Update Licenses and Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments (CLIA)

Last updated: 08/21/2024

Table of Contents

Provider Maintenance is used when a provider needs to update information including license updates.

  1. Log in to the Provider Web Portal.
  2. Click Provider Maintenance.
    provider maintenance link on home page
  3. Click Provider Maintenance again.
    click on second Provider Maintenance link
  4. Click the Provider Identification Changes panel.
    screenshot of provider maintenance instructions panel with Provider Identification Changes circled

Note: Providers must select at least one payer. Providers will be required to view and electronically sign a Provider Participation Agreement (PPA) specific to each payer selected.

provider identification

Renewing, Adding, Updating or Removing a License

Providers can renew an active license with the same license number, add a new license with a different number, select an earlier expiration date of an existing license or remove a license that is not yet submitted.

If the license is from the Colorado Department of Regulatory Agencies (DORA), an automatic lookup will be performed when the Issuing Authority and License # are entered. If a match is found in DORA, the Effective Date, Expiration Date and Issuing State will be retrieved and populated automatically.

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Renewing a License

Providers can renew a license when the license number is the same as an existing active license record and there is a new effective/expiration date span. To renew a license, expand the drop-down that reads Click to add new license or renew existing license.

license panel

Select the license record to be renewed from the license record drop-down. Once the license record is selected, the information will automatically populate. The Effective Date, Expiration Date and Type fields can be edited.

Note: Effective and expiration dates cannot overlap with an existing record for the same license number.

Providers requiring a primary license type must indicate a license type as Primary. Providers not requiring a primary license may indicate a license type as Secondary. The expiration date may be changed to an earlier date than what is displayed. The license expiration date cannot be set past the currently approved Expiration Date.

Note: When a primary license is required, all spans should indicate active, and remain active even when the license has expired, for claims to process.

license panel details

Click Add.

click add on license panel

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Adding a License

To add a new license that has a different number, expand the drop-down that reads Click to add new license or renew existing license or [+].

click Add a New License

Enter information in the license panel for all required fields and the optional field as applicable.

Click Add.

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Updating a License

Providers can update an existing license record to indicate an earlier expiration date.

Providers can update an existing license record to indicate an earlier expiration date

Click [+] next to the active license number. Enter information in all fields as required. The Issuing State and Issuing Authority are required drop-down fields. The description is an optional field. 

Providers requiring a primary license type must indicate a license type as Primary. Providers not requiring a primary license may indicate a license type as Secondary. The expiration date may be changed to an earlier date than what is displayed. The license expiration date cannot be set past the currently approved Expiration Date.

Click Save.

Note: Inactive records are read-only.

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Removing a License

To remove a license, select the license number from the existing record. Click Remove to remove the entire row.  Note: Only newly added licenses can be removed.

removing a license

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A Certification can be added or changed on the Provider Maintenance: Provider Identification panel. A copy of the Certification is required as an attachment to process the request.

Note: Some existing Certification records might have an invalid Certification Type, and the field will be displayed as blank. Review each Certification record and select a new Certification Type, if applicable.

select a new certification type

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Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments (CLIA) Certification

A CLIA Certification can be added or changed through the Provider Maintenance: Provider Identification panel. A copy of the CLIA certificate is required as an attachment to process the request.

When viewing an existing CLIA Certification on the Provider Identification panel, do not be concerned if the Effective Date displayed does not match the Effective Date originally entered or the date of the most recent certification. The Effective and End Dates for all CLIA licenses are as follows:

Effective Date:1/1/1900
End Date: 12/31/2299

Effective and End dates

When adding or changing a license, a copy of the license must be submitted on the Provider Maintenance: Attachments and Submit panel. Attach a license on the Attachments section and enter data for all required fields. Click Add.

In the Submit section, click the I accept checkbox and enter the name of the person reporting the change. Click Submit. An auto-generated tracking number will display.

Provider Maintenance attachments

Checking the Status of a Provider Maintenance Request

When a Provider Maintenance Request is submitted, providers will be given a tracking number. Retain the tracking number.
provider maintenance status link

Log into the Provider Web Portal and click the Provider Maintenance Status link.

Enter the Tracking Number for the update request and click Search.
enter tracking number

View the status details under the Provider Maintenance - Summary section.
status details

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