Stakeholder Opportunities to Engage on Improvements to Health First Colorado and Child Health Plan Plus

This page includes links to forums where members, providers, clinics, hospitals, advocates, counties and other community partners can engage with HCPF. The Member Experience Advisory Committee and Improving Member Correspondence are ongoing opportunities. The County Rule Review and Other upcoming forums are time limited with a focus on learnings as a result of the PHE unwind. See the Committees, Boards, and Collaboration page for a comprehensive list of stakeholder engagement opportunities.

Member Experience Advisory Committee - This is a member only group that informs improvements to HCPF programs including improvements to the eligibility and enrollment process.

Improving Member Correspondence - These quarterly stakeholder meetings highlight work on correspondence improvements, major changes and provide an opportunity for stakeholder feedback to inform future improvements.

County Rule Reviews - Colorado’s medical assistance programs are state supervised and county administered. HCPF is currently reviewing all the county administration and fiscal rules to take into account learnings from the PHE unwind. Counties, providers, members and other community partners are encouraged to participate in this process.    

Other Upcoming Forums

Colorado Considerations for Making e14s Permanent Stakeholder Feedback Session - The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services released guidance in late November 2024 that clarifies paths forward for states to make permanent certain flexibilities that were available during the pandemic and subsequent unwind. Many flexibilities will still sunset in June 2025. HCPF will host a webinar to inform stakeholders of the new guidance, HCPF’s preliminary analysis of the guidance and gather feedback about these flexibilities in January 2025.

  • Meeting Date/Time and Link to Webinar Registration - Coming Soon
