Member Frequently Asked Questions

To save you time, we've answered many of the most common questions about Health First Colorado (Colorado's Medicaid program), Child Health Plan Plus, and other topics below. If you still can't find the answer you need, get in touch with us.

Child Health Plan Plus (CHP+)

Health First Colorado

Health First Colorado Member Card

See the Health First Colorado Card Frequently Asked Questions

Health First Colorado Former Foster Care Youth

Health First Colorado Outpatient Physical and Occupational Therapy Benefits

See the Outpatient Physical and Occupational Therapy Benefits Frequently Asked Questions

Health First Colorado Pharmacy Benefits

See the Health First Colorado Pharmacy Benefits Frequently Asked Questions

Health First Colorado Regional Organizations

Medicare Savings Programs

Pregnant Women

Child Health Plan Plus Frequently Asked Questions

What is Child Health Plan Plus (CHP+)?

Child Health Plan Plus (CHP+) is low-cost health and dental insurance for Colorado's uninsured children and pregnant women. CHP+ is public health insurance for children and pregnant women who earn too much to qualify for Health First Colorado (Colorado's Medicaid program), but not enough to afford private health insurance. Get more information.

What kind of benefits are included in Child Health Plan Plus (CHP+)?

See: About Child Health Plan Plus

When can I start using benefits for Child Health Plan Plus (CHP+)?

See: About Child Health Plan Plus

When should I apply for Child Health Plan Plus (CHP+)?

You can apply for Child Health Plan Plus (CHP+) at any time. CHP+ does not have an open enrollment period.

Are children of state employees eligible for Child Health Plan Plus (CHP+)?

Yes, the children of Employees of the State of Colorado may qualify for Child Health Plan Plus (CHP+). Employees of the State of Colorado must meet income and eligibility criteria for the program.

How do I apply for Child Health Plan Plus (CHP+)?

See: How To Apply

How is Child Health Plan Plus (CHP+) different from Health First Colorado?

See: About Child Health Plan Plus and HealthFirstColorado.com for more information.

How long will it take to find out if I qualify for Child Health Plan Plus (CHP+)?

If you apply online through PEAK you may find out if you qualify immediately. If you apply by mail, it may take up to 45 days to find out if you qualify.

Is there an open enrollment period for Child Health Plan Plus (CHP+)?

You can apply for Child Health Plan Plus (CHP+) at any time. CHP+ does not have an open enrollment period.

Are there co-pays or enrollment fees for Child Health Plan Plus (CHP+)?

There is no enrollment fee or premium for CHP+. You may have to pay a small co-pay at the time of service.

How can I change my Child Health Plan Plus (CHP+) managed care organization?

If it is within 90 days of your enrollment, you can visit Health First Colorado Enrollment or call 303-839-2120.  

I qualify for Child Health Plan Plus (CHP+). Does that mean I have Medicaid?

No, Child Health Plan Plus (CHP+) is not the same as Health First Colorado (Colorado's Medicaid program). CHP+ may have different benefits, billing practices and providers. 

My child is currently a member of Health First Colorado or Child Health Plan Plus (CHP+). I think I may qualify for Health First Colorado. Do I need to apply, or will I be automatically enrolled since my child is already getting benefits?

You will need to complete an application even if your children are currently enrolled in Health First Colorado (Colorado's Medicaid program) or Child Health Plan Plus (CHP+). You can apply at any time. For more information visit How To Apply.

What doctors take Child Health Plan Plus (CHP+)?

See: The Child Health Plan Plus (CHP+) section of Find a Doctor.

What if I move?

Call CHP+ Customer Service at 1-800-359-1991 and tell us your new address as soon as you move. CHP+ sends letters to families letting them know about their benefits, so it is very important that we have a correct address. If you move out of state, you no longer qualify for CHP+ benefits.

What if I get a bill from a doctor?

Your CHP+ Managed Care Organizations (MCO) can help you get medical bills paid. Do not pay the bill yourself.  

