(for members who do not have Health First Colorado, please see the respective plan webpage for coverage policies and other information)
- Pharmaceutical products / drugs / medications administered in the outpatient setting may be covered under the medical benefit, the pharmacy benefit or both.
- The lower-of pricing logic will always be used, regardless of which benefit is billed.
- The setting where the medication is administered will determine the benefit under which it is covered. For medications administered in:
- Inpatient Hospital
- Covered by the medical benefit and billed on an institution claim (UB-04)
- Reimbursed using the All-Patient Refined Diagnosis Related Group (APR-DRG) methodology
- Inpatient/Outpatient (IP/OP) Billing Manual
- Some drugs may fall in the Hospital Specialty Drug Policy and require prior authorization (PA) approval prior to being administered and reimbursed
- Additional policy information can be found in the IP/OP Billing Manual
- A current list of codes requiring a PA and coverage criteria can be found on Appendix Z
- Covered by the medical benefit and billed on an institution claim (UB-04)
- Outpatient Hospital
- Covered by the medical benefit and billed on an institution claim (UB-04)
- Reimbursed using the Enhanced Ambulatory Patient Grouping System (EAPG) methodology
- IP/OP Billing Manual
- Some drugs may fall in the Hospital Specialty Drug Policy and require prior authorization approval prior to being administered and reimbursed
- Additional policy information can be found in the IP and OP billing manual
- A current list of codes requiring a PA and coverage criteria can be found on Appendix Z
- Covered by the medical benefit and billed on an institution claim (UB-04)
- Doctor’s office, clinic, etc.
- Covered by the medical benefit and billed on a professional claim (CMS 1500)
- Reimbursed using the Physician-Administered Drug (PAD) Fee Schedule
- Specific coverage information and a list of codes can be found on Appendix Y
- PAD Billing Manual
- PAD Fee Schedule
- Covered by the pharmacy benefit and billed in the Point of Sale (POS) system
- Reimbursed using Average Acquisition Cost (AAC), National Average Drug Acquisition Cost (NADAC), Submitted Ingredient, Usual and Customary or Maximum Allowable Cost (MAC) methodologies
- Pharmacy Billing Manual
- Specific coverage information can be found on Appendix P
- Pharmacy Rate List
- Pharmacist Services Billing Manual
- Covered by the medical benefit and billed on a professional claim (CMS 1500)
- Pharmacy (Vaccines or certain drugs as allowed per policy)
- Covered by the medical benefit and billed on a professional claim (CMS 1500)
- Reimbursed using the PAD or the Immunization Fee Schedule
- Pharmacy Services Billing Manual
- PAD Billing Manual
- PAD and Immunization Fee Schedules
- Covered by the pharmacy benefit and billed in the Point of Sale (POS) system
- Applies only to pharmacies enrolled in the Vaccines for Children (VFC) program
- Reimbursed at zero ingredient cost plus administration fee
- Pharmacy Billing Manual
- Specific coverage information can be found on Appendix P and the Preferred Drug List (PDL)
- Pharmacy Rate List
- Pharmacist Services Billing Manual
- Applies only to pharmacies enrolled in the Vaccines for Children (VFC) program
- Covered by the medical benefit and billed on a professional claim (CMS 1500)
- Members’ Home or Long-Term Care Facility (self-administered, administered by a non-healthcare professional caretaker or administered by a healthcare professional)
- Covered by the pharmacy benefit and billed in the Point of Sale (POS) system
- Reimbursed using Average Acquisition Cost (AAC), National Average Drug Acquisition Cost (NADAC), Submitted Ingredient, Usual and Customary or Maximum Allowable Cost (MAC) methodologies
- Pharmacy Billing Manual
- Specific coverage information can be found on Appendix P and the Preferred Drug List (PDL)
- Pharmacy Rate List
- Covered by the pharmacy benefit and billed in the Point of Sale (POS) system
- Inpatient Hospital
- Policy Restrictions
- Processes known as “white-bagging” and “brown-bagging”, where a drug is billed to the pharmacy benefit and then administered in the hospital, clinic or office are not usually permitted.
- "White-bagging" is defined as the distribution of patient-specific drug from a pharmacy to a medical provider’s office, clinic or hospital for administration.
- "Brown-bagging" is when a pharmacy dispenses a medication directly to the member, who then transports the drug to the provider’s office, clinic or hospital for administration.
- Exceptions
- Effective January 14, 2022, PADs associated with House Bill 21-1275 may not be subject to policy restrictions.
- For additional information and all applicable PADs, refer to the Pharmacist Services Billing Manual
- Any applicable criteria can be found on Appendix P
- Effective January 14, 2022, PADs associated with House Bill 21-1275 may not be subject to policy restrictions.
- Processes known as “white-bagging” and “brown-bagging”, where a drug is billed to the pharmacy benefit and then administered in the hospital, clinic or office are not usually permitted.
Setting or place of administration | Paid for by which benefit (medical or pharmacy)? | Reimbursement Methodology | Where to find more details |
Drugs administered in the Inpatient Hospital setting | Medical benefit and billed on the UB-04 | All-Patient Refined Diagnosis Related Group (APR-DRG) OR In accordance with the Hospital Specialty Drug policy | IP/OP Billing Manual |
Drugs administered in an Outpatient Hospital setting | Medical benefit and billed on the UB-04 | Enhanced Ambulatory Patient Grouping System (EAPG) OR In accordance with the Hospital Specialty Drug policy | IP/OP Billing Manual |
Drugs administered in a doctor’s office, clinic or pharmacy | Medical benefit and billed on the CMS 1500 OR Pharmacy benefit and billed in the POS system | PAD Fee Schedule OR Average Acquisition Cost (AAC) | |
If the member resides: The drug is self- administered OR The drug is administered by a non-healthcare professional caregiver, such as a guardian or parent OR The drug is administered by a healthcare professional | Pharmacy benefit and billed in the POS system | Average Acquisition Cost (AAC) OR National Average Drug Acquisition Cost (NADAC) OR Submitted Ingredient Cost OR Usual and Customary OR Maximum Allowable Cost (MAC) | Appendix P and the Preferred Drug List (PDL) |
If the member resides: In a Long-Term Care Facility (LTCF) AND The drug is self- administered OR The drug is administered by a healthcare professional | Pharmacy benefit and billed in the POS system | Average Acquisition Cost (AAC) OR National Average Drug Acquisition Cost (NADAC) OR Submitted Ingredient Cost OR Usual and Customary OR Maximum Allowable Cost (MAC) | Appendix P and the Preferred Drug List (PDL) |
Updated 02/18/2025