Dental Health Care Program for Low-Income Seniors Provider Information

What is the Dental Health Care Program for Low-Income Seniors?

Senate Bill (SB) 14-180 created the Colorado Dental Health Care Program for Low-Income Seniors (Senior Dental Program), which is administered by the Department of Health Care Policy and Financing (the Department) effective July 1, 2015. SB 14-180 ended the Old Age Pension (OAP) Dental Program administered by the Department of Public Health and Environment, effective June 30, 2015, as the target population now has publicly funded dental benefits through Health First Colorado (Colorado's Medicaid Program) and the OAP Health and Medical Care Program.

The Senior Dental Program grants funds to entities such as Area Agencies on Aging, community-based organizations and foundations, federal qualified health centers, safety net clinics, local public health agencies, and private dental practices to promote the health and welfare of Colorado's low-income seniors. The Senior Dental Program provides access to dental care for low-income seniors that meet the following criteria:

  • 60 years of age or older,
  • Economically disadvantaged (a senior whose income is at or below 250% of the most recently published federal poverty level for a household of that size), and
  • Not eligible for dental services under Health First Colorado or the Old Age Pension Health and Medical Care Program, and does not have private dental insurance.

How do entities apply for the grant funds?

Fill out the grant application and submit as directed and email the program contact with any questions.

What are geographic areas covered in Colorado?

The Department has nearly full state coverage through our grantees for the FY 2023-24. The following counties do not have full geographic coverage: Costilla, Dolores, and Kiowa.

How do the awarded grantees receive these funds?

The Department receives monthly invoices from the awarded grantees and evaluates the funding levels on a quarterly basis. If some grantees are not expending the funds awarded to them, the Department increases awards to grantees that were not fully funded or award funds to those excluded.

Program Contact:

Alondra Yanez