Medicare/Medicaid Frequently Asked Questions

I have Medicare (or will have Medicare soon). How do I get help with the Medicare costs?

Coloradans new to Health First Colorado can fill out an application online, over the phone, or via a paper application. Current Health First Colorado members should speak with their county human services office about what would be required to add a Medicare saving Program to their case or transition into one from their current program.

Will I get a refund of all the Medicare premiums I paid?

Maybe. If a refund is due, it will only go back to the month Buy-In began. Some programs can be backdated up to three months prior to the application date, if the member qualifies. The Qualified Medicare Beneficiary (QMB) program begins the first of the month after the application date. QMB cannot be backdated.

When will I get my refund of paid Medicare premiums?

Usually within a month after the county approves eligibility. If it takes longer than a month, contact your county human services office, or the State Buy-In Officer.

How will I get my refund of paid Medicare premiums?

The refund comes the same way your regular social security payment comes, direct deposit or paper check. The refund can come any day of the month.

Will the Medicare Savings Program (MSP) pay my Medicare deductible and co-insurance?

The Qualified Medicare Beneficiary (QMB) Medicare Savings Program (MSP) will pay the Medicare deductible and co-insurance. The other MSP programs (SLMB, QI-1, QDWI) will only pay the Medicare premiums.

How do I get help with my Medicare Part D costs?

Contact the State Health Insurance Assistance Program (SHIP) toll-free at 1-888-696-7213.

Pregnant Women Frequently Asked Questions

If I have a health question or concern, who should I call?

Health First Colorado (Colorado's Medicaid program) offers a free 24-hour, 7 days a week Nurse Advice Line at 1-800-283-3221. Help is available in both English and Spanish.

What is the Nurse Home Visitor Program?

The Nurse Home Visitor Program (NVHP) is a special program for qualifying women who are pregnant with their first child. The program is also for these first children up to their second birthday. NHVP offers case management and health education services to moms and their first babies in order to help them get the medical and social services that they need.

How much are my co-pays?

You have no co-pays for Health First Colorado-covered services and prescriptions while you are pregnant and for two months after your pregnancy ends.

Can I get help to quit smoking?

  • Contact the Colorado QuitLine at 1-800-QUIT-NOW (1-800-784-8669) for free coaching and support.
  • Talk with your health care provider about the benefits and risks of taking smoking cessation medications while you are pregnant. Health First Colorado covers two 90-day courses of smoking cessation medication with counseling to help you quit.

Are prenatal vitamins covered?

Prenatal vitamins are a free benefit for all pregnant women. Talk with your health care provider about the benefits of taking a prenatal vitamin every day. A prescription is required.

Can I get transportation to my appointments?

Free Non-Emergent Medical Transportation (NEMT) is available if you have no other means of transportation to get to and/or from health appointments for Health First Colorado-covered services. See the Non-Emergent Medical Transportation page for details.

Can I get help for depression?

Mental and behavioral health services are available to Health First Colorado (Colorado's Medicaid program) members. Contact your primary care provider or regional organization to get connected to behavioral health services.

How do I enroll my newborn in Health First Colorado?

If you are a woman enrolled in Health First Colorado (Colorado's Medicaid program) or Child Health Plan Plus (CHP+) when your baby is born, you can add your newborn to your case online by reporting a change through your PEAK account at Colorado.gov/PEAK, or using the Health First Colorado mobile app. Your baby will then be automatically enrolled in health coverage until his or her first birthday.

There is also an option to report the birth of your baby to your county of residence human services office or a Medical Assistance (MA) site case worker near you. Once your baby is added to your case and you have their State ID, you are able to take your baby to the doctor.

Are breast pumps covered?

Previously, Health First Colorado only covered breast pumps under specific circumstances related to infant hospitalization of at least 54 days.

This limited coverage policy ended on June 7, 2022.

  • Pregnant members may receive a pump as early as the 28th week of pregnancy.
  • Postpartum members may receive a pump at any time.
  • Breast pumps must be prescribed by a physician, physician assistant, or nurse practitioner.
  • Breast pumps must be provided by an approved supplier, which are often pharmacies.
  • Both manual and electric breast pumps are covered.

