Hospital Community Benefit Accountability FAQs

Q: For the public meeting, who specifically needs to be invited from the state agencies?
A: HCPF has provided a list of representatives for the other state agencies on the Hospital Community Benefit Accountability webpage under "Contacts to be invited to public meetings". For HCPF, hospitals should use the dedicated email hcpf_hospitalcommunity@state.co.us to invite HCPF to the meetings, and we will ensure the appropriate staff member attends.

Q: Is the Community Benefit Implementation Plan the same as our Community Health Needs Assessment Implementation Plan?
A: The Community Benefit Implementation Plan is similar to the Community Health Needs Assessment Implementation Plan. The Community Benefit Implementation Plan must be submitted annually and follow the same implementation strategy requirements laid out in 26 CFR ยง 1.501(r)-3(c).

Q: Is there a standard format for the report that is due July 1?
A: The reporting template can be downloaded from the Hospital Information Systems (HIS) Web Portal through the Myers and Stauffer website. For any questions about the reporting template, please contact Myers and Stauffer at HTHelpDesk@mslc.com

Q: How will HCPF share all of the reports from the hospitals?
A: HCPF anticipates making the hospital reports available when HCPF's report has been submitted to the General Assembly on the Hospital Community Benefit Accountability webpage under "Reporting Hospitals". These links will be updated annually.

Q: Does a new hospital need to host public meetings and submit information by July 1?
A: New hospitals are not required to host a public meeting but are encouraged to do so if possible. New hospitals will still be required to submit a report on July 1 that includes the following:

  • The date the hospital opened
  • Date the first Community Health Needs Assessment is due
  • Date form 990 including Schedule H is due to the Federal Internal Revenue Service
  • Description of the hospital plan to fulfill the Hospital Community Benefit Accountability requirements
  • A list of the community health needs that have been identified and a description of how they will be addressed

New hospitals will be required to comply with meeting requirements after their first report.

Q: Will there be any changes to the program due to COVID-19?
A: HCPF previously utilized the extended reporting window for FY 2021 submissions. Reporting Hospitals will be required to submit their report to the HIS Web Portal every year on July 1st*. 

*Due to rule implementation for HB23-1243, the deadline for Reporting Hospitals to submit their report for FY 2022 will be no earlier than September 1, 2024. 

Q: Where do I submit my report?
A: Please submit your completed report and accompanying documents to the HIS Web Portal. 

Q: When does the public meeting need to be held?
A: A public meeting must be held at least once per year within the twelve months prior to the Hospital Community Benefit Report submission to HCPF.
For example, if the Hospital Community Benefit Report submission date is July 1, 2025, a public meeting must be held between July 1, 2024, and June 30, 2025.

Q: Am I required to use the report template provided by HCPF?
A: Yes,  all Reporting Hospitals will be required to use the template provided in order to ensure data is captured correctly in the HIS web portal.

Q: Are hospitals required to advertise community benefit meetings in the newspaper? 
A: Yes, this requirement is stated in the Statute that all Reporting Hospitals are required to post their advertisements of community benefit meetings in any major newspaper published in the Reporting Hospitals community.

Q: Where can I find the new reporting requirements associated with HB23-1243?
A: On the main Hospital Community Benefit Accountability webpage, a HB23-1243 Requirements and Reporting Guidelines Memo outlines all of the new requirements and the ones that remain unchanged.