Nursing Facility Minimum Wage Supplemental Payment

On May 28, 2019, Governor Jared Polis signed into law House Bill (H.B.) 19-1210 allowing local governments within the State of Colorado to increase their minimum wage higher than the statewide minimum wage. This bill allowed for eligible nursing facilities to receive a supplemental payment that covered the difference between the local minimum wage and the statewide minimum wage. Supplemental payments were made for calendar year (CY) 2020 and 2021. The last minimum wage supplemental payment made pursuant to H.B. 19-1210 was for CY 2021, disbursed in late June 2022. That particular piece of legislation has been revised to include the entire state instead of facilities that reside in local governments that increase the minimum wage above the statewide minimum wage. The revised legislation can be found under H.B. 22-1333 which "changes the definition of 'eligible nursing facility provider' and makes other conforming changes to allow any Colorado nursing facility that meets the defined criteria to be eligible to receive wage enhancement supplemental payments, as defined in the act, to increase the minimum wage for nursing facility employees to at least $15 per hour." 

All Medicaid nursing facilities will be asked to attest that the minimum wage for all employees has been increased to at least $15 per hour effective January 1, 2023. The attestation will be due December 31, 2022.

Any questions related to this new payment can also be directed to HCPF_SNF_MinWagePayment@state.co.us.

Eligible Nursing Facilities

All Medicaid nursing facilities in the State of Colorado.

Contact Us

Contact email: HCPF_SNF_MinWagePayment@state.co.us