Senate Bill 19-195 is a bill passed by Colorado legislation. The bill requires the department of health care policy and financing, in conjunction with the department of human services, to develop and implement wraparound services for children and youth at risk of out-of-home placement or in an out-of-home placement. It also requires wraparound services to be covered under Medicaid. The department of health care policy and financing and the department of human services shall monitor and report the annual cost savings associated with eligible children and youth receiving wraparound services.
In accordance with Senate Bill (SB) 19-195, the Department of Health Care Policy and Financing will be working to enhance our children and youth behavioral health system. To better serve this population, the Department will:
- Implement high fidelity wraparound services for eligible children and youth who are enrolled in Medicaid and at risk of out-of-home placement or in an out-of-home placement.
- Improve outcomes for children, youth, and families involved with multiple agencies
- Bring together agencies and services for at-risk, high systems-use children, youth, and families
- Reduce duplication and eliminate fragmentation
- Encourage cost sharing among service providers and cost-reduction for services
- Design and recommending a child and youth integrated funding pilot program that addresses the challenges of fragmentation and duplication of behavioral health services.
- Participating in work led by the Colorado Department of Human Services, Office of Behavioral Health, to develop a menu of behavioral health screening tools, select a single standardized assessment tool, and design a single statewide referral and entry point.
Stakeholder Information
- Learn more about SB19-195 by reading our fact sheet or the full legislative bill.
- Subscribe to the Enhancing Child and Youth Behavioral Services Newsletter
- If you have questions, contact Children Youth Behavioral Health Stakeholder Specialist: Christopher Anderson
High Fidelity Wraparound
High Fidelity Wraparound is an individual approach that follows a series of steps to help children and their families reach success. It includes a team of service providers natural supports, family members and youth. Each team member contributes special resources and talents to meet the youth and family's needs for success.
Additional Resources:
- High Fidelity Wraparound Concept Paper
- COACT Colorado
- SB19-195 Funding Pilot Report
- SB19-195 Funding Pilot Report Appendices
Helpful Links
- Subscribe to the Medicaid System of Care Newsletter
- If you have questions,
- Legislation to further this work:
- Senate Bill 19-195 and Enhancing Children and Youth Behavioral Health Services
- Settlement Agreement Announced in Lawsuit Involving Intensive Behavioral Health Services
- IBHS Stakeholder Presentation September 2024