If you do not qualify for a breast pump through Health First Colorado, you may be able to receive a breast pump from Colorado's Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC)


Health First Colorado Regional Organizations Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Health First Colorado regional organization?

Your regional organization manages both your physical and behavioral health care. They support a network of providers to make sure you can access health care for your body, vision, mental health, and substance use in a coordinated way. Every Health First Colorado member belongs to a regional organization. Your regional organization is on your enrollment letter.

What is a regional organization and why are they involved in my health care?

Health First Colorado contracts with regional organizations to manage both your physical and behavioral health care. They support a network of providers to make sure you can access health care for your body, vision, mental health, and substance use in a coordinated way. Every Health First Colorado member belongs to a regional organization. Your regional organization is on your enrollment letter.

I've been a Health First Colorado member for years and I have never been contacted by a regional organization. I've never even heard of them. Why is that?

All Health First Colorado members are part of a regional organization. The regional organizations support networks of primary care providers and behavioral health providers to make sure you can access health care. Members who are able to get most or all of their health care needs met by their primary care provider and/or behavioral health provider would likely not work directly with their regional organization. For members who have more complex needs and receive services from multiple state agencies, the regional organization is available to work with the member and their different providers to support improved coordination of services. If you think you could benefit from extra help to manage your care, contact your primary care provider or your regional organization. Your regional organization's contact information is on your enrollment letter. You can also contact Health First Colorado Enrollment to find out your regional organization at 1-888-367-6557. State Relay: 711 for callers with hearing or speech disabilities. Call Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. The call is free.

What will the regional organization do exactly? How will they be involved?

Your regional organization manages both your physical and behavioral health care. They support a network of providers to make sure you can access health care for your body, vision, mental health, and substance use in a coordinated way. Every Health First Colorado member belongs to a regional organization. Your regional organization is on your enrollment letter. Members who are able to get most or all of their health care needs met by their primary care provider and/or behavioral health provider would likely not work directly with their regional organization. For members who have more complex needs and receive services from multiple state agencies, the regional organization is available to work with the member and their different providers to support improved coordination of services.

What is a managed care plan? How is it different from Health First Colorado?

Health First Colorado is Colorado's Medicaid program. Health First Colorado works with regional organizations and managed care plans to manage your health care.

How do Denver Health Medicaid Choice and Rocky Mountain Health Plans Prime work with the regional organizations?

Denver Health Medicaid Choice and Rocky Mountain Health Plans Prime are specialized networks of physical health providers that are managed by regional organizations.

Who can be part of Denver Health Medicaid Choice?

Health First Colorado members who live in Adams, Arapahoe, Denver, and Jefferson counties and want to see a Denver Health primary care provider can choose to participate in Denver Health Medicaid Choice.

Who can be part of Rocky Mountain Health Plans Prime?

Health First Colorado members who live in Garfield, Gunnison, Mesa, Montrose, Pitkin, and Rio Blanco counties and want to see a Rocky Mountain Health Plan Prime primary care provider can choose to participate in Rocky Mountain Health Plan Prime. Note that most kids cannot enroll in Rocky Mountain Health Plan Prime.

Why do members of my household have different regional organizations?

You are assigned to the regional organization your primary care provider works with. If members of your household go to different primary care providers, they may be in a different regional organization.

Can I change to a different regional organization?

You can change your provider. If your new primary care provider is enrolled with a different regional organization, then your regional organization will change.

What if I don't like my regional organization or they do something unethical? Who do I contact to complain?

If you have a complaint, you can file it at any time. You or the person you choose to help you can complain in person, by phone, by mail or by email. You must include your name, Health First Colorado ID, address and phone number.

You can get help by calling your regional organization, or you can call the Ombudsman for Health First Colorado Managed Care at 303-830-3560 or 877-435-7123. State Relay: 711 for callers with hearing or speech disabilities. Or emailhelp123@maximus.com.

