Enterprise Solutions Integrator (ESI)

In 2019, the Department of Health Care Policy & Financing (HCPF) created the Enterprise Solutions Integration (ESI) Division within the Health Information Office to oversee modularity and data integration activities across HCPF and the Colorado Medicaid Enterprise Solution (CMES) ecosystem. The ESI Division collaborates with staff across HCPF and vendors to ensure data models, interface files, application program interfaces (API), data workflows, and data governance adheres to State and Federal standards and industry best practices.  

In November 2022, HCPF executed the ESI contract with Ernst & Young (EY) to support HCPF's efforts to move to modular solutions that address specific functionality and provide best in breed technology.

Why does HCPF need an ESI?  

  1. Develop a strategy to achieve HCPF's modularity vision.  
  2. Define and maintain data and integration governance across the CMES ecosystem.  
  3. Use application programming interfaces (APIs) for near to real time data exchange with other modules.
  4. Ensure successful module implementations across the Medicaid Ecosystem.
  5. Implement a Data Conversion and test strategy to ensure the Medicaid Data Model is accurate and complete across the CMES ecosystem.

The Solutions Integration Platform will deliver and support the exchange of APIs, data, and interface files across the CMES to provide trusted, accurate data to all integrated systems to operate with maximum efficiency. The work of the ESI Division and Contractor will ensure the CMES systems and contractors collaborate to achieve operational excellence. The Solutions Integration Platform is scheduled to Go-Live and be operational in the Fall of 2025.

Send questions or comments to hcpf_cmes@state.co.us