Link the Trading Partner Identification (TPID)

Last updated: 7/25/2024

The Trading Partner ID (TPID) can be linked to the Provider Web Portal account if the provider has a TPID.

Follow these instructions if planning to use the TPID to send and receive files (including the 835) for one unique location (one Provider Web Portal registration).

Note: A TPID is needed to pull an 835 because it is an X12 HIPAA-compliant file. The Remittance Advice (RA) may be pulled without a TPID.

Follow the instructions on the Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) Support web page to enroll as a Trading Partner if a TPID is not available.


Linking a TPID to a Provider Web Portal Account

  1. Log into the Provider Web Portal.
  2. Click My Profile.
    my profile link on home page
  3. Click Add Role.
    Add role link
  4. Select Provider Trading Partners from the drop-down, enter the Trading Partner ID and Trading Partner Name, then click Submit.
    choose Provider Trading Partner, TPID, name, and submit
  5. Click OK to close the confirmation box.
    close confirmation box
  6. Return to the Provider Web Portal home page and click Manage Accounts.
    Manage Accounts link on homepage
  7. Open the Link Registered Trading Partner ID for X12 Reports tab.
    tab for Link Registered Trading Partner
  8. Select the Link My Trading Partner ID checkbox.

    Note: The TPID will pre-populate into the Trading Partner ID field.

    Link My Trading Partner ID

  9. Click Validate Trading Partner.
    validate trading partner button
  10. Select the boxes next to the reports the user wishes upload or download as the Trading Partner, then click Submit.

    Note: Only the reports that passed testing will display.
    check the boxes next to the reports to up-or-download as the trading partner
  11. Click Confirm.
    confirm button
  12. Click OK to close the confirmation box.
    close the information box


Download an 835 (or other X12 Report)

  1. Click Files Exchange and then click Download Files on the Provider Web Portal home page.

    Note: The Files Exchange tab may not appear if the TPID was just linked. Log out and back in if this happens.

    File exchange - download files links

  2. Select whether to download a new file or a previously downloaded file in the File Status drop-down. 
  3. Select the file type in the Category drop-down. 
  4. Enter the date range in the From Date and To Date fields.
    screenshot of file download page
  5. Click the File Name link to download the file.
    click the link for file download
  6. Click Open or Save for the downloaded file.

    Note: The screen may appear different than the image below due to individual browser/computer set-up.

    prompt for download screenshot


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