Supported Employment - Training and Certification

Do you provide Supported Employment services through the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR) and/or Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) Medicaid Waivers?  If yes check out these options for professional development!

Options for Professional Development

Complete any one of these trainings or do both – a training and a certification!

Benefits to training and certification  

  • Comply with new Colorado Supported Employment Service Provider requirements  
  • All courses are nationally recognized, therefore at completion, you will be added to a National registry and have documented credentials that will be honored even if you move to another state
  • Excellent resume builders! 
  • Network with colleagues across the state and nation 
  • Encouraging on-going learning 


ACRE Training

Association of Community Rehabilitation Educators - National membership organization for trainers & educators in the field of employment for people with disabilities. 

Focused on I/DD Service Providers


ACRE Testimonials

  • In-Person ACRE Training with CIS
    • Here's what Colorado Employment Support Professionals are saying about ACRE Training with CIS:
      • The training was interactive and everyone was engaged and willing to share their experiences. The stories and examples shared during class really brought things home. I feel that I have been given more tools to make me a better Employment Specialist.
      • All of the trainers that presented were very knowledgeable. I will be able to better assist the individuals we serve in understanding and establishing community-integrated employment.
      • I learned so much about the complexities of supporting people in their jobs. Loved the course, very valuable.
      • The information presented was thorough and the trainers made sure that we understood the material. I look forward to applying what I learned to help the people I serve.
      • ACRE training was informative and inspiring. I learned a lot about Employment First, and especially enjoyed connecting and sharing ideas with other support professionals.
      • Trainers made the course engaging and were very knowledgeable. This training will help further progress our new supported employment department.
  • Online ACRE Training with WISE
    • SSA On Demand: The modules are really well done and I like the short time frames which enable the user to absorb the material in bits and pieces to get to the whole. I was in an IEP meeting and a parent asked me about SSI and I was able to answer the question in more detail than I would have before taking the modules! ;o)
    • I loved the enthusiasm of the presenters! It made sometimes seemingly redundant information, interesting and relevant.
    • I look forward to using my new skills!

CESP Certification

Focused on I/DD

The Certified Employment Support Professional (CESP) certification recognizes individuals who have demonstrated a sufficient level of knowledge and skill to provide support to people with significant disabilities to get and keep jobs that are a good match.  The CESP Certification is nationally recognized, and those who complete this certification will have documented credentials that will be honored nationwide.


IPS Training

Focused on Service Providers in Mental Health Centers

Individual Placement and Support (IPS) Training is a good match for Employment Specialists who work for Mental Health Centers who have contracts with DVR and with Medicaid Regional Accountable Entities.

Offered by Colorado Office of Employment First

Offered by National IPS Employment Center

IPS Certification


IPS Testimonials

  • Colorado Employment First - IPS Training
    • The IPS training was extremely beneficial and informative! My team and I were able to learn about the IPS model from skilled providers and we feel more confident in our ability to provide IPS services that meet fidelity. Our clients are clearly benefiting from the IPS model and this success was due, in no small part, to the training provided by Colorado Office of Employment First.
    • At first, I was not excited about the idea of this training. I worried about the time commitment and wondered how much an online class could teach me. Deirdre proved me wrong. She found a way to keep the class fully engaged during every lesson. It is clear she cares about IPS and everyone involved with this work. The guests had relevant in-depth knowledge and provided guidance during their presentations and after the course ended. I have taken many ZOOM trainings over the last few months and this was the most informative one.


If you are interested in discovery and customized employment training, contact: