Enrolling in Health First Colorado as an OPR provider:

  • Does not obligate you to see Health First Colorado members,
  • Does not mean you will be listed as a Health First Colorado provider for patient assignment or referral,
  • Allows you to continue to see Health First Colorado members without billing Health First Colorado, and
  • Helps to ensure that orders, prescriptions and referrals for Health First Colorado members are accepted and processed appropriately.

If an OPR prescriber does not wish to enroll with Health First Colorado they must refer their patients to an enrolled prescriber, otherwise claims will deny. Refer to the OPR Provider Information section of the Provider Enrollment web page for more detailed information about enrollment and compliance with the Affordable Care Act.

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Reuse of Rx Numbers

The system allows refills in accordance with the number of authorized refills submitted on the original paid claim. The number of authorized refills must be consistent with the original paid claim for all subsequent refills. If the original fills for these claims have no authorized refills, a new Rx number is required.

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Delayed Processing by Third-Party Payers

Health First Colorado is the payer of last resort. When timely filing expires due to delays in receiving third-party payment or denial documentation, the pharmacy benefit manager is authorized to consider the claim as timely if received within 60 days from the date of the third-party payment or denial or within 365 days of the date of service, whichever occurs first. Pharmacies must complete third-party information on the PCF and submit documentation from the third-party payer of payment or lack of payment.

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Retroactive Member Eligibility

If the timely filing period expires due to a delayed or back-dated member eligibility determination, the claim is considered timely if received within 120 days from the date the member was granted backdated eligibility.

Pharmacies can submit these claims electronically or by paper. Paper claims may be submitted using a pharmacy claim form.

Pharmacies may submit claims electronically by obtaining a PAR from the Pharmacy Support Center. If the PAR is approved, the pharmacy has 120 days from the date the member was granted backdated eligibility to submit claims.

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Delayed Notification to the Pharmacy of Eligibility

Pharmacies are expected to take appropriate and reasonable action to identify Colorado Medical Assistance Program eligibility in a timely manner. If a pharmacy is made aware of eligibility after 120 days from the date of service, the pharmacy may submit the claims electronically by obtaining a PAR from the Pharmacy Support Center, or by paper using a pharmacy claim form.

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Extenuating Circumstances

Requests for timely filing waivers for extenuating circumstances must be made in writing and must contain a detailed description of the circumstance that was beyond the control of the pharmacy. Exceptions are granted only when the pharmacy is able to document that appropriate action was taken to meet filing requirements and that the pharmacy was prevented from filing as the result of extenuating unforeseen and uncontrollable circumstances. Pharmacy employee negligence, employer failure to provide sufficient, well-trained employees, or failure to properly monitor the activities of employees and agents (e.g., billing services) are not considered extenuating circumstances beyond the pharmacy provider's control. A detailed description of the extenuating circumstances must be included in the Request for Reconsideration (below).

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Request for Reconsideration

When a pharmacy has exhausted all authorized rebilling procedures and has not been paid for a claim, the pharmacy may submit a Request for Reconsideration to the pharmacy benefit manager.

It is recommended that pharmacies contact the Pharmacy Support Center before submitting a request for reconsideration.

Requests for Reconsideration must be filed in writing with the pharmacy benefit manager within 60 days of the most recent claim or prior reconsideration denial.

Copies of all RAs, electronic claim rejections, and/or correspondence documenting compliance with timely filing and 60-day rule requirements must be submitted with the Request for Reconsideration. A Request for Reconsideration will display on the RA as a paid or denied claim without specifying that it is a claim for reconsideration.

An additional request for reconsideration may be submitted within 60 days of the reconsideration denial if information can be corrected or if additional supporting information is available. The resubmitted request must be completed in the same manner as an original reconsideration request.

Refer to the Request for Reconsideration Form and instructions located under the Claim Forms and Attachments drop-down menu on the Provider Forms web page.

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Appealing Reconsideration Denials

If a pharmacy disagrees with the final decision of the pharmacy benefit manager, the pharmacy may file an appeal with the Office of Administrative Courts.

Representation by an attorney is usually required at administrative hearings. Appeals to the Office of Administrative Courts must be filed in writing within 60 days from the mailing date of the reconsideration denial. Appeals may be sent to:

Office of Administrative Courts
1525 Sherman Street - 4th Floor
Denver, CO 80203
Fax 303-866-5909

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Paper Claim Submission Requirements

With few exceptions, providers are required to submit claims electronically. Electronically mandated claims submitted on paper are processed, denied, and marked with the message "Electronic Filing Required."

The following claims can be submitted on paper and processed for payment:

  • Providers who consistently submit five (5) or fewer claims per month,
  • Claims that are more than 120 days from the date of service that require special attachments, and
  • Reconsideration claims.

Providers can submit only one (1) claim per submission on the PCF, however, compound claims can be submitted. Providers must submit accurate information. The use of inaccurate or false information can result in the reversal of claims.

The PCF should be submitted to the Prime Therapeutics State Government Solutions, LLC agent at:

Prime Therapeutics State Government Solutions, LLC
Attn: GV - 4102
P.O. Box 64811
St. Paul, MN 55164-0811

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Instructions for Completing the Pharmacy Claim Form

Below are the completion instructions for the Colorado Pharmacy Claim Form (PCF-2) for Pharmacy Providers. The form is one (1)-sided and requires an authorized signature. Providers must follow the instructions below and may only submit one (1) (prescription) per claim. The claim may be a multi-line compound claim. If there is more than a single payer, a D.0 electronic transaction must be submitted.

Note: The format for entering a date is different than the date format in the POS system ***.

I. Member Information
Member's Medicaid ID #Member's 7-character Medical Assistance Program IDRequired
Group IDCOMEDICAIDDefault value on claim form
Relationship Code1 = CardholderDefault value on claim form
Member's NameLast, First, MIRequired
Other Coverage Code
  • 0 = Not specified
  • 1 = No other coverage exists
  • 2 = Other coverage exists - payment collected
  • 3 = Other coverage exists - this claim not covered
  • 4 = Other coverage exists - payment not collected
  • Required when submitting a claim for member w/ other coverage
Member's DOBMM/DD/YYYYRequired
II. Pharmacy Information
Service Provider IDNPI = National Provider IdentifierRequired
Service Provider ID Qualifier01 = NPI-National Provider IdentifierRequired
III. Prescriber Information
Prescriber's Last NameLast Name of PrescriberRequired
Prescriber's Phone #Prescriber's Phone #Required
Prescriber's IDPrescriber's NPI, CO State
License or DEA
Prescriber NPI will be required on all pharmacy transactions with a DOS greater than or equal to 02/25/2017.
Prescriber's ID Qualifier
  • 01 = NPI
  • 08 = State License #
  • 12 = DEA Number
IV. Claim Information (Claim must be for same member as listed above)
Prescription #Prescription # Assigned by PharmacyRequired
Date WrittenMM/DD/YYYYRequired
Date FilledMM/DD/YYYYRequired
Fill #
  • 00 = Original
  • 01-99 = # of Refills Fill
Prescription # Qualifier
  • 0 = Blank
  • 1 = Rx Billing
Prescription Origin Code
  • 1 = Written
  • 2 = Telephone
  • 3 = Electronic
  • 4 = Facsimile
  • 5 = Pharmacy
Days Supply# of Days Prescription is PrescribedRequired
DAW Codes
  • 0 = No Generic
  • 1 = Substitution Not Allowed by Prescriber
  • 8 = Substitution Allowed - Generic Drug Not Available in Marketplace
  • 9 = Substitution Allowed by Prescriber but Plan Requests Brand
Values other than 0, 1, 08 and 09 will deny. The "Dispense as Written (DAW) Override Codes" table describes valid scenarios allowable per DAW code.
PA Type Code0 = Not Specified 
Quantity PrescribedMetric Decimal QuantityRequired - If claim is for a compound prescription, list total # of units for claim.
Quantity DispensedMetric Decimal QuantityRequired - If claim is for a compound prescription, list total # of units for claim.
Product IDNDC #Required - If claim is for a compound prescription, enter "0."
Product ID Qualifier00 = If claim is a multi-ingredient compound transaction
03 = National Drug Code (NDC)
Required - If claim is for a compound prescription, enter "00."
Submitted Ingredient Cost Required - Enter total ingredient costs even if claim is for a compound prescription.
Total Charge Required - Pharmacy's Usual and Customary Charge
Gross Amount Due Required
Unit of Measure Required
V. Other Payer Information
Other Payer Cov Type01 = PrimaryRequired if Other Cov Code equals 2, 3, or 4
Other Payer DateMM/DD/YYYYRequired if Other Cov Code equals 2, 3, or 4
Other Payer $ Paid Required if Other Cov Code equals 2, 3, or 4
Other Payer $ Paid Qualifier
  • 02 = Shipping
  • 03 = Postage Service
  • 04 = Administrative
  • 05 = Incentive
  • 06 = Cognitive
  • 07 = Drug Benefit
  • 09 = Compound Preparation Cost
  • 10 = Sales Tax
Required if Other Cov Code equals 2, 3, or 4
Other Payer Reject CodeValue from Prior PayerRequired if Other Cov Code equals 3
Other Payer Patient Responsibility $Value from Prior PayerRequired if Other Cov Code equals 4
Other Payer Patient Responsibility $ Qualifier