I received a letter with a new primary care provider listed on it. What does this mean?

Your primary care provider works with you to keep you healthy and keep track of your health history and health care needs. When you get to know your primary care provider and they get to know you, you can make health care decisions with someone you trust.

The primary care provider listed on your letter is the one our records show you see most frequently or is located close to your address. If you want to change your primary care provider, visit enroll.healthfirstcolorado.com or call Health First Colorado Enrollment at 1-888-367-6557. State Relay: 711 for callers with hearing or speech disabilities. Call Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. The call is free.

Can I change my primary care provider if I don't like the one I've been assigned to?

Yes, you can change your primary care provider at any time. Visit enroll.healthfirstcolorado.com or call Health First Colorado Enrollment at 1-888-367-6557. State Relay: 711 for callers with hearing or speech disabilities. Call Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. The call is free.

The doctor listed for me on my letter is not the one I want or is wrong. If I visit the doctor I want to see, will Health First Colorado pay the bill?

If the provider on your letter is not who you usually see, visit enroll.healthfirstcolorado.com or call Health First Colorado Enrollment to change your provider. You can reach them at 1-888-367-6557. State Relay: 711 for callers with hearing or speech disabilities. Call Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. The call is free.

Health First Colorado will pay:

  • If the provider you see is a Health First Colorado participating provider.
  • If the benefits and services you receive from the provider are covered Health First Colorado benefits and services.

Please remember: For some benefits and services your provider may need to submit a preauthorization request.

The primary care provider listed for me on my letter is not the one I want. If I visit the primary care provider I want to see before I notify Health First Colorado that I want to change my primary care provider, will Health First Colorado pay the bill?

If the provider on your letter is not who you usually see, visit enroll.healthfirstcolorado.com or call Health First Colorado Enrollment to change your provider. You can reach them at 1-888-367-6557. State Relay: 711 for callers with hearing or speech disabilities. Call Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. The call is free.

Health First Colorado will pay if you see the provider you want before you change your provider with Health First Colorado Enrollment:

  • If the primary care provider you see is a Health First Colorado participating provider.
  • If the benefits and services you receive from the primary care provider are covered Health First Colorado benefits and services.

Please remember: For some benefits and services your primary care provider may need to submit a preauthorization request.

Who is my primary care provider? Is it a clinic or person?

Your primary care provider is the clinic or person you usually go to for most of your care. If the person you usually see is not available, you may see a different person at the clinic or practice.

How do I get behavioral health services?

To learn more about how to get behavioral health services, review your member handbook or reach out to your regional organization.

If you have a mental health or substance use crisis, or you or someone you know is thinking of suicide, and you cannot reach your provider, call Colorado Crisis Services at 844-493-TALK (844-493-8255). Or text TALK to 38255*. You can call or text 24 hours a day, every day of the year. State Relay: 711 for callers with hearing or speech disabilities.

Do I make provider appointments and cancellations through the regional organization?

No. Continue to schedule appointments with your provider's office directly. If you need help with finding providers or other services, your regional organization can help.

What is a Regional Accountable Entity?

A Regional Accountable Entity is also known as a regional organization. Every member of Health First Colorado (Colorado's Medicaid program) has a primary care provider and belongs to a regional organization that helps connect you with the health care you need. Your regional organization manages both your physical and behavioral health care. They support a network of providers to make sure you can access health care for your body, vision, mental health, and substance use in a coordinated way. Your regional organization is on your enrollment letter. You can also find out your regional organization by calling Health First Colorado Enrollment at 303-839-2120, 1-888-367-6557 (outside of Denver), Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., State Relay: 711 for callers with hearing or speech disabilities.

Are regional organizations part of Health First Colorado or something else?

Regional organizations are a part of Health First Colorado. Health First Colorado contracts with seven regional organizations.

