Obstetrical Care Billing Manual

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Presumptive Eligibility (PE)

Presumptive Eligibility (PE) provides medical assistance benefits to low-income pregnant women and their children prior to receiving approval for full Health First Colorado (Colorado's Medicaid program) benefits. This program improves benefit accessibility for pregnant women through the process known as PE.

PE allows a woman temporary Health First Colorado coverage for 60 days. PE members receive a PE card that identifies them as eligible for ambulatory medical services. Inpatient hospital (e.g., delivery) services are not a PE benefit. After the full eligibility determination process, Health First Colorado eligible members receive a Medical Identification Card (MIC).

Health First Colorado eligible pregnant women have continuous eligibility. Previously, the woman remained eligible throughout her pregnancy and until the end of the month in which the 60th day following the end of her pregnancy occurs. Beginning July 1, 2022, eligible pregnant women will have continuous eligibility until the end of the month in which the 365th day following the end of her pregnancy occurs (more details reported in the postpartum care section). Income changes during pregnancy do not affect eligibility. The infant has continuous eligibility until his or her first birthday.

Pregnant women are eligible for all Health First Colorado benefit services determined by their physician to be medically necessary. Pregnant women under age 21 are also eligible for Early and Periodic Screening Diagnosis and Treatment (EPSDT) services, including dental, vision care and EPSDT health checkups.

Women in the maternity cycle are exempt from co-payment. The provider must mark the co-payment indicator on the paper claim form or on the electronic format.

  • Providers must be a Child Health Plan Plus (CHP+) site to offer services.
  • Providers must verify CHP+ PE member eligibility through Colorado Access.

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Diagnosis Coding

Health First Colorado recognizes the International Classification of Diseases, 9th Revision, Clinical Modification (ICD-10-CM) diagnostic coding reference. The following diagnoses are for reference only. Refer to the ICD-10-CM for a full list of diagnosis codes. When required, use additional digits as indicated.

Diagnosis CodeDescriptionDiagnosis CodeDescription
Z32.00-Z32.02Encounter for pregnancy testO00.0-O00.9Ectopic pregnancies
Z34.00-Z34.93Encounter for supervision of normal pregnancyO01.0-O02.0Hydatidiform mole and other abnormal products of conception
O09.00-O09.93Supervision of high-risk pregnancyO02.1Missed abortion (incomplete miscarriage)
O30.00-O30.93Multiple gestationO03.0-O03.9Spontaneous abortion (miscarriage)
Z37.0 - Z37.9Outcome of deliveryZ39.0 - Z39.2Encounter for care and examination of mother immediately after delivery

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Billing for Obstetrical (OB) Care

Health First Colorado uses a bundled payment for professional services provided during the perinatal period, including prenatal care, labor and delivery and postpartum care. Pregnancies, excluding high-risk pregnancies, are reimbursed through a global payment rate. There are certain circumstances where providers may bill a partial global payment. 

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Global Obstetrics Billing

The global obstetrics (OB) code must be billed whenever one (1) practitioner or practitioners of the same group provide all components of the members obstetrical care, including four (4) or more prenatal visits, labor and delivery and postpartum care. The number of prenatal visits may vary from member to member. However, if more than four (4) prenatal visits, labor and delivery and postpartum care are provided, ALL pregnancy related visits (excluding inpatient hospital visits for complications of pregnancy) must be billed under the global OB code.   

The date of delivery must be reported when billing these global OB codes.  

The complete global OB CPT codes are identified as:  

  • 59400  
  • 59510 
  • 59610 
  • 59618 


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Exceptions to Global Billing Guidelines  

The following examples are additional situations where itemization of OB services may be applicable.  
Physicians from different group practice (non-affiliated practitioners) may provide and bill for individual components that are generally included in global OB billing when:  

  • The member transfers into or out of a physician or affiliated group practice and services provided do not meet the complete global OB service criteria.  
  • The member is referred to another non-group physician during their pregnancy.  
  • The member has the delivery performed by another physician or other health care professional not associated with their regular physician or affiliated group practice.  
  • The member terminates or miscarries their pregnancy.  
  • The member changes insurers during their pregnancy.  

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Prenatal Care Only 

Prenatal care only codes should be billed when the practitioner or practitioners of the same group will NOT be performing all three (3) components of global OB care. Only one (1) prenatal care code is allowed to be billed per pregnancy.  

  • When less than four (4) prenatal visits are performed, bill the appropriate E/M codes for the visits. The appropriate E&M visit code must be billed with the TH modifier added to indicate that the visit is pregnancy-related, but outside of the OB global billing code. 
  • For four (4)-six (6) prenatal visits, bill CPT code 59425 with the appropriate 0500F or 0501F code identifying the initial date of service (DOS).  
  • For seven (7) or more prenatal visits, bill CPT code 59426 with appropriate 0500F or 0501F identifying the initial DOS.  

The DOS used for billing the prenatal CPT code must be the same DOS reported for the first prenatal visit which is identified by the appropriate Category II CPT “F” code. 

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Labor and Delivery (L&D) Only 

Delivery begins on the date of initial hospitalization for delivery and extends through the date in which the member is released from the hospital. Hospital care related to the delivery is considered part of the delivery charge and is NOT considered part of postpartum care.  

  • For vaginal delivery only, bill CPT code 59409.
  • For C-section delivery only, bill CPT code 59514.
  • For vaginal birth after C-section (VBAC), bill code 59612. 
  • For C-section after attempted VBAC delivery only, bill code 59620.

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Postpartum Care Only 

Postpartum care begins after the patient is discharged from the hospital stay for delivery and extends throughout the postpartum period.  

  • For postpartum care only, bill code 59430 with the appropriate 0503F, identifying the initial DOS.


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Prenatal Care and Delivery 

There is not a comprehensive CPT code that describes prenatal care, including delivery. Therefore, when prenatal care and delivery are performed, the provider must bill the appropriate prenatal code and either 0500F or 0501F CPT code and the appropriate delivery code. Prenatal and delivery codes should only be billed if postpartum care was NOT provided. Hospital care related to the delivery is considered part of the delivery charge and is NOT considered part of postpartum care. 


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Labor and Delivery and Postpartum Care  

Providers may submit an interim claim for partial global payment when prenatal and labor and delivery services have been rendered. If a postpartum visit is subsequently provided, the provider must void the partial global claim and submit a new claim using the appropriate global codes, including prenatal, labor and delivery and postpartum services. This claim submission should ONLY be billed after the postpartum visit has been provided. The global OB codes should NOT be billed until the postpartum visit has been provided.

Partial Global billing refers to maternity care not managed by a single provider or group practice. Billing for partial global services may occur if: 

  • A member transfers into or out of a physician or group practice 
  • A member is referred to another physician during the pregnancy  
  • A member has the delivery performed by another physician or other health care professional not associated with their physician or group practice.
  • A member terminates or miscarries the pregnancy.
  • A member changes insurers during the pregnancy.
  • The physician provides only partial services instead of the entire global OB services, to bill for that portion of care only.

Providers must use the appropriate codes for prenatal-only, postpartum-only, labor and delivery only or labor and delivery and postpartum services only.  

When a provider performs the delivery and postpartum care, and did NOT perform the prenatal care, the appropriate delivery and postpartum code should be billed.  

  • For vaginal delivery including postpartum care, bill code 59410 with the appropriate 0503F CPT code identifying the initial DOS for postpartum care. 
  • For C-section delivery including postpartum care, bill code 59515 with the appropriate 0503F CPT code with identifying initial DOS for postpartum care. 
  • For VBAC including postpartum care, bill code 59614 with the appropriate 0503F CPT code with identifying initial DOS for postpartum care.  
  • For C-section after attempted VBAC including postpartum care, bill code 59622 with appropriate 0503F CPT code with identifying initial DOS for postpartum care. 

