HCPF Hospital Transformation Program Learning Symposium 2023 agenda and material

Symposium graphic image of trees in the foreground, mountains in the background.

2023 Hospital Transformation Program Learning Symposium

2023 Recordings and Material Archive

DateSession TitlesFacilitatorSpeakersRecordingPresentations
June 8thKickoff Symposium and Recognition – Our Collective AchievementsMatt HaynesMatt Haynesintroduction 
June 8thConnecting the Data DotsOeHi – John KennedyEssey Yirdaw, Alex Mannerings, Jon Lowe, and Dr. Moksha PatelConnecting the Data Dots Panel 
June 8thTurning Data into WisdomTelligenDr. Moksha PatelTurning Data Into WisdomTurning Data Into Wisdom - Dr. Patel
June 8thCrossing the Bridge from Insight into ActionTelligenAlex ManneringsInsight into Action - Alexandra Mannerings Breakout

insight-to-action-slides - Alex Mannerings Turnhalle breakout

insight-to-action handout - Alex Mannerings

June 8thFrom the Analyst to the Bedside: an actionable perspective on data, decision support ecosystems, and quality outcomes for your HTP Team.TelligenJon LoweFrom the Analyst to the BedsideFrom the analyst to the bedside - Jonathan Lowe
June 8thFactors of Success: Human Factors Engineering and the Operation of ProgramsTelligenDr. Elizabeth HarryKeynote Elizabeth HarryDr. Elizabeth Harry - Keynote Day 1
June 8thProcess Mapping to Connect your Workflows: Organizing a team more efficiently – Connections Across InterventionsTelligenAlex BarrerasProcess Mapping to Connect your WorkflowsAlex Barreras - process mapping to connect your workflows
June 8thWorkflows, Best Practices, and Opportunities for SW – CP1 – Social Needs ScreeningTelligenSamuel Herbert, Jennifer Dori, Bryan Trujillo, and Sherri CoreySW - CP1 PanelSW CP1 Panel
June 8thWorkflows, Best Practices, and Opportunities for SW – BH1 – BH and SUD CoordinationTelligenAlex Barreras, Bradley Siebenaller, Kellee Beckworth, and Violet WillettSW - BH1 Panel 
June 8thWrap UpMatt HaynesCurt Drennen & Richard Bottner, and Matt HaynesClosing day one 


Date Session Titles Facilitator Speakers Recording Presentations
June 9th The Colorado Mosaic Telligen Stephanie Pugliese, Gillian Grant, Tara Trujillo, Hannah Groves and Risa Hayes The Colorado Mosaic Colorado Mosaic
June 9th How to Hold Effective and Meaningful Public Input Meetings (Urban/Rural) Telligen Katy Frazier, Kellee Beckworth, Karma Wilson, and Judith Tieku How to Hold Effective and Meaningful Public Input Meetings Judith Tieku Handout - Panel
June 9th “Power With” Community Organizing Tools and Principles for Community Engagement Telligen All RAE regions and Health Representatives Power With Community Organizing Tools and Principles for Community Engagement Telligen - Power With 
June 9th Embracing Social Justice as a Value Metric: How DEI Work Impacts Quality Telligen Maria Kneusel Keynote Maria Kneusel

Maria Kneusel - Keynote - Embracing Social Justice


Migrant Support in Denver

June 9th Using Data to Drive/Achieve Health Equity: From Theory to Policy to Practice Telligen Essey Yirdaw, Karen Shimamoto, and Dr. Rocio Pereira Aaron Green and Using Data to Drive Health Equity Dr. Ro -  Using Data to Achieve Health Equity Panel 
June 9th Connection Between Equity and Workforce Telligen Essey Yirdaw Connection Between Equity and Workforce Essey Yirdaw - connection between equity and workforce_final
June 9th Two Sides of the Same Coin: Community Engagement and Achieving HealthEquity Telligen Matthew Jackson, Bryan Trujillo, and Dr. Jeffrey Bacon Two Sides of the Same Coin 2022.3.23-Carrie DDU-PSD Community Engagement toolkit doc
June 9th Moving Forward with HTP Matt Haynes Matt Haynes Moving Forward with HTP/Closing day two HTP Learning Symposium in pictures


Date and time