Behavioral Health Crisis Services Providers

Why Become a Provider?

Many behavioral health services in Colorado are regulated by Behavioral Health Administration (BHA), a newly created cabinet member-led agency within the Department of Human Services (CDHS). Learn more about BHA regulatory authority.  Other agencies may also regulate elements of crisis services, such as the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE), the Department of Regulatory Agencies (DORA), the Department of Public Safety (DPS), or individual counties, territories, or municipalities. 

A behavioral health crisis can happen anywhere, anytime, to anyone. By enrolling as a Health First Colorado provider, you can help people in Colorado get the quality and timely care they need. Along the crisis continuum, there are many opportunities for providers to support members in community, facility, and other settings.  

Visit Find Your Provider Type or check out the service descriptions below to see where you can make a difference.

Community-Based Services

Community-based services are crisis services delivered to Health First Colorado (Colorado’s Medicaid program) members in the community.

  • 988/Crisis Line is the starting point for members in crisis.  Trained professionals provide immediate support and resources to members via telephone or text.  Colorado has one statewide Behavioral Health Crisis Line provider, which is currently Rocky Mountain Crisis Partners.  
  • Mobile Crisis Response (MCR) is a service where two crisis professionals respond to a member in the community to provide de-escalation and stabilization, crisis assessment and intervention, and coordinate referrals to appropriate resources.
  • In-home crisis respite services offer short-term support in a member’s home setting.

Facility-Based Services 

Facility-based services are crisis services delivered to members at a facility.

  • Crisis facilities are where members can get a crisis assessment, which can result in safety planning and discharge and/or placement evaluations. Some of these facilities may also be able to provide medical clearance for behavioral health facility admissions.
  • Receiving facilities are behavioral health entities that see a member after a crisis assessment and provide behavioral health treatment. 
    • Facility-based crisis respite services offer short-term case management and supportive housing after a behavioral health crisis to support member engagement in ongoing behavioral health outpatient care.
    • Crisis stabilization units (CSU) provide behavioral health treatment that can include individual therapy, group therapy and/or psychiatric evaluation, in a locked or unlocked unit for up to five days.
    • Acute treatment units (ATU) provide behavioral health treatment that can include individual therapy, group therapy and/or psychiatric evaluation in a locked unit that is less restrictive than an inpatient hospital.
    • Inpatient hospitals provide the highest level of behavioral health treatment in a locked facility. 


Venn diagram showing overlap of Urgent Non-emergency Medical Transport (NEMT), Behavioral Health Secure Transport (BHST), and Emergency Medical Transport (EMT).  All services transport to access behavioral health services. Urgent NEMT can be scheduled in under 48 hours and fits all other definitions of NEMT. BHST is unscheduled and must be used for members in behavioral health crisis. EMT is unscheduled and for acute needs.


How do I get paid for a service I provided to a Health First Colorado member?

Most behavioral health services are paid through the Managed Care Program, also known as capitation payment model through regional accountable entities (RAEs). The State Behavioral Health Services Billing Manual provides billing guidance for services provided through the capitation model. 

Some behavioral health services are paid fee-for-service (FFS) directly to the provider.

Who pays for services to non-medicaid members?

Connect with the BHA to learn more about coverage for non-Medicaid members.

What is a Safety Net Provider?

Behavioral health safety net providers serve priority populations and comply with the safety net no refusal requirements as indicated in 27-50-301(4), C.R.S., ensuring that priority populations receive access to the care that they need to achieve whole person health through care and coordination.  

Emergency and Crisis Behavioral Health Services are a required service of Comprehensive Safety Net Providers. Emergency and Crisis Behavioral Health Services may become Essential Safety Net Providers.

Visit HCPF webpages to learn more about Safety Net Providers and behavioral health care reform. Colorado will be submitting an application for a Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinic (CCBHC) Planning Grant in 2024. Crisis Services are one of nine services that must be provided for a provider to be considered a CCBHC. These services can be provided directly by the CCBHC or through formal relationships with another provider through a Designated Collaborating Organization (DCO) arrangement. Learn more on the HCPF CCBHC webpage.

Stay Informed

Sign up for the monthly Crisis Services Newsletter or attend a crisis services forum.
Contact hcpf_bhbenefits@state.co.us for more information.