County Funding
- HCPF & CDHS Final Report - The Collection and Analysis of Data Relating to County Department Costs and Performance Associated with Administering Public Benefit Assistance Programs
- HCPF PHE Funding - County Share Discussion 9/28/2022
- Coding County Activities to Enhanced/Non-Enhanced Match
- IM 20-031 FY 2021-22 BA-10 Budget Amendment (PHE Locked-In)
- IM 21-039 - FY 2021-22 County Administration Allocations
- Agency Letter 15-006- Enhanced Match Funding Information
- HCPF Budget Documents- link to budget documents including fiscal year budget requests, supplemental requests, premiums and presumptive eligibility expenditures, and more
- 2014-15 R6 Budget Request- provides the legislative language that authorized the County Grant and Incentives Programs.