Executed Contracts
AssureCare, LLC - Care and Case Management (CCM)
Conduent State Healthcare, LLC - Electronic Data Warehouse (EDW)
Deloitte Consulting
Edifecs, Inc. - Electronic Data Interchange - EDI
Ernst & Young - Enterprise Solutions Integration (ESI)
Gainwell Technologies Services LLC - interChange MMIS
(previously known as DXC Technology Services LLC and HP Enterprise Services)
- HP Enterprise Services - 2014 MMIS Contract
- Amendment 1
- Amendment 2
- Amendment 3
- Amendment 4
- Amendment 5
- Amendment 6
- Amendment 7
- Amendment 8
- Amendment 9
- Amendment 10
- Amendment 11
- Amendment 12
- Amendment 13
- Amendment 14
- Amendment 15
- Amendment 16
- Amendment 17
- Amendment 18
- Amendment 19
- Amendment 20
- Amendment 21
- Amendment 22
- Amendment 23
- Amendment 24
- Amendment 25
- Amendment 26
- Amendment 27
- Amendment 28
- Amendment 29
- Amendment 30
- Amendment 31
- RFP Body Modification 3
- RFP Appendix A Modification 4
- Assignment 1
- Assignment 2
- Option Letter 1
- Option Letter 2
- Option Letter 3
- Option Letter 4
- Option Letter 5
- Option Letter 6
- Option Letter 7
- Option Letter 8
- Option Letter 9
Governor's Office of Information Technology - CBMS and PEAK
IBM Corporation (formally Truven Health Analytics) - BIDM
- Truven - BIDM Contract
- Amendment 1
- Amendment 2
- Amendment 3
- Amendment 4
- Amendment 5
- Amendment 6
- Amendment 7
- Amendment 8
- Amendment 9
- Amendment 10
- Amendment 11
- Amendment 12
- Amendment 13
- Amendment 14
- Amendment 15
- Amendment 16
- RFP Appendix A
- RFP Body Modification 1
- Option Letter 1
- Option Letter 2
- Option Letter 3
- Option Letter 4
- Option Letter 5
Magellan - PBMS
- Magellan Medicaid Administration Inc. - PBMS Contract
- Amendment 1
- Amendment 2
- Amendment 3
- Amendment 4
- Amendment 6
- RFP Appendix A - Requirements and Performance Standards Modification 1
- RFP Body Modification 1
- Option Letter 1
- Option Letter 2
MedImpact - PBMS
OptumInsight - Provider Call Center
Public Knowledge - IV & V
- Public Knowledge - IV & V Contract
- Assignment
- Option Letter 1
- Option Letter 2
- Option Letter 3
- Option Letter 4
- IV & V RFP
MITA State Self-Assessment
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) introduced the Medicaid Information Technology Architecture (MITA) as a framework to assist states with improving the operation of their Medicaid programs. A State Self-Assessment (SS-A) documenting the State's maturity level for each defined business process is a prerequisite for requesting enhanced federal funds to improve the Medicaid enterprise. Public Knowledge completed this SS-A in collaboration with the Department. This assessment is based on MITA Framework 2.01, released by CMS in 2009. It is focused on a review of the Business Architecture presented in the framework. It identifies the current As Is capabilities of the Colorado Medicaid program, assesses the future To Be level of capability, and provides a roadmap for achieving the future maturity level.
MITA State Self-Assessment Report
- 2012-2013 COMMIT Project - Procurement-Related Documents
MMIS Procurement Analysis Report
In preparation of the MMIS procurement, the Department conducted an assessment of Medicaid Management Information System (MMIS) and Fiscal Agent services procurements in other states. The purpose of this report was to provide a snapshot of the current environment for the wide range of MMIS solutions across states. These reports include available core claims processing systems as well as supporting systems, service options, operational options, system innovations, best procurement practices, and lessons learned for procurement and implementations. The reports also presented options for the Department to consider for the MMIS procurement, as well as a final recommendation based on a facilitated alternatives analysis process.
COMMIT Project Updates
- Proposed Procurement Strategy COMMIT Project Update #5 - July 19, 2013
- Proposed Procurement Strategy COMMIT Project Update #4 - March 22, 2013
- Proposed Procurement Strategy COMMIT Project Update #3 - December 21, 2012
- Proposed Procurement Strategy COMMIT Project Update #2 - October 15, 2012
- Proposed Procurement Strategy COMMIT Project Update #1 - July 13, 2012
- Proposed Procurement Strategy COMMIT Project - April 6, 2012
COMMIT Project Reports
- Final MITA State Self Assessment Report
- Final MITA State Self Assessment Report - Appendix A - Final Scorecards
- Final MITA State Self Assessment Report - Appendix B - Final Use Cases
- Final MITA State Self Assessment Report - Appendix C - Use Case Author Inventory
- Final MITA State Self Assessment Report - Appendix D - CMS Profile
Bidder's Conferences
BIDM Pre-RFP Bidder's Conference - Thursday, June 27, 2013
Pre-RFP Bidder's Conference #2 - Thursday, December 6, 2012
- Draft RFP Release Response and Pre-RFP Bidder's Conference #2 Announcement Details - Released November 27, 2012
- Pre-RFP Bidder's Conference # 2 Presentation
- Pre-RFP Bidder's Conference # 2 Attendees
Pre-RFP Bidder's Conference #1 - Tuesday, September 18, 2012
- Draft RFP Release Response and Pre-RFP Bidder's Conference Announcement Details - Updated August 31, 2012
- Draft RFP Release Response and Pre-RFP Bidder's Conference Announcement Details - August 17, 2012
- Pre-RFP Bidder's Conference #1 Presentation
- Pre-RFP Bidder's Conference #1 Attendees
Technical Proposal for Hewlett Packard
Hewlett Packard (HP) was awarded the contract for the new Medicaid Management Information System (MMIS). Below are the pages of the technical proposal submitted for the Core MMIS and Supporting Services RFP.
- CMES Concept of Operations - February 25, 2022