Certified Application Assistance Sites (CAAS)

What is a Certified Application Assistance Site (CAAS)?

Certified Application Assistance Sites (CAAS) are community based organizations or non profit organizations who agree to be listed on our Department Mapping Tool as a community resource, authorized by the Department to assist Colorado Citizens applying for medical benefits, and/or in need of assistance completing an Application for Health Coverage and Help Paying Costs or an Application for Public Assistance.

How does an agency become certified?

  • The agency must complete and submit a separate CAAS Enrollment Application form for each location interested in enrolling as a CAAS.
  • The agency must agree to ensure that all staff assisting with the applications are adequately trained on:
    • The responsibilities of staff providing CAAS assistance
    • The reporting requirements of a CAAS site
    • The process for completing an application
  • Each agency agrees to ensure all staff providing application assistance attend a CAAS Training presentation, once there is a passing score the certificate will be sent to the Administrator automatically.
  • The agency must be a community-based organization or non-profit organization that is supporting the community, not an individual's interest.
  • The agency must agree to submit all applications and documentation to the client's County department of human/social services or to the Medical Assistance Site within five business days.

CAAS Resource Documents