ARPA Grant Incentives, Pilots, and Community Funding Opportunities


Through the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Section 9817, and in conjunction with the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) and the Colorado Joint Budget Committee (JBC), the Department was approved to distribute approximately $100 million through grants and pilot programs. These grants are aimed to enhance, expand, and strengthen Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) in Colorado. For more information on each grant and how to apply, please see below. The Department will continue to update this site as new information becomes available.

Helpful Links:



Completed Opportunities

1.05 Training Fund - Individual Grant

Total Award Amount: $9,500,000 (combined total for Individual and Provider Grants)

Maximum Award Amount: $500

Who is Eligible:

  • Individual, age 18 or older, who is currently working in a direct care role within any of Colorado’s Home & Community Based Service (HCBS) Waivers; OR
  • Individual, age 18 or older, who desires training to enter direct care within Colorado’s HCBS Waiver workforce; AND
  • Also included within this workforce, are Certified Nurse Aides and Home Health Aides within Long Term Home Health.

Summary of project:
Through funding provided by Section 9817 of the American Rescue Plan Act, Colorado’s Department of Health Care Policy and Financing (the Department), has created the Training Fund Grant program with the primary goal of providing more training opportunities and incentives for direct care workers to gain higher-level skills that would promote greater retention within the HCBS workforce. The Department has $9.5 million to allocate through the grant program for these purposes [Full Project Description]

Request for Application: View more detail on grant eligibility and application requirements

How to Apply: Notices to applicants on approval or denial of the proposal will occur through email within 15 days of submission. Training must occur at least 20 days from your date of application to be considered.

Individual Applicant

  • Grant application
    • The maximum award for this individual grant is $500; however, projects of all sizes, up to the maximum amount, will be considered. Our primary intention is to ensure these funds go to direct care workers to gain higher-level skills and to individuals who desire to enter the HCBS workforce. The funds cannot be used to cover the cost of routine onboarding and/or annual required training.
    • Grant funds may be used to cover the cost of training, training-specific materials, and transportation, if applicable. Final award amounts will be determined by awardees, a review committee, and the Department at the time of contracting. The Department reserves the right to adjust the award amount depending on the number of applications and awardee readiness.

NOTE: If unable to upload any application-related document to the application directly, email attachments to hcpf_dcworkforce@state.co.us with your name and the name of the training.

Support for Applicants: FAQ with Responses - New questions and responses will be added periodically

Application Due Date: Applications will close at 5:00 p.m. MT on July 15, 2024, contingent on the availability of funds.


7.02 Member Emergency Preparedness
Surviving In Place
Battery Backup Power Supply Systems 

Who is Eligible:  
Actively enrolled Health First Colorado (Medicaid) members who utilize life-sustaining equipment that requires electricity to operate. Examples of life-sustaining equipment include:

  • Aerosol Tent
  • BiPAP Machine
  • Chair Lift
  • Dialysis Machine
  • IV Infusion Pump
  • Medication Refrigeration
  • Oxygen Concentrator
  • Power Wheelchair
  • Ventilator

Please review the list of qualifying devices before completing an application.

If a member lives in a licensed residential setting such as a group home, supported living program, or alternative care facility, they are not eligible because these facilities are already required to have backup power supplies for residents. Applications will be approved based on medical need and availability of Backup Power Supplies.

Summary of project:

Assist members with disabilities and those with mental health needs, who live independently in the community, to be prepared for potential emergencies by providing reliable and safe power backup in the event of an emergency power outage. [Full Project Description]

How to Apply: Complete the online application

Application Due Date: Ongoing as supplies are available

Questions: All questions should be directed to Julia Beems with the Center for Inclusive Design and Engineering at 303-315-1284 or julia.beems@ucdenver.edu


1.05 Training Fund - Provider Grant 

Total Award Amount: $9,500,000 (combined total for Individual and Provider Grants)

Maximum Award Amount: $100,000

Who is Eligible:

  • Currently enrolled Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) waiver providers; or
  • Training vendor/provider that develops/delivers training/specialization for the HCBS workforce.

Summary of project:

Through funding provided by Section 9817 of the American Rescue Plan Act, Colorado’s Department of Health Care Policy and Financing (the Department), has created the Training Fund Grant program with the primary goal of providing more training opportunities and incentives for workers to gain higher-level skills that would promote greater retention within the HCBS workforce. The Department has $9.5 million to allocate through the grant program for these purposes [Full Project Description]

Request for Application: View more detail on grant eligibility and application requirements

How to Apply: The following items must be completed and submitted by on the last day of each grant cycle. Applications will be reviewed and awardees will be announced on a revolving basis.

NOTE: If unable to upload the documents to the application directly, email attachments to hcpf_dcworkforce@state.co.us with your Provider/Company name and point of contact information submitted on the application.

Materials:  View all documents required for the grant. This includes the W-9 form, Request For Application (RFA) and Project Budget.

Support for Applicants:  Looking for inspiration? View the list of all provider recipients to see how other grant recipients have used the funding they received

We will host the following webinars to assist you.

Application Due Date: Applications will close at 5:00 p.m. MT on the last day of each grant cycle, contingent on the availability of funds.

Application Received BetweenAward Announcement Date
October 1, 2022 - November 30, 2022December 15, 2022
December 1, 2022 - January 31, 2023February 15, 2023
February 1, 2023 - March 31, 2023April 14, 2023
April 1, 2023 - May 31, 2023June 15, 2023
June 1, 2023 - July 31, 2023August 15, 2023
August 1, 2023 - September 30, 2023October 13, 2023
October 1, 2023 - November 30, 2023December 15, 2023
December 1, 2023 - January 31, 2024February 15, 2024
February 1, 2024 - March 31, 2024April 15, 2024
April 1, 2024 - May 31, 2024June 15, 2024



5.01 Case Management Agencies Care and Case Management (CCM) Stabilization Support

Total Award Amount: $6,300,000

Maximum Award Amount: $2,000 per CCM User for Staff Retention; $120,000 for Software, Digitization Efforts and/or Temporary or New Staffing

Who is Eligible: 
Case Management Agencies awarded through the Case Management Redesign (CMRD) process to provide case management services for Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) with the Colorado Department of Health Care Policy and Financing (HCPF) are eligible for this grant.