01 = Amount applied to periodic deductible (517-FH) 
02 = Amount Attributed to Product Selection/Brand Drug (134-UK) 
03 =Amount Attributed to Sales Tax (523-FN) 
04 = Amount Exceeding Periodic Benefit Maximum (520-FK)
05 = Amount of Co-pay (518-FI)
06 = Patient Pay Amount (505-F5)
07 = Amount of Co-insurance (572-4U)
08 = Amount Attributed to Product Selection/Non-preferred Formulary Selection (135-UM)
10 = Amount Attributed to Provider Network Selection (133-UJ) 
11 = Amount Attributed to Product Selection/Brand Non-Preferred Formulary Selection (136-UN)
12 = Amount Attributed to Coverage Gap (137-UP)
13 = Amount Attributed to Processor Fee (571-NZ)

*Note: Code 09 is a negative amount and is not a valid option for field 351-NP. 

Required if Other Cov Code equals 4
Compound Claim
  • Blank
  • 0 = Not a Claim Specified
  • 1 = Not a Compound
  • 2 = Claim is a Compound Claim
Required when claim is for a compound prescription
Diagnosis Code Qualifier02 = ICD10 Code 
Diagnosis CodeICD10 
RX Override8 = Process Compound Claim for Approved Ingredients
* In the future, Colorado plans to utilize other Rx Override fields.
Conditional - Needed to process claim for approved ingredients when claim is for a compound prescription.
If the claim is a compound claim, complete the bottom section of the claim form to indicate each ingredient name, NDC quantity, and cost. Remember that there is a limit of one (1) prescription per claim form.
Ingredient NameIngredient NameRequired when the claim is for a compound prescription.
NDCNDC Number of the IngredientRequired when the claim is for a compound prescription.
QuantityMetric Decimal Quantity DispensedRequired when the claim is for a compound prescription.
Ingredient Cost Submitted Required when the claim is for a compound prescription.


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Electronic Claim Submission Requirements

Interactive claim submission is a real-time exchange of information between the provider and the Health First Colorado program. The provider creates interactive claims one (1) at a time and transmits them by toll-free telephone through a switch company to the pharmacy benefit manager. The pharmacy benefit manager reviews the claim and immediately returns a status of paid or denied for each transaction to the provider's personal computer. If the claim is denied, pharmacy benefit manager will send one (1) or more denial reason(s) that identify the problem(s).

Interactive claim submission must comply with Colorado D.0 Requirements. Providers must submit accurate information. The use of inaccurate or false information can result in the reversal of claims.

  • An optional data element means that the user should be prompted for the field but does not have to enter a value.
  • Drug Utilization Review (DUR) information, if applicable, will appear in the message text of the response.
  • Electronic claim submissions must meet timely filing requirements.

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D.0 General Information

Pharmacies must code their systems using the D.0 Payer Sheets provided below when submitting pharmacy POS transactions to the Health First Colorado program for payment.

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Transactions Supported

Payer: Please list each transaction supported with the segments, fields, and pertinent information on each transaction.

Transaction CodeTransaction Name


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Field Legend for Columns

Payer Usage ColumnValueExplanationPayer Situation column
MANDATORYMThe Field is mandatory for the Segment in the designated Transaction.No
REQUIREDRThe Field has been designated with the situation of "Required" for the Segment in the designated Transaction.No
QUALIFIED REQUIREMENTRW"Required when." The situations designated have qualifications for usage ("Required if x", "Not required if y").Yes


Fields that are not used in the Claim Billing/Claim Rebill transactions and those that do not have qualified requirements (i.e., not used) for this payer are excluded from the template.

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Claim Billing/Claim Rebill Transaction

The following lists the segments and fields in a Claim Billing or Claim Rebill Transaction for the NCPDP Telecommunication Standard Implementation Guide Version D.0.

Transaction Header Segment QuestionsCheckClaim Billing/Claim Rebill
If Situational, Payer Situation
This segment is always sentX 
Source of certification IDs required in Software Vendor/Certification ID (110-AK) is Payer IssuedX 


Transaction Header SegmentClaim Billing/Claim Rebill
Field #NCPDP Field NameValuePayer UsagePayer Situations
101-A1BIN Number018902M 
109-A9TRANSACTION COUNT MOne (1) transaction for B2 or compound claim, Four (4) allowed for B1 or B3
202-B2SERVICE PROVIDER ID QUALIFIER MCode qualifying the 'Service Provider ID' (Field # 201-B1)
01 - National Provider Identifier (NPI)
110-AKSOFTWARE VENDOR/CERTIFICATION IDThis will be provided by the provider's software vendorMAssigned when vendor is certified with Prime Therapeutics State Government Solutions, LLC- If not number is supplied, populate with zeros


Insurance Segment QuestionsCheckClaim Billing/Claim Rebill
If Situational, Payer Situation
This segment is always sentX 


Insurance Segment
Segment Identification (111 AM) = "04"
Claim Billing/Claim Rebill
Field #NCPDP Field NameValuePayer UsagePayer Situations
302-C2CARDHOLDER ID12-Byte alpha/numeric IDMCO Medicaid identification number
360-2BMEDICAID INDICATORUNITED STATES AND CANADIAN PROVINCE POSTAL SERVICERWImp Guide: Required, if known, when patient has Medicaid coverage.
Payer Requirement: Required in special situations when State issues instructions.


Patient Segment QuestionsCheckClaim Billing/Claim Rebill
If Situational, Payer Situation
This segment is always sent  
This segment is situationalX 


Patient Segment
Segment Identification (111 AM) = "01"
Claim Billing/Claim Rebill
Field #NCPDP Field NameValuePayer UsagePayer Situations
335-2CPREGNANCY INDICATOR RWImp Guide: Required if this field could result in different coverage, pricing, or patient financial responsibility.
384-4XPATIENT RESIDENCE RWImp Guide: Required if this field could result in different coverage, pricing, or patient financial responsibility.