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Global, Partial/Bundled and Individual Service Procedure Codes

Global OB codeUnitsNCCI edits Require Modifier (XU) when billing for Multiple GestationPrior Authorization Required
59400-59410 Vaginal Delivery: Comprehensive and Component Services
594001 No
59410159410 with 59409 use XUNo
594091 No
59510-59515 Cesarean Section Delivery: Comprehensive and Component Services
595101 No
59515159515 with 59514 use XUNo
595141 No
59610-59614 Vaginal Delivery after Prior Cesarean Section: Comprehensive and Component Services
59610159610 with 59612 use XUNo
59614159614 with 59612 use XUNo
596121 No
59618-59622 Cesarean Section after attempted Vaginal birth/Prior C-Section: Comprehensive and Component Services
59618159618 with 59620 use XUNo
59622159622 with 59620 use XUNo
596201 No
99201-99215 w/modifier TH1 No
594251 No
594261 No
594301 No


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Services Not Included in Global Reimbursement

  • Unusual circumstances
  • Conditions that are unrelated to the pregnancy or delivery
  • Complications of pregnancy
  • Certain adjunctive services
  • Medical/Surgical services unrelated to the pregnancy
  • Depression screens for pregnant and postpartum women

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Separate Procedures

These services should be billed separately from (in addition to) global obstetrical care charges.

Prenatal testingBill only for the testing or the portion of the testing performed by the provider
Use modifier -TC for technical component services only
Use modifier - 26 for professional services only
Use no modifier if professional and technical testing services are performed by the same provider
Invasive or non-invasive prenatal testing, including ultrasoundHealth First Colorado covers a maximum of two (2) ultrasounds for an uncomplicated or low-risk pregnancy. If the member's medical condition requires additional ultrasonography, medical records must be documented.
Clinical laboratory testing

Providers must be CLIA certified.

Tests performed by an outside lab must be billed by the lab.

A prenatal obstetric panel must include tests for a complete blood count with differential, a hepatitis B surface antigen, a rubella antibody, syphilis and HIV testing, a red blood cell antibody screen, ABO blood typing, and Rh typing.

Syphilis testing is a Colorado statutory requirement for the first trimester or at the first OB visit (testing independently or as included in the prenatal obstetric panel). Nationwide and in CO increased cases of syphilis and congenital syphilis have been reported so additional syphilis monitoring and/or testing for pregnant individuals at higher risk is needed.

Effective April 25, 2024, CDPHE has issued a statewide Public Health Order (24-01) to address the increased need to expand access and to increase frequency of syphilis testing during pregnancy. Healthcare facilities and medical providers that evaluate and treat pregnant individuals must offer syphilis testing to all pregnant members unless testing has already occurred which meets the needed testing requirement or if the member declines testing. Syphilis testing must be offered:

  1. During the first trimester of pregnancy (1-12 weeks gestational age) or at the initial prenatal visit 
  2. During the third trimester of pregnancy (between 28-32 weeks gestational age)
  3. At the time of delivery
  4. When there is a fetal death after 20 weeks’ gestation
  5. When a pregnant patient presents at an emergency room or urgent care center, at the intervals or events described above (points 1 – 4) 
  6. At correctional facility (prisons, jails and juvenile detention centers) at the intervals or events described above (points 1 – 4)

These new testing requirements must be followed until this Public Health Order is rescinded or until other state guidelines or directives supersede this order.

For the most recent CO syphilis statistics, data is available through the CDPHE website.

Laboratory testing other than routine chemical urinalysis and finger stick hematocrit.

Pap smear during pregnancy and a second pap smear during the postpartum period. (This is in addition to the routine annual pap smear.)

Note: Lab tests must include the emergency indicator for all Emergency Medicaid Services Members. Refer to the Emergency Medicaid Services Billing Manual for additional information.

Adjunctive servicesFor example, Tracheoplasty/trachelorrhaphy, etc.
Initial antepartum visit

Use CPT E and M codes 99201-99215 for initial visit. Initial visit may involve additional time and attention.
The following represents possible diagnosis codes:

Z34.00-Z34.03Encounter for supervision of normal first pregnancy
Z34.80-Z34.83Encounter for supervision of other normal pregnancy
Z34.90-Z34.93Encounter for supervision of normal pregnancy, unspecified
Z33.1Pregnant state, incidental
O09.00-O09.03Supervision of high-risk pregnancy with history of infertility
O09.10-O09.13Supervision of high-risk pregnancy with history of ectopic or molar pregnancy
O09.211-O09.219Supervision of pregnancy with history of pre-term labor
O09.291-O09.299Supervision of high-risk pregnancy with other poor reproductive or obstetric history
O09.30-O09.32Supervision of pregnancy with insufficient antenatal care
O09.40-O09.43Supervision of pregnancy with grand multiparity
O09.511-O09.529Supervision of elderly primigravida and multigravida
O09.611-O09.629Supervision of young primigravida and multigravida
O09.70-O09.73Supervision of high-risk pregnancy due to social problems
O09.821-O09.829Supervision of pregnancy with history of in utero procedure during previous pregnancy
O09.891- O09.899Supervision of other high-risk pregnancies
O09.90-O09.93Supervision of high-risk pregnancy, unspecified
Z32.00Encounter for pregnancy test, result unknown
Z32.01Encounter for pregnancy test, result positive
Z32.02Encounter for pregnancy test, result negative
N91.0-N91.5Absent, scanty and rare menstruation
N92.0- N92.6Excessive frequent and irregular menstruation
N93.0- N93.9Other abnormal uterine and vaginal bleeding
Conditions requiring additional management

Billing for Multiple Infants:

To avoid claim denials and National Correct Coding Initiative (NCCI) edits on claims involving the delivery of multiple infants, additional information is required.

For Cesarean Deliveries: Bill only one (1) CPT code and only one (1) unit for the complete cesarean delivery, regardless of the number of babies delivered. Whether reporting for a: global delivery (59510 or 59618), delivery only (59514 or 59620), or delivery including post-partum care (59515 or 59622) only one (1) cesarean procedure (with one (1) incision) is being performed. Use the most accurate/complete procedure code which describes the antenatal care, delivery history, current delivery type, and any postpartum care provided for the current pregnancy.

For Vaginal Deliveries: bill multiple infants using the guidelines outlined below:
For the first infant (Baby A), use the most accurate and complete vaginal delivery diagnostic and procedure code. Choose the procedure code which best describes all services provided and considers delivery history, current delivery type, prenatal care and postpartum care.

Bill one (1) unit of service for Baby A.

For the additional infant (Baby B), bill this infant on a separate line using one (1) of the following delivery only codes: 59409 or 59612. Choose the code associated with the delivery history and delivery type you used for Baby A.

Include modifier '59' in the first position for Baby B. Use the delivery date as the date of service.

For Vaginal Deliveries followed by a Cesarean Delivery:
For a Vaginal Delivery of the first infant (Baby A): Use either code 59409 or 59612 for Baby A. Include modifier '59' in the first position for Baby A. Bill only one (1) unit of service.

For Cesarean Delivery of the second infant (Baby B): Use the most accurate/complete global cesarean procedure code that describes the antenatal and/or postpartum care or delivery only care provided for the current pregnancy. Use one (1) of the following codes for Baby B: global delivery, delivery only, or delivery including post-partum care. Choose the Cesarean code associated with the same delivery history you used for Baby A: (59510 or 59515 with 59409) OR (59618, 59620 or 59622 with 59612). Bill one (1) unit of service for Baby B. Each infant should be listed on a separate line. Use the delivery date as the date of service.

NCCI Edit Requirements: A second modifier 'XU' is required for NCCI edits when the following code combinations are billed: 59410 with 59409, 59610 with 59612 or 59614 with 59612.

NCCI edits do not allow procedure code 59514 to be combined or billed with codes: 59400, 59409 or 50410.

Delivery Procedure Codes:
59400, 59410, 59409, 59610, 59614, 59612, 59510, 59515, 59514, 59618, 59622, 59620.

Medical or surgical complications

Bill on an ongoing basis using the appropriate procedure code(s).

The diagnosis code must identify the complication or condition.

Conditions unrelated to pregnancyMedical or surgical services for conditions that are not related to pregnancy should be billed separately. Identify the condition requiring additional care. Services are subject to PCP referral.