Summary of project: 
HCPF is working with case management agencies, local area organizations, and stakeholders to plan for CMRD and the multiple phases of the new CCM. This funding will provide support to case management agencies for unexpected costs outside of previous funding opportunities or existing reimbursement structure during transitions to implement CMRD, to support staff retention, assist with data clean-up in the CCM, digitization and/or storage of documents and unexpected demands related to the Public Health Emergency Unwind. 

Scope of Work:
HCPF is issuing the Case Management Agencies Request for Applications (RFA) to solicit grant applications from eligible organizations, as defined below, to support selected case management agencies in one or more of the following areas of focus:

  1. CCM User Staff Retention: Case management agencies can apply for funding to retain and support staff as they acclimate to the new Care and Case Management (CCM) system. 
  2. Records Digitization: Case management agencies can apply for funding to use for contracts with vendors specializing in digitization, transporting records, renting storage for paper files during the digitization process, destroying old paper files, and purchasing software licenses to support the digitization process (e.g. Adobe).
  3. Temporary or New Staffing: Case management agencies can apply for funding to use for contracts with temporary staffing agencies or to hire temporary/term-limited staff to:
    1. Assist with data clean-up in the new CCM system, 
    2. Assist with increased workload attributed to the Public Health Emergency Unwind, PAR backlog attributed to PHE unwind or CCM implementation,  
    3. Provide IT assistance to support the CCM implementation and/or to support their efforts of digitizing paper files into the new CCM system.

      Note: Case management agencies can also apply for funding to support new positions within the agency associated with data clean-up and digitization efforts.  If hiring permanent staff, the case management agency should be able to report how the position will be sustained post-grant funding. 
    4. Software Requests: Case management agencies can apply for funding to purchase software licenses, upgrades or enhancements needed as a result of CCM implementation that were unexpected. Retrospective payments prior to Grant Agreement execution date or duplication of other funding opportunities will NOT be approved.  Requests under this section will be reviewed based on individual requests.  

Request for Application (RFA): View the RFA for more information about grant eligibility and application requirements

How to Apply: 
The following documents are required to be an eligible applicant and must be submitted no later than 5:00 p.m. MT on February 15, 2024. Late and/or incomplete application packets will not be considered.  

  • Online Application
  • Email Nicolette.Cordova@state.co.us with the subject “CMA CCM Stabilization Support” and the following completed items attached:
    • Project Workbook  
    • One-page project work plan with the names of project leads, your project timeline, an estimated date of completion, and a short description of what the funds will be used for.

Submission Considerations: 
When submitting applications, please keep the following in mind:

  • Applications must document how the funding will be used, including clarity on how the funding will supplement existing IT and case management operational costs, such as FTE; funding cannot supplant existing funding for existing agency operations. 
  • HCPF may not have sufficient funding to support all requests; agencies are encouraged to be as concise, yet clear as possible, in describing the need. 
  • Grant agreements will be cost reimbursement-based and can be billed on a monthly basis. 
  • Awards will be based on the completeness of the application and the amount of work that can be completed by September 30, 2024.  

Materials: View all documents required for the grant. This includes the request for application, the budget workbook, the user report, and the monthly report.

Application Due Date: February 15, 2024, 5:00 p.m. MT


4.07 Complex Needs Service Enhancement System of Care Grant

Total Award Amount: $500,000

Maximum Award Amount: $5,000 to $50,000

Who is Eligible: Applicants must operate a current Home and Community Based-Services waiver approved residential setting that is owned or rented by the operating service provider agency:

  • Group Homes for adults
  • 1-3 person staffed homes for adults
  • Alternative Care Facility
  • Supported Living Program
  • Transitional Living Program
  • Residential Child Care Facility
  • Group Homes for children

Summary of project:

The Department of Health Care Policy & Financing (HCPF) received funding through Section 9817 of the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) to build systems of care and support that recognize and leverage the needs and capabilities of various populations. This grant will focus on expanding, enhancing, and strengthening the capacity of existing service providers to serve individuals receiving Home and Community Based (HCBS) waiver services in a residential setting with disabilities and complex behavior support needs.

Through this grant program, HCBS providers may apply for funds for projects that will enable agencies to better serve individuals with complex behavioral and/or medical support needs that require intensive supports and interventions, to include materials, home modifications, use of a consultant, and/or equipment that are not already billable to Medicaid. These funds are not for the purpose of directly providing ongoing services.

[Full Project Description]

Request for Application: View more information about grant eligibility and application requirements

How to Apply: Application Link

Materials: View all documents required for the grant. This includes the budget workbook and attestation form. A cover letter is also required, as describe in the Request for Application. 

Application Due Date: Wednesday, January 31, 2024 at 5:00 p.m. MT

Additional Resources:

4.03 Child/Youth Step-Down Options Program and Provider Recruitment - QRTP Track - Phase 2

Total award amount: $650,000

Maximum award amount: up to $50,000

Who is eligible: 

  • Medicaid enrolled QRTP providers in the state of Colorado
  • QRTPs that applied for funding under the original 4.03 Child/Youth Step-Down Options Program and Provider Recruitment - QRTP Track funding opportunity are eligible as long as they attest to and explain that this new funding would not supplant any current work

Summary of project:

This funding will support the expansion of Qualified Residential Treatment Program (QRTP) service capacity by addressing operational needs identified by QRTP providers. Through this funding opportunity, QRTP providers may apply for funds by selecting from a menu of project ideas that best suit their needs. Project categories and examples include:

  • Facility repairs - windows, walls, doors, etc.
  • Trauma-informed space upgrades - noise reduction, reducing visual complexity (distracting wall or floor patterns), adequate and responsive lighting, soothing color schemes, clear/consistent signage
  • Culturally and linguistically appropriate space upgrades - print and multimedia materials and signage in languages commonly used by those in the populations they serve
  • Training - additional training for staff not otherwise covered
  • Facility physical safety improvements/enhancements - keypad/key card entry systems, door closers, security camera systems

How to apply: Interested QRTPs will need to complete a Google form application, budget workbook, and submit required documentation to HCPF_ARPA-Step-Down@state.co.us within one (1) calendar day of submitting the application form.