Claim Segment QuestionsCheckClaim Billing/Claim Rebill
If Situational, Payer Situation
This segment is always sentX 
This plan does not accept partial fillsX 


Claim Segment
Segment Identification (111 AM) = "07"
Claim Billing/Claim Rebill
Field #NCPDP Field NameValuePayer UsagePayer Situations
456-ENASSOCIATED PRESCRIPTION/SERVICE REFERENCE NUMBER12 BytesRWRequired for partial fills. This value is the prescription number from the first partial fill.
  • 0 = Not specified
  • 03 = National Drug Code (NDC)
  • 00 must be submitted for compounds
  • 03 for non-compound claims
  • NDC for non-compound claims
  • "0" for compound claims
460-ETQUANTITY PRESCRIBEDMetric Decimal QuantityRWRequired when the transmission is for a Schedule II drug as defined in 21 CFR 1308.12 and per CMS-0055-F (Compliance Date 9/21/2020.) Scheduled II drugs will deny NCPDP ET M/I Quantity Prescribed
442-E7QUANTITY DISPENSEDMetric Decimal QuantityR 
344-HFQUANTITY INTENDED TO BE DISPENSEDMetric Decimal QuantityRWRequired for partial fills. Metric decimal quantity of medication that would be dispensed for a full quantity.
  • 0 = Original dispensing
  • 1-5 = Refill number - Number of the replenishment
345-HGDAYS SUPPLY INTENDED TO BE DISPENSED RWRequired for partial fills. Days supply for the metric decimal quantity of medication that would be dispensed for a full quantity.
  • 1 = Not a Compound
  • 2 = Compound
  • 0 = No Product Selection Indicated
  • 1 = Substitution Not Allowed by Prescriber
  • 8 = Substitution Allowed-Generic Drug Not Available in Marketplace
  • 9 = Substitution Allowed by Prescriber but Plan Requests Brand
RValues other than 0, 1, 08 and 09 will deny. The "Dispense as Written (DAW) Override Codes" table describes the valid scenarios allowable per DAW code.
  • P=Partial
  • C=Complete
RWRequired for partial fills. "P" indicates the quantity dispensed is a partial fill. "C" indicates the completion of a partial fill.
457-EPASSOCIATED PRESCRIPTION/SERVICE DATECCYYMMDDRWRequired for partial fills. Date of service for the Associated Prescription/Service Reference Number (456-EN).
  • 0 = No refills authorized
  • 1-99 = Authorized Refill number - with 99 being as needed, refills unlimited
  • 1 = Written
  • 2 = Telephone
  • 3 = Electronic
  • 4 = Facsimile
  • 5 = Pharmacy
354-NXSUBMISSION CLARIFICATION CODE COUNTMaximum count of 3RW***Required if field # 420-DK is sent
  • 8 = Process Compound For Approved Ingredients
  • 9 = Encounters
  • 20 = 340B - Indicates that, prior to providing service, the pharmacy has determined the product being billed is purchased pursuant to rights available under Section 340B of the Public Health Act of 1992 including sub-ceiling purchases authorized by Section 340B (a) (10) and those made through the Prime Vendor Program (Section 340B(a)(8)).
308-C8OTHER COVERAGE CODE RWRequired for Coordination of Benefits.
OCC 8 is not allowed.
Health First Colorado is always the payer of last resort.
Refer to the Other Coverage Code Quicksheet located under the Miscellaneous Forms and Other Information section of the Pharmacy Resources web page.
  • EA = Each
  • GM = Grams
  • ML = Milliliters
995-E2ROUTE OF ADMINISTRATIONSNOMED CT ValueRWRequired when Rx is a compound.


Pricing Segment QuestionsCheckClaim Billing/Claim Rebill
If Situational, Payer Situation
This segment is always sentX 


Pricing Segment
Segment Identification (111-AM) = "11"
Claim Billing/Claim Rebill
Field #NCPDP Field NameValuePayer UsagePayer Situations
412-DCDISPENSING FEE SUBMITTED RWRequired if necessary as component of Gross Amount Due
423-DNBASIS OF COST DETERMINATION RWImp Guide: Required if needed for receiver claim/encounter adjudication.
05 (Acquisition) or 08 (340B/Disproportionate Share Pricing/Public Health Service required when billing 340B transactions.


Prescriber Segment QuestionsCheckClaim Billing/Claim Rebill
If Situational, Payer Situation
This segment is always sentX 


Prescriber Segment
Segment Identification (111-AM) = "03"
Claim Billing/Claim Rebill
Field #NCPDP Field NameValuePayer UsagePayer Situations
  • 01 = NPI
  • 08 = State License #
  • 12 = DEA
411-DBPRESCRIBER IDPrescriber's individual NPI, CO State
License or DEA
RPrescriber NPI will be required on all pharmacy transactions with a DOS greater than or equal to 02/25/2017. Claims submitted with the Prescriber State License after 02/25/2017 will deny NCPDP EC 25 - Missing/Invalid Prescriber ID.


Coordination of Benefits/Other Payments Segment QuestionsCheckClaim Billing/Claim Rebill
If Situational, Payer Situation
This segment is always sent  
This segment is situationalXRequired only for secondary, tertiary, etc., claims.


Coordination of Benefits/Other Payments Segment
Segment Identification (111-AM) = "05"
Claim Billing/Claim Rebill
Field #NCPDP Field NameValuePayer UsagePayer Situations
337-4CCoordination of Benefits/Other Payments CountMaximum count of 9RW 
338-5COther Payer Coverage Type RW 
339-6COTHER PAYER ID QUALIFIER RWRequired if Other Payer ID (Field # 340-7C) is used
340-7COTHER PAYER ID RWRequired if COB segment is used.
Other Payer ID = BIN of other payer.
443-E8OTHER PAYER DATE RWRequired if identification of the Other Payer Date is necessary for claim/encounter adjudication, CCYYMMDD
341-HBOTHER PAYER AMOUNT PAID COUNTMaximum count of 9RW***Required on all COB claims with Other Coverage Code of 2 or 4 - Required if Other Payer Amount Paid Qualifier (342-HC) is used.
  • Required when there is payment from another source.
  • Required if Other Payer Amount Paid (431-Dv) is used.

Required if other payer has approved payment for some/all of the billing.
Required on all COB claims with Other Coverage Code of 2 or 4.

  • OCC = 2 must submit >, $0.01,
  • OCC = 4 must submit = 0.
471-5EOTHER PAYER REJECT COUNTMaximum count of 5.RW***Required if Other Payer Reject Code (472-6E) is used.
Required on all COB claims with Other Coverage Code of 3.
472-6EOTHER PAYER REJECT CODE RWRequired on all COB claims with Other Coverage Code of 3
353-NROTHER PAYER-PATIENT RESPONSIBILITY AMOUNT COUNTMaximum count of 25RW***Required on all COB claims with Other Coverage Code of 2 or 4

Required if Other Payer patient Responsibility Amount (352-NQ) is submitted.
Payer Requirement: Required if OCC = 4. 

  • 01 = Amount Applied to Periodic Deductible (517-FH)
  • 02 = Amount Attributed to Product Selection/Brand Drug (134-UK)  
  • 03 = Amount Attributed to Sales Tax (523-FN)
  • 04 = Amount Exceeding Periodic Benefit Maximum (520-FK)
  • 05 = Amount of Copay (518-FI)
  • 06 = Patient Pay  Amount (Deductible) (505-F5)
  • 07 = Amount of Coinsurance (572-4U)
  • 08 = Amount Attributed to Product Selection/Non-preferred Formulary Selection (135-UM)
  • 10 = Amount Attributed to Provider Network Selection (133-UJ) 
  • 11 = Amount Attributed to Product Selection/Brand Non-Preferred Formulary Selection (136-UN)
  • 12 = Amount Attributed to Coverage Gap (137-UP)
  • 13 = Amount Attributed to Processor Fee (571-NZ)
  • *Note: Code 09 is a negative amount and is not a valid option for field 351-NP. 
352-NQOTHER PAYER-PATIENT RESPONSIBILITY AMOUNT RWRequired for all COB claims with Other Coverage Code of 2 or 4. No blanks allowed


DUR/PPS Segment QuestionsCheckClaim Billing/Claim Rebill
If Situational, Payer Situation
This segment is always sent  
This segment is situationalXIt is used when a sender notifies the receiver of drug utilization, drug evaluations, or information on the appropriate selection to process the claim/encounter.


