Provider Web Portal Quick Guide - Web Portal Registration

Last updated: 07/12/2023
  1. From the Provider Web Portal Home page, click Register Now.

    registration login page forgot password

  2. Choose the most appropriate option.

    If enrolled as more than one provider type, choose the option most appropriate for the Provider ID used for the creation of a Web Portal account.

    Example: Many case managers (Provider Type 11) are also enrolled as Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) providers (Provider Type 36). In this example, the case manager would need to create two (2) Web Portal accounts.
    They would select the Case Manager option to register their case manager provider ID, and they would register their HCBS Provider ID as a Provider.

    click the correct registration type

  3. Enter information.

    For Registration as a "Provider", "Case Manager", or "MCE, ASO, or BHA"

    If the National Provider Identifier (NPI) is tied to more than one location or provider type, it is highly recommended to use the provider ID (instead of the NPI) to register.

    personal info for provider, case manager, or MCO/ASO

    For Registration as a "Delegate"

    The information entered here must match the information that was used to create the Delegate Code. If there are difficulties with registration, double check with the person who created the delegate code.

    personal info if registering as delegate

    For Registration as a "Billing Agent"

    The Trading Partner ID (TPID) entered here needs to come from Gainwell Technologies. The TPID used in the legacy system will not work.

    personal info for Billing Agent

  4. Choose a User ID and Display Name.

    The User ID is what is used to log into the Web Portal account. It is recommended to create a Display Name that will make it easy to identify which account is logged in.

    Example: If this provider type is a Hospital and the service location is 123 Fake Street - a good Display Name would be: "Hospital_123FakeSt". Do not use spaces in the display name.

    choosing ID and display name

    The Display Name is the name seen when logged into the Provider Web Portal account.

    screen shot of display name sample

    The Display Name is the name delegates will see when using the "Switch Provider" function.

    screen shot of switch provider function

  5. Answer the Challenge Questions and read and sign the Web Portal User Agreement.

    challenge questions screenshot

  6. Click the link in the confirmation email.

    A confirmation email from coxixawsnotifications@gainwelltechnologies.com will be received, but it may take up to an hour. If not receiving a verification email within an hour, use the system to request the verification email again.

    1. Use the user ID and password to attempt to login to the Provider Web Portal account.
    2. Click Resend Verification Email.

    Please remember to check the junk, clutter and spam folders. If an email is not received in one business day, contact the Provider Services Call Center as there may have been an issue with the email entered.

    validation of email/verification

  7. Confirm that you are logged in as an active provider.

    Being able to register for the Web Portal is not an indicator that the correct Provider ID is being used.

    If you are not logged in as a delegate and are not seeing the Manage Accounts and Provider Maintenance links, you either registered using the wrong Provider ID or registered using the NPI and the Web Portal linked to the wrong account.

    How to fix it:

    Register for a new Provider Web Portal account using the correct Provider ID (not the NPI). Please call 1-844-235-2387 if the correct Provider ID is not known.

    Nothing needs to be done with the incorrect Provider Web Portal account; just discontinue using it.

    correct ID versus incorrect ID

    Another indicator that the wrong ID is being used is in My Profile  Roles.

    "Provider Restricted" means it has been registered using the wrong ID or this provider is not enrolled.

    provider restricted screen shot

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