Health First Colorado (Colorado’s Medicaid program) and Child Health Plan Plus (CHP+) review information annually to make sure a member still qualifies for health coverage. This is known as the renewal process or redetermination (RRR). Some members are automatically renewed based on information on file. Other members must complete their renewal and supply required documentation by their renewal deadline or risk losing coverage.
Toolkit materials have been developed to help raise awareness about Health First Colorado and CHP+ eligibility reviews. Please share these materials with members. Together, we can help people stay covered.
Learn about the renewal process so that you can help members.
Understanding Renewals: A Guide for Partners reviews the following:
- Key terms
- Automatic renewal process or “ex parte”
- Other coverage options
- Sample member correspondence
- Links and how-to guides for key tasks.
Helpful Resources
Member Renewals Frequently Asked Questions
PEAK Training Guides
- Update your contact information and communication preferences (PDF)
- Update your address (PDF)
- How to complete a renewal on PEAK (PDF)
Sample Renewal Packets
- English MAGI (PDF)
- Spanish MAGI (PDF)
- English non-MAGI (PDF)
- Spanish non-MAGI (PDF)
Update Your Address
Key message for members:
Update your contact information and communication preferences so we can reach you with important coverage updates.
Why this message is important:
So that members have every opportunity to keep their health coverage or transition to reduced or low cost options through Connect for Health Colorado.
Downloadable Resources: Update Your Address
Use and share the materials in this toolkit to encourage members to update their contact information.
This toolkit includes flyers, website text, newsletter and social media content, sample emails and text messages in English and Spanish.
You may modify the language to fit your specific communication platforms; however, the messaging in these resources should remain the same to ensure consistency.
Take Action on Your Renewal
Key message for members:
It’s time to take action on your renewal to keep your health coverage.
Why this message is important:
Members must complete their renewal and supply required documentation by their renewal deadline or risk losing coverage.
Downloadable Resources: Take Action on Your Renewal
This toolkit includes flyers, website text, newsletter and social media content, sample emails and text messages in English and Spanish.
You may modify the language to fit your specific communication platforms; however, the messaging in these resources should remain the same to ensure consistency.
Transitions in Coverage
If a current member’s circumstances change - such as starting a new job that might put them over income - they may no longer be eligible for Health First Colorado or CHP+. HCPF requests employers and the health care industry to work together to make sure we keep Coloradans covered by getting them connected and enrolled into affordable health coverage options.
Key message for members:
Know your health coverage options.
Why this message is important:
People without coverage often delay necessary care, don’t treat chronic conditions, and don’t get the preventive care they should.
Downloadable Resources: #KeepCOCovered
This toolkit includes flyers, newsletter text, employer resources, and social media content in English and Spanish.
If you have unique outreach needs not addressed in these toolkits please reach out to us. Feedback can be sent to