Forms and Resources IHSS Provider List Training and Support
In-Home Support Services (IHSS) is a participant-directed service-delivery option that allows Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) waiver members to direct and manage their care with the support of an agency.
If you are a Health First Colorado (Colorado's Medicaid Program) member interested in starting IHSS, you must contact your local Case Management Agency.
Forms and Resources
- IHSS member and case manager forms - Visit the Training and Support contractor's website
- IHSS Providers List page
- IHSS Frequently Asked Questions - Updated June 2022
- Independent Living Core Services Fact Sheet - October 2020
- HCPF Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) page
- HCPF Health Maintenance Activities (HMA) Documentation Guide
- Telligen Provider User Guide
- HCPF Long-Term Services and Supports (LTSS) Training page
- IHSS Rule - 10 CCR 2505-10 8.552
Training and Support
What does the Training and Support contractor do for IHSS?
- Provides comprehensive training about IHSS policies, processes, and best practices for members, authorized representatives, case managers, IHSS Agencies, and community stakeholders
- Peer-to-Peer Training available
- Provides mediation services for care plan disagreements when requested by the IHSS member or authorized representative
- Educates stakeholders and community members about self-direction
- Supports the administrative responsibilities of the Case Management Agencies and IHSS providers
CDASS Training and Support contractor
- Consumer Direct Colorado (Consumer Direct, CDCO)
- Phone: 844-381-4433
- Fax: 866-924-9072
- Email:
- CDCO Website
- Training Materials