DUR/PPS Segment
Segment Identification (111-AM) = "08"
Claim Billing/Claim Rebill
Field #NCPDP Field NameValuePayer UsagePayer Situations
473-7EDUR/PPS CODE COUNTERMaximum of 9 occurrencesRW***Required if DUR/PPS Segment is used

Required when needed to communicate DUR information.
Allowed Values:

  • DD = Drug-Drug Interaction
  • ER = Early Refill
  • HD = High Dose
  • PG = Pregnancy

Required when needed to communicate DUR information.
Allowed Values:

  • MA = Medication Administration - use for vaccine
  • M0 = Prescriber consulted
  • P0 = Patient consulted
  • R0 = Pharmacist consulted other source

Required when needed to communicate DUR information.
Allowed Values:

  • 1A = Filled As Is, False Positive
  • 1B = Filled Prescription As Is
  • 1C = Filled, With Different Dose
  • 1D = Filled, With Different Directions
  • 1F = Filled, With Different Quantity
  • 1G = Filled, With Prescriber Approval
  • 2A = Prescription not filled
  • 2B = Not filled, directions clarified


Compound Segment QuestionsCheckClaim Billing/Claim Rebill
If Situational, Payer Situation
This segment is always sent  
This segment is situationalXIt is used for multi-ingredient prescriptions, when each ingredient is reported.


Compound Segment
Segment Identification (111-AM) = "10"
Claim Billing/Claim Rebill
Field #NCPDP Field NameValuePayer UsagePayer Situations
447-ECCOMPOUND INGREDIENT COMPONENT COUNT MColorado Pharmacy supports up to 25 ingredients


**End of Request Claim Billing/Claim Rebill (B1/B3) Payer Sheet Template**


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Response Claim Billing/Claim Rebill Payer Sheet Template


Claim Billing/Claim Rebill Accepted/Paid (or Duplicate of Paid) Response

** Start of Response Claim Billing/Claim Rebill (B1/B3) Payer Sheet Template**

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General Information

Payer Name: Prime Therapeutics State Government Solutions, LLCDate: 02/25/2017
Plan Name/Group Name: Colorado MedicaidBIN: 018902PCN: P303018902


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Claim Billing/Claim Rebill PAID (or Duplicate of PAID) Response

The following lists the segments and fields in a Claim Billing or Claim Rebill response (Paid or Duplicate of Paid) Transaction for the NCPDP Telecommunication Standard Implementation Guide Version D.0.


Response Transaction Header Segment QuestionsCheckClaim Billing/Claim Rebill
Accepted/Paid (or Duplicate of Paid)
If Situational, Payer Situation
This segment is always sentX 


Response Transaction Header SegmentClaim Billing/Claim Rebill
Accepted/Paid (or Duplicate of Paid)
Field #NCPDP Field NameValuePayer UsagePayer Situations


Response Message Segment QuestionsCheckClaim Billing/Claim Rebill
Accepted/Paid (or Duplicate of Paid)
If Situational, Payer Situation
This segment is always sent  
This segment is situationalXSent if additional information is available from the payer/processor.


Response Message Segment
Segment Identification (111-AM) = "20"
Claim Billing/Claim Rebill
Accepted/Paid (or Duplicate of Paid)
Field #NCPDP Field NameValuePayer UsagePayer Situations
504-F4MESSAGE RWRequired if text is needed for clarification or detail.


Response Insurance Segment QuestionsCheckClaim Billing/Claim Rebill
Accepted/Paid (or Duplicate of Paid)
If Situational, Payer Situation
This segment is always sent  
This segment is situationalXSent if additional information is available from the payer/processor.


Response Insurance Segment
Segment Identification (111-AM) = "25"
Claim Billing/Claim Rebill
Accepted/Paid (or Duplicate of Paid)
Field #NCPDP Field NameValuePayer UsagePayer Situations
301-C1GROUP ID RWRequired if needed to identify the actual cardholder or employer group, to identify appropriate group number, when available.


Response Patient Segment QuestionsCheckClaim Billing/Claim Rebill
Accepted/Paid (or Duplicate of Paid)
If Situational, Payer Situation
This segment is always sent  
This segment is situational  


Response Patient Segment
Segment Identification (111-AM) = "29"
Claim Billing/Claim Rebill
Accepted/Paid (or Duplicate of Paid)
Field #NCPDP Field NameValuePayer UsagePayer Situations
310-CAPATIENT FIRST NAME RWRequired if known.
311-CBPATIENT LAST NAME RWRequired if known.
304-C4DATE OF BIRTH RWRequired if known.


Response Status Segment QuestionsCheckClaim Billing/Claim Rebill
Accepted/Paid (or Duplicate of Paid)
If Situational, Payer Situation
This segment is always sentX 


Response Status Segment
Segment Identification (111-AM) = "21"
Claim Billing/Claim Rebill
Accepted/Paid (or Duplicate of Paid)
Field #NCPDP Field NameValuePayer UsagePayer Situations
503-F3AUTHORIZATION NUMBER RWRequired if needed to identify the transaction.
547-5FAPPROVED MESSAGE CODE COUNT RWRequired if Approved Message Code (548-6F) is used.
548-6FAPPROVED MESSAGE CODE RWRequired if Approved Message Code Count (547-5F) is used and the sender needs to communicate additional follow up for a potential opportunity.
130-UFADDITIONAL MESSAGE INFORMATION COUNT RWRequired if Additional Message Information (526-FQ) is used.
132-UHADDITIONAL MESSAGE INFORMATION QUALIFIER RWRequired if Additional Message Information (526-FQ) is used.
526-FQADDITIONAL MESSAGE INFORMATION RWRequired when additional text is needed for clarification or detail.
131-UGADDITIONAL MESSAGE INFORMATION CONTINUITY RWRequired if and only if current repetition of Additional Message Information (526-FQ) is used, another populated repetition of Additional Message Information (526-FQ) follows it, and the text of the following message is a continuation of the current.
549-7FHELP DESK PHONE NUMBER QUALIFIER RWRequired if Help Desk Phone Number (550-8F) is used.
550-8FHELP DESK PHONE NUMBER RWRequired if needed to provide a support telephone number to the receiver.


Response Claim Segment QuestionsCheckClaim Billing/Claim Rebill
Accepted/Paid (or Duplicate of Paid)
If Situational, Payer Situation
This segment is always sentX 


Response Claim Segment
Segment Identification (111-AM) = "22"
Claim Billing/Claim Rebill
Accepted/Paid (or Duplicate of Paid)
Field #NCPDP Field NameValuePayer UsagePayer Situations


Response Pricing Segment QuestionsCheckClaim Billing/Claim Rebill
Accepted/Paid (or Duplicate of Paid)
If Situational, Payer Situation
This segment is always sentX 