Materials: View all documents required for the grant. This includes the budget workbook, W-9 form, and attestation form.

Application Due Date: January 19, 2024 at 5 pm MST

Questions? Please contact us at HCPF_ARPA-Step-Down@state.co.us


6.05 Member Tech Literacy

Who is Eligible: HCBS Members and Coaches (Providers, Advocates, Family, Friends) with broadband access.
If you do not have broadband access and would like more information about how you may be able to obtain it, visit the Governor's Office of Information Technology's Broadband Office for more information.

Summary of project: 

Like HCBS providers, many HCBS-enrolled members could benefit from greater use of electronic systems. Every day we are all expected to adopt new technologies that improve our lives and help us to access the things we need, including our healthcare. This includes accessing doctor's portals, utilizing email and text messaging reminder systems for appointments, or receiving services through expanding telehealth and telemedicine options. 

Under this project, HCPF has contracted with the Center for Inclusive Design and Engineering (CIDE) to understand the technology literacy landscape for members served through Long Term Services and Supports (LTSS) and identify best practices for effective instruction in achieving desired outcomes including increased digital literacy and use among LTSS members. The outcome of this work is the development of a Digital Literacy Program aimed at improving the digital literacy skills of Colorado Medicaid recipients so they may better access online health information and services. This training program is designed for guided facilitation from trained Digital Literacy Coaches.

Examples of Topics Covered: 

  • Empowered Digital Health 
  • Understanding Security Risks
  • Using Email
  • Navigating to Digital Health Resources
  • Utilizing Website Portals
  • Troubleshooting Your iPad

All participants in this program (coaches and learners) will receive an Apple iPad to utilize for the entirety of the pilot. The device will be theirs to keep once the program has been completed.  

Description of the Role of the Digital Literacy Coach:

The roles and responsibilities of a Digital Literacy Coach include facilitating and guiding your training participants through the courses of the digital literacy curriculum successfully. It is essential for Digital Literacy Coaches to harness a person-centered mindset when coaching their participants. What we mean by a person-centered mindset, is valuing the importance of providing a tailored learning experience based on your participants, preferred learning styles, abilities, and prior knowledge.  

Digital Literacy Coach Requirements:

Time Commitment 

  • Coaches should be prepared to deliver two in-person 30-minute sessions (on average) per week. Some sessions may be 10 minutes longer or shorter. Coaches will determine days and times with their members (learners). 
  • Coaches will work with learners for about 8-10 weeks, starting no later than the week of November 6, 2023. It’s possible that coaches and members (learners) will not get through all of the material, but it’s expected that the majority of courses will be completed by December 22, 2023. 
  • Coaches should complete onboarding training before starting sessions with their learners (total training time will be 3.5 hours). 
  • Coaches should be able to commit to a 15-minute weekly or bi-weekly remote check-in with the CIDE project team. This will be an opportunity for project team coaching and tech support. The project team will also be available by Zoom or email throughout the week. 

Required Skills 

  • Coaches should have a basic understanding of how to navigate electronic devices and the internet. Coaches should know how to browse the Internet, use Zoom, and send emails. Other tech expertise is not necessary. 


Member (Learner) Commitment:

  • Coaches will be responsible for coordinating with learners, including determining what days and times of the week work best for digital literacy coaching. 
  • Coaches must have access to learners already interested in participating in the program. 
  • Before they come to the first training session, coaches should have already talked to potential participants and described the main points of the curriculum to learners, including information like: 
  • Coaches and members (learners) will meet twice a week 
  • Courses may discuss topics such as: how to use an iPad; how to be safe online; how to send an email; how an iPad can be used to support access to healthcare  


  • We are asking that coaches be in-person with their participants. 
  • Coaches should have learners already that they have access to who are interested in participating (preference given to those who have more than one learner).  
  • Learners should be aware that they will get an iPad that they can then keep and that we are asking them to commit to twice-a-week sessions to learn about topics such as how to use an iPad, how to use email, how to be safe online, etc. Sometimes learning can be frustrating, and sometimes learning can be fun.  

Digital Literacy Coach On-Boarding

Session 1 (Week One): Roles and Expectations & High-Level Preview of Curriculum  

Time Commitment:  

The first training session will last one hour. Coaches will choose a session:

  • Wednesday, October 18 from 9 to 10 a.m. MT
  • Wednesday, October 18 from 1 to 2 p.m. MT
  • Thursday, October 19 from 9 to 10 a.m. MT am MT
  • Thursday, October 19 from 1 to 2 p.m. MT


The purpose of this session is to ensure coaches have a clear, high-level understanding of the project.
In this session, coaches will:

  • Understand the core objectives of the project.
  • Outline how the curriculum is structured and logistics for facilitating their coaching role.
  • Learn how to provide feedback effectively to curriculum developers.   
  • Opt-in to the program and “sign for” an iPad for themselves and their learners.

Session 2 (Week Two): How to Use the Digital Literacy Coach Guidebook 

Time Commitment:  

The second training session will last two and a half hours. Coaches will choose a session:

  • Wednesday, October 25 from 9 to 11:30 a.m. MT
  • Wednesday, October 25 from 1 to 3:30 p.m. MT
  • Thursday, October 26 from 9 to 11:30 a.m. MT
  • Thursday, October 26 from 1 to 3:30 p.m. MT


The purpose of this session is to introduce the coach facilitation guidebook and other learning materials.
In this session, coaches will:

  • Sign in to Moodle as a coach and navigate to learning resources and materials.
  • Learn how to use their iPad to access our Learning Management System (LMS) “Moodle”.
  • Watch a demonstration of Moodle including how to log in, pick a course, use interactive elements, access the glossary, earn badges, etc.
  • Locate and download the Digital Literacy Coach Guidebook.
  • Understand how to use the guidebook in conjunction with the Moodle learning materials.