The delivery fee includes local, pudendal, and paracervical blocks by the delivering practitioner.

If the delivering practitioner begins block anesthesia for a vaginal delivery that subsequently requires a cesarean, separate charges may be submitted using the appropriate block code.

Anesthesia by a practitioner, other than the practitioner delivering the infant(s), must be billed by the provider who renders the service.

Epidural anesthesiaEpidural anesthesia by a provider other than the delivering practitioner is a covered benefit. Document member contact time on the claim. Paper claims for more than 120 minutes (eight (8) or more time units) of direct member contact epidural time require an attached copy of the anesthesia record. Electronic claims may be submitted (no attachments) but documents verifying extended direct member contact must be maintained and produced upon request.
Assistant surgeon at cesarean deliveryModifier - 80 identifies assistant surgeon services. A family practitioner or certified nurse-midwife may bill as assistant surgeon at cesarean. Physician assistants, surgical assistants, and nurse practitioners may not bill as assistant surgeon. An assistant surgeon is not allowed on vaginal deliveries.
Treatment for high-risk pregnant womenWomen who would be high risk given physical health, psychosocial history, and current life stressors may be eligible for involvement in the Prenatal Plus (PN+) Program, a Health First Colorado benefit that provides a care team for women at higher risk of adverse birth outcomes. The service package includes a care coordinator, a dietitian, and a mental health professional. Visit the Prenatal Plus web page to find a provider near you if you think the mother would be eligible.
Treatment for substance-abusing pregnant womenSubstance abusing pregnant women may be eligible for involvement in Special Connections, a Health First Colorado-funded program for substance abuse treatment. The service package includes Risk assessment, case management, individual counseling, group counseling and health maintenance. Substance abusing pregnant women can refer themselves to Special Connections or be referred by a provider.
Emergency Medicaid Services Billing for Labor and Delivery and Reproductive HealthcareRefer to the Emergency Medicaid Services Billing Manual for information about billing for labor and delivery and reproductive healthcare services.
Immediate Post-Partum Long-Acting Reversible Contraceptives (IPP-LARCs)

Effective January 1, 2020, IPP-LARC devices inserted in a DRG Hospital may be reimbursed at the fee schedule rate or the amount billed, whichever is less. 

Refer to the Inpatient/Outpatient (IP/OP) Billing Manual for additional IPP-LARC billing information.

Inpatient Hospital Billing for Birthing Parent and NewbornRefer to the Inpatient/Outpatient (IP/OP) Billing Manual.
Newborn Hearing and Metabolic Screenings

Costs associated with the Newborn Hearing Screening and the initial Newborn Metabolic Screening are included in the delivery DRG calculation or the birthing center facility payment. They may not be billed separately. Refer to the Inpatient/Outpatient (IP/OP) Billing Manual.

Current Procedural Terminology (CPT)/ Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System (HCPCS) codes for the Newborn Hearing Screening cannot be billed for dates on or during the date span of the delivery stay. Refer to the Audiology Benefit Billing and Policy Billing Manual or the Laboratory Services Billing Manual for more information.

Examination and evaluation of the healthy newbornEPSDT Periodicity Guidelines recommend initial newborn screenings at 3-5 days and 2 weeks.
Routine or ritual circumcisionAs of July 1, 2017, circumcision is available as a benefit of the program. The following CPT codes are being reimbursed 54150, 54160 or 54161. This change does not affect the CHP+ Program.
Services provided at place of service (POS) 03 - schoolEffective May 3, 2024, place of service 03 is an allowed place of service for all fee-for-service benefits. In order for community providers to bill fee-for-service to children in a school setting, the provider must follow school district policy. Please reference the Community Providers in a School Setting Policy memo.

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Special Provider Considerations

Enrolled Certified Nurse Midwives (CNM)May provide OB care in accordance with the Colorado Medical Practice Act. Certified Nurse Midwives submit claims in the same manner as physicians. Certified nurse-midwives may act as assistant surgeon at cesarean deliveries.
Direct-Entry or Certified Professional Midwives (DEM / CPM)May render low-risk OB care in Health First Colorado-enrolled Free-Standing Birth Centers, as identified and in accordance with the Colorado Department of Regulatory Agency’s (DORA) Rule and Statutory Guidelines: 4 CCR 739-1 and C.R.S.12-225-101 through 12-225-113.
Certified Family Nurse Practitioners or Certified Pediatric Nurse PractitionersMust be specifically identified and enrolled according to Health First Colorado provider enrollment policy. These non-physician practitioners do not require direct and personal supervision of an on-premises, licensed, Health First Colorado-enrolled physician and may receive direct reimbursement.
Physician assistants other nurse practitionersThese providers do not qualify for direct reimbursement. The provider number of the supervising physician must appear in the supervising provider field on the claim record. Physician assistants, surgical assistants, and nurse practitioners may not serve as assistant surgeons.


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Freestanding Birth Centers

A Birthing Center is licensed free-standing healthcare facility (not a hospital, nor attached to or located within a hospital) where care providers, including licensed Certified Nurse Midwives (CNMs) and physician (MDs/DOs) identified in Rule (6 CCR 1011-1 Chapter 22) as clinical staff, provide family-centered, culturally competent and comprehensive prenatal, labor and delivery and postpartum care to healthy low-risk pregnant women and their newborns. Birth Center Health Care Facilities are licensed through the Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment (CDPHE) and regulated through statutory authority identified in sections 25-1.5-103 & 25-3-100.5, et seq., C.R.S. and C.R.S.12-30-118.

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Provider Enrollment

Reimbursement for birth centers for services rendered to Health First Colorado-eligible members is only available to licensed (through CDPHE) freestanding birth centers (FSBC) that enroll with Health First Colorado as a Health First Colorado provider with a birth center specialty designation (58/116 = provider type/specialty type). Include a copy of your CDPHE license with your Health First Colorado provider enrollment application and request the specialty designation for FSBCs. Practitioners, such as certified nurse midwives or Direct-Entry/Certified Professional midwives (DEM/CPM) providing services at birth centers must also be enrolled as Health First Colorado providers and affiliated with the birth center under which claims are submitted.

Billing Requirements

In addition to the submission of claims for antepartum, delivery, and postpartum care (following global OB billing guidelines), freestanding birth centers can also submit claims for a birth center facility payment for that delivery and when a member must be transferred to a hospital.

DescriptionCode(s)Modifier - first position
Birth center payment59899HD

The modifier included in the tables above and below are required for the claim to pay correctly. If 'HD' (women's program/service) is not included in the first position, the claim will pay incorrectly.

Occasionally, members are unable to deliver at the birth center and need to be transferred to a hospital. In these cases, a reduced birth center payment is available as is reimbursement for time spent with the member.

DescriptionCode(s)Modifier - first positionModifier - second position
Transfer payment: Payment for costs incurred prior to transporting a member to a hospital59899HD52


In addition to the payment made for members who transfer, claims can be submitted for the time a midwife spends with the member prior to her transfer and for antepartum care.

99215Payment is based upon Health First Colorado's fee schedule.
99215 + 99354Payment is based upon Health First Colorado's fee schedule.
99215 + 99354 + 99355

(1 unit of 99355 per each additional 30 minutes)
Payment is based upon Health First Colorado's fee schedule.


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CMS 1500 Paper Claim Reference Table

The following paper form reference table shows required, optional, and conditional fields and detailed field completion instructions for the CMS 1500 claim form.

CMS Field Number and LabelField is?Instructions
1. Insurance TypeRequiredPlace an "X" in the box marked as Medicaid.
1a. Insured's ID NumberRequiredEnter the member's seven (7)-digit Health First Colorado ID number as it appears on the Health First Colorado Identification card. Example: A123456.
2. Patient's NameRequiredEnter the member's last name, first name, and middle initial.
3. Patient's Date of Birth/SexRequiredEnter the member's birth date using two (2) digits for the month, two (2) digits for the date, and two (2) digits for the year. Example: 013125 for January 31, 2025.

