Provider Web Portal Quick Guide: Revalidation

Last updated: 07/25/2024

All providers must revalidate at least every five (5) years to continue participation in Health First Colorado (Colorado's Medicaid program) and Child Health Plan Plus (CHP+). 

Much of the information needed for revalidation will be pre-populated, and providers should verify that the information is still valid. Required fields that are not pre-populated must be completed. Once the revalidation application has been approved, information that cannot be updated in the revalidation application may be updated through the Provider Maintenance option of the Provider Web Portal.

  1. Log in to Provider Web Portal.
  2. Click Revalidation Application.

    This will direct providers to the Revalidation Status Panel.

    revalidation application link on home page

  3. Click the Continue button to start the revalidation application.
    Revalidation Welcome

    Clicking Continue directs providers to the Revalidation: Request Information Panel.

    Throughout the revalidation application, providers may use the Continue button to navigate to the next panel in the application and save data entered on that panel, or the Finish Later button to save the application and complete it at a later time.

  4. Verify the Taxonomy in Provider Information.

    Providers will not be able to continue with the revalidation process if any of the taxonomies on file do not match at least one of the taxonomies listed in the NPPES NPI Registry. 

  5. Add the Contact Information.

    Providers are encouraged to ensure the contact information is current. The contact person will potentially be contacted to answer questions regarding the revalidation application.

    Click the Continue button to initiate the save feature and obtain a tracking number.

    Revalidation Panel

  6. Retain the tracking number.

    After clicking Continue on the Request Information Panel, the tracking number will be presented. Click Continue to resume the revalidation application. The revalidation process will automatically save data entered on subsequent panels each time the user clicks the Continue button.

    Revalidation retain tracking number

  7. Providers have read-only access to Specialties and Additional Taxonomies within the revalidation application and cannot update this information.

    read-only: specialties and taxonomies

    Click the Continue button to move to the Addresses Panel.

  8. Providers are encouraged to ensure the address information is correct for the Service Location and the Billing and Mailing Addresses.

    verify address information is correct

    Click the Continue button to move to the Provider Identification Panel.

  9. Providers have read-only access to the Provider Legal Name, Doing Business As, and Organization Type.

    Note: Providers must select at least one (1) payer. Providers will be required to view and electronically sign a Provider Participation Agreement (PPA) specific to each payer selected.

    provider identification

    Providers may also:

    • Add Durable Medical Equipment (DME) information

    DME information

    • Add new licenses
    • Renew current licenses
    • View existing licenses, update the End Date for existing licenses
    • If the license is a Colorado Department of Regulatory Agencies (DORA), an automatic lookup will be performed when the Issuing Authority and License # are entered. If a match is found in DORA, the Effective Date, Expiration Date and Issuing State will be retrieved and populated automatically.

      license panel

    • View, add and update Certification information.

      certification panel

    • View, add and update Medicare Participation information.

      Screenshot of Medicare participation information

    • View and add new, non-overlapping DEA records and end date existing records.

      DEA records

  10. Providers may add, update and view managed care networks.

    managed care network panel

    Click the “Continue” button to move to the Languages panel.

  11. Providers may add, update, and view languages.

    Revalidation Language

    Click the Continue button to move to the Other Information Panel.

  12. View, update and add Malpractice/General Liability Insurance records. View, add and update Additional Provider Search options. View and answer Supplemental Questions. Add a Website Address.

    revalidation other information

    Additional Provider Search information panel

    Click the Continue button to move to the Disclosures Panel.

  13. Each disclosure must be completed before the provider will be allowed to continue to the next page.

    screenshot of disclosures panel

    Click the Continue button to move to the Attachments and Fees Panel. Providers with the fingerprinting option on the left side panel will be directed to the Fingerprinting page.

  14. If applicable, from the Fingerprinting page, review and or update the information for each entity identified.

    revalidation fingerprinting

    Click the Continue button to move to the Attachments and Fees Panel.

  15. Submit the applicable attachments.

    revalidation attachment and fees

    Providers are reminded to attach a copy of their license if license information is added or updated on the revalidation application.

    Note: If providers click Finish Later to save the revalidation application to finish it at a later date, attachments that have been added will not be saved and will need to be reattached before application submission.

    Click the Continue button to move to the Agreement Panel.

  16. Review the Provider Participation Agreement, click the checkbox once reviewed, and sign the agreement by entering the name of the person completing the application.

    Agreement Instructions

    After the Participation Agreement is reviewed by clicking the link, the I accept box is selected, all required fields are completed, and the Review button becomes active. Click the Review button to move to the Summary Panel.

  17. Review revalidation updates on the Summary Panel. Click the Submit button once complete.

    Revalidation Agreement

    Click Print Preview to view and print the entire revalidation application. Click the Submit button to submit the revalidation application.

    When the Submit button is clicked, the user will be asked if they have printed a copy of the revalidation application for their records. If a copy is desired and has not been printed, click Cancel to return to the application to print a copy. This is the final opportunity to print the application before submission. If a copy has been printed or is not desired, click OK.

    pop-up asking if copy has been printed

  18. The tracking number is displayed again on final submission.

    revalidation tracking information

Returned Revalidation Application

If the revalidation application is returned for additional information, follow the instructions detailed below.

  1. Log in to Provider Web Portal.
  2. Click Revalidation Application.
  3. Click Revise Revalidation Application.

    Note: The Revise Revalidation Application link only displays if the application has been returned for additional information or updates.

    revising revalidation application

    Make the necessary corrections listed in the provider letter and resubmit the application.


Check the Status of the Revalidation Application

To check the current status of the revalidation application, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to Provider Web Portal.
  2. Click Revalidation Application.
  3. Check the status of the revalidation request.

check revalidation application status


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