Response Pricing Segment
Segment Identification (111-AM) = "23"
Claim Billing/Claim Rebill
Accepted/Paid (or Duplicate of Paid)
Field #NCPDP Field NameValuePayer UsagePayer Situations
  • Required if this value is used to arrive at the final reimbursement.
  • Required if the sender (health plan) and/or patient is tax exempt, and exemption applies to this billing.
  • Required if this value is used to arrive at the final reimbursement.
  • Required if Incentive Amount Submitted (438-E3) is greater than zero (0).
  • Imp Guide: Required if Other Amount Paid (565-J4) is used.
  • Imp Guide: Required if Other Amount Paid (565-J4) is used.
  • Required if this value is used to arrive at the final reimbursement.
  • Required if Other Amount Claimed Submitted (480-H9) is greater than zero (0).
  • Required if this value is used to arrive at the final reimbursement.
  • Required if Other Payer Amount Paid (431-DV) is greater than zero (0) and Coordination of Benefits/Other Payments Segment is supported.
  • Required if Ingredient Cost Paid (506-F6) is greater than zero (0).
  • Required if Basis of Cost Determination (432-DN) is submitted on billing.
  • Provided for informational purposes only.
  • Provided for informational purposes only.
  • Provided for informational purposes only.
  • Required if Patient Pay Amount (505-F5) includes deductible.
  • Required if Patient Pay Amount (505-F5) includes co-pay as patient financial responsibility.
  • Required if Patient Pay Amount (505-F5) includes amount exceeding periodic benefit maximum.
  • Required if Patient Pay Amount (505-F5) includes coinsurance as patient financial responsibility.
  • This dollar amount will be provided, if known, to the receiver when the transaction had spending account dollars reported as part of the patient pay amount.
  • Required when the patient meets the plan-funded assistance criteria, to reduce Patient Pay Amount (505-F5). The resulting Patient Pay Amount (505-F5) must be greater than or equal to zero.


Response DUR/PPS Segment QuestionsCheckClaim Billing/Claim Rebill
Accepted/Paid (or Duplicate of Paid)
If Situational, Payer Situation
This segment is always sent  
This segment is situationalXSent when DUR intervention is encountered during claim processing.


Response DUR/PPS Segment
Segment Identification (111-AM) = "24"
Claim Billing/Claim Rebill
Accepted/Paid (or Duplicate of Paid)
Field #NCPDP Field NameValuePayer UsagePayer Situations
  • Required if Reason for Service Code (439-E4) is used.
  • Required if utilization conflict is detected.
  • Required if needed to supply additional information for the utilization conflict.
  • Required if needed to supply additional information for the utilization conflict.
  • Required if needed to supply additional information for the utilization conflict.
  • Required if Quantity of Previous Fill (531-FV) is used.
  • Required if needed to supply additional information for the utilization conflict.
  • Required if Previous Date Of Fill (530-FU) is used.
  • Required if needed to supply additional information for the utilization conflict.
  • Required if needed to supply additional information for the utilization conflict.
  • Required if needed to supply additional information for the utilization conflict.
  • Required if needed to supply additional information for the utilization conflict.


Response Coordination of Benefits/Other Payers Segment QuestionsCheckClaim Billing/Claim Rebill
Accepted/Paid (or Duplicate of Paid)
If Situational, Payer Situation
This segment is always sent  
This segment is situationalXSent when Other Health Insurance (OHI) is encountered during claims processing.


Response Coordination of Benefits/Other Payers Segment
Segment Identification (111-AM) = "28"
Claim Billing/Claim Rebill
Accepted/Paid (or Duplicate of Paid)
Field #NCPDP Field NameValuePayer UsagePayer Situations
  • Required if Other Payer ID (340-7C) is used.
  • Required if other insurance information is available for coordination of benefits.
  • Required if other insurance information is available for coordination of benefits.
  • Required if other insurance information is available for coordination of benefits.
  • Required if other insurance information is available for coordination of benefits.
  • Required if needed to uniquely identify the family members within the Cardholder ID, as assigned by the other payer.
  • Required if needed to provide a support telephone number of the other payer to the receiver.
  • Required if needed to uniquely identify the relationship of the patient to the cardholder ID, as assigned by the other payer.


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Claim Billing/Claim Rebill Accepted/Rejected Response


Response Transaction Header Segment QuestionsCheckClaim Billing/Claim Rebill Accepted/Rejected
If Situational, Payer Situation
This segment is always sentX 


Response Transaction Header SegmentClaim Billing/Claim Rebill Accepted/Rejected
Field #NCPDP Field NameValuePayer UsagePayer Situations


Response Transaction Header Segment QuestionsCheckClaim Billing/Claim Rebill Accepted/Rejected
If Situational, Payer Situation
This segment is always sent  
This segment is situationalXRequired if text is needed for clarification or detail.


Response Message Segment
Segment Identification (111-AM) = "20"
Claim Billing/Claim Rebill Accepted/Rejected
Field #NCPDP Field NameValuePayer UsagePayer Situations


Response Insurance Segment QuestionsCheckClaim Billing/Claim Rebill Accepted/Rejected
If Situational, Payer Situation
This segment is always sentX 
This segment is situational  


Response Insurance Segment
Segment Identification (111-AM) = "25"
Claim Billing/Claim Rebill Accepted/Rejected
Field #NCPDP Field NameValuePayer UsagePayer Situations
  • Required if needed to identify the actual cardholder or employer group, to identify appropriate group number, when available.
  • Required to identify the actual group that was used when multiple group coverage exist.
  • Required if the identification to be used in future transactions is different than what was submitted on the request.


Response Patient Segment QuestionsCheckClaim Billing/Claim Rebill Accepted/Rejected
If Situational, Payer Situation
This segment is always sent  
This segment is situationalXSent when known by plan


Response Patient Segment
Segment Identification (111-AM) = "29"
Claim Billing/Claim Rebill Accepted/Rejected
Field #NCPDP Field NameValuePayer UsagePayer Situations
  • Required if known.
  • Required if known.
  • Required if known.


Response Status Segment QuestionsCheckClaim Billing/Claim Rebill Accepted/Rejected
If Situational, Payer Situation
This segment is always sentX 


Response Status Segment
Segment Identification (111-AM) = "21"
Claim Billing/Claim Rebill Accepted/Rejected
Field #NCPDP Field NameValuePayer UsagePayer Situations
  • Required if needed to identify the transaction.
  • Required if a repeating field is in error, to identify repeating field occurrence.
  • Required if Additional Message Information (526-FQ) is used.
  • Required if Additional Message Information (526-FQ) is used.
  • Required when additional text is needed for clarification or detail.
  • Required if and only if current repetition of Additional Message Information (526-FQ) is used, another populated repetition of Additional Message Information (526-FQ) follows it, and the text of the following message is a continuation of the current.
  • Required if Help Desk Phone Number (550-8F) is used.
  • Required if needed to provide a support telephone number to the receiver.


Response Claim Segment QuestionsCheckClaim Billing/Claim Rebill Accepted/Rejected
If Situational, Payer Situation
This segment is always sentX 


Response Claim Segment
Segment Identification (111-AM) = "22"
Claim Billing/Claim Rebill Accepted/Rejected
Field #NCPDP Field NameValuePayer UsagePayer Situations
455-EMPRESCRIPTION/SERVICE REFERENCE NUMBER QUALIFIER MImp Guide: For Transaction Code of "B1," in the Response Claim Segment, the Prescription/Service Reference Number Qualifier (455-EM) is "1" (Rx Billing).


Response DUR/PPS Segment QuestionsCheckClaim Billing/Claim Rebill Accepted/Rejected
If Situational, Payer Situation
This segment is always sent  
This segment is situationalXSent when DUR intervention is encountered during claim adjudication.


Response DUR/PPS Segment
Segment Identification (111-AM) = "24"
Claim Billing/Claim Rebill Accepted/Rejected
Field #NCPDP Field NameValuePayer UsagePayer Situations
567-J6DUR/PPS RESPONSE CODE COUNTERMaximum 9 occurrences supported.RWRequired if Reason for Service Code (439-E4) is used.
439-E4REASON FOR SERVICE CODE RWRequired if utilization conflict is detected.
528-FSCLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE CODE RWRequired if needed to supply additional information for the utilization conflict.
529-FTOTHER PHARMACY INDICATOR RWRequired if needed to supply additional information for the utilization conflict.
  • Required if needed to supply additional information for the utilization conflict.
  • Required if Quantity of Previous Fill (531-FV) is used.
  • Required if needed to supply additional information for the utilization conflict.
  • Required if Previous Date of Fill (530-FU) is used.
532-FWDATABASE INDICATOR RWRequired if needed to supply additional information for the utilization conflict.
533-FXOTHER PRESCRIBER INDICATOR RWRequired if needed to supply additional information for the utilization conflict.
544-FYDUR FREE TEXT MESSAGE RWRequired if needed to supply additional information for the utilization conflict.
570-NSDUR ADDITIONAL TEXT RWRequired if needed to supply additional information for the utilization conflict.