Onboarding Considerations 

If a coach cannot make a training date, the CIDE team will attempt to schedule a make-up session.

How to apply to be a Digital Literacy Coach and Member Learner

If you are a member who would like to participate, please apply in coordination with your Coach. This could be a provider who you already work with, an advocate, or a family member.

If you are a coach who would like to apply, please ensure that you have at least one member (learner) who has agreed to participate. Their information and certification of approval to participate will be required.

Please complete the application form by October 13. Eligibility determinations will be made based on the priorities below, when possible.

The pilot will prioritize:

  • Members from a diverse population of LTSS waiver recipients
  • Members and Coaches from across the state, including rural and frontier counties
  • Coaches who are able to work with multiple members in the pilot

How to Apply:  Coaches and Learners must apply together: Application

Application Due Date: October 13, 2023

Questions?  Email cide-communications@ucdenver.edu

6.06 “Dollars to Digitize” Provider Digital Transformation and Electronic Health Record (EHR) Upgrades Grant Program

Total Award Amount: $26 Million

Who is Eligible: Medicaid-enrolled home and community-based services (HCBS) providers, Medicaid-enrolled behavioral health providers, and ‘outgoing’ Case Management Agencies (CMAs); not participating in the CMA redesign.

Summary of project: The purpose of this project is to provide funding to home and community-based providers to digitally transform their care delivery. Funding will include investments in upgrading or implementing electronic health record systems to be able to better coordinate care, access real-time information through health information exchanges, and the purchase of tools necessary for the delivery of virtual services. This project will leverage lessons and processes from the Department’s Electronic Health Record incentive program and the Office of eHealth Innovation’s telemedicine projects, with a focus on inclusive and equitable approaches and solutions. These funds will be provided through a competitive grant program that is aligned with other developing efforts, such as HB 21-1289, “Funding for Broadband Deployment.”

Fall 2022 Grant Announcements: Grantee List

Summer 2023 RFA Grant Announcements: Grantee List

Summary of all 223 ARPA 6.06 D2D Grants awarded:

  • 142 Home and Community Based Service (HCBS) Providers
  • 55 Behavioral Health Providers
  • 13 Community Mental Health Centers (CMHCs)
  • 11 Outgoing Case Management Agencies*

Diversity and Impact Metrics:

  • 102 Serve Rural communities (46%)
  • 203 Small Businesses (91%)
  • 107 Woman Owned (48%)
  • 54 Minority Owned (24%)
  • 11 Veteran Owned (5%)
  • 64 Employ people with disabilities (28%)

Materials: View all documents related to the Dollars to Digitize ARPA 6.06 grant program

Questions? Please submit questions to gov.arpa.oehi@state.co.us. All questions and responses will be posted publicly without identifying information in the ARPA 6.06 FAQs document

*ARPA 6.06 has also allocated EHR funding for new CMAs in the CM Redesign Start-up Grant. 

4.03 Child/Youth Step-Down Options Program and Provider Recruitment - CHRP Track

Total Award Amount: $1,500,000

Maximum Award Amount: $1,000,000

Who is Eligible:

Applicants selected for the CHRP Track, must, at a minimum, meet the following requirements:

  • Currently enrolled with CO HCPF as a CHRP provider; or 
  • Currently enrolled with CDPHE as a PASA; or 
  • Currently licensed as a CPA with the Colorado Department of Human Services (CDHS); or 
  • Currently operates at least one Residential Child Care Facility licensed by CDHS; or 
  • Currently enrolled as a Medicaid provider licensed and operating an equivalent to a Residential Child Care Facility in another state. 

Summary of project:

This track will support the expansion of HCBS-Children’s Residential Habilitation Program (CHRP). The CHRP Waiver supports children & youth with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities or extensive adaptive needs. Through this grant program, CHRP providers may apply for funds for start-up activities that will support increased access to services that are not already billable. These funds are not for the purpose of directly providing ongoing services. The CHRP Waiver includes residential habilitation services which may be provided to children & youth in a number of settings. This grant seeks to expand the HCBS-CHRP Residential Habilitation service capacity; particularly in the geographic North, West, and South regions of the state. [Full Project Description]

Request for Application: For more information about grant eligibility and application requirements read the Request for Application (RFA)

How to Apply: Application materials outlined in the RFA must be submitted to HCPF_ARPA-Step-Down@state.co.us.

Materials:  View all documents required for the grant. This includes the W-9 form, Request For Application (RFA) and Project Budget.

Application Due Date:  Extended - August 31, 2023 at 5 p.m. MT

Additional Resources: 

Frequently Asked Questions - Updated July 19, 2023

Applicant Workshop Recording - August 18, 2023


4.03 Child/Youth Step-Down Options Program and Provider Recruitment - QRTP Track

Total Award Amount: $2,400,000

Maximum Award Amount: $340,000

Who is Eligible:

  • Medicaid enrolled QRTP providers in the state of Colorado; or  
  • Currently providing services to at least one child or youth with specialized behavioral health needs, such as: 
    • Children and youth with multi-system involvement 
    • Children and youth with barriers to discharging to community in Colorado 
    • Children and youth with barriers locating accepting treatment facilities in Colorado 

Summary of project:

This track will support research and analysis in partnership with Qualified Residential Treatment Program (QRTP) providers. The Qualified Residential Treatment Program (QRTP) is a specific type of trauma-informed residential treatment for children & youth.  It was created by the Family First Services Prevention Act. The QRTP setting has many unique properties as a result of federal requirements and Colorado’s implementation of these requirements. The QRTP setting is new and continues to evolve as providers enroll with Health First Colorado to provide this service.  
This grant will fund detailed research and analysis to determine:

  1. Barriers to service access and provider expansion
  2. Gaps in resources and funding
  3. Challenges in discharge and step-down transitions

The research topics and data collection focus areas will be determined by the Department. [Full Project Description]

Request for Application: For more information about grant eligibility and application requirements read the Request for Application (RFA)

How to Apply: Application materials outlined in the RFA must be submitted to HCPF_ARPA-Step-Down@state.co.us.

