Medicare Savings Program - Qualifying Individual (QI-1) Program

Medicare Savings Programs (MSP) help people with limited income and resources pay for some or all of their Medicare premiums and may also pay their Medicare deductibles and co-insurance. There are four different types of Medicare Savings Programs, this page focuses on the Qualifying Individual (QI-1) Program.

Who Qualifies?

If you have income from working, you may qualify for benefits even if your income is higher than the limits listed.

  • Qualifying Individual (QI-1)
    • Individual monthly income limit: $1,715
    • Married couple monthly income limit: $2,320

Resource Limits

The resource limit is $11,160 for one person and $17,470 for a married couple.

Countable resources include:

  • Money in a checking or savings account
  • Stocks
  • Bonds
  • Money in an IRA, annuity or trust

Countable resources don't include:

  • Your home
  • One car
  • Burial plot
  • Up to $1,500 for burial expenses if you have put that money aside
  • Furniture
  • Other household and personal items

Benefits and Services

  • Qualifying Individual Program pays for your:
    • Part B premiums only

You are still responsible for your Medicare deductibles and co-insurance.

How To Apply

Where Do I Get These Services?

  • You can visit doctors who accept Medicare
    • These programs do not provide Medicaid benefits, this means that even if a doctor accepts Medicaid and provides you medical services, Medicaid will not pay for any claims.

If you have more questions about this program please see our Medicare/Medicaid Frequently Asked Questions or contact our Customer Contact Center.

Program Contact: hcpf_medicare_buyin@state.co.us