Place an "X" in the appropriate box to indicate the sex of the member.
4. Insured's NameConditionalComplete if the member is covered by a Medicare health insurance policy.

Enter the insured's full last name, first name, and middle initial. If the insured used a last name suffix (e.g., Jr, Sr), enter it after the last name and before the first name.
5. Patient's AddressNot Required 
6. Patient's Relationship to InsuredConditionalComplete if the member is covered by a commercial health insurance policy. Place an "X" in the box that identifies the member's relationship to the policyholder.
7. Insured's AddressNot Required 
8. Reserved for NUCC UseNot Required 
9. Other Insured's NameConditionalIf field 11d is marked "YES", enter the insured's last name, first name and middle initial.
9a. Other Insured's Policy or Group NumberConditionalIf field 11d is marked "YES", enter the policy or group number.
9b. Reserved for NUCC Use  
9c. Reserved for NUCC Use  
9d. Insurance Plan or Program NameConditionalIf field 11D is marked "YES", enter the insurance plan or program name.
10a-c. Is patient's condition related to?ConditionalWhen appropriate, place an "X" in the correct box to indicate whether one (1) or more of the services described in field 24 are for a condition or injury that occurred on the job, as a result of an auto accident or other.
10d. Reserved for Local Use  
11. Insured's Policy, Group or FECA NumberConditionalComplete if the member is covered by a Medicare health insurance policy.

Enter the insured's policy number as it appears on the ID card. Only complete if field 4 is completed.
11a. Insured's Date of Birth, SexConditionalComplete if the member is covered by a Medicare health insurance policy.

Enter the insured's birth date using two (2) digits for the month, two (2) digits for the date and two (2) digits for the year. Example: 013125 for January 31, 2025.

Place an "X" in the appropriate box to indicate the sex of the insured.
11b. Other Claim IDNot Required 
11c. Insurance Plan Name or Program NameNot Required 
11d. Is there another Health Benefit Plan?ConditionalWhen appropriate, place an "X" in the correct box. If marked "YES", complete 9, 9a and 9d.
12. Patient's or Authorized Person's signatureRequiredEnter "Signature on File", "SOF", or legal signature. If there is no signature on file, leave blank or enter "No Signature on File".

Enter the date the claim form was signed.
13. Insured's or Authorized Person's SignatureNot Required 
14. Date of Current Illness Injury or PregnancyConditionalComplete if information is known. Enter the date of illness, injury or pregnancy, (date of the last menstrual period) using two (2) digits for the month, two (2) digits for the date and two (2) digits for the year. Example: 013125 for January 31, 2025.

Enter the applicable qualifier to identify which date is being reported.
431 - Onset of Current Symptoms or Illness
484 - Last Menstrual Period
15. Other Date NotNot Required 
16. Date Patient Unable to Work in Current OccupationNot Required 
17. Name of Referring PhysicianConditional 
17b. NPI of Referring PhysicianRequiredRequired in accordance with Program Rule 8.125.8.A
18. Hospitalization Dates Related to Current ServiceNot Required 
19. Additional Claim InformationConditionalTransportation
When applicable, enter the word "TRANSPORT CERT" to certify that you have a transportation certificate or trip sheet on file for this service.
20. Outside Lab?
$ Charges
ConditionalComplete if all laboratory work was referred to and performed by an outside laboratory. If this box is checked, no payment will be made to the physician for lab services. Do not complete this field if any laboratory work was performed in the office.

Practitioners may not request payment for services performed by an independent or hospital laboratory.
21. Diagnosis or Nature of Illness or InjuryRequiredEnter at least one (1) but no more than 12 diagnosis codes based on the member's diagnosis/condition.

Enter applicable ICD-10 indicator.
22. Medicaid Resubmission CodeConditionalList the original reference number for resubmitted claims.

When resubmitting a claim, enter the appropriate bill frequency code in the left-hand side of the field.
7 - Replacement of prior claim
8 - Void/Cancel of prior claim
This field is not intended for use for original claim submissions.
23. Prior AuthorizationConditionalCLIA
When applicable, enter the word "CLIA" followed by the number.

Prior Authorization
Enter the six (6)-character prior authorization number from the approved Prior Authorization Request (PAR). Do not combine services from more than one (1) approved PAR on a single claim form. Do not attach a copy of the approved PAR unless advised to do so by the authorizing agent or the fiscal agent.
24. Claim Line DetailInformationThe paper claim form allows entry of up to six (6) detailed billing lines. Fields 24A through 24J apply to each billed line.

Do not enter more than six (6) lines of information on the paper claim. If more than six (6) lines of information are entered, the additional lines will not be entered for processing.

Each claim form must be fully completed (totaled).

Do not file continuation claims (e.g., Page 1 of 2).
24A. Dates of ServiceRequired

The field accommodates the entry of two (2) dates: a "From" date of services and a "To" date of service. Enter the date of service using two (2) digits for the month, two (2) digits for the date and two (2) digits for the year. Example: 013125 for January 31, 2025.




Span dates of service


Practitioner claims must be consecutive days.
Single Date of Service: Enter the six (6)-digit date of service in the "From" field. Completion of the "To" field is not required. Do not spread the date entry across the two (2) fields.

Span billing: permissible if the same service (same procedure code) is provided on consecutive dates.

Global Obstetrical care
For global obstetrical care, the "From" and "To" dates of service must be entered as the date of delivery.

Supplemental Qualifier 
To enter supplemental information, begin at 24A by entering the qualifier and then the information.
supplemental qualifier date field
ZZ - Narrative description of unspecified code
N4 - National Drug Codes

  • Enter NDC qualifier N4 (left-justified), immediately followed by the 11-digit NDC numeric code.
  • Enter one (1) space for separation.
  • Enter the appropriate qualifier for the correct dispensing NDC unit of measure (UN - Units, ML - Milliliter, GR - Gram, or F2 - International Unit), immediately followed by the quantity (number of NDC units).

NDC code in field
VP - Vendor Product Number
OZ - Product Number
CTR - Contract Rate
JP - Universal/National Tooth Designation
JO - Dentistry Designation System for Tooth and Areas of Oral Cavity

24B. Place of ServiceRequired

Enter the Place of Service (POS) code that describes the location where services were rendered. Health First Colorado accepts the CMS place of service codes.

04Homeless Shelter
05IHS Free-Standing Facility
06Provider-Based Facility
07Tribal 638 Free-Standing
08Tribal 638 Provider-Based
15Mobile Unit
20Urgent Care Facility
21Inpatient Hospital
22Outpatient Hospital
23Emergency Room Hospital
26Military Treatment Center
31Skilled Nursing Facility
32Nursing Facility
33Custodial Care Facility
41Transportation - Land
42Transportation - Air or Water
50Federally Qualified Health Center
51Inpatient Psychiatric Facility
52Psychiatric Facility Partial Hospitalization
53Community Mental Health Center
54Intermediate Care Facility - MR
55Residential Treatment Facility
58Free-standing Birth Center
60Mass Immunization Center
61Comprehensive IP Rehab Facility
62Comprehensive OP Rehab Facility
65End Stage Renal Dialysis Trtmt Facility
71State-Local Public Health Clinic
72Rural Health Clinic
81Independent Lab
99Other Unlisted
24C. EMGConditional

Enter a "Y" for YES or leave blank for NO in the bottom, unshaded area of the field to indicate the service is rendered for a life-threatening condition or one that requires immediate medical intervention.

If a "Y" for YES is entered, the service on this detail line is exempt from co-payment requirements.


Enter the HCPCS procedure code that specifically describes the service for which payment is requested.

All procedures must be identified with codes in the current edition of Physicians Current Procedural Terminology (CPT). CPT is updated annually.

HCPCS Level II Codes
The current Medicare coding publication (for Medicare crossover claims only).

Only approved codes from the current CPT or HCPCS publications will be accepted.