Every member of Health First Colorado (Colorado's Medicaid program) has a primary care provider and belongs to a regional organization that helps connect you with the health care you need. Your regional organization manages both your physical and behavioral health care. They support a network of providers to make sure you can access health care for your body, vision, mental health, and substance use in a coordinated way. Your regional organization is on your enrollment letter. You can also find out your regional organization by visiting enroll.healthfirstcolorado.com or calling Health First Colorado Enrollment at 303-839-2120, 1-888-367-6557 (outside of Denver), Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., State Relay: 711 for callers with hearing or speech disabilities.

Will my regional organization change if I move? Will my providers change if I move?

You can keep your same provider if you want to. If you would like to change providers after you move, there is a chance your regional organization will change. You can work with your provider or regional organization to figure out what is best for you.

It is important to keep your information up to date, you can update your contact information at your local County Department of Human or Social Services office or online at PEAK.

Do I have to change my primary care provider?

No, you don't have to change primary care providers. If you like the one you have been assigned to, you don't have to do anything. If you want to change your primary care provider, visit enroll.healthfirstcolorado.com or call Health First Colorado Enrollment at 1-888-367-6557. For TDD/TTY, call 888-876-8864. Call Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. The call is free.

Do the regional organizations help other people too? I have family members/ neighbors who don't have Health First Colorado or any other health care and they need help.

Regional organizations are for Health First Colorado members only. If someone you know needs health care, they can apply online at PEAK or at their local County Department of Human/Social Services.

What are behavioral health services?

Health First Colorado (Colorado's Medicaid program) members have comprehensive mental health and substance use disorder services through their regional organization. Behavioral health providers can get you medically necessary behavioral health services, like therapy or medications. Get more information on behavioral health services.

My specialist is the doctor I see the most and the one I use as a primary doctor, will I not be allowed to do this anymore?

You can keep seeing the specialist the way you have been. If you have any trouble with this, contact your regional organization.

I have several different providers I see to get the care I need. Is it okay if they are in different regional organizations? Will I have to switch some providers so they are all in the same regional organization?

You can receive services from any provider that accepts Health First Colorado. You will not need to switch providers so they are all in the same regional organizations.

Can I enroll in regular Health First Colorado (Colorado's Medicaid program)?

You are enrolled in regular Medicaid. From now on all Health First Colorado Members are assigned to a primary care provider and a regional organization. Members still have their choice of primary care provider. In addition, members may see Health First Colorado providers of their own choosing even though they are assigned to a primary care provider and regional organization.

If you want to change your primary care provider you can do so at any time by visiting enroll.healthfirstcolorado.com or calling Health First Colorado Enrollment at 1-888-367-6557. For TDD/TTY, call 888-876-8864. Call Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. The call is free.

Why do I need to have a primary care provider?

Health First Colorado thinks it is important for all members to have a primary source of medical care to help a member understand and coordinate their health needs. All members of Health First Colorado are now required to have an assigned primary care provider and a regional organization. Members still have their choice of primary care provider. In addition, members may see Health First Colorado providers of their own choosing even though they are assigned to a primary care provider.

If you want to change your primary care provider you can do so at any time by visiting enroll.healthfirstcolorado.com or calling Health First Colorado Enrollment at 1-888-367-6557. For TDD/TTY, call 888-876-8864. Call Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. The call is free.

Former Foster Care Youth Frequently Asked Questions

Who qualifies for former foster care youth Health First Colorado?

Some people who used to be in foster care may qualify for Health First Colorado (Colorado's Medicaid program) coverage until they turn 26.

If you left foster care in Colorado between the ages of 18 and 21, you should already have Health First Colorado coverage. This is done automatically. You do not have to apply. You are covered until you turn 26 if you reside in Colorado. Contact your local county Human Services office if you have questions.

If you were in foster care in another state before Jan. 1, 2023, and you turned 18 on or after Jan. 1, 2023, you may qualify for Health First Colorado. You must be living in Colorado to qualify. Please complete the Health First Colorado Out of State Former Foster Care Youth form and return it to your county Human Services office.

You are a former foster care youth if you had the following types of care. If you aren’t sure what type of foster care you had, please contact your county or former foster care coordinator for more information.

