Reproductive, Perinatal, and Sexual Health

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The Department of Health Care Policy and Financing (HCPF) administers Health First Colorado (Colorado's Medicaid program), Child Health Plan Plus (CHP+), and other health care programs. HCPF expands access to essential health care services by providing coverage options for reproductive and maternal health. This page gives Health First Colorado members, stakeholders and providers information and updates about programs for family planning, pregnancy and much more. 

Effective July 1, 2022, people who qualified for medical assistance benefits while pregnant now have extended postpartum coverage for a year after their pregnancy ends. Health First Colorado members need to update their PEAK account to declare their pregnancy. Learn more by visiting the Health First Colorado webpage.

HCPF has multiple programs to cover the healthcare needs of Health First Colorado members during and after pregnancy. Learn more about the pregnancy programs and healthcare benefits. For additional information on specific benefits and programs, see the information below.


  • Doulas - The doula benefit is for pregnant and postpartum Health First Colorado and Child Health Plan Plus (CHP+) members. The benefit gives members access to doula care, including prenatal, labor and delivery, and postpartum support. 
  • Midwives (CMs/CPMs/DEMs) - As of April 1, 2024, Health First Colorado Midwives – Direct-Entry Midwife (DEM)/Certified Professional Midwife (CPM) is an approved maternal health provider. DEMs/CPMs are skilled and professional independent midwifery practitioners educated in the discipline of midwifery and trained to provide the Midwives Model of Care during labor, delivery, and after the birth of babies to eligible members.
  • Family Planning - Family planning and family planning related services benefit covers members with the purpose of preventing, delaying or planning for a pregnancy. Family planning services include birth control pills and implanted devices, sterilization services, basic fertility assessments, sexually transmitted infection testing and treatment, cervical cancer screening and prevention.
  • Lactation - Starting December 1, 2024, Health First Colorado and Child Health Plan Plus (CHP+) members are eligible for lactation support services during pregnancy and while breastfeeding. Members can receive lactation support in person or via telehealth, individually or in a group setting.


  • Prenatal Plus - The Prenatal Plus program is an enhanced program for pregnant Health First Colorado members who are at risk for negative maternal and infant health outcomes due to lifestyle, behavioral, and socio-cultural risk factors. Prenatal Plus provides a multidisciplinary team-based approach that provides care coordination, nutrition services, and mental health counseling in addition to routine prenatal medical care during the perinatal period.
  • Nurse Home Visitor Program Billing Manual - The Nurse Home Visitor Program (NHVP) is a home visitation program available to people who are pregnant with or have recently had their first child. A Registered Nurse provides care during the prenatal period through the child's second birthday. Its three primary goals include: improved prenatal outcomes; improved child health and development; and improved family sufficiency for high-risk first-time mothers and their children. 
  • Maternal Opioid Misuse Grant - The Maternal Opioid Misuse Model grant funds work to help people receive care for perinatal opioid use disorder (OUD), working with two care delivery partners, Denver Health and River Valley Family Health Centers.
  • Special Connections - Special Connections provides gender-responsive treatment for pregnant and postpartum people with substance use disorders to increase positive outcomes for the birthing person, infant, and their families. Special Connections providers offer pregnancy risk assessments, care coordination services, group counseling sessions, individual counseling sessions, health education groups, and residential substance use disorder treatment in a women-only setting.
  • Cover All Coloradans - Cover All Coloradans helps children and pregnant people get health coverage, no matter what their immigration status is. This law helps all qualifying children and pregnant people see a doctor and get care when they need it. Effective Jan. 1, 2025, these newly eligible populations will get the same support and services provided to Health First Colorado and Child Health Plan Plus (CHP+) members.
    • By January 2025, HB22-1289 Health Benefits for Children and Pregnant Persons requires Medicaid to:
      • Expand health coverage to children and pregnant persons regardless of immigration status. 
      • Cover lactation equipment, supplies and support services
      • Work with stakeholders to increase community outreach and maximize federal funding

Stakeholder Engagement

  • Health First Colorado Maternity Report - September 2021 - The Maternal Health Equity Report details reproductive, perinatal, and sexual health outcomes for Medicaid members, highlighting the lived experiences represented on the Maternity Advisory Committee.
  • Maternal Advisory Committee (MAC) - Our two committees, the Maternity Advisory Committee (facilitated in English) and el Comite Colaborativo de Maternidad (facilitated in Spanish), are a diverse group of 15-20 members that have lived experiences being covered by Medicaid during their pregnancy and/or postpartum. Members share their experiences and provide input on existing and future Medicaid policies.