HCPF Links
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The Department of Health Care Policy and Financing is working to expand the spectrum of behavioral health services for Health First Colorado (Colorado’s Medicaid program) members of priority populations.
American Indians and Alaskan Natives
Children and Youth
HCPF is creating a Transition Plan with specific policies, expectations, and workflows for RAEs, Providers, and County Child Welfare staff to utilize between April 1, 2025 - October 1, 2025 to ensure youth needing residential treatment, in a residential facility, or discharging from a residential facility will not be impacted by the transition to ACC Phase 3 on July 1, 2025.
Please review the slides being shared with Stakeholders for more information about this transition and the Transition Plan.
HCPF would appreciate feedback from Stakeholders to ensure the Transition Plan is robust and sufficient to support members, families, and providers during this transition period.
Medicaid System of Care: Improving Intensive Behavioral Health Services for Medicaid (IBHS). The Department of Health Care Policy & Financing (HCPF) is working toward expanding and improving implementation of Intensive Behavioral Health Services that include intensive in-home and community-based mental health services, intensive care coordination, mobile crisis intervention, and stabilization services. This will support Colorado Medicaid beneficiaries under the age of 21 who have been diagnosed with a mental health or behavioral disorder and for whom these services are medically necessary. The improved services will be culturally relevant, family-centered, and child-driven so that these services are provided in the most integrated and least restrictive setting.
Criminal Justice Involved Populations
Home and Community-Based Services Waivers. An HCBS waiver is an extra set of Health First Colorado (Colorado's Medicaid program) benefits that you could qualify for in certain cases. These benefits can help you remain in your home and community. HCBS Waivers have extra program rules and some programs may have waitlists.
Special Connections provides gender-responsive treatment for pregnant and parenting women who are Medicaid eligible in order to maximize the chance of a healthy birth and to provide postpartum treatment services in order to maintain gains made during pregnancy. Special Connections providers offer pregnancy risk assessments, care coordination services, group counseling sessions, individual counseling sessions, health education groups, and residential substance use disorder treatment in a women-only setting.
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- See our calendar for opportunities to participate in forums, office hours, and webinars.
Contact Us
- We’re here to help! Contact hcpf_bhbenefits@state.co.us for more information