  • Certified kinship care (Foster care through relatives, friends, and neighbors. This does not include adoptions)
  • Non-Certified kinship care (when the county has custody)
  • Foster home care
  • Group home care
  • Group center care
  • Children's Habilitation Residential Program (CHRP)
  • Residential Child Care Facilities (RCCF) programs
  • Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facilities (PRTF) programs
  • Independent living programs or
  • Youth committed to the Division of Youth Corrections living in one of the above, non-secure locations

I was in foster care but emancipated out before my 18th birthday or was permanently adopted (left foster care). Can I qualify for former foster care youth Health First Colorado?

No, you must have been in foster care at ages 18, 19, 20 or 21 and enrolled in Health First Colorado (Colorado's Medicaid program) to qualify. If you left foster care before your 18th birthday, you do not qualify.

You may still be able to qualify for regular Health First Colorado. To find out how go to the How To Apply page.

I was a foster care youth in another state. Can I qualify for former foster care youth Health First Colorado?

If you were in foster care in another state before Jan. 1, 2023, and you turned 18 on or after Jan. 1, 2023, you may qualify for Health First Colorado. You must be living in Colorado to qualify. Please complete the Health First Colorado Out of State Former Foster Care Youth Form and return it to your county Human Services office.

I was in Youth Corrections until I was 18 years old. Can I qualify for former foster care youth Health First Colorado?

Yes, if you were in Youth Corrections on or after your 18th birthday and were receiving Health First Colorado (Colorado's Medicaid program) at the time, you may qualify.

What benefits and services does former foster care youth Health First Colorado cover?

Former foster care youth Health First Colorado (Colorado's Medicaid program) offers all the same benefits and services as regular Health First Colorado such as: doctor visits, behavioral health, hospitalization, rehabilitative services, laboratory services, outpatient care, prescription drugs, emergency care, dental care, maternity care, and newborn care. Former foster care youth who qualify do not have to pay co-pays for services.

Former foster care youth Health First Colorado also covers preventive and wellness services including aspirin use, blood pressure screening, breast cancer screening, cholesterol screening, depression screening, healthy diet counseling, sexually transmitted disease prevention counseling, tobacco use screening and counseling, and other services.

After finding out you qualify for former foster care youth Health First Colorado, your benefits will start right away. If you are not feeling well but are not sure if you need to go to the doctor, call the Nurse Advice Line at 1-800-283-3221.This hotline is just for Health First Colorado members and you can call it 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

In an emergency, you should get care from the closest hospital that can help you. The law requires providers to examine you to determine if your medical condition is life threatening and provide you with medical care until your life is no longer in danger.

For more information see our Health First Colorado Benefits and Services page or contact the Health First Colorado Member Contact Center.

Are dental services covered by former foster care youth Health First Colorado?

All Health First Colorado (Colorado's Medicaid program) members have access to dental services. Youth under 21 get additional dental services.

I think I may qualify for former foster care youth Health First Colorado but have not been contacted. What should I do?

You should contact your local county Human Services office. They can help figure out if you qualify for the former foster care youth Health First Colorado.

As a qualifying former foster care youth, do I have to pay co-pays for services?

No, former foster care youth do not have to pay co-pays for Health First Colorado-covered services. For more information see our Benefits and Services page or contact the Health First Colorado Member Contact Center.

I am a qualifying former foster care youth and am attending college outside of Colorado. Can I qualify for former foster care youth Health First Colorado?

If you retain residency in Colorado while you are temporarily out of the state for school, you can qualify for former foster care youth Health First Colorado. Health First Colorado (Colorado's Medicaid program) will cover services provided by out-of-state providers on a case-by-case basis. You should contact the Health First Colorado Member Contact Center for more information on seeing a provider outside of Colorado.

As a qualifying former foster care youth, do I have access to Early Periodic Screen Diagnosis and Treatment (EPSDT) services as part of former foster care youth Health First Colorado?

