Business Intelligence Data Management (BIDM) System

The legacy BIDM, implemented in 2017, is the foundation for three BIDM modules that will be implemented in the CMES ecosystem.

The Enterprise Data Warehouse (EDW) system will stay the same. This module will be a system takeover and HCPF will transition from the current vendor, IBM, to the new vendor, Conduent. This system takeover requires minimal transitional impacts.

HCPF has cancelled the solicitation for the Recoveries Electronic Database (RED). Details about the next steps for this module will be announced on this webpage when they are available.

ModuleCurrent VendorNew VendorProject KickoffGo Live
Enterprise Data Warehouse IBMConduentWinter 2024Spring 2025
Program Integrity IBMAlivia AnalyticsSummer 2024Spring 2025
Recoveries Electronic Database (RED)  TBDTBDTBD

Send questions or comments to hcpf_cmes@state.co.us.