Response Prior Authorization Segment QuestionsCheckClaim Billing/Claim Rebill Accepted/Rejected
If Situational, Payer Situation
This segment is always sent  
This segment is situationalXSent when claim adjudication outcome requires subsequent PA number for payment.


Response Prior Authorization Segment
Segment Identification (111-AM) = "26"
Claim Billing/Claim Rebill Accepted/Rejected
Field #NCPDP Field NameValuePayer UsagePayer Situations
498-PYPRIOR AUTHORIZATION NUMBER-ASSIGNED RWRequired when the receiver must submit this Prior Authorization Number in order to receive payment for the claim.


Response Coordination of Benefits/Other Payers Segment QuestionsCheckClaim Billing/Claim Rebill Accepted/Rejected
If Situational, Payer Situation
This segment is always sent  
This segment is situationalXSent when Other Health Insurance (OHI) is encountered during claim processing.


Response Coordination of Benefits/Other Payers Segment
Segment Identification (111-AM) = "28"
Claim Billing/Claim Rebill Accepted/Rejected
Field #NCPDP Field NameValuePayer UsagePayer Situations
339-6COTHER PAYER ID QUALIFIER RWRequired if Other Payer ID (340-7C) is used.
340-7COTHER PAYER ID RWRequired if other insurance information is available for coordination of benefits.
991-MHOTHER PAYER PROCESSOR CONTROL NUMBER RWRequired if other insurance information is available for coordination of benefits.
356-NUOTHER PAYER CARDHOLDER ID RWRequired if other insurance information is available for coordination of benefits.
992-MJOTHER PAYER GROUP ID RWRequired if other insurance information is available for coordination of benefits.
142-UVOTHER PAYER PERSON CODE RWRequired if needed to uniquely identify the family members within the Cardholder ID, as assigned by the other payer.
127-UBOTHER PAYER HELP DESK PHONE NUMBER RWRequired if needed to provide a support telephone number of the other payer to the receiver.
143-UWOTHER PAYER PATIENT RELATIONSHIP CODE RWRequired if needed to uniquely identify the relationship of the patient to the cardholder ID, as assigned by the other payer.


Back to Top


Claim Billing/Claim Rebill Rejected/Rejected Response


Response Transaction Header Segment QuestionsCheckClaim Billing/Claim Rebill Rejected/Rejected
If Situational, Payer Situation
This segment is always sentX 


Response Transaction Header SegmentClaim Billing/Claim Rebill Rejected/Rejected
Field #NCPDP Field NameValuePayer UsagePayer Situations


Response Message Segment QuestionsCheckClaim Billing/Claim Rebill Accepted/Rejected
If Situational, Payer Situation
This segment is always sent  
This segment is situationalX 


Response Message Segment
Segment Identification (111-AM) = "20"
Claim Billing/Claim Rebill Rejected/Rejected
Field #NCPDP Field NameValuePayer UsagePayer Situations
  • Required if text is needed for clarification or detail.


Response Status Segment QuestionsCheckClaim Billing/Claim Rebill Accepted/Rejected
If Situational, Payer Situation
This segment is always sentX 


Response Status Segment
Segment Identification (111-AM) = "21"
Claim Billing/Claim Rebill Rejected/Rejected
Field #NCPDP Field NameValuePayer UsagePayer Situations
503-F3AUTHORIZATION NUMBER RWRequired if needed to identify the transaction.
546-4FREJECT FIELD OCCURRENCE INDICATOR RWRequired if a repeating field is in error, to identify repeating field occurrence.
130-UFADDITIONAL MESSAGE INFORMATION COUNT RWRequired if Additional Message Information (526-FQ) is used.
132-UHADDITIONAL MESSAGE INFORMATION QUALIFIER RWRequired if Additional Message Information (526-FQ) is used.
526-FQADDITIONAL MESSAGE INFORMATION RWRequired when additional text is needed for clarification or detail.
131-UGADDITIONAL MESSAGE INFORMATION CONTINUITY RWRequired if and only if current repetition of Additional Message Information (526-FQ) is used, another populated repetition of Additional Message Information (526-FQ) follows it, and the text of the following message is a continuation of the current.
549-7FHELP DESK PHONE NUMBER QUALIFIER RWRequired if Help Desk Phone Number (550-8F) is used.
550-8FHELP DESK PHONE NUMBER RWRequired if needed to provide a support telephone number to the receiver.


** End of Response Claim Billing/Claim Rebill (B1/B3) Payer Sheet Template**


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NCPDP Version D.0 Claim Reversal Template


Request Claim Reversal Payer Sheet Template


** Start of Request Claim Reversal (B2) Payer Sheet Template**

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General Information

Payer Name: Prime Therapeutics State Government Solutions, LLCDate: 02/25/2017
Plan Name/Group Name: Colorado MedicaidBIN: 018902PCN: P303018902

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Claim Reversal Transaction

The following lists the segments and fields in a Claim Reversal Transaction for the NCPDP Telecommunication Standard Implementation Guide Version D.0.

Transaction Header Segment QuestionsCheckClaim Reversal
If Situational, Payer Situation
This segment is always sentX 
Source of certification IDs required in Software Vendor/Certification ID (110-AK) is Payer IssuedX 


Transaction Header SegmentClaim Reversal
Field #NCPDP Field NameValuePayer UsagePayer Situations
101-A1BIN NUMBER018902M 
110-AKSOFTWARE VENDOR/CERTIFICATION IDThis will be provided by the provider's software vendorMIf no number is supplied, populate with zeros


Insurance Segment QuestionsCheckClaim Reversal
If Situational, Payer Situation
This segment is always sentX 
This segment is situational  


Insurance Segment
Segment Identification (111-AM) = "04"
Claim Reversal
Field #NCPDP Field NameValuePayer UsagePayer Situations
301-C1GROUP ID RWRequired if needed to match the reversal to the original billing transaction.


Claim Segment QuestionsCheckClaim Reversal
If Situational, Payer Situation
This segment is always sentX 


Claim Segment
Segment Identification (111-AM) = "07"
Claim Reversal
Field #NCPDP Field NameValuePayer UsagePayer Situations
403-D3FILL NUMBER RRequired if needed for reversals when multiple fills of the same Prescription/Service Reference Number (402-D2) occur on the same day.
308-C8OTHER COVERAGE CODE RWRequired if needed by receiver to match the claim that is being reversed.


Pricing Segment QuestionsCheckClaim Reversal
If Situational, Payer Situation
This segment is always sent  
This segment is situationalX 


Pricing Segment
Segment Identification (111-AM) = "11"
Claim Reversal
Field #NCPDP Field NameValuePayer UsagePayer Situations
438-E3INCENTIVE AMOUNT SUBMITTED RWRequired if this field could result in contractually agreed upon payment.
430-DUGROSS AMOUNT DUE RWRequired if this field could result in contractually agreed upon payment.