24D. ModifierConditional

Enter the appropriate procedure-related modifier that applies to the billed service. Up to four (4) modifiers may be entered when using the paper claim form.
59 - Delivery of multiples
26 - Professional component
47 - Anesthesia by surgeon
80 - Assistant surgeon
HD - Women's program/service for FSBC facility payment
TC - Technical component
TH - Obstetrical Treatment/Services, Prenatal or Postpartum
UK - Services provided while mother and baby were hospitalized
XU - Delivery of multiple infants when billing CPT codes impact NCCI edits

G7 – Termination of pregnancy resulting from rape, incest, or certified by physician as life-threatening. 

24E. Diagnosis PointerRequired

Enter the diagnosis code reference letter (A-L) that relates the date of service and the procedures performed to the primary diagnosis.

At least one (1) diagnosis code reference letter must be entered.

When multiple services are performed, the primary reference letter for each service should be listed first, other applicable services should follow.

This field allows for the entry of four (4) characters in the unshaded area.

24F. $ ChargesRequired

Enter the usual and customary charge for the service represented by the procedure code on the detail line. Do not use commas when reporting dollar amounts. Enter 00 in the cents area if the amount is a whole number.

Some CPT procedure codes are grouped with other related CPT procedure codes. When more than one (1) procedure from the same group is billed, special multiple pricing rules apply.

The base procedure is the procedure with the highest allowable amount. The base code is used to determine the allowable amounts for additional CPT surgical procedures when more than one (1) procedure from the same grouping is performed.

Submitted charges cannot be more than charges made to non-Health First Colorado-covered individuals for the same service.

Do not deduct Health First Colorado co-pay or commercial insurance payments from the usual and customary charges.

24G. Days or UnitsRequired

Enter the number of services provided for each procedure code.
Enter whole numbers only- do not enter fractions or decimals.

Anesthesia Services
Anesthesia services must be reported as minutes. Units may only be reported for anesthesia services when the code description includes a time period.

Anesthesia time begins when the anesthetist begins member preparation for induction in the operating room or an equivalent area and ends when the anesthetist is no longer in constant attendance. No additional benefits or additional units are added for emergency conditions or the member's physical status.

Codes that define units as inclusive numbers
Some services such as allergy testing define units by the number of services as an inclusive number, not as additional services.

24H. EPSDT/Family PlanConditional

EPSDT (shaded area)
For Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis and Treatment related services, enter the response in the shaded portion of the field as follows:
AV - Available- Not Used
S2 - Under Treatment
ST - New Service Requested
NU - Not Used

Family Planning (unshaded area)
If the service is Family Planning, such as for contraception or sterilization, enter "Y" for YES or "N" for NO in the bottom, unshaded area of the field.

24I. ID QualifierNot Required 
24J. Rendering Provider ID #RequiredIn the shaded portion of the field, enter the National Provider Identifier (NPI) of the Health First Colorado provider number assigned to the individual who actually performed or rendered the billed service. This number cannot be assigned to a group or clinic.
25. Federal Tax ID NumberNot Required 
26. Patient's Account NumberOptionalEnter information that identifies the member or claim in the provider's billing system. Submitted information appears on the Remittance Advice (RA).
27. Accept Assignment?RequiredThe accept assignment indicates that the provider agrees to accept assignment under the terms of the payer's program.
28. Total ChargeRequiredEnter the sum of all charges listed in field 24F. Do not use commas when reporting dollar amounts. Enter 00 in the cents area if the amount is a whole number.
29. Amount PaidConditional

Enter the total amount paid by Medicare or any other commercial health insurance that has made payment on the billed services.

Do not use commas when reporting dollar amounts. Enter 00 in the cents area if the amount is a whole number.

30. Rsvd for NUCC Use  
31. Signature of Physician or Supplier Including Degrees or CredentialsRequired

Each claim must bear the signature of the enrolled provider or the signature of a registered authorized agent.

Each claim must have the date the enrolled provider or registered authorized agent signed the claim form. Enter the date the claim was signed using two (2) digits for the month, two (2) digits for the date and two (2) digits for the year. Example: 013125 for January 31, 2025.

Unacceptable signature alternatives:
Claim preparation personnel may not sign the enrolled provider's name.
Initials are not acceptable as a signature.
Typed or computer printed names are not acceptable as a signature.
"Signature on file" notation is not acceptable in place of an authorized signature.

32. Service Facility Location Information
32a- NPI Number
32b- Other ID #
RequiredEnter the name, address and ZIP code of the individual or business where the member was seen or service was performed in the following format:
1st Line Name
2nd Line Address
3rd Line City, State and ZIP Code
If the Provider Type (PT) is not able to obtain an NPI, enter the eight (8)-digit Health First Colorado provider number of the individual or organization.
33. Billing Provider
Info & Ph #
RequiredEnter the name of the individual or organization that will receive payment for the billed services in the following format:
1st Line Name
2nd Line Address
3rd Line City, State and ZIP Code
33a- NPI NumberRequired 
33b- Other ID # If the PT is not able to obtain an NPI, enter the eight (8)-digit Health First Colorado provider number of the individual or organization.

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OB Claim Example

OB Claim Example

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Other Reproductive Healthcare-Related Services

Family Planning, Sterilizations, Hysterectomies and Abortions

Billing Instruction DetailInstructions
Family planning

Family Planning services are available for both female and male Health First Colorado members of child-bearing age, including minors. Women may receive family planning services during and after a pregnancy. Family planning services and supplies are identified and provided when the intent of the service is to prevent, delay or plan for a pregnancy. Family planning services include examinations, treatment, sterilizations (excluding hysterectomies), all FDA-approved contraceptives/methods of birth control, basic fertility and reproductive system related education and family planning counseling. Prior authorization is not required for family planning services. When billing for family planning services, such as for contraception provision or sterilization procedures, always include the family planning (FP) modifier next to the appropriate procedure code on claims.

As of July 1, 2022, Family Planning service are also available for two separately identified groups of individuals to enroll for these services. 

1) Eligible individual (including those undocumented) must complete the Health First Colorado application (available online, by phone, by mail or in person).
2) Eligible individuals (do not financially qualify for Health First Colorado but whose income is <260% of the current FPL) 

Surgical sterilization

Voluntary sterilization is considered a family planning service (requiring the FP modifier with billing) and requires strict compliance with Federal informed consent regulations. Sterilization claims with attached documents should be submitted electronically. A copy of the Consent to Sterilization - MED 178 Form, located on the Provider Forms web page under the Sterilization Consent Forms drop-down menu, must be attached to each related claim and completed according to the provider manual.

The male or female Health First Colorado member must be at least 21 years old on the date they sign the MED-178 and the form must be completed at least 30 days in advance of the procedure, but fewer than 180 days, unless emergency surgery or a premature delivery occurs (and informed consent [the Consent to Sterilization - MED 178 Form]) is signed by the client at least 30 days prior to the estimated date of delivery).

The surgeon must provide copies of the properly completed MED-178 to the assistant surgeon, anesthetist, and hospital. Claims without MED-178 documentation are denied.

Sterilization performed at the time of vaginal or cesarean delivery can be submitted electronically using the appropriate diagnosis, PCS and procedural sterilization codes and FP modifier with the required MED-178 form attached.

If laparoscopic tubal ligation is performed, bill the base diagnostic laparoscopy on one (1) detail line and the appropriate tubal ligation procedure code on a second detail line.

Refer to the MED-178 Instructions for completion and form located on the Provider Forms web page under the Sterilization Consent Forms drop-down menu.

Treatment of HIV-infected personsTreatment of HIV-infected persons with antiretroviral medications prescribed by a doctor is a Health First Colorado benefit. Medications include, but are not limited to, zidovudine (AZT), didanosine (ddI), and stavudine. Medications to treat HIV-related diseases must be FDA approved, listed on the drug formulary, and not classified as experimental. Most drugs do not require prior authorization. For questions on the status of drugs as a covered benefit, call your local pharmacy or Health First Colorado Provider Services.
Services provided at place of service (POS) 03 - schoolEffective May 3, 2024, place of service 03 is an allowed place of service for all fee-for-service benefits. In order for community providers to bill fee-for-service to children in a school setting, the provider must follow school district policy. Please reference the Community Providers in a School Setting Policy memo.


