Cover All Coloradans: Health Benefits for Children and Pregnant Persons

Cover All Coloradans is Live, Apply Now!

Thank you for your partnership in the development and launch of Cover All Coloradans to expand health coverage to children and pregnant people, no matter what their immigration status is. We remain committed to providing pathways to health coverage for all Coloradans. In response to concerns we are hearing in the community about data privacy, we wanted to remind you that your privacy is important to us and your information is safe under current state and federal law. All information shared with HCPF to determine eligibility for Medicaid and CHIP programs, including immigration status, is private and secure. If laws change at the federal level, we will update our information.

We encourage this newly eligible population to apply now for Health Coverage

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Upcoming Meetings

Join us on Wednesday, April 2nd, for a virtual stakeholder meeting hosted with the Colorado Health Institute (CHI). We will provide updates on Cover All Coloradans and the Community Ambassador Program.

Register for the webinar listed on the registration page.

Closed captioning and Spanish interpretation will be available. Questions or requests for additional accommodations should be sent to hcpf_coverallco@state.co.us one week in advance of the virtual meeting.

Meeting Archive

March 5, 2025

What is Cover All Coloradans?

A new law called "Cover All Coloradans" helps children and pregnant people get health coverage, no matter what their immigration status is. This law helps all qualifying children and pregnant people see a doctor and get care when they need it.

Effective Jan. 1, 2025, these newly eligible populations will get the same support and services provided to Health First Colorado and Child Health Plan Plus (CHP+) members.

Who Should Apply

These groups should apply now, no matter what their immigration status is:

  • Pregnant people
  • People whose pregnancy ends on or after Jan.1, 2025
  • Any child 18 or younger

Coverage Details

Cover all Coloradans is a Health First Colorado and CHP+ “lookalike” program, meaning people who are newly eligible under this program will receive the same benefits as current Health First Colorado and CHP+ members.

To learn about benefits and services covered by Health First Colorado, please visit the Health First Colorado webpage. To learn about CHP+, please visit the CHP+ webpage.

Resources and More Information

Community Ambassador Program

HCPF is excited to partner with these Community Organizations across the state to increase program awareness, provide enrollment support, and engage the community. We look forward to working with these organizations to support the implementation of Cover All Coloradans.

Below is the current list of Community Ambassadors along with their contact information, languages spoken, and regions they serve.

OrganizationLanguages SpokenRegionsContact Email
Adams Arapahoe 28 - Aurora Public SchoolsEnglish and Spanish14, 15Medicaid@aurorak12.org
CAFI Sustainability CenterEnglish, Somali, Arabic, and Oromiffia15, 20caficenter1@gmail.com
Catholic Charities of Southern ColoradoEnglish and Spanish8, 19gsearain@ccsoco.org
Colorado Alliance for Health Equity and Practice (CAHEP)English, Korean, Hindi, Spanish, Pashto-Dari, Burmese, Chinese, Vietnamese, and Arabic2, 3, 4, 14, 15, 16, 20, 21vicente.cardona@cahep.org
Colorado Immigrants Rights Coalition (CIRC)English and SpanishEntire Statenicole.loy@coloradoimmigrant.org
Colorado Organization for Latina Opportunity and Reproductive Rights (COLOR)English and SpanishEntire Stateinfo@colorlatina.org
Doctors CareEnglish, Spanish, Chinese, Russian, Burmese, Vietnamese, and Arabic3, 15, 20, 21bdelgado@doctorscare.org
Grand County Rural Health NetworkEnglish and Spanish11, 12info@gcruralhealth.org
Gunnison County Health and Human Services - Multicultural Resource ServicesEnglish and Spanish10mwacker@gunnisoncounty.org
Healthy ArchuletaEnglish and Spanish9fsfearchuleta@gmail.com
La Clinica Tepeyac, Inc. - Tepeyac Community Health CenterEnglish and Spanish20ichavira@tepeyachealth.org
La Raza Services, Inc. - Servicios de La RazaEnglish and Spanish7everh@serviciosdelaraza.org
Lamar UnidosEnglish and Spanish6nancy@lamarunidos.org
Mountain DreamersEnglish and Spanish13, 17info@mountaindreamers.org
Project WorthmoreEnglish, Spanish, Somali, Pular, Swahili, Dari, and Bunun14, 15, 20sitina@projectworthmore.org
Rural Community Resource Center 63English and Spanish1Phone: (970) 848-3867 (Email N/A)

For further inquiries, please contact hcpf_coverallco@state.co.us.

These 21 regions are aggregations of counties developed by the Health Statistics Section in partnership with state and local public health professionals. The regions were developed using statistical and demographic criteria

Health Services Initiatives (HSI)

Through the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), states can develop Health Services Initiatives (HSIs) to improve the health of low-income children and youth. In Colorado, CHP+ is our Children’s Health Insurance Program.

The HSI program has been PAUSED while we secure federal approval for the program. We are submitting a request for federal approval for the following 5 programs:

  1. Emergency Food Pantries
  2. Baby Gear and Safety Supplies
  3. Reach out and Read Program
  4. Home Visits
  5. Lactation Support

We will re-release an application as soon as possible.

Learn more about Colorado HSI.

Stay Informed

2025 Cover All Coloradans Newsletters

2024 Cover All Coloradans Newsletters:

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Ask a question or make a suggestion: hcpf_coverallco@state.co.us