Materials:  View all documents required for the grant. This includes the W-9 form, Request For Application (RFA) and Project Budget.

Application Due Date:  Extended - August 31, 2023 at 5 p.m. MT

Additional Resources: 

Frequently Asked Questions - Updated July 19, 2023

Applicant Workshop Recording - August 18, 2023



4.02 Promote Single Occupancy

Total Award Amount: $20,000,000

Maximum Award Amount: $1,000,000

Who is Eligible: Assisted living and institution-based care facilities such as group homes for adults, assisted-living facilities, alternative care facilities, supported-living programs, transitional-living programs, residential child care facilities, and other service-based living facilities 

Summary of project:
The 4.02 Single Occupancy Grant Program is designed to help providers convert multiple-person living spaces to single occupancy rooms. The grant is focused on developing new ways Colorado’s Home and Community-Based Services residential settings can adapt and provide more independent and health-centered outcomes in a single occupancy setting. HCPF is seeking programs that develop:

  • Single Occupancy from multiple person rooms
  • Take steps to mitigate disease transmission in these room conversions

With an overall goal of aiding those living in these settings to live healthier, more independent lives. 

 [Full Project Description]

Request for Application: View more information about grant eligibility and application requirements

How to Apply:

The following items must be completed and submitted by July 5, 2023 at 5:00 p.m. MT: 

  • Online Application
  • Cover letter signed by Executive Director or authorizing official
  • Budget Workbook
  • Last year's financial report (If the program is operational)
  • Project report that highlights steps on how this conversion will happen and what impact those steps will have on those served 

Please email your signed cover letter, and detailed budget analysis (Budget Workbook link above) that includes a brief budget narrative that explains each item, and if applicable, your organization's financial report to Austin Leffel.

In this email please include your organizational name and point of contact information that is submitted on the online application.

Remember you are required to send a conversion report that outlines the conversion steps and the impact this conversion will have on those who utilize your services.

Application Due Date: Phase 2: July 5, 2023 at 5:00 p.m. MT



Healthcare Practice Transformation: Integrated Behavioral Health Grant Program


HB22-1302 authorized the Department to develop and make available grants for physical and behavioral health care providers for the implementation of evidence-based clinical integration care models. Funding to support this initiative comes from the Behavioral and Mental Health Cash Fund, which utilizes money the state received from the federal coronavirus state fiscal recovery fund. The appropriate use and oversight of coronavirus state and local fiscal recovery funds (SLFRF) are determined by the U.S. Treasury as outlined in their final rules released on January 27, 2022. 

Total Award Amount: $29,800,000

Estimated Average Award Amount: $200,000

Maximum Award Amount: $400,000

Who is Eligible:

Adult or child mental or primary care providers, obstetrics/gynecology providers, pediatric outpatient care providers, or community behavioral health providers serving adult and/or child and adolescent populations are all eligible to apply. Application tracks will be available for practices new to integrated care and for practices looking to expand and improve their existing integrated care programming.

Summary of project:

Through the distribution of funds allocated by the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA), the Department of Health Care Policy and Financing (HCPF) received funding for the expansion of integrated behavioral health services in primary care settings. Under this project, the Department is offering short-term grant funding for outpatient physical and behavioral health care providers looking to implement or expand access to care and treatment for mental health and substance use disorders using an evidence-based integrated care model. Practices awarded grants will participate in HCPF-led peer learning collaboratives with other grant recipients around the state designed to support the development of sustainable billing practices.

Project Timeline: 

  • Request for Application (RFA) Release: March 22, 2023
  • Open RFA Question Period closes: April 20, 2023 
  • Submission Deadline: April 26, 2023
  • Project and Award Announcement: June 1, 2023
  • Contracting and Pre-Grant Training: June to July 2023
  • Award Period: August 2023 to September 30, 2026*

*Subject to appropriation of funds by the Colorado General Assembly

Request for Application: View more details on grant eligibility and application requirements

How to Apply: The following items must be completed and submitted by April 26, 2023 at 5:00 p.m. MT:

  • Grant Application
  • Budget Workbook
  • A signed attestation from an Executive Director
  • Certificate of Good Standing (or Certificate of Fact) from the Secretary of State (501(c)3 organizations only)
  • Certificate of Insurance including Privacy Insurance Policy or statement that organization will add this policy during grant period
  • Updated W-9. Please use this form
  • Approved federally negotiated indirect cost rate documentation (if requesting indirect costs above 10%)
  • Optional - Evidence-based proposal for a not listed model
  • Optional - Behavioral Health Emergency Plan

Materials: All documents required for the grant can be found in this folder. This includes the Request For Application (RFA), Application Form, and Budget Workbook.

Application Due Date: April 26, 2023 at 5:00 p.m. MT

Support for Applicants:

3.07 Wraparound Services, Including Peer Supports for Members with Complex Needs - Statewide Supportive Housing Expansion (SWSHE) Pilot Project

Total Award Amount: $13,485,000

Maximum Award Amount: TBD

Who is Eligible: Permanent Supportive Housing Providers currently contracted through DOLA 

Summary of project: 

Fund and develop a sustainability strategy for wrap-around services, including community-based peer support, for recipients of complex social service benefits such as housing vouchers, with a focus on individuals with serious mental illness and a history of homelessness and repeat hospitalizations. [Full Project Description]

Statewide Supportive Housing Expansion (SWSHE) Pilot Project Announcement

Statewide Supportive Housing Expansion (SWSHE) Project Updates Fact Sheet

PSH Budget Request Fact Sheet - November 2023

NEW - FAQ - Transitioning to sustainable supportive housing services through Medicaid

Request for Application: N/A

How to Apply: N/A

Application Due Date: Closed. Solicitation was completed through an existing DOLA competitive process for permanent supportive housing providers.