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Family Planning Services

The service intent identified for family planning (FP) services including services to delay, prevent (such as contraceptive care and sterilization services) or to plan for a pregnancy.

The intent of the family planning service, such as a contraceptive pill prescription to prevent a pregnancy, must be documented in the client’s medical record. If the intended use of the contraceptive pill or other contraceptive, is not for pregnancy prevention, such as a contraceptive pill prescription for use to treat excess bleeding, this service/prescription logic should also be documented in the client’s medical record and the FP modifier should not be included next to the CPT/HCPCS code on the claim.

Services classified as eligible for family planning service use can be identified on the Fee-for-Service billing schedule with the FP modifier included as a billing option.

Examples of some of these service codes (when the FP intent is identified by the provider) are included below:

Examples of Family Planning Service Codes
CPT/HCPFCS or Dx CodeCODE DESCRIPTION(S)Modifier 1Modifier 2
 Contraceptives and Related Services  
A4261Cervical cap for contraceptive useFP 
A4266Diaphragm for contraceptive useFP 
A4267Condom contraceptive supply – male, each (available through clinician, not by prescription)FP 
A4268Condom contraceptive supply – female, each (available through clinician, not by prescription)FP 
A4269Spermicide - (available through clinician, not by prescription)FP 
J1050Hormonal Contraceptive Injection - Medroxyprogesterone acetate / Depo-ProveraFP 
J7294Hormonal Vaginal Ring, yearly vaginal system (Annovera)FP 
J7295Hormonal Vaginal Ring, monthly vaginal system (Nuvaring, Etonogestrel-EE)FP 
J7296Intrauterine device (IUD) – Hormonal - Kyleena / Long-acting reversible contraceptive (LARC) FP 
J7297IUD - Hormonal – Liletta -– LARCFP 
J7298IUD - Hormonal - Mirena- LARCFP 
J7300IUD - Copper T380-A - Paragard -– LARCFP 
J7301IUD - Hormonal – Skyla - LARC FP 
J7304Hormonal Contraceptive PatchFP 
J7307Contraceptive Implant – Nexplanon -– LARCFP 
S4993Contraceptive PillsFP 
S4993Emergency Contraceptive (EC) PillsFPU1
11976 FP 
11980 FP 
11981 FP 
11982 FP 
11983 FP 
76830 FP 
57170 FP 
57452 FP 
58300 FP 
58301 FP 

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Voluntary Sterilizations

Sterilization for the purpose of family planning is a benefit of Health First Colorado. Sterilization (i.e., tubal ligations, tubal occlusion and vasectomies) is intended to be a permanent, irreversible procedure to prevent consenting individuals from becoming pregnant or fathering a child. Submission of family planning sterilization claims should always include the family planning modifier (FP) and be submitted in accordance with the following procedures:

Examples of some of these sterilization service codes (when the FP intent is identified by the provider) are included below:

CPT/HCPFCS or Dx CodeModifier 1Modifier 2

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General Requirements

Claims for sterilization procedures should be submitted electronically. A copy of the Health First Colorado Consent to Sterilization - MED 178 Form, located on the Provider Forms web page under the Sterilization Consent Forms drop-down menu, must be attached to each related claim for service including the hospital, anesthesiologist, surgeon, and assistant surgeon.

  • The individual must be at least 21 years of age at the time the consent is obtained.
  • The individual must be mentally competent. An individual who has been declared mentally incompetent by a federal, state or local court of competent jurisdiction for any purpose cannot consent to sterilization. The individual can consent if she has been declared competent for purposes that include the ability to consent to sterilization.
  • The individual must voluntarily give "informed" consent as documented on the Consent to Sterilization - MED 178 Form (see illustration) and specified in the "Informed Consent Requirements" described in these instructions.
  • At least 30 days but not more than 180 days must pass between the date of informed consent and the date of sterilization with the following exceptions.

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Emergency Abdominal Surgery
An individual may consent to sterilization at the time of emergency abdominal surgery if at least 72 hours have passed since he/she gave informed consent for the sterilization.

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Premature Delivery
A woman may consent to sterilization at the time of a premature delivery if at least 72 hours have passed since she gave informed consent for the sterilization and the consent was obtained at least 30 days prior to the expected date of delivery.

The person may not be an "institutionalized individual".

Institutionalized includes:

  • Involuntarily confinement or detention, under a civil or criminal statute, in a correctional or rehabilitative facility including a mental hospital or other facility for the care and treatment of mental illness.
  • Confinement under a voluntary commitment in a mental hospital or other facility for the care and treatment of mental illness.

Unpaid or denied charges resulting from provider's failure to follow the required procedures in obtaining informed consent or failure to submit required documentation with the claim, may not be billed to the member.

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Informed Consent Requirements

The person obtaining informed consent must be a professional staff member who is qualified to address all the consenting individual's questions concerning medical, surgical, and anesthesia issues.

Informed consent is considered to have been given when the person who obtained consent for the sterilization procedure meets all of the following criteria:

  • Has offered to answer any questions that the individual who is to be sterilized may have concerning the procedure.
  • Has provided a copy of the consent form to the individual.
  • Has verbally provided all of the following information or advice to the individual who is to be sterilized:
    • Advice that the individual is free to withhold or withdraw consent at any time before the sterilization is done without affecting the right to any future care or treatment and without loss or withdrawal of any federally funded program benefits to which the individual might be otherwise entitled
    • A description of available alternative methods of family planning and birth control
    • Advice that the sterilization procedure is considered to be irreversible
    • A thorough explanation of the specific sterilization procedure to be performed
    • A full description of the discomforts and risks that may accompany or follow the performing of the procedure including an explanation of the type and possible effects of any anesthetic to be used.
    • A full description of the benefits or advantages that may be expected as a result of the sterilization
    • Advice that the sterilization will not be performed for at least 30 days except in the case of premature delivery or emergency abdominal surgery
    • Suitable arrangements have been made to ensure that the preceding information was effectively communicated to an individual who is blind, deaf, or otherwise handicapped.
    • The individual to be sterilized was permitted to have a witness of his or her choice present when consent was obtained.
    • The consent form requirements (noted below) were met.
    • Any additional requirement of the state or local law for obtaining consent was followed.
    • Informed consent may not be obtained while the individual to be sterilized is:
      • In labor or childbirth,
      • Seeking to obtain or is obtaining an abortion, and/or
      • Under the influence of alcohol or other substances that may affect the individual's sense of awareness.

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MED-178 Consent Form Requirements
Evidence of informed consent must be provided on the Consent to Sterilization - MED 178 Form located on the Provider Forms web page under the Sterilization Consent Forms drop-down menu. The fiscal agent is required to assure that the provisions of the law have been followed before Health First Colorado payment can be made for sterilization procedures.

A copy of the Consent to Sterilization - MED 178 Form must be attached to every claim submitted for reimbursement of sterilization charges including the surgeon, the assistant surgeon, the anesthesiologist, and the hospital or ambulatory surgical center. The surgeon is responsible for assuring that the MED-178 consent form is properly completed and providing copies of the form to the other providers for billing purposes.

Spanish forms are acceptable and are located on the Provider Forms web page under the Sterilization Consent Forms drop-down menu.

A sterilization consent form initiated in another state is acceptable when the text is complete and consistent with the Colorado form.

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Completion of the MED-178 Consent Form
Refer to the MED-178 Instructions, located on the Provider Forms web page under the Sterilization Consent Forms drop-down menu. Information entered on the consent form must correspond directly to the information on the submitted Health First Colorado claim form.

Federal regulations require strict compliance with the requirements for completion of the Consent to Sterilization - MED 178 Form or claim payment is denied. Claims that are denied because of errors, omissions, or inconsistencies on the MED-178 may be resubmitted if corrections to the consent form can be made in a legally acceptable manner.

Any corrections to the member's portion of the sterilization consent must be approved and initialed by the member.