Coordination of Benefits/Other Payments Segment QuestionsCheckClaim Reversal
If Situational, Payer Situation
This segment is always sent  
This segment is situationalXRequired only for secondary, tertiary, etc., claims.
Scenario 3 - Other Payer Amount Paid, Other Payer-Patient Responsibility Amount, and Benefit Stage Repetitions Present (Government Programs)XOCC codes 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4 Supported (no co-pay only billing allowed)


Coordination of Benefits/Other Payments Segment
Segment Identification (111-AM) = "05"
Claim Reversal
Field #NCPDP Field NameValuePayer UsagePayer Situations
338-5COther Payer Coverage Type RW 
339-6COTHER PAYER ID QUALIFIER RWRequired if Other Payer ID (Field # 340-7C) is used.
340-7COTHER PAYER ID RWRequired if COB segment is used.
443-E8OTHER PAYER DATE RWRequired if identification of the Other Payer Date is necessary for claim/encounter adjudication.
341-HBOTHER PAYER AMOUNT PAID COUNT RWRequired if Other Payer Amount Paid Qualifier (342-HC) is used.

Required when there is payment from another source. Required on all COB claims with Other Coverage Code of 2

  • "07" is the only accepted value.
431-DVOTHER PAYER AMOUNT PAID RWRequired if other payer has approved payment for some/all of the billing.
471-5EOTHER PAYER REJECT COUNT RW***Required on all COB claims with Other Coverage Code of 3.
472-6EOTHER PAYER REJECT CODE RWRequired on all COB claims with Other Coverage Code of 3
353-NROTHER PAYER - PATIENT RESPONSIBILITY AMOUNT COUNT RRequired if Other Payer-Patient Responsibility Amount Qualifier (351-NP) is used
351-NPOTHER PAYER-PATIENT RESPONSIBILITY AMOUNT QUALIFER RRequired if Other Payer-Patient Responsibility Amount (352-NQ) is used352-NQ


** End of Request Claim Reversal (B2) Payer Sheet Template**

Back to Top


Response Claim Reversal Payer Sheet Template


Claim Reversal Accepted/Approved Response

** Start of Claim Reversal Response (B2) Payer Sheet Template**

Back to Top


General Information

Payer Name: Prime Therapeutics State Government Solutions, LLCDate: 02/25/2017
Plan Name/Group Name: Colorado MedicaidBIN: 018902PCN: P303018902


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Claim Reversal Accepted/Approved Response

The following lists the segments and fields in a Claim Reversal response (Approved) Transaction for the NCPDP Telecommunication Standard Implementation Guide Version D.0.

Response Transaction Header Segment QuestionsCheckClaim Reversal - Accepted/Approved If Situational, Payer Situation
This segment is always sent  
This segment is situationalXRequired only for secondary, tertiary, etc., claims.


Response Transaction Header SegmentClaim Reversal - Accepted/Approved
Field #NCPDP Field NameValuePayer UsagePayer Situations


Response Message Segment QuestionsCheckClaim Reversal - Accepted/Approved
If Situational, Payer Situation
This segment is always sent  
This segment is situationalX 


Response Message Segment
Segment Identification (111-AM) = "20"
Claim Reversal - Accepted/Approved
Field #NCPDP Field NameValuePayer UsagePayer Situations
504-F4MESSAGE RWRequired if text is needed for clarification or detail.


Response Status Segment QuestionsCheckClaim Reversal - Accepted/Approved
If Situational, Payer Situation
This segment is always sent  


Response Status Segment
Segment Identification (111-AM) = "21"
Claim Reversal - Accepted/Approved
Field #NCPDP Field NameValuePayer UsagePayer Situations
503-F3AUTHORIZATION NUMBER RWRequired if needed to identify the transaction.
547-5FAPPROVED MESSAGE CODE COUNT RWRequired if Approved Message Code (548-6F) is used.
548-6FAPPROVED MESSAGE CODE RWRequired if Approved Message Code Count (547-5F) is used and the sender needs to communicate additional follow up for a potential opportunity.
130-UFADDITIONAL MESSAGE INFORMATION COUNT RWRequired if Additional Message Information (526-FQ) is used.
132-UHADDITIONAL MESSAGE INFORMATION QUALIFIER RWRequired if Additional Message Information (526-FQ) is used.
526-FQADDITIONAL MESSAGE INFORMATION RWRequired when additional text is needed for clarification or detail.
131-UGADDITIONAL MESSAGE INFORMATION CONTINUITY RWRequired if and only if current repetition of Additional Message Information (526-FQ) is used, another populated repetition of Additional Message Information (526-FQ) follows it, and the text of the following message is a continuation of the current.
49-7FHELP DESK PHONE NUMBER QUALIFIER RWRequired if Help Desk Phone Number (550-8F) is used.
550-8FHELP DESK PHONE NUMBER RWRequired if needed to provide a support telephone number to the receiver.


Response Claim Segment QuestionsCheckClaim Reversal - Accepted/Approved
If Situational, Payer Situation
This segment is always sentX 


Response Claim Segment
Segment Identification (111-AM) = "22"
Claim Reversal - Accepted/Approved
Field #NCPDP Field NameValuePayer UsagePayer Situations
455-EMPRESCRIPTION/SERVICE REFERENCE NUMBER QUALIFIER MFor Transaction Code of "B2" in the Response Claim Segment, the Prescription/Service Reference Number Qualifier (455-EM) is "1" (Rx Billing).


Response Pricing Segment QuestionsCheckClaim Reversal - Accepted/Approved
If Situational, Payer Situation
This segment is always sent  
This segment is situationalXSent if reversal results in generation of pricing detail.


Response Pricing Segment
Segment Identification (111-AM) = "22"
Claim Reversal - Accepted/Approved
Field #NCPDP Field NameValuePayer UsagePayer Situations
521-FLINCENTIVE AMOUNT PAID RWRequired if this field is reporting a contractually agreed upon payment.
509-F9TOTAL AMOUNT PAID RWRequired if any other payment fields sent by the sender.


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Claim Reversal Accepted/Rejected Response

Response Transaction Header Segment QuestionsCheckClaim Reversal - Accepted/Approved
If Situational, Payer Situation
This segment is always sentX 


Response Transaction Header SegmentClaim Reversal - Accepted/Rejected
Field #NCPDP Field NameValuePayer UsagePayer Situations


Response Message Segment QuestionsCheckClaim Reversal - Accepted/Rejected
If Situational, Payer Situation
This segment is always sent  
This segment is situationalX 


Response Message Segment
Segment Identification (111-AM) = "20"
Claim Reversal - Accepted/Rejected
Field #NCPDP Field NameValuePayer UsagePayer Situations
504-F4MESSAGE RWRequired if text is needed for clarification or detail.


Response Status Segment QuestionsCheckClaim Reversal - Accepted/Rejected
If Situational, Payer Situation
This segment is always sentX 


Response Status Segment
Segment Identification (111-AM) = "21"
Claim Reversal - Accepted/Rejected
Field #NCPDP Field NameValuePayer UsagePayer Situations
546-4FREJECT FIELD OCCURRENCE INDICATOR RWRequired if a repeating field is in error, to identify repeating field occurrence.
130-UFADDITIONAL MESSAGE INFORMATION COUNT RWRequired if Additional Message Information (526-FQ) is used.
132-UHADDITIONAL MESSAGE INFORMATION QUALIFIER RWRequired if Additional Message Information (526-FQ) is used.
526-FQADDITIONAL MESSAGE INFORMATION RWRequired when additional text is needed for clarification or detail.
131-UGADDITIONAL MESSAGE INFORMATION CONTINUITY RWRequired if and only if current repetition of Additional Message Information (526-FQ) is used, another populated repetition of Additional Message Information (526-FQ) follows it, and the text of the following message is a continuation of the current.
549-7FHELP DESK PHONE NUMBER QUALIFIER RWRequired if Help Desk Phone Number (550-8F) is used.
550-8FHELP DESK PHONE NUMBER RWRequired if needed to provide a support telephone number to the receiver.


