HCPF LRFI 1 Medical Services Premiums
The Department is requested to submit monthly Medicaid expenditure and caseload reports on the Medical Services Premiums, behavioral health capitation, and the intellectual and developmental disabilities line items to the Joint Budget Committee, by the fifteenth or first business day following the fifteenth of each month
HCPF LRFI 2 Regional Accountable Entity (RAE)
The Department is request to submit a report by November 1, 2024, discussing member utilization of capitated behavioral health services in FY 2022-23 and the Regional Accountable Entity (RAE) performance on network provider expansion, timeliness of processing provider claims within contract requirements, and timeliness of credentialing and contacting network providers.
- Legislative Request for Information #2
HCPF LRFI 3 Case Management Stabilization
The Department's Office of Community Living, is requested to provide progress updates by July 15, 2024, and September 15, 2024, on care and case management stabilization.
- Legislative Request for Information #3 - July 15, 2024
- Legislative Request for Information #3 - September 15, 2024
HCPF LRFI 4 School Health Services Program
The Department is requested to submit a report by November 1 of each year to the JBC on the services that receive reimbursement from the federal government under the SB 97-101 public school health services program. The report is requested to include information on the type of services, how those services meet the definition of medical necessity, and the total amount of federal dollars that were distributed to each school under the program. The report should also include information on how many children were served by the program.
- Legislative Request for Information #4
HCPF LRFI 5 Public Health Emergency
The Department is required to submit a report by January 2, 2025 regarding the implementation of the FY 2023-24 mid-year capitated payment increase in response to the end of the public health emergency.
- Legislative Request for Information #5
Multi-Department LRFI 3 HCPF & CUSOM
Joint LRFI between the University of Colorado and HCPF regarding the use of Anschutz Medical Campus Funds as the State contribution to the Upper Payment Limit. HCPF and the University of Colorado are requested to submit a report to the JBC about the program and its benefits by October 1 of each year.
Multi-Department LRFI 4 Tobacco Master Settlement
Each Dept. is requested to provide the following information to the JBC by October 1 each year for each program funded with Tobacco Master Settlement Money: the name of the program, the amount of Tobacco Master Settlement Agreement money received and expended for the preceding fiscal year, a description of the program including the number of persons served and services provided and evaluation and effectiveness information.
Multi-Department LRFI 5 Non-Medicaid Behavioral Health Eligibility and Claims System
The departments are requested to provide updates regarding the implementation of the Non-Medicaid Behavioral Health Eligibility and Claims System by November 1, 2024: (1) the specific non-Medicaid programs that are utilizing the system for eligibility and/or claims purposes; (2) the number and percentage of clients and claims for which each program is using the system; (3) the number and percentage of providers that are using the system for each program; (4) the Departments’ plans to expand the utilization to other programs and other providers through FY 2024-25 and in subsequent years; and (5) any efficiencies or payment issues identified through the use of the system thus far.
- Multi-Department Legislative Request for Information #5