4.05 Community Aging in Place – Advancing Better Living for Elders (CAPABLE) Pilot

Total Award Amount: $3,000,000

Maximum Award Amount: $750,000 per area

Who is Eligible:

Organizations who have completed the required training and obtained certification with Johns Hopkins University to implement CAPABLE, or will be able to fully complete the certification process prior to enrolling participants

Summary of Project: 

Through American Rescue Plan Act funding, the Department received approval to pilot the CAPABLE program to support Health First Colorado members to remain living within the home. Developed by the Johns Hopkins School of Nursing, CAPABLE is a person-directed, home-based program that addresses both function and healthcare expenses, and is approved by the National Council on Aging as an evidence-based fall prevention program. 

Up to four grant recipients will work closely with partners at Johns Hopkins University and the Department to implement the program in one (or more) location across the state. The purpose of this project is to pilot the CAPABLE program, expanding the ages of those participating in CAPABLE to include individuals 18 and older and broadening the geographical areas served. The pilot will be evaluated to understand the impact and outcomes on the participating individuals.

For further detail see the Request for Application document. [Full Project Description]

Request for Application: View more details on grant eligibility and application requirements

Application Due Date: Friday, July 22, 2022, 5 p.m. MT

How to Apply: All items listed in the Request for Application must be submitted via email to Karin Stewart 

Materials: View all documents required for the grant which include the Request For Application (RFA), Application Narrative Worksheet, and Application Budget Worksheet.

Additional Resources:

Learn more about the CAPABLE philosophy

Grant Application Inquiries and Answers - Updated June 30, 2022


6.13 Connect Case Management Agencies to Admission, Discharge, and Transfer Data Pilot

Total Award Amount: $1,300,000

Maximum Award Amount: Based on need and the number of awardees, but cannot exceed the total award amount

Who is Eligible:

Single Entry Point Agencies, Community Centered Boards, and Private Case Management Agencies contracted to provide case management services for Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) with the Colorado Department of Health Care Policy and Financing. Case Management Agencies that serve children enrolled in the Children’s Home and Community Based Services Waiver. The Department is looking for diversity in CMAs who participate (varying agency size, rural and urban communities, etc.). All CMAs that meet eligibility requirements are encouraged to apply. 

Summary of project:

The Department is creating an optional, grant-funded opportunity for interested Case Management Agencies (Single Entry Point Agencies, Community Centered Boards, and Private Case Management Agencies), who serve members enrolled in Home and Community Based Services (HCBS). The optional opportunity, or pilot, supports the provision of a participating Case Management Agency (CMA) with Admission, Transfer, and Discharge (ADT) hospital data for members the agency supports. The goal of this project is to improve care coordination and timely critical incident reporting to better support Health First Colorado members. [View full project description]

Request for Application: View more details on grant eligibility and application requirements.

How to Apply: The following items must be submitted by Friday, September 30, 2022 at 5:00 p.m. MT. Late and/or incomplete application packets will not be considered.

Materials: View all documents required for the grant. This includes the Request For Application (RFA) and Application Budget Workbook.

Application Due Date: Friday, September 30, 2022 at 5:00 p.m. MT.

4.08 Respite Care Grant

Total Award Amount: $1,000,000

Maximum Award Amount: Based on need and the number of awardees, but cannot exceed the total award amount

Who is Eligible:

Applicants will submit an equitable and inclusive proposal to expand their ability to provide respite services, or to extend funding for respite care supports (such as a voucher program). In the expansion/extension of the program, the majority (75% or more) of funding must go to Health First Colorado members who are either caregivers or care recipients, and they would benefit from respite services. The extension opportunity allows providers to develop diverse and creative ways to deliver equitable and accessible respite services, thinking outside of the box of the current delivery method. Applicants may also extend/expand programs to target those who may or soon will be eligible for Medicaid, or those who are siblings of Health First Colorado members. The funds are not intended to supplant the current respite benefits available under Health First Colorado or other programs, but instead will be used to enhance and expand the availability of respite services equitably.

Summary of project:

This grant is designed to increase access to respite for caregivers/families of members (state plan and waiver members) by working with existing providers to expand their ability to provide respite service or to extend funding for respite care supports. [Full Project Description]

Request for Application: View more details on grant eligibility and application requirements.

How to Apply: The following items must be completed and submitted by September 30, 2022 at 5:00 p.m. MT

  • Application (PDF with full list of questions)
  • Budget Analysis
  • Updated W-9
  • Cover letter signed by Executive Director or other authorized signatory
  • Proof of nonprofit status (if applicable)
  • Certificate of Good Standing from the Secretary of State (501(c)3 organizations only)
  • Certificate of General Liability Insurance Policy
  • Policy/procedures that assure staff supporting this grant complete a record check through the Colorado Bureau of Investigation (CBI) or another background check system that provides information at the same level of detail or higher than the CBI records check.
  • Most recent financial year audited statement, if available, or organization’s 990.

NOTE: Please email attachments to karin.stewart@state.co.us. When emailing, please denote “ARPA Respite Grant Application Supporting Documents- [AGENCY NAME].”

Materials: View all documents required for the grant. This includes the Request For Application (RFA), Budget Analysis, and W-9 Form.

Application Due Date: Friday, September 30, 2022 at 5:00 p.m. MT

Public Questions & Responses: 

  • Inquiry 1: Do we need to be a Medicaid respite provider to apply for this grant?
    • Response 1: An agency does not need to be a Health First Colorado (Medicaid) provider in order to submit an application, however, the agency would need to be able to serve Health First Colorado recipients and include that detail in the participant recruitment data collection plans

4.01 Innovative Models Care Residential Innovation Grant

Total Award Amount: $1,000,000

Maximum Award Amount: TBD

Who is Eligible:

Organizations, Governmental agencies, for-profit businesses, not-for-profit businesses, and developmental entities that are working in Home and Community-Based Services. Those who are establishing or already working with programs that promote mental health, independence, physical fitness, and social interaction.