Response Claim Segment QuestionsCheckClaim Reversal - Accepted/Rejected
If Situational, Payer Situation
This segment is always sentX 


Response Claim Segment
Segment Identification (111-AM) = "22"
Claim Reversal - Accepted/Rejected
Field #NCPDP Field NameValuePayer UsagePayer Situations
455-EMPRESCRIPTION/SERVICE REFERENCE NUMBER QUALIFIER MFor Transaction Code of "B2" in the Response Claim Segment, the Prescription/Service Reference Number Qualifier (455-EM) is "1" (Rx Billing).


Coordination of Benefits/Other Payments Segment QuestionsCheckClaim Reversal
If Situational, Payer Situation
This segment is always sent  
This segment is situationalX 


Coordination of Benefits/Other Payments
Segment Identification (111-AM) = "05"
Claim Reversal - Accepted/Rejected
Field #NCPDP Field NameValuePayer UsagePayer Situations


Back to Top


Claim Reversal Rejected/Rejected Response

Response Transaction Header Segment QuestionsCheckClaim Reversal - Rejected/Rejected
If Situational, Payer Situation
This segment is always sentX 


Response Transaction Header SegmentClaim Reversal - Rejected/Rejected
Field #NCPDP Field NameValuePayer UsagePayer Situations


Response Message Segment QuestionsCheckClaim Reversal - Rejected/Rejected
If Situational, Payer Situation
This segment is always sent  
This segment is situationalX 


Response Message Segment
Segment Identification (111-AM) = "20"
Claim Reversal - Rejected/Rejected
Field #NCPDP Field NameValuePayer UsagePayer Situations
  • Imp. Guide: Required if text is needed for clarification or detail.
  • Payer Requirement: Same as Imp Guide


Response Status Segment QuestionsCheckClaim Reversal - Rejected/Rejected
If Situational, Payer Situation
This segment is always sentX 


Response Status Segment
Segment Identification (111-AM) = "21"
Claim Reversal - Rejected/Rejected
Field #NCPDP Field NameValuePayer UsagePayer Situations
546-4FREJECT FIELD OCCURRENCE INDICATOR RWRequired if a repeating field is in error, to identify repeating field occurrence.
130-UFADDITIONAL MESSAGE INFORMATION COUNT RWRequired if Additional Message Information (526-FQ) is used.
132-UHADDITIONAL MESSAGE INFORMATION QUALIFIER RWRequired if Additional Message Information (526-FQ) is used.
526-FQADDITIONAL MESSAGE INFORMATION RWRequired when additional text is needed for clarification or detail.
131-UGADDITIONAL MESSAGE INFORMATION CONTINUITY RWRequired if and only if current repetition of Additional Message Information (526-FQ) is used, another populated repetition of Additional Message Information (526-FQ) follows it, and the text of the following message is a continuation of the current.
549-7FHELP DESK PHONE NUMBER QUALIFIER RWRequired if Help Desk Phone Number (550-8F) is used.
550-8FHELP DESK PHONE NUMBER RWRequired if needed to provide a support telephone number to the receiver.


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Revision Log

Revision dateAdditions/Changes
08/26/2016Updates made throughout related to the POS implementation under Magellan Rx Management.
09/26/2016Updates made throughout related to the POS implementation under Magellan Rx Management.
01/05/2017Updates made to DAW requirements
02/03/2017Update to URL posted under Pharmacy Requirements and Benefits sections per Cathy T. request.
Update to URL posted under Restricted Products section per Cathy T. request.
02/03/2017Medication Requiring PAR - Update to Over-the-counter products.
Refill Too Soon Policy - Update to refill too soon policy for Synagis.
Restricted Products - updated to DESI coverage requirements. Benzodiazepines removed from coverage list.
Billing Information - gaps or spacing removed.
Instructions for Completing the Pharmacy Claim Form - Client's Medicaid ID field length changed to 7-characters
D.0 General Information - updated based on new POS go-live date.
Cover Page - updated
02/08/2017Instructions for Completing the Pharmacy Claim Form - update to Prescriber ID, ID Qualifier and Product ID Qualifier.
05/23/2017Updated Lost/Stolen/Damaged/Vacation Prescriptions section - police report is no longer required for Stolen Medications,
Updated DAW chart with the following note for DAW 9: Note: For products that are Brand Name Required, DAW 9 will be allowed,
Added B2 to the Transactions Supported Chart,
Added the following to 351-NP Other Payer Patient Responsibility Amount Qualifier: 06 = Patient Pay Applied to Amount (only if Periodic Prior Payer was still Deductible in NCPDP version
08/28/2017PAR Process: Updated notification letter section
RTS Policy: Updated accumulation language
DAW 8: Updated section that applies to drug list
340B Claims Processing: Added chart for values
Single Agent Antihistamines: Combination product with decongestant language added
Timely Filing: Remittance Advice (RA) language updated
Appealing: Fax number added to section
Reuse of Rx Numbers: New section added
10/13/2017Partial Fills and/or Prescription: Updated partial fill criteria
340B Claims Processing: Updated acquisition cost value
11/8/2017Updated contact information on page 15, to include Magellan's helpdesk info
11/20/2017Update verbiage in Co-pay section
08/22/2018Exclusions: Updated list of exclusions to include compound claims regarding dual eligibles.
DAW Codes: Updated "Dispense as Written (DAW) Override Code" table and updated payor sheets to reflect allowable DAW codes.
Green highlighting: Removed highlighting throughout document on previous new additions.
3/27/2020Updated verbiage in Counseling section
5/6/2020Added Temporary COVID section, updated Provider Web Portal link
6/4/2020Converted into web page.
7/1/2020Updated verbiage to include the NCPDP D.0 guidelines for field 460-ET
7/8/2020Updated DAW Codes: Updated Dispense as Written (DAW) Override Code table
8/20/2020Updated Retroactive Member Eligibility, Delayed Notification to the Pharmacy of Eligibility, Extenuating Circumstances and Other Coverage Code definitions.
9/25/2020Updated COVID Early Refill Policy
11/17/2020Updated Partial Fill Section to read Incremental Fills and/or Prescription Splitting
11/16/2021Updated Quantity Prescribed valid value policy
1/6/2022Updated the diagnosis codes in COVID-19 zero copay section. Effective 10/22/2021
1/6/2022Updated policy for Quantity Limit overrides in COVID-19 section. Effective 10/22/2021
1/18/2022Corrected formatting error; replaced "√ò" with numeric "0"
Updated “Co-pay Exclusions” section and inserted new “Family Planning and Family Planning Related Services” section. Effective 7/1/2022
Updated “Temporary COVID-19 Policy and Billing Changes”
8/29/2022Added Real Time Prior Authorization via EHR to PAR Process
10/15/2022Updated to reflect billing changes to family planning and family planning-related services 
10/19/2022Updated family planning-related section for clarity
11/30/2022Added primary insurance clarification to PAR Process and max day supply clarification to Dispensing Requirements
12/2/2022Added record maintenance requirements under Counseling, Retention of Records, and Signature Requirements
12/29/2022Removed requirement for providers to obtain a new override each fill for TPL/COB prior authorizations
2/17/2023Updated qualifier codes accepted in COB/ Other Payments under Claim Billing
5/12/2023Removed portions from “Temporary COVID-19 Policy and Billing Changes” which are no longer in effect due to the end of the PHE occurring on 5/11/2023. Updated “Counseling” section.
7/1/2023Updated Co-Pay section to reflect removal of pharmacy co-pays for members. Replaced Family Planning and Family-Planning sections with Family Planning Pharmacy Billing for Special Populations. Updated Mail Order section for clarity on Department policy. Added clarification to DAW Code 8.
9/1/2023Added policy for prescription replacement due to natural disaster.
10/1/2024Removed Temporary COVID-19 Policy and Billing Changes, updated language to reflect Magellan/ Prime Therapeutics rebranding