Once you reach the age of 21, you can no longer get Early Periodic Screening, Diagnosis and Treatment (EPSDT) services. Adult services are provided and you do not have co-pays. If you are a qualifying former foster care youth from age 18 through age 20, Early Periodic Screening, Diagnosis and Treatment Services will still be available to you.

Do I need to do anything to ensure I can get my health services?

It is important to keep your address up to date with your county Human Services office. We need your up-to-date mailing address to make sure you get your Health First Colorado card in the mail and other important letters from us. You can also update your address online through PEAK.

You can also view your Health First Colorado card from the Health First Colorado mobile app. The mobile app is for current Health First Colorado members. You must have a PEAK account or create one to sign in. The mobile app can be downloaded at the Apple iTunes Store or Android/Google Play App Store for free. The mobile app is not for people who want to apply for benefits. With the Health First Colorado mobile app and a PEAK Account you can:

  • Update your contact and household information
  • Learn about how to stay healthy
  • Find a Health First Colorado doctor
  • View an electronic version of your Health First Colorado card
  • View your Health First Colorado benefits

Do I need to do  anything to keep my coverage until I’m 26?

No. Your coverage is active until you turn 26 unless you move to another state. Your county Human Services office will contact you if they need any information.

I received a Proof of Eligibility Letter. Do I need to always use this?

A Proof of Eligibility Letter was sent to you because your name was not in the automated Health First Colorado (Colorado's Medicaid program) system. When we sent you the letter we added your name to  our system. You no longer need to show your Proof of Eligibility Letter to providers.

When will I receive my Health First Colorado card?

Health First Colorado cards will be sent to the last known address we have on file for you. Make sure you update your address with your county Human Services office every time you move. You can also update your address online through PEAK.

You can also view your Health First Colorado card from the Health First Colorado mobile app. The mobile app is for current Health First Colorado members. You must have a PEAK account or create one to sign in. The mobile app can be downloaded at the Apple iTunes Store or Android/Google Play App Store for free. The mobile app is not for people who want to apply for benefits. With the Health First Colorado mobile app and a PEAK Account you can:

  • Update your contact and household information
  • Learn about how to stay healthy
  • Find a Health First Colorado doctor
  • View an electronic version of your Health First Colorado card
  • View your Health First Colorado benefits

Can I reinstate my Health First Colorado coverage if I move back to  Colorado?

Yes, report your new address and status to your county Human Services office.

I am in jail/prison. Can I get my Health First Colorado coverage back after I am released?

Yes, report your new address and status to your county Human Services office.

I am a former foster care youth who qualifies for former foster care youth Health First Colorado. Can I update my address through PEAK?

Yes, if you qualify for former foster care youth Health First Colorado (Colorado's Medicaid program)you can create a login for PEAK and update your mailing address and other information about you online. You will need to provide the following information to set up an account on PEAK:

I am a former foster care youth who qualifies for former foster care youth Health First Colorado. Can I request a new Health First Colorado card through PEAK?

Yes, if you qualify for former foster care youth Health First Colorado (Colorado's Medicaid program) you can request a new Health First Colorado card online. You will need to provide the following information to set up an account on PEAK:

You should always bring your photo identification with you when you see your health care provider or go to the pharmacy. You do not need a copy of your Health First Colorado ID card to get medical services.

Can I have Health First Colorado coverage and other types of health, vision or dental insurance, too?

Yes. You can have insurance through your employer or other types of insurance and Health First Colorado. Your other insurance will be billed first. Any remaining deductibles or other charges will go to Medicaid last. Health First Colorado pays for services only after any other coverage you may have pays first. If you have other health coverage, please tell us after you become a Health First Colorado member either through PEAK or by contacting your county Human Services office.

The following types of coverage may be required to pay for your services before Health First Colorado:

  • Employer insurance
  • Worker's compensation
  • Medicare
  • Veteran's (VA) health care program
  • Casualty insurance
  • Vision insurance
  • Pharmacy insurance

Where can I get more help?

If you are under the age of 21, contact your county Human Services office if you need help with your Health First Colorado benefits. 

For more information contact the Health First Colorado Member Contact Center.

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