Summary of project:

Through funding provided by Section 9817 of the American Rescue Plan Act, Colorado’s Department of Health Care Policy and Financing (the Department), has created the Innovative Models of Care Grant Program with the primary goal of sparking residential innovation, housing customizations, and new Home and Community-Based Services Programs. The Department has $1 million to allocate through the grant program for these purposes.
The Department is evaluating the effectiveness of these programs and whether or not they are successful in creating, implementing, and sustaining new, innovative residential settings and benefits. As such, allocation of these funds will only be made to programs that include Health First Colorado (Medicaid, CHP+) members. The Department is seeking new approaches that address inequities in Colorado’s current systems, including those that develop socially interactive communities, new approaches focused on promoting mental health, independence, and addressing the needs of Colorado’s growing population that desires to age in place. [View project description]

Request for Application: View for more details on grant eligibility and application requirements

How to Apply: The following items must be completed and submitted by October 7, 2022 at 5:00 p.m. MT

  • Application
  • Cover letter signed by Executive Director or authorizing official
  • Budget analysis
  • If the program is operational - last year's financial report

NOTE: If your organization does not have access to a Google account in order to attach documents to the application form directly, email attachments to austin.leffel@state.co.us with your organizational name and point of contact information submitted on the application.

Materials: All documents required for the grant can be found in this folder. This includes the Pillars of Focus, Request For Application (RFA) and Budget Analysis.

Application Due Date: Friday, October 7, 2022 at 5:00 p.m. MT.

2.01 Behavioral Health Transition Community Grants 

Total Award Amount: $14,000,000

Maximum Award Amount: $2,500,000

Who is Eligible:

Applicants selected for the project, must, at a minimum, meet the following requirements:

  • Demonstrate a commitment to serving Medicaid members within your community through the grant period and beyond. 
  • Are an Adult or Child Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facility, Qualified Residential Treatment Providers, Hospitals, Crisis Stabilization Units, Acute Treatment Units, Detox and Residential Substance Use Licensed ASAM Providers and MAT providers, or a Community Behavioral Health Agency serving adult and/or child and adolescent populations. 
  • Have demonstrated cultural competency in outreach, case management and care coordination.
  • Must have capacity to begin planning activities by December 1, 2022. A work plan will be required. 
  • As part of this project, all grant recipients will be required to participate in evaluation activities and provide data as requested by the Department.

Not Eligible Entities:

  • Regional Accountable Entities may not apply for this funding.
  • Entities that have already been awarded funding under ARPA 9813 funding for this work. 

Summary of project:

The Department of Health Care Policy & Financing received $14M funding for the expansion of behavioral health transition services from institutional settings to community care. Ideally, this will ensure people have access to high-intensity outpatient treatment services. Funding is through Section 9817 of the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA).

This work also connects to SB 19-222, which requires all proposed projects to align with efforts to ensure high-quality behavioral health system access. This system will serve people regardless of payer type or acuity level, including individuals living with severe behavioral health disorders and co-occurring mental health and substance use disorders.

The project provides short-term grant funding for behavioral health crisis and transition services between residential/inpatient and outpatient care. Awards will vary, and grants must:

  • Support Medicaid members moving from an institutional setting or correctional facility to the community
  • Focus on increasing capacity for community-based care
  • Not be used to fund existing resources or services that could be billed through Medicaid or other funding sources.

[Full Project Description]

Request for Application: View more details on grant eligibility and application requirements

How to Apply: The following items must be completed and submitted by November 16, 2022 at 5:00 p.m. MT

Materials: View all documents required for the grant which include the Cover Letter and Attestation, Grant Application Narrative, Budget Workbook, Budget Narrative, Sustainability Narrative, Updated W-9, Scoring Rubric, and Draft Report.

Application Due Date: November 16, 2022 at 5:00 p.m. MT

Question and Answer Webinar: 

A voluntary Q&A Webinar was held on October 24, 2022, from 1 to 2 p.m. via Zoom to allow prospective applicants the opportunity to ask questions to clarify the requirements for this grant. View webinar recording


View summary of submitted questions and answers 

Case Management Agencies Start-Up

Total Award Amount: Up to $5,000,000

Maximum Award Amount per Grantee: Variable 

Who is Eligible:

Case Management Agencies awarded through the RFP process to provide case management services for Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) within HCPF.

Summary of Project:

Through the federal American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Section 9817 and State funds, and in conjunction with the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) and the Colorado Joint Budget Committee (JBC), HCPF was approved to distribute up to $5 million in grant funding to support transitions for Case Management Agencies (CMAs) awarded through the Request for Proposal (RFP) process and have received notice of intent to award, to provide case management services for HCBS as a part of the Case Management Redesign (CMRD). 

HCPF will support case management redesign efforts in the community by developing a framework to support the change management requirements to ensure a successful transition from the current system to the implementation of a redesign that mitigates the negative impact on members. HCPF will work with CMAs, local area organizations, and stakeholders to plan and prepare for CMRD. It will provide support to CMAs to implement CMRD, transition, change management, strategic and organizational planning, capacity, and ensuring member access to a CMA, including developing an infrastructure for a learning collaborative so that CMAs have access to individual resources relevant to their change management needs

Scope of Work:
HCPF is issuing the Case Management Agencies Start-Up Request for Applications (RFA) to solicit grant applications from eligible organizations, as defined below, to support CMAs awarded through the RFP process in one or more of the following areas of focus:

  • Case Management Agencies can use the funding to support the transition and minimize disruption to services. 
  • Case Management Agencies can purchase new, mobile touchscreen computing devices. These touchscreen computer devices will be used to support the new Care and Case Management (CCM) system, which will use electronic signatures in the completion of the Colorado Single Assessment and the Person-Centered Support Plan, with Members.
  • Case Management Agencies can purchase or update an Electronic Health Record (EHR) system. 

Request for Application: For more information about grant eligibility and application requirements read the Request for Application (RFA)

How to Apply: 

The following items must be completed and submitted by August 10, 2023 at 5:00 p.m. MT: 

  • Online Application
  • Email the following:
    • One-page project work plan with the names of project leads, your project timeline, an estimated date of completion, and a short description of what the funds will be used for.  
    • Completed Budget Workbook


Materials: View all documents required for the grant which include the Request For Application (RFA) and Project Budget.

