Individuals with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Services & Supports

Do you or a family member have an intellectual or developmental disability (IDD)?

If so, there are programs available in Colorado to support you. To see if you might qualify, contact your local Community Centered Board (CCB).

HCBS Waivers for IDD

Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) Waivers for Individuals with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities

Children's Extensive Support (CES) Waiver

Children in this program:

  • Are less than eighteen years of age
  • Have been determined to have a developmental disability which includes developmental delay if under
  • Five (5) years of age
  • Live in the family home
  • Demonstrate a medical or behavioral condition that is so intense that almost constant line of sight supervision is required to keep the child and others safe
  • Are determined to meet the Federal Social Security Administration's definition of disability

See waiver charts for more detailed waiver information

Children's Habilitation Residential Program (CHRP) Waiver

Children in this program:

  • Are under 21 years old.
  • Have an intellectual or developmental disability or developmental delay if under age five (5), and very high service needs that puts them at risk of, or in need of, out of home placement.

See waiver charts for more detailed waiver information

Developmental Disabilities (DD) Waiver

Adults in this program:

  • Must be determined to have a developmental disability.
  • Must be 18 years or older.
  • Must require access to services and supports 24 hours a day.

See waiver charts for more detailed waiver information

Supported Living Services (SLS) Waiver

Adults in this program:

See waiver charts for more detailed waiver information

Learn which providers serve your area and what services are available

Search tips:

  • Search by address, city or zip code
  • Select HCBS for Provider Type
  • Search by waiver (if you know which you qualify for)
  • Search by service (if you know which service you need)

Other Long-Term Services and Supports Programs