The following procedure codes are examples used for sterilization:



The diagnosis code(s) associated:

Z30.2: Encounter for sterilization
Z98.51 or Z98.52: Use for sterilization follow-up evaluations

Male and Female surgical sterilization procedure codes and surgical methodologies (bilateral examples) are listed below. For additional surgical codes, refer to the ICD-10-PCS manual. If surgical procedures are unilateral (not bilateral) and surgery does not result in sterilization, utilize the appropriate right (RT) or left (LT) modifier with the procedure code on claims. When the unilateral procedure does not lead to complete sterilization, the MED-178 Sterilization Consent Form is not required.

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Providers Billing on the CMS 1500 Claim Form
Use the appropriate procedure/diagnosis code from the recommended list above and the family planning modifier (FP).

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Providers Billing on the UB-04 Claim Form Should Include

  1. The appropriate procedure code (with the FP modifier)
  2. The ICD-10 Sterilization Diagnosis Code:  Z30.2 (Encounter for sterilization) and,
  3. One (1) ICD-10 PCS code (a 7-digit alpha-numeric code)

Sterilization ICD-10 Surgical Procedural Codes (PCSs) should be selected from the following methodologies.

Female ICD-10 PCS Sterilization Procedures: 
Medical and Surgical=O / Female Reproductive System=U, with one (1) of the following methodologies (5, 8, B, L, T)
Destruction=5    / Body Part (Ovaries, Bilateral = 2), (Fallopian Tubes, Bilateral=7) / Approach (0,3,4,8) / Device (Z) / Qualifier (Z) – i.e., OU520ZZ
Division=8    / Body Part (Ovaries, Bilateral = 2) / Approach (0,3,4) / Device (Z) / Qualifier (Z) – i.e., OU820ZZ
Excision=B    / Body Part (Ovaries, Bilateral = 2), (Fallopian Tubes, Bilateral=7) / Approach (0,3,4,7, 8) / Device (Z) / Qualifier (X, Z) – i.e., OUB20ZX
Occlusion=L    / Body Part (Fallopian Tubes, Bilateral=7) / Approach (0,3,4) / Device (C, D, Z) / Qualifier (Z) – i.e., OUL70CZ
Occlusion=L    / Body Part (Fallopian Tubes, Bilateral=7) / Approach (7, 8) / Device (D, Z) / Qualifier (Z) – i.e., OUL77DZ
Resection=T    / Body Part (Ovaries, Bilateral = 2), (Fallopian Tubes, Bilateral=7) / Approach (0,4,7, 8, F) / Device (Z) / Qualifier (Z) – i.e., OUT20ZZ

Male ICD-10 PCS Sterilization Procedures: 
Medical and Surgical=0 / Male Reproductive System=V, with one (1) of the following methodologies (5, B, L, T)
Destruction=5 (bilateral procedures) Vas Deferens=Q: 0V5Q0 / (Approach=0,3,4,8) / Device (Z) / Qualifier (Z) – i.e., 0V5Q8ZZ
Excision=B (bilateral procedures) Vas Deferens=Q: 0VBQ0 (Approach=0,3,4,8) / Device (Z) / Qualifier (X,Z)  – i.e., 0VBQ8ZZ
Occlusion=L (bilateral procedures) Vas Deferens=Qs:  0VLQ0 (Approach=0,3,4,8) / Device=(C,D,Z) / Qualifier (Z)  – i.e., 0VLQ8ZZ
Resection=T (bilateral procedures) Vas Deferens=Q:  0VTQ0 (Approach=0,4) / Device (Z) / Qualifier (Z)  – i.e., 0VTQ4ZZ

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Other Reproductive Health Services


Hysterectomy is a benefit of Health First Colorado when performed solely for medical reasons. Hysterectomy is not a family planning benefit nor a benefit of Health First Colorado if the procedure is performed solely for the purpose of sterilization, or if there was more than one (1) purpose for the procedure and it would not have been performed but for the purpose of sterilization.

The following conditions must be met for payment of hysterectomy claims under Health First Colorado. These claims must be filed electronically.

  • Prior to the surgery, the person who secures the consent to perform the hysterectomy must inform the member (and the person's representative, if in attendance) verbally and in writing that the hysterectomy will render the member permanently incapable of bearing children.
  • The member and the person's representative, if any, must sign a Departmental Acknowledgement/Certification Statement for a Hysterectomy form as a written acknowledgment that the member has been informed that the hysterectomy will render the member permanently incapable of reproducing. The written Departmental Acknowledgment form must be signed and dated by the member, completed by the provider and submitted with the claim.

A written acknowledgment form from the member is not required if:

  • The member is already sterile at the time of the hysterectomy, or
  • The hysterectomy is performed because of a life-threatening emergency in which the practitioner determines that prior acknowledgment is not possible.

If the member’s acknowledgment is not required because of the one (1) of the above noted exceptions, the practitioner who performs the hysterectomy must certify in writing on the Departmental Acknowledgement/Certification Statement form, one (1)of the following:

  • That the member was already sterile at the time of hysterectomy and stating the cause of the sterility; or 
  • That the member required the hysterectomy under a life threatening, emergency situation in which the practitioner determined that prior acknowledgment by the member was not possible. The statement must describe the nature of the emergency.

A copy of the member’s signed and dated Acknowledgment/Certification Statement form or the practitioner’s signed and dated Certification Statement form, as described above, must be attached to all claims submitted for hysterectomy services. The Acknowledgment/Certification Statement for a Hysterectomy Form on which to report the required information is located on the Provider Forms web page under Claim Forms and Attachments > Women’s Health. Providers may copy this form, as needed, for attachment to claim(s). The submitted form must be signed and dated by the practitioner performing the hysterectomy.

The surgeon is responsible for providing copies of the appropriate acknowledgment or certification to the hospital, anesthesiologist, and assistant surgeon for billing purposes. A copy of the written acknowledgment or practitioner’s statement must be attached.

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Induced Abortions
Therapeutic legally induced abortions are a benefit of Health First Colorado when performed to:

  1. Save the life of the mother
  2. If the pregnancy is the result of a sexual assault (rape) and/or
  3. If the pregnancy is the result of incest.

A copy of the appropriate certification statement must be attached to all claims for legally induced abortions performed for one (1) of the above three (3) reasons.

Claims for spontaneous abortions (miscarriages), ectopic, or molar pregnancies do not require a certification statement to be attached when surgical procedures are utilized to treat the non-viable pregnancy situation. If the medications, mifepristone OR misoprostol (for a medication method) are utilized for treatment of non-viable pregnancy situations a certification statement form must be attached to all claims to identify the diagnostic condition related to mifepristone and/or misoprostol use.

The following procedure codes are appropriate for identifying induced abortions:



Diagnosis code: (decimal not required when billing)

Z33.2 - Encounter for elective termination of pregnancy, uncomplicated
Z33.2: is only available for reimbursement when the pregnancy is life-endangering (as certified by a physician) or is the result of a rape or incest, and proper supportive documentation is included with the claim.

Surgical procedure codes:

  • 10A07Z6
  • 10A07ZZ
  • 10A07ZW
  • 10A07ZX
  • 10A00ZZ
  • 10A08ZZ

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CMS 1500 Billing Requirements
Use the appropriate procedure/diagnosis code from the list above and the most appropriate modifier/condition code from the list below:

  • G7 - Termination of pregnancy resulting from rape, incest, or certified by physician as life-threatening.

Claims must be submitted with the accurately completed required documentation identifying the affiliated condition associated with the pregnancy.

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 UB-04 Claim Form Requirements
Use the appropriate procedure/diagnosis code and the most appropriate condition code from the list below:

  • AA - Abortion Due to Rape
  • AB - Abortion Done Due to Incest
  • AD - Abortion Due to Life Endangerment

Claims must be submitted with additional required documentation.

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Induced Abortions to Save the Life of the Mother
Every reasonable effort to preserve the lives of the mother and unborn child must be made before performing an induced abortion.

Abortion services must be performed or provided through a Health First Colorado- enrolled health care facility by a licensed practitioner (practicing within the scope of their license/practice), unless, in the judgment of the attending practitioner, a transfer to a Health First Colorado-enrolled health care facility endangers the life of the pregnant woman and there is no Health First Colorado-enrolled health care facility within a 30-mile radius of the place where the medical services are performed.