Application Due Date:  August 10, 2023, 5 p.m. MT


4.07 New Systems of Care

Total Award Amount: $15,000,000

Maximum Award Amount: $25,000 to $1,000,000

Who is Eligible: providers of HCBS and older adult services

Summary of project:

The New Systems of Care Grant Program is a $15M program in which the Colorado Department of Health Care & Financing (the Department) will award funds to qualified applicants to pilot innovative systems of care that recognize and leverage the needs and capabilities of various populations. Applicants can solicit grant funds to either build or supplement existing programs in one or more of the following areas of focus:

  • Home-sharing facilitation where at least one individual in the home-sharing match is at least age 55 or older.
  • Provision of college credit for prior learning (CPL) and work experience for Colorado Medicaid Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) Direct Care Workers (DCWs)
  • Tuition reimbursement distribution for Colorado Medicaid HCBS DCWs
  • Child care reimbursement distribution for Colorado Medicaid HCBS DCWs

Grant requests may not exceed $1M or be less than $25,000. Grant funding will be paid on a reimbursement basis.

 [Full Project Description]

Request for Application: View more information about grant eligibility and application requirements

How to Apply: Application Link

Application Due Date: SECOND ROUND ADDED - June 2, 2023 at 5:00 p.m. MT

Additional Resources:

3.07 Wraparound Services, Including Peer Supports for Members with Complex Needs - Peer Support Grants for Housing Stability

Total Award Amount: $4,970,350

Maximum Award Amount: $180,000

Who is Eligible:

Must be enrolled as a Medicaid provider [Note: Individual providers, working in collaboration with existing homeless services, are eligible to apply.]  


Must demonstrate a viable pathway to enrolling as a Medicaid provider within the grant period. [Note: Entities working towards their RSSO license are eligible and encouraged to apply.]

Summary of project:

The purpose of this grant project is to expand access to Peer Support Services for Medicaid members with complex needs and a history of homelessness. Funding shall be awarded to cover costs associated with outreach, engagement, hiring, training, retention, and supervision of Peer Support Professionals who can provide billable services in the context of housing stability. Funding shall also be awarded to support costs associated with building administrative capacity to become a Medicaid provider and successfully provide and bill for Peer Support Services. [Full Project Description]

Request for Application: View more details on grant eligibility and application requirements

How to Apply: The application deadline was been re-opened and extended. Please send an intent to apply email by July 31, 2023 to hcpf_housing_supports@state.co.us. Then, the following items must be completed and submitted by August 15, 2023 at 5:00 p.m. MT:

  • Application
  • Budget Workbook
  • Proof of nonprofit status (if applicable)
  • Certificate of Good Standing (or Certificate of Fact) from the Secretary of State (501(c)3 organizations only)
  • Certificate of Insurance including Privacy Insurance Policy or statement that agency will add policy during grant period

Email all materials to: hcpf_housing_supports@state.co.us

Materials: View all documents required for the grant. This includes the Request For Application (RFA), Application Form, and Budget Workbook.

Intent to Apply Email Due Date: July 31, 2023 at 5:00 p.m. MT

Application Due Date: August 15, 2023 at 5:00 p.m. MT

Questions? Email questions to hcpf_housing_supports@state.co.us

Support for Applicants: 
  • FAQ with Responses 
  • Q&A Webinar - Peer Support Grants for Housing Stability (ARPA 3.07) | March 3, 2023 at 12:00 p.m. MT
  • Q&A Webinar - Peer Support Grants for Housing Stability (ARPA 3.07) | March  15, 2023 at 4:00 p.m. MT
    • No new questions were addressed in the Q&A Webinar on March 15, 2023. If you have any questions, please email them to hcpf_housing_supports@state.co.us - Questions will be received through Friday, March 24, 2023 and answers will be published on the FAQ with Responses document on the website.

Community Funding Projects

2.02 Expand Behavioral Health Crisis Teams

Total Award Amount: $1,750,000

Maximum Award Amount: Based on provider needs assessment results

Who is Eligible: Community-based organizations providing mobile crisis response services or current crisis providers expanding to mobile crisis response services

Summary of project:

Mobile Crisis Response is an enhanced benefit to support community based crisis response as an alternative to law enforcement or Emergency Medical Service (EMS) responses. Funding is available to support MCR providers to meet the enhanced benefit standards. Funding is allocated through a MCR Provider Needs Assessment to evaluate areas that they will need to enhance to meet the new service standards and to identify areas where providers may need support in meeting the new standards. [Full Project Description]

Request for Application: CLOSED

Fiscal year 2023 allocations have completed. Funding runs through Administrative Service Organizations via the Behavioral Health Administration 

Application Due Date: CLOSED

Contact hcpf_bhbenefits@state.co.us for more information.

3.06 Expand the Behavioral Health Safety Net

Total Award Amount: $24,000,000

Maximum Award Amount: TBD

Who is Eligible: High-Intensity Outpatient Behavioral Health Providers

Summary of project:

Strengthen and expand the behavioral health safety net through provider training, workforce development, enhanced standards, high-intensity outpatient services, and value-based pay for performance models supporting whole-person care. Provide Regional Accountable Entity (RAE) funding to support the expansion of high-intensity BH services. [Full Project Description]

Request for Application: In development. Will run through RAEs in each region.

How to Apply: In development

Application Due Date: TBD


3.08 American Indian/Alaska Native (AI/AN) Culturally Responsive Services Capacity Grants

Note: Previously named Behavioral Health Capacity Grants

Total Award Amount: $5,000,000

Maximum Award Amount: TBD

Who is Eligible: Tribes, community organizations serving tribal populations through outpatient behavioral health or HCBS services

Summary of project: Tribal grants to enhance behavioral health capacity and HCBS access. [Full Project Description]

Request for Application: In development

How to Apply: In development

Application Due Date: TBD