"To save the life of the mother" means:

The presence of a physical disorder, physical injury, or physical illness, which is a life-endangering physical condition caused by or arising from the pregnancy itself, as determined and certified by a physician, represents a serious and substantial threat to the life of the pregnant woman if the pregnancy is allowed to continue to term.

The presence of a psychiatric condition which represents a serious and substantial threat to the life of the pregnant woman if the pregnancy continues to term.

All claims for services related to induced abortions to save the life of the mother must be submitted with the following documentation:

  • Name, address, and age of the pregnant woman
  • Gestational age of the unborn child
  • Description of the medical condition which necessitated the performance of the abortion
  • Description of services performed
  • Name of the facility in which services were performed
  • Date services were rendered

And at least one (1) of the following forms with additional supporting documentation that confirms life-endangering circumstances:

  • Hospital admission summary
  • Hospital discharge summary
  • Consultant findings and reports
  • Laboratory results and findings
  • Office visit notes
  • Hospital progress notes

The Certification Statement for Abortion for Sexual Assault (Rape) or Incest Form is located on the Provider Forms web page under Claim Forms and Attachments > Women's Health. Providers may copy the appropriate form for attachment to claim(s). The submitted form documentation must be accurately completed and signed and dated by the practitioner performing the abortion service.

For psychiatric conditions lethal to the mother if the pregnancy is carried to term, the attending practitioner must:

  • Obtain consultation with a physician specializing in psychiatry.
  • Submit a report of the findings of the consultation unless the pregnant woman has been receiving prolonged psychiatric care.

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Induced Abortions when Pregnancy is the Result of Sexual Assault (Rape) or Incest

Sexual assault (including rape) is defined in the Colorado Revised Statutes (C.R.S.) 18-3-402 through 405, 405.3, or 405.5. Incest is defined in C.R.S. 18-6-301. Providers interested in the legal basis for the following abortion policies should refer to these statutes.

All claims for services related to induced abortions resulting from sexual assault (rape) or incest must be submitted with the Certification Statement for Abortion for Sexual Assault (Rape) or Incest Form located on the Provider Forms web page under Claim Forms and Attachments > Women's Health. This form must:

  • Be accurately completed and signed and dated by the practitioner performing the induced abortion AND
  • Indicate if the pregnancy resulted from sexual assault (rape) and/or incest. Reporting the incident to a law enforcement or human services agency is not mandated.

No additional documentation is required.

The practitioner performing the abortion is responsible for providing the required documentation to other providers (facility, anesthetist, etc.) for billing purposes.

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Spontaneous Abortion (Miscarriage)

If mifepristone (a medication method) is utilized for treatment of a miscarriage or a non-viable pregnancy situation, a certification statement form must be attached to all claims to identify the diagnostic condition related to mifepristone use.

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Ectopic and Molar Pregnancies

Surgical and/or medical treatment of pregnancies that have terminated spontaneously (miscarriages) and treatment of ectopic and molar pregnancies are routine benefits of Health First Colorado. Claims for treatment of these conditions do not require additional documentation (unless mifepristone and/or misoprostol are utilized). The claim must indicate a diagnosis code that specifically demonstrates that the termination of the pregnancy was not performed as a therapeutic legally induced abortion.

The following diagnosis codes are appropriate for identifying conditions that may properly be billed for Health First Colorado reimbursement.

O00.0-O00.9Ectopic Pregnancy
O01.0-O01.9Hydatidiform mole
O02.0-O02.9Other abnormal products of conception
O02.1Missed Abortion (incomplete miscarriage)
O03.0-O03.9Spontaneous Abortion
O08.0-O08.9Complications following ectopic and molar pregnancy


The following CPT procedure codes may be submitted for covered abortion and abortion-related services.

58120Dilation and Curettage, diagnostic and/or therapeutic (non-obstetrical)
59100Hysterotomy, abdominal (For Removal of Hydatidiform Mole, Abortion)
59812-59830Medical and Surgical Treatment of Miscarriage


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Fetal Anomalies Incompatible with Life Outside the Womb
Therapeutic abortions performed due to fetal anomalies incompatible with life outside the womb are not a Health First Colorado benefit.

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Billing Information

Refer to the General Provider Information Manual located on the Billing Manuals web page under the General Provider Information drop-down menu for general billing information.

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Gender-Specific Procedures

Many procedures that are restricted to a member's assigned sex at birth will still be medically necessary after legally changing their gender. Follow the billing guidance below if a gender-specific procedure conflicts with the member's identified gender in the Colorado Benefits Management System (CBMS):

  • CMS-1500/837P Claims: Enter the KX modifier on the appropriate line items.
  • UB-04/837I Claims: Providers should enter condition code 45 to indicate a procedure is medically necessary despite a gender conflict.

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Timely Filing

Refer to the General Provider Information Manual located on the Billing Manuals web page under the General Provider Information drop-down for more information on timely filing policy, including the resubmission rules for denied claims.

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Obstetrical Care Manual Revision Log

Revision DateAddition/ChangesMade by
12/1/2016Manual revised for interChange implementation. For manual revisions prior to 12/01/2016, please refer to Archive.HPE (now DXC)
12/27/2016Updates based on Colorado iC Stage II Provider Billing Manuals Comment Log v0_2.xlsxHPE (now DXC)
1/10/2017Updates based on Colorado iC Stage Provider Billing Manual Comment Log v0_3.xlsxHPE (now DXC)
1/19/2017Updates based on Colorado iC Stage Provider Billing Manual Comment Log v0_4.xlsxHPE (now DXC)
1/26/2017Updates based on Department 1/20/2017 approval emailHPE (now DXC)
5/22/2017Updates based on Fiscal Agent name change from HPE to DXCDXC
1/2/2018Supplemental Qualifier addition - instructions for reporting an NDCDXC
6/27/2018Edited all, addition of more global OB billing specifics and slight rearrangement of information regarding Other reproductive health care services.HCPF
6/28/2018Removal of duplicated and superfluous verbiage, restoring linksHCPF
7/2/2018Minor style and consistency editsDXC
7/9/2018Corrected "permissible"HCPF
12/21/2018Clarification to signature requirementsHCPF
3/18/2019Clarification to signature requirementsHCPF
1/15/2020Converted to web pageHCPF
9/14/2020Added Line to Box 32 under the CMS 1500 Paper Claim Reference TableHCPF
4/13/2021Changes have been made due to required claim system changes (ClaimsXTN). Additional billing information, such as billing for Immediate post-partum LARCs and separation of maternal & infant billing has been added.HCPF
8/24/20222021 Legislative bill implementations have required billing manual and system changes for maternal postpartum care, family planning services and abortion servicesHCPF
1/12/2023Restored Hysterectomy sectionHCPF
3/31/2023Added OB billing change instructions for required reporting of prenatal and postpartum visits. Provided clarifying instructions for sterilizations provided to new family planning eligibility groups that are also enrolled for labor and delivery services and added some clarifying edits.HCPF
9/15/2023Cleaned up alignment in tables and verbiage regarding in-hospital billing for mother and newbornHCPF
4/30/2024Modified/clarified billing for postpartum & antepartum services & DOS, added Direct-entry/Certified Professional Midwife (DEM/CPM) Provider type with info and link to related DORA statute and Free-standing birth Center services (with CDPHE’s statutory link) and added CDPHE’s Public Health Order information RE: syphilis testing/treatment during pregnancy.HCPF
7/31/2024Added Place of Service (POS) 03HCPF
9/10/2024Updates to sections of the Separate Procedures table (Emergency Medicaid Services, Clinical Laboratory Testing, Immediate Post-Partum Long-Acting Reversible Contraceptives (IPP-LARCs), Inpatient Hospital Billing for Birthing Parent and Newborn, Newborn Hearing and Metabolic Screenings). Removed outdated language from CMS 1500 Paper Claims Reference Table, box 24G. Added Gender-Specific Procedures section.HCPF
02/05/2025Revision of Global Obstetric